Do you regret starting playing mmorpg games? / How has is changed you?

Do you regret starting playing online/mmorpg games?

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I would say yeah, it's messed up my life in a lot of different ways.

During my GCSE school year about 3 years ago, I actually stopped going to school to play DAoC instead. Went on for about 6 weeks then my parents found out, kicked my ass and took away the modem. Sounds kind of extreme but I did have some real problems back then, playing like 10 hours a day without a break, and it took something big like that to happen for me to realise how addicted I was to the game. Well anyway, I got back to school about 2 weeks before my first exam, revised like I had never done before (I guess not having access to the internet probably helped me here), and ended up getting A-C grades in all of my subjects thank god.

Also my social life kind of took a nosedive once I bought DAoC. Was going out every day/every 2 days before I got the game; once I got into it, I was making excuses every time a friend asked me to go out and do something with them so I could play DAoC instead. Of course most of them got fed up of hearing my excuses and stopped talking to me altogether.

It's not all bad though - since I started college I've always prioritised work before gaming, and also RL stuff before gaming. I'll never say no to a few drinks down the pub now in favour of a computer game :p And I'm 6 months away and a couple of exams from being a qualified Network Technician :) Oh, and I'm due to take my practical driving test next month.

I'm still playing online (World of Warcraft), but in moderation, just for a few hours some evenings. It's not really as hardcore as DAoC, so it's easier to play for lesser amounts of time and still get something out of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Dallas said:
get a gf that plays daoc, problem solved :p
It's most certainly cheaper, instead of getting her an expensive set of earrings on her birthday "ooh, you got me a ring of calm! I love you!!" ;)

And when you want to break up, nothing says it better than the head of a thrawn ogre tresher! (Or any other ugly mob)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Can't say i regret that i played it because i chose too play it, just as i choose to keep playing it... Although it is against my will... Have played this game round 6 years now, Blew University too play daoc with a joint on my lips..
I think i wasted 5 of those 6 years, learnt this lesson after a year but yet can't stop playing. This combined with a bitch of an ex GF made life sux and me not cing my RL mates more then 1ce a year.

Got a new GF now ( ex gamer bless her sweetness ) , Stopped Smoking drugz, even stopped smoking cigz, See'ing my mates evry weekend now.
Just need 2 get 2 more things straitened out atm: Stop DaoC (ill be gone b4 this year ends) And spend 1/4th of the time i put in daoc in skool and ill be flying through there with strait aces.

I did the math a while ago... This is scary tbh.. In 6 years of playing my combined time played on still existing chars is 413 Days played!!! thats not counting the countless number of /deleted chars...... So too make it ez ill round it up too 450days.. Now then avredge 8 hours playing a days
450 * 3 = 1350 days = almost 4 years playing 8 hours a day.....

Waste of valuable life? For me? HELL YEAH!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Point i was trying too make is:
I can blame Daoc for screwing my life up, i can blame my ex GF, the drugs, the pressure of society; Get your Master Degree, Get a good job, Make a shitload of money, WORK WORK WORK... its all bullshit, in the end it is me chosing this way of life... Why?? I have no clue, maybe cuz its ez.. But at least now i know im fed up with it. I wish all of you the best of luck Finding happyness and fullfillment IRL.
I know at least 1 more way wich is not bringing me it. :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Its a fine balance imo, I have always been juggeling between two games. Daoc and TFC whice never worked. But i never let it go out over my social life or my school i guess. So i cant say i regreted ever starting to play this game. Meet some fine people in it :)


Dec 22, 2003
Still playing all the time, always said I would sort myself out by 21, time to closing in..I'm moving back home soon to get my feet on the ground and keep my last and only promise I made to myself..Still will play Daoc..but its that time start looking to get a carrer.

I once spent about 9 months away from daoc..was amazed how easy it was to fill up my day :p.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Well, my story is pretty similar to yours, Blejs. My first online game was StarCraft, and I played it a lot. Had a break from gaming when I went into the military, and didn't really miss gaming at all. When I came back, I took up the addiction again, playing Warcraft 3 until starting with DaoC after a few months after a friend introduced me to it.

I played DaoC about 2 years before I stopped. Those 2 years didn't involve much progress in my real life, and I definitively missed out on a lot because of DaoC. If I had another chance, I wouldn't play it. However, I don't really regret it. I met a lot of nice people and learned a thing or two - especially I learned that I have an ability to focus and devote myself to something and I believe results will come from that. So now I try to apply that to achieving what I want for myself in real life :)

Did Daoc change me? Maybe it made me a little more patient. But I guess the biggest difference is all the real life influence I was isolated from due to my hours and hours behind the PC.

(about 300 days totally played on characters really is something...)

For the record, I stopped playing DaoC about 8 months ago.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i dunno but i dont regret anything of course you make fucked up stuff in rl all pepps do it someway or the other :D

For me daoc is a fun hobby, I am a very social person in rl so dont really have a problem there, not because of daoc anyways, ive meet some great ppl because of daoc or the fact that we share the same hobbies.

Most pepps in the guild ive started are adults we had maybe 3-4 members that where "minors" and we talked alot omigosh sometimes it guild chat it was cry me a river stories evenings :D. thing is that when your only communication means are typing ppl tend to get dramatic over stuff to explain there will.

I really love daoc for me daoc its like a fantasy graphic irc, I workt and studing during my time in daoc and not once i can say i let daoc take over my rl life sure ive played shitloads mainly because time is all we have. how you spend it should be of your choise. sorry for spelling errors gramma riders its a fucking forum get used to it :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Luon need to play daoc more so he stop beeing so damn social irl, if you look up social you have a picture of him tbh

I'm the picture next to antisocial :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 18, 2004
Cadagdur said:
If it wasn't for playing online games i wouldn't have met my girlfriend, nuff said, i don't regret playing.
And she's uber too, not a big fat smelly person like all of teh people would have you think online girls look like :eek:
Sooo rawk on CS hehe. :cheers:

I diffently see it as a free time interest.. im not sad i ever started playing daoc, I meet my B/f ingame, and first we had a long distance relationship, but 2½ years gone past we now live together and I wouldnt have knowen where i have been without it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
I wouldn't do anything differently. We all do bad choices in real-life, but that's normal. My grades weren't as good as possible, because of daoc, but still I'm more than happy with my life in general. I used to play pretty much 24/7 before, but that changed after meeting my girlfriend.

Got quite a few new friends in daoc. Some of them are very good friends of mine in real-life now, some only on the internet, but they're all part of my life. Spending my time with them for many years made me who I am today, and I'm so happy, that I have a wonderful girlfriend who is absolutely amazing and she loves me just the way I am and we're getting engaged in 1,5 weeks.

Couldn't be more happier than this. <3


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Posted that I regreted playing.

Personal life.

Pretty much (still are in some ways) fucked up, most cases it's IRL < DAoC. =|


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
I've written about 12 responses to this thread over the time its been around and deleted them all, but i've decided to put my lot into the ring. I guess i was quite young when i first started playing daoc beta at 15. So DAoC came along just at the right time to fuck up my GCSE's, however daoc seemed to have the contrary effect. I would not let myself (nor would my parents ;p) play untill i had done x essay or y assignment, so it actually made me a lot more hard working and gave me a huge incentive to work hard. I would play a max of an hour ish about 3 times a week. Thats why at SI release i had one level 33 armsman as my main, but i still loved the game becuase i was a naive noob!

At SI release my shitty old pc with its 16mb intergrated gfix said no, so i had to quit, which coincided with my final year at school. My GCSE's went really well and i got the 2nd best grades in the whole school, so my parents brought me a super duper new pc around a month into ToA release. In between summer 04 and now i have played daoc pretty steadily getting my merc ML10 and leveling necro. Unfortunately now i feel as though i play daoc becuase i have to: i have to get mt 3o3 to complete my mercs SC etc .... this i dont like, so i dont play too much atm. My main problem now is i waste a lot time trolling these boards ;<.

So i dont regret playing daoc at all, i was far less motiviated academically before i played it. but i wish i could rekindle the love for it i initially had. Socially i have never ever passed up anything for this game or any other game, anyone who knows me in game might remember some pretty dodgy excuses for having to leave suddenly e.g My sisters car breaking down is a personal favourite ;p.
For anyone who cares, thats my story.


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
Playing DAOC and SWG has been great fun, with both games i played with 4 irl friends - Some people say it's more interesting meeting new people over the internet, i'm not saying i don't find that fun, but we found it really cool playing together.

It was a pretty cool experience, but i definately did play too much back then, i probably use my pc too much now, but not gaming.. i got bored of daoc and swg after a while ;) I suppose back when i played mmorpgs, it did effect my social life, but i didn't miss anything irl to play online.

The really tough thing, as mentioned before, is finding the middle road.. i either play too much, or so little that it's not worth paying the sub.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
This might be the opposite to many stories in this thread, but between my job, wife and daughter i sometimes wish i could devote more time to playing.

I could be 1337 without a real life i tell ya .... :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Played since release, not really got anywhere. Back in the day I thought I had to play so much just to compete and be active, this cost me RL friends and a Wife. Took a little break, realised I will always be a "ROG n00b :D" and now back just chilling out and enjoying the game but trying to make sure RL stuff always comes first.

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