Hi, I'm having problems with my voodoo2 SLI
In 640 x 480 in q3 I am only getting 60fps, I have all textures set on low e.g. r_picmip 4 and I know my stuff and I know I shoul;d be getting more fps then 60.
I need some way to disable v-sync in OpenGL. I can do this for glide and direct3d and it works a treat but I can find no way to do it for openGL.
There must be a program or a way to do it!
I am using the latest voodoo2 drivers for win2k - the ones which do support SLi. I am using no other add on opengl stuff, I dont really understand those so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for the wonderful help all you helpful ppl will give me
In 640 x 480 in q3 I am only getting 60fps, I have all textures set on low e.g. r_picmip 4 and I know my stuff and I know I shoul;d be getting more fps then 60.
I need some way to disable v-sync in OpenGL. I can do this for glide and direct3d and it works a treat but I can find no way to do it for openGL.
There must be a program or a way to do it!
I am using the latest voodoo2 drivers for win2k - the ones which do support SLi. I am using no other add on opengl stuff, I dont really understand those so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for the wonderful help all you helpful ppl will give me