Dex relation to casting speed..



Originally posted by liloe
I think having a manachanter in grp never hurts, not only cause of BAoD, but it's also the pet and don't forget an RvR specced chanter will have his lower DPS spell to interrupt (watch Bitteliten in the DH video). So heat debuff is just a nice addition to the line to give manachanters some nice DD, cause else the line would be totally useless with overwhelming 2 spells (PBAE + focus), compared to other pbae classes (except supp sm, treated below).
Compared to ice wiz?
An ice wiz is a chanter without a pet, without dps debuff, without ranged nuke debuffs, without stun, without baod but instead a root, a spec nuke, VP and a gimped ae nuke.

"some nice DD"?!!!! 570 dmg is nice? its absolutely insane, you can drop pretty much any class in 4 nukes with just 1 crit required, any support class in 3 or 4 depending on crits, and soon these nukes will be castable in just over half a second....
A spirit cabalist will of course be able to do the same but without pbae and more importantly GP a alb caster group will never be as good as a hib one.

Anyway we all know chanter is overpowered, you could very well move the debuffs to enchantments and put a load of useless spells in the mana line instead (ae nuke, spec nuke, dot, ae dot, a spec damage shield, a pbae mezz etc) if you feel the line would be "totally useless" otherwise.

Garbannoch Nox

you shouldnt compare wizard to chanter though. eld is hibs equivalent to a wiz


Which makes it even worse garb, the amount of util an eld has compared to a wiz is ..... scary ....

A quote from Mythic in the Wizard 1.66 TL report:

Wizards as a class don't have the utility of other classes yet their damage isn't markedly higher then other classes.

Voilla :p we suck ;)

I actually think that a chanter without heat debuff has around the same, and actually perhaps (due to pet) more utility then an ice wiz...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Wizards as a class don't have the utility of other classes yet their damage isn't markedly higher then other classes.

Did Mythic or the TL say that?

Hmm think I found it, it was Mythic...then I just need to ask myself what they _really_ think of thanes, and why they are still gimped.


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
you shouldnt compare wizard to chanter though. eld is hibs equivalent to a wiz
Well you are right eld and wiz should be compared but chanter is more your pure damage type of char, so is wiz. Cabalist is more of a utility type of char and compares better to a eld.

However both alb classes fall very short of their hib equivalents, no matter which way you look at it.




Originally posted by Stallion-
well think hib casters do in someway > alb/mid casters... first off... 90% of the alb casters run unbuffed in zergs = 2 shooted..they dont have relics...we have baod when needed.. (its rarly pressed at my qb). grped hib casters know how to assist.. and the fact that hib has far more experience with casters in grp rvr.. since thats what we have been running "mostly"..

...and I think it should be like that. Hibernia is the Magic realm and should have advantages over Alb/Mid casters. Imho only thing that really f0cks up the balance is ressist with baod. A Mid SM grp has advantages and dissadvatnages compared to Hib. The hib grp has both high PBAE and ranged dmg, where as Mid only have high PBAE and medium/low ranged dmg. Agains a melee grp, cuz of SM-pet they migth have advantages hib does not have. A mid grp could get about the same dmg as hib with 2Healers/Shaman/Skald/2SM/DC/Warrior, the DC will debuff and SM can assist on ranged attacks. However Mid grp do not have GP and thats a major dissadvantage.


should we ask goa to give us mirrored realms? xDDDDDDDD


GP + the pet army are a scary combination...

aoe mezz the hibs, they GP and you suddenly have 3-4 unmezzable pets charging the sorcerer ;)

and if you keep them under control they're interrupting the hell out of the clerics etc. - blue con enchanter pets aren't that quick to be killed either (especially if buffed).

the typical alb pbaoe group has how many pets? 1? 2?


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
GP + the pet army are a scary combination...

aoe mezz the hibs, they GP and you suddenly have 3-4 unmezzable pets charging the sorcerer ;)
pets don't get immunity
the typical alb pbaoe group has how many pets? 1? 2?
usually i see outlaw with 50+ human pets :p


Originally posted by Amadon
pets don't get immunity

usually i see outlaw with 50+ human pets :p

strange - they seem to ignore my mezzes fairly often... might just be bad luck

yeah but outlaws pets aren't as good at finding their targets :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
strange - they seem to ignore my mezzes fairly often...

they always ignore my mutiple mezz after first have been broken, atleast charmed ones and hunter pet... must be immune..


Originally posted by Amadon
pets don't get immunity

They do get immunity... They 'fixed' that a patch or so ago (before that they didnt, and you could remez them, this was a necro fix which 'fixed' all other pets)...

What they (unfortunatly) didnt fix is that mez gets broken by ae-debuff's... So mez a group of hibs, you cant even use ae-str/con or ae-dex/qui debuff becuase you'll get all the pets on you then...

A typical alb-pbaoe group has 1 pet (sorcerer), sometimes 2 (body sorc or cabalist) and 'temp' pets from theurgist...


You get 60 second pets next patch sonny that should help ye oot



Originally posted by -Wedge-
They do get immunity... They 'fixed' that a patch or so ago (before that they didnt, and you could remez them, this was a necro fix which 'fixed' all other pets)...
I've seen my pet get mezzed immediately after GP a number of times, but I guess that's probably because the pet resisted mez before GP or something. My mistake - nerf hib pets :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
GP + the pet army are a scary combination...

aoe mezz the hibs, they GP and you suddenly have 3-4 unmezzable pets charging the sorcerer ;)

and if you keep them under control they're interrupting the hell out of the clerics etc. - blue con enchanter pets aren't that quick to be killed either (especially if buffed).

the typical alb pbaoe group has how many pets? 1? 2?

3 pets in a perf hib mage grp, 1 is grey con and dies in 2 swings, other 2 are 37+

in alb mage grp you have 2 pets too, or up to 439757946357643 with a theurg, the sorc pet is often yellow con and can have anything from stun - disease, depending on what they choose, then we got cabby pets, they can stun, nuke etc etc, again depending on which they choose. Then air theurg we can have a hell of a lot fo pets that cannot be mezzed even once, can chain stun, and will last 1 min after next patch, albs are hardly in a position to whine about how bad pets are.


Originally posted by ab_fluid
3 pets in a perf hib mage grp, 1 is grey con and dies in 2 swings, other 2 are 37+

So you can kill a buffbotted grey pet in 2 swings eh?

Take it you mean a skald with 2h and not a healer



Originally posted by Vodor
So you can kill a buffbotted grey pet in 2 swings eh?

Take it you mean a skald with 2h and not a healer


keeled 90% of grey pets in 2 swings on me little hammer, i fink if i took the big 2her out just for pets they would drop in 2 even when buffbotted tbhirlfyi


I'll see if i can get someone to test that out.

If your wrong you die irl ok?



dont forget that pet named sheph, he takes atleast 3 swings to kill.. (2 if it wasnt for that bt)


Originally posted by old.Lethul
dont forget that pet named sheph, he takes atleast 3 swings to kill.. (2 if it wasnt for that bt)

Surprised they always remember to put him on /stick at ligen tbh



Originally posted by Aussie-

Originally posted by Amadon
I've seen my pet get mezzed immediately after GP a number of times, but I guess that's probably because the pet resisted mez before GP or something. My mistake - nerf hib pets :)


Its probably not even that they resist but pets have a nasty habit of 'lagging', so you sometimes not mez them at all...

As for grey buffed pets, dunno if you'll be able to kill them in 2 swings, might be mighty hard... Defo not the green ones...


My lvl9 pet gets oneshotted if that damn Chingeling agro us and hit pet on the way to Emain, fully buffed with buffs from 50druid with 36nurt.

I do think pet gets immunity, if there is no ae-root, our pets usually is sticked on their targets.


Originally posted by Vodor
I'll see if i can get someone to test that out.

If your wrong you die irl ok?


tried it earlier, 3 swings from my druid


Pets also get the enraged syndrome as well so you can't mezz them if they are below ~70% life or whatever it is.

By far the worst thing about pets is the perma speed though, pets cannot sprint so when you sprint away you should make some distance from them allowing you to cast a spell after only a few seconds of running. With perma speed even SoS+sprint struggles to create a gap between me and the pets chasing me.

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