DF Prince-hunt and loot (rant)



i have my 2 1337 resist itam jewelz now,,,, think i need a better cloak and maybe blade/sheidl we will seeeeeeeeee


the weapons from merchants are kind of shit :/

You will get a good loot system when you get the /random command.. random 100 and person who gets highest number wins (providing they are highest level / can use the item?).

An just say obviously, one item per person per raid.

Also, on seals, why bother? Takes two level 50's (healing + tank) to kill umbroods... about the low levels? They come along and get some exp they never had to work for(probably never even landed a shot on a single mob), thats enough for em imo. Level 50 items are for level 50 people :)

Of course we mostly do a rule that armour not AF100 cannot go to a level 50 (cause epic armour > af 98).

Novamir lol, pwned last night in odins (yuo ze suckyy)

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