Hi Im Jahar from excalibur/hib. I want to know how many are intrestead in playing in a dedicated grp from lvl 5-9 to 50.
I want it to be a pbaoe grp so what we need is:
Sorc : Me playing
Paladin: gregor
ice wiz: alphavill
Ice wiz: Ice wiz:asgoden
earth theurg: Flesh
friar: null
The times will be from 17.00 to 23.00 CET on weekends.
On weekends we play from 12.00 to 23.00 CET
Plan is to reach 50 in 1-2 weeks.
If ur instrested sign up in the thread and I edit as soon as I see it.
EDIT: SI is required
we start on wednesday btw... will keep info comming. stay tuned
join #celticfist on irc today ill be there from 15-15.30 CET. My work ended bit later today
I want it to be a pbaoe grp so what we need is:
Sorc : Me playing
Paladin: gregor
ice wiz: alphavill
Ice wiz: Ice wiz:asgoden
earth theurg: Flesh
friar: null
The times will be from 17.00 to 23.00 CET on weekends.
On weekends we play from 12.00 to 23.00 CET
Plan is to reach 50 in 1-2 weeks.
If ur instrested sign up in the thread and I edit as soon as I see it.
EDIT: SI is required
we start on wednesday btw... will keep info comming. stay tuned
join #celticfist on irc today ill be there from 15-15.30 CET. My work ended bit later today