Do you regret starting playing mmorpg games? / How has is changed you?

Do you regret starting playing online/mmorpg games?

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Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
Yes, thanks for the pep talk..maybe next time you can use some grammar so my eyes dont hurt? :|

I maybe won't take my life advice from a student who spends all his time playing DAoC and supports Oldham FYI I am nothing like IRL what I am on these forums, fun that you wanna base my apparant "attitude problem" and judge me without knowing anything about me. Probably one of those people that sits on a sofa and takes the piss out of all the people who are different to him as they walk along the street. Brite you have NO higher ground over me, you are not some groovy guidence're some nerd who spends his time playing a computer game, same as me and many others here. I don't (and you might want to write this down) care what you think, what you say and what you do. If you don't like me thats your business I could not care less, honestly..I don't seek friends on the Internet I have plenty IRL and I don't crave acceptance on the internet unlike you seem too.

Calm down a bit mate, no use getting stressed over what others on these forums think as most of them don't have a clue. However I do believe Brite has a point. You need to change. You talk about judging others but what you don't realise is how you have judged people on these forums, the way you act in the forums may not reflect how you act irl but you need to learn that people will judge you by the way you talk to them. For instance, if you write an offensive letter to someone and tell them that you're not like that irl, how will they know?

I heard accusations of you being an xrealmer and never judged you, thought you were a nice guy until you started posting crap - it really doesn't do you any favours.

Your post here just shows why a lot of people disrespect you; 'I don't crave acceptance on the internet unlike you seem too', 'I maybe won't take my life advice from a student who spends all his time playing', 'I don't give a shit what some geek from fucking Sweden (With its crap economy and highest suicide rate in europe) thinks about me.', 'Yes, thanks for the pep talk..maybe next time you can use some grammar so my eyes dont hurt?' and 'you're some nerd who spends his time playing a computer game' are only to name a few.

Anyway, have fun irl


Dec 22, 2003
lol? Maybe you missed the part about me not caring...if I don't care how can I be stressed about it :D

I will continue to be how I like to be, I don't "Need" to change....if you don't like it there is a nice little ignore function on the forums..I suggest you use it.

If you don't like me thats your business I could not care less,

Doromir1 said:
Calm down a bit mate, no use getting stressed over what others on these forums think as most of them don't have a clue.

Did you actully read my post before pressing the reply button telling me what I need to do? I think not..I can shut off my computer or quit Daoc and never come here again, and it would make one ounce of fucking difference to my life if I was nasty to some guy I will never meet.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
u left daoc and u keep instant posting when some1 says something about you 24h/7 days so i expect u are in your pc all the time :)


Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
Did you actully read my post before pressing the reply button telling me what I need to do? I think not..I can shut off my computer or quit Daoc and never come here again, and it would make one ounce of fucking difference to my life if I was nasty to some guy I will never meet.

Then get off your PC and stop posting crap on these forums, I'm sure we'd be fine without you.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Regret? Not really. I think if you are inclined to play these type of games then you will behave the same on the game as off. No game? Well I would take other things to extreme then. Most of us gamers are intense individuals that are not really the 'norm' - above average intelligence and definitely looking for something. In other words most of us are dissatisfied with 'everyday life'. Is this good? Not sure but I do know that this dissatisfaction can be rewarding along with being dissatisfying at the same time. Unless it can be channeled into creative endeavours we more or less 'blow a fuse'. At the moment I am not playing this game and starting to 'crawl the walls' and drink far too much. I am the extreme example really of the rest of you. I need intense mental activity at all times - or even intense physical activity - otherwise I become - well odd! Nah the game don't do nothing but stimulate the brain and everyone needs that at all times.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
MKJ said:
I need intense mental activity at all times - or even intense physical activity - otherwise I become - well odd!
You mean you aren't odd? ;) But I think you got a point there, about the boredom. Constant boredom is a real mind killer.


Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
Then get off your PC and stop posting crap on these forums, I'm sure we'd be fine without you.


Said I "could" not that I was going to..anyway I have said all I have to say I wont be posting on this thread any more.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
without a long drawn out discourse...MMPORGs are my crutch when RL is sucking in some way - no GF, job blowing, shit week, etc.

Its a nice escape.

Yes i play too much but the good thing about the people i play with is they all have real lives too so we dont overplay too badly - usually no more than 4-5 hours a day and thats time i'd spend staring at a TV screen with boring crap on it i dont really want to watch anyways, or in the pub spending £40 a night.

This way £40 for my net and another 20 for my subs gets me a month of enjoyment as and when i want it (also im an insomniac so good 'cause you cant go to the pub at 4am).


Mar 29, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
without a long drawn out discourse...MMPORGs are my crutch when RL is sucking in some way - no GF, job blowing, shit week, etc.

Its a nice escape.

Yes i play too much but the good thing about the people i play with is they all have real lives too so we dont overplay too badly - usually no more than 4-5 hours a day and thats time i'd spend staring at a TV screen with boring crap on it i dont really want to watch anyways, or in the pub spending £40 a night.

This way £40 for my net and another 20 for my subs gets me a month of enjoyment as and when i want it (also im an insomniac so good 'cause you cant go to the pub at 4am).

you forgot to add, on top of the £40 for your 'net and £20 for subs - the £200 or whatever you paid for more than half of your rps!


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
hmm.. yes and no
Yes, i am glad i started playing i have met some of the nicest people i would never had the privalege(sp?) of talking to (and seeing irl i some cases) than i ever would have if i didnt start daoc. I guess i was lucky being invited to one of the best guild ever (Realm Defenders), and met some great people.
But on the other side of the coin i have spent endless hours on the game, in front of a computer screen which i know i will pay for in later life.
If i didnt play this game i think i would have missed out on alot more than i would have otherwise, in a game with this nature you are exposed to a much more diverse set of people than you would have done otherwise, making you a better person for it.

Daoc hasn't really affected my grades in school/college/uni/friends/work, but i do feel sometimes i could be better using my time than taking 50 people through raids or farming x for x.
My only real regret is the ammount of time i have spent in this game, in the end it is only a game and will not help you in any way shape or form in later life. Theres always the inckling that i could have been doing something better with my time. But i'd probably would have wasted that time away anyway :p

As a person, most definitely this game has affected me. But not because of the game itself but because of the other people who play it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Yes it has changed me - Is it good/bad read on....

Firstly I will agree with Chronic in that the biggest plus influence has been the people as there are some really great mature natured people in the game which allowed me to continue playing for 4 years.

On the downside DAOC is probably one of the most demanding online games I have ever played but this is partly to do with the amount of variance and interest in the game which allowed me to play it for 4 years so its a bit of give and take.

I personally have an extremely addictive personality that has taken me to the lowest of the low to where I am now in 31 years, DAOC has been no different to everything else I have been addicted to in that it has taken me away from time that could have possibly been spent in a better way and I feel degenerated my health but then again it has stopped me from going back to some of the things that I had been addicted to in the past so more of a positive than a negative. With all my addictions I have had to just quit and then ride out the hard times and DAOC has been no different to this, a lot of my RL friends have begun to play WOW and keep pushing for me to play it, but I am not prepared to commit myself to another online game at the moment as I know it will be all or nothing with me and I am ready for more than online gaming.

Everyone is different with regards to their personal life and how much they play DAOC but one thing for sure is that DAOC was/is a great game and its the people that make it.....

Roger, Roger, Over and out Sir


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
How can ppl say DAoC comes before rl... that's like saying tv comes before rl - as that's what most kids would probably do if they aren't on a pc.

Personally i'd rather be playing this game, have some fun, chat to some friends, socialize with ppl then watching crap like eastenders/coronation street/home and away and all the other silly programs one could think of!

I have a perfectly good balance between work/travel/rl friends/friends in game that became rl friends/gaming and a household!
Somewhere i'm gonna have to fit in a bit of studying again as i'm gonna try get a more powerfull degree then i already have which gives me a payrise :clap:

Ppl that regret gaming should change their rl attitude... that's pretty much all there is to it imo.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
It may not a problem for you, Aadia, but the fact of the matter is that is a problem for lots of people. Effectively telling them to "do something about it" is hardly going to help; that's similar to telling a homeless person to "sober up and get a job", i.e. hardly useful.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 8, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
but the good thing about the people i play with is they all have real lives too so we dont overplay too badly

Aye, i couldn't agree more tbh, i would have never known how many nice people there are out there without games like daoc. In my time i've been in 1 guild with my 2 main chars { Ilfirin Arda } :clap: and had a character in Dream Walkers over a year ago... both guilds full of top class people who you just know you would get on great with in real life. Also, a few years ago when there were less guilds and more low levels thanks to no /level there was alot of good times so i don't think anyone should regret their time while playing if you are happy, unless of course it has seriously screwed up your real life.

Personally, i have only met one major muppet in the game since beta [ a certain guild vault repo-kid i won't mention ] compared to the countless ones i met while in SWG [ most were U.S. kiddies pissed coz our pvp guild owned their newb ebay jedi ] .

I never regretted starting games like this, and i know i will play another one in the future, once i sort out my RL... Warhammer is looking nice :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Belomar said:
It may not a problem for you, Aadia, but the fact of the matter is that is a problem for lots of people. Effectively telling them to "do something about it" is hardly going to help; that's similar to telling a homeless person to "sober up and get a job", i.e. hardly useful.

Sitting around in a corner watching the world go by won't help either... that's what i mean.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Ignore Belo Gamah, he just loves being an annoying poster.

As for me... daoc has kinda took control of my free time but i am still on top with gcse's. Taking two early this year and intend to devote my time to them over daoc so I can achieve something in later life.

At one point, if i remember correctly, a year or so ago i actually turned a girl down due to my online fun. Now when i look back on it, i just laugh and wonder what the hell i was smoking.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Changed my life drastically. I got loads of guys I can torment - sorry I mean talk to now on this forum :) .


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
when i was younger and started daoc i spent lots on it, which was a lil mistake but i never allowed in to stop irl socialising and school, i made sure of that.

now im older ( yes yes only 18 bt older than wen daoc beta started) i see the good things that come from daoc and WoW and not regret any parts of it. I have a gf who i met online who im very happy with and have friends i talk to on msn a great deal and wud probably go see if i could get away from work etc.

I have the luxury as i see it of not being able to sit on a pc for more than an hour or two a day, and its great. Especially now with wow i feel i can just play casually when i like and dont fall behind.

Too many people feel daoc etc is the only way they can socialise in a sense and i would never look down on that and hope no one else does. They may not be able to go out to the pub etc but if they are happy online then i dont see a problem. However, i think people should try to see the light of irl and try as much as possible to put irl stuff into their life. A big way of doing this is a job. It provides social sides and money and does build your self esteem and confidence. Now for some they have tried and tried to get a job and fair enough, but some people just sit and use excuses to say "i've tried etc" and this is bull, there are plenty of people who need staff, like tesco's etc or a postman. Whatever it is, it will help!

ok i ranted on, will stop now :D cyas


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2005
Reading all this, has made me cancel my daoc account. Thanks all.
I better get in shape, work had @ gym... Before i start a mmorpg.

Because i also feel tired, and lazy... it sucks. And here i sit again, reading a forum. Hmz, im going to Legoland tomorrow, that will cheer me up.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
hehe i played DAoC way too much during my GCSE's and completely buggered them up :p

but i dont blame DAoC... cant blame a game for being fun and intresting at the time

realised my error so when i did my A-levels i stopped playing WoW and now im at Uni trying to find a way to play WoW (as a night of WoW is FAR cheaper than even a student night in one of the many clubs here ;) )


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Ormorof said:
now im at Uni trying to find a way to play WoW (as a night of WoW is FAR cheaper than even a student night in one of the many clubs here ;) )

There is no chance you will get WoW working, trust me i've tried :D I can't even get IRC working on the network.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Garaen said:
There is no chance you will get WoW working, trust me i've tried :D I can't even get IRC working on the network.

bugger :p

managed to get MSN working, was hopeful for WoW and Skype (which doesnt want to connect either :( )


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Garaen said:
There is no chance you will get WoW working, trust me i've tried :D I can't even get IRC working on the network.
Get a proxy to connect to WoW through your home PC using port 80. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
I would not say i regret playing, but under a period i played way to much, but all fixed now. Also the persons you meet ingame are actully some really nice persons irl and most of the ones i played with atleast i have meet irl now and are some real ace guys and girls for that matter :p.
But aslong you can mix the ingame time with irl time for friends,party's, drinking and family it is a perfect for some cheap fun (as lethul, båtflyktingen från gotland) said.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2005
Like anything really, things like MMORPGs are fine in moderation. If you let something else take over your life so much that you close out your friends and family, and you find it stops you doing stuff that you would otherwise like to do, then you know its gone too far.

Also, you'll find that those that find it hard to cut down on playing MMORPGs are the sorts with addictive personalities, so if they weren't playing daoc or WoW they'd be doing something else similar.

There was a time when I was probably addicted to daoc, sometime around the release of ToA, when it stopped being fun, and became something I did for achievement. Thankfully I have a good husband who knew when to quietly prise the keyboard out of my fingers; although that isn't to say that we don't enjoy 14 hour sessions when we've got nothing better to do :)

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