Did Brokeninfil quit :( ?


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2006
noblok said:
Is it actually Brokeninfiltrator or just one of his friends (not all broken- characters are alts of brokeninfiltrator)? It just seems unlikely that he'd let this thread grow this large without answering Knighthood.
yes it is him, and i havent answered because i havent read this thread...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
he was in thid yesterday on brokenblade afik, tbh its a sucky char but he does play well


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Hi everyone :)

Sorry, I haven't been on FH for ages, but I've eventually read through every post in this long thread so now I'll try to reply.

First of all I'll set the record straight. Yes unfortunately I did quit DAoC over a year ago now, so I could concentrate on revising for the final exams in my degree. I do find it amusing how some people who don't even know me seem to know an awful lot about why I quit, however the only person to get it correct was one of the friends I actually spoke about it to ingame: Strega. Funny that.

I did renew my subscription for 1 month after the exams, and rolled a new infil ''Brokens'' but thid was dead. Apparantly everyone had migrated to the new classic server Glastonbury?

Knighthood: I'm really sorry I didnt speak to u ingame before I left m8, guess u were in one of your rerolling mid/hib stages :p I did speak to quite a few of the guys tho like Uru, Blade, Strega etc and even some m8s from the other realms like Riddleh, Elkie & Erdna and I think Blokkie aswell.

I didn't wanna make one of those ''I'm leaving'' threads, but perhaps I should have. I've always considered them a little bit lame/cheesy plus I didn't really think it was necessary to draw any more unwanted attention/flames to myself. As u can see, even a year on, some individuals still feel the need to flame and post negative comments about me...

...which leads on to my next comment...
Dorimor1: I found it quite disturbing to read your ''nice guys come last'' comments and general attitude. I really hope you don't apply this theory to your behaviour IRL, if so you're in for a real shock in a few years time.
Remember, being good (or thinking you're good) at a computer game and boasting about it on an internet forum, doesn't actually count for anything out in the real world.
Furthermore, you seem to be basing alot of your comments/assumptions on the fact that you actually played against me and spoke to me(?) ingame. If this is true, please could u let me know on what characters u played back then, because I've never heard of any of the chars in your sig, nor do I recognise your FH nickname. I played in thid for a long time, so to jog your memory I started around the time of Sindi/Fenu/Nekrosniper/Coldbeards alts/Boltfromtheblue/Blackjack etc right up until May of last year just before the classic server was released (?)

Lastly and most importantly - thanks to all those who had nice stuff to say about me and/or ''stuck up for me'' as Knighthood put it lol. It means alot to know that I made some kind of positive impact during my time of playing. It was a privilige to meet so many great people, and I really hope u enjoyed playing with me as much as I did with all of you.

This post is already way too long and its started to turn into one of those cheesy ''I'm leaving'' posts I talked about, so im gonna stop now. But i'll check here much more regularly, so if any of u wanna PM me then feel free!

Alternatively u might find me playing WoW (yes i know :( ) on Stormreaver server, I'll update my sig with chars etc soon.

Oh yeah... any of those chars playing these days with the name ''Broken<xxx>'' aren't me, sorry!

Cheers guys :D


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
/yawn Brokeninf not answered any of my questions.

Anyway, doesn't matter now.
Likewise with you, however it was just 1 simple question I asked you...

Ashton said:
you seem to be basing alot of your comments/assumptions on the fact that you actually played against me and spoke to me(?) ingame. If this is true, please could u let me know on what characters u played back then, because I've never heard of any of the chars in your sig, nor do I recognise your FH nickname.

And if you think i'm going to specifically answer every question asked over 15 pages then i'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

If you have any genuine questions you want answered feel free to PM me. However, i suspect (judging by your other posts) any 'questions' you do pose, will meerly be another silly attempt to inflate your ego :eek:


Jan 22, 2005
Ashton said:
any 'questions' you do pose, will meerly be another silly attempt to inflate your ego :eek:

Speaking of egos, yours must have taken a beating when your omg-I-pwn-2l4-vanish-then-re-apply-poisons-then-PA-again on level 20 RoG noobs got thrown out of thid. Quitting because you no longer have a clear advantage over everyone else is just sad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
Speaking of egos, yours must have taken a beating when your omg-I-pwn-2l4-vanish-then-re-apply-poisons-then-PA-again on level 20 RoG noobs got thrown out of thid. Quitting because you no longer have a clear advantage over everyone else is just sad.

He would have rolled a BD, added on everything he sees and boast about his 'uber' title and 'leet' skills if he was that sad.

to Brokeninfil, come back :) It's fun playing against people that don't just run in casterzergs :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Speaking of egos, yours must have taken a beating when your omg-I-pwn-2l4-vanish-then-re-apply-poisons-then-PA-again on level 20 RoG noobs got thrown out of thid. Quitting because you no longer have a clear advantage over everyone else is just sad.

Now this is pathetic. Clearly alot of free space between your ears if you still think that was the reason. I quit on the same terms as Ashton and now got my honours degree from England, got a job 2 days after my last exam and make £65 000 a year in my first professional employment. Placing daoc on the shelf was a small price to pay for my situation today. Unplug for awhile Dori, you seem to be in dire need of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Yes I am sad Strega because my opinion is not the same as yours :/

459 * 36 = 16524. This is a mathematical fact, like Ashton's reason for quitting due to rl. Hence, there can be no opinion about it. That is how it is and when such facts are presented they should be absorbed, adding to your pool of knowledge.

Now if you were to dispute a statement saying "blue is a nice colour" while feeling red looks better, I would not raise an eyebrow and respect that opinion as with anything which applies to personal taste.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ashton said:
I did quit DAoC over a year ago now, so I could concentrate on revising for the final exams in my degree
I did renew my subscription for 1 month after the exams, and rolled a new infil ''Brokens''

Alternatively u might find me playing WoW (yes i know :( ) on Stormreaver server, I'll update my sig with chars etc soon.

the fact seems to be that you got really pissed when they denied 1L5+ toons access to thidranki, so you did /quit, then you could not resist and rolled another infi only to find it not that funny like the old one was and then you switched to WoW.

i mean, wtf?

one. quitting because of RL then renewing then turning to WoW???

two. kinda goin crazy when i see 'i quit because of RL'.
no one can work and sleep only, a human need some recreational time and if the fun factor received from daoc gets too low for the time spent, then one will look for fun in some other places.
but, again, is not the RL to blame, more like it is the 'daoc is no longer teh fun' reason to quit. how hard can be to spend 3-4 hours a week playing daoc???

farewell warder


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
anioal said:
two. kinda goin crazy when i see 'i quit because of RL'.
no one can work and sleep only, a human need some recreational time and if the fun factor received from daoc gets too low for the time spent, then one will look for fun in some other places.
but, again, is not the RL to blame, more like it is the 'daoc is no longer teh fun' reason to quit. how hard can be to spend 3-4 hours a week playing daoc???

You don't have to find the game boring to quit "because of RL"

And fyi, he actually wrote : "Yes unfortunately I did quit DAoC over a year ago now, so I could concentrate on revising for the final exams in my degree".


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Strega said:
You don't have to find the game boring to quit "because of RL"

ofc, if dady decides to forbid you to play it.

Strega said:
And fyi, he actually wrote : "Yes unfortunately I did quit DAoC over a year ago now, so I could concentrate on revising for the final exams in my degree".

well, i passed exams time pretty long time ago so be so kind and read what i posted (and what you quoted me), then replace* 'work' with 'concentrate on revising for the final exams'


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
anioal said:
ofc, if dady decides to forbid you to play it.[/B]

Hehe. More like denying yourself to play, even though it is fun, in order to keep focus and progress in more important things.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Actually, there can be several reasons to quit because of "real life" issues.

1. You're addicted or whenever you log on, you end up spending more time in-game than you planned to. This causes problems in real life, forcing you to quit entirely (or alternatively, give up real life).

2. You lack time, e.g. due to exams. While you do need some time to relax during studying, this doesn't necessarily mean that it's possible to play DAoC. If you take small breaks (15-30 minutes) it's not worth logging on for such a short period. At least, that's how I feel during exams.

3. Your DAoC timeslots get filled with other activites. e.g. you need more money to solve some real-life problems and have to start a second job. You still need relaxation, but you can have less and when forced to choose between the "go to the pub with friends" and the DAoC timeslot, you choose for the DAoC one.

4. Your job has hours which make it impossible to log on during the hours you have fun. You don't find the game boring, but it just has to little to offer during the time you can log on. (moving to US might be an option)

5. You no longer have the financial resources (forcing you to choose between DAoC and other activities).

Possibly more I can't think of.
Apr 13, 2006
Brokeninfil quit because he got kicked out of thid at 2L4, Dorimor says it, it must be true! People obviously can't quit for real life reasons :eek:


Jan 22, 2005
Samaroon|Terracotta said:
Brokeninfil quit because he got kicked out of thid at 2L4, Dorimor says it, it must be true! People obviously can't quit for real life reasons :eek:

Thing is it's true. He made a thread or said something about it.

Even in his sig it says 'forced into retirement'.
Apr 13, 2006
Dorimor1 said:
Thing is it's true. He made a thread or said something about it.

Even in his sig it says 'forced into retirement'.

Don't remember seeing anything like that, but okay :eek:

And you never thought 'forced' could be as in he is too busy irl atm?


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Ashton said:
Brokeninfil - RR2L4 - Forced into retirement after 20+days /played :(
Brokens - 24 Infil - RR1L4
I interpretted this as Brokeninfiltrator being forced into retirement, but not the person playing it.
Apr 13, 2006
Oh and just for Brokeninfils sake, if you've got over 1L4 and you're still level 24, you can get your rp's removed and start over since a few patches ago :)


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
anioal said:
the fact seems to be that you got really pissed when they denied 1L5+ toons access to thidranki, so you did /quit,
Please take a deep breath and read again... i've underlined the important parts you seemed to miss the first time around:
Ashton said:
....Yes unfortunately I did quit DAoC over a year ago now, so I could concentrate on revising for the final exams in my degree....

anioal said:
then you could not resist and rolled another infi only to find it not that funny like the old one was and then you switched to WoW.

i mean, wtf?

one. quitting because of RL then renewing then turning to WoW???

Ashton said:
....I did renew my subscription for 1 month after the exams, and rolled a new infil ''Brokens'' but thid was dead....

Blokkie said:
I interpretted this as Brokeninfiltrator being forced into retirement, but not the person playing it.
Correct, thanks Blokkie :) Dorimor1 do u actually read the words ppl post here, or just quickly scan over them and convince yourself they say something different?

Dorimor1 said:
Speaking of egos, yours must have taken a beating when your omg-I-pwn-2l4-vanish-then-re-apply-poisons-then-PA-again on level 20 RoG noobs got thrown out of thid.
Vanish had a timer so u couldnt attack for 30(?) seconds after it had been used, to stop you doing that... perhaps you would have known that if u had played against me.

By the way, are these the same ''level 20 RoG noobs'' you spam lifetap on with your bonedancer? Just curious :)


Jan 22, 2005
Broken, no use denying it. You quit because you no longer had 2l4.. you came back, couldn't pwn with 2l4 and quit.

I'm sorry but the more you deny it the more of a fool you sound.

Ashton said:
By the way, are these the same ''level 20 RoG noobs'' you spam lifetap on with your bonedancer? Just curious

Yes, but unlike you, I don't deny it.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Broken, no use denying it. You quit because you no longer had 2l4.. you came back, couldn't pwn with 2l4 and quit.

I'm sorry but the more you deny it the more of a fool you sound.

Yes, but unlike you, I don't deny it.

more like comeback and see what some random bd's had down to the place.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Originally Posted by Dorimor1
You cannot say I am jealous, because I know what I am and what I am not.
Neither can you say for which reasons Broken- quit, because he knows for what reasons he did and you don't.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
noblok said:
Neither can you say for which reasons Broken- quit, because he knows for what reasons he did and you don't.

WTF? You can't be right?

Dori knows what goes on in everyones head! His a total genius! :p



Jan 22, 2005
noblok said:
Neither can you say for which reasons Broken- quit, because he knows for what reasons he did and you don't.

You've used that same reason twice now and I have already explained it. How about do something you are good at and look it up because I cba explaining it to you again, because like last time, you probably wouldn't understand it.

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