News Death row madness


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
California Death Penalty Costs State $184 Million A Year, Study Finds

California has rarely executed convicts since the death penalty was reinstated there in 1978, but the state has managed to spend $4 billion taxpayer dollars on capital punishment since then, according to a new cost analysis.

The study, conducted over three years by a senior federal judge and a law professor, estimates that the 13 executions California has carried out in the past three decades have cost an average of $308 million each in legal fees and death row security costs. According to the L.A. Times, a death penalty prosecution can cost the state up to 20 times more than a life-without-parole case.

$4 billion in costs just to execute 13 people, no wonder California is borderline bankrupt. What is wrong with a firing line, free cigarette and a blindfold? Wouldn't cost more than $20 each including bullets!


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
Don't forget you'd need to pay the people firing the rifles for their time so the cost would probably be closer to $100 than $20.

I'm sure the victims (or the victims family) will gladly fire the bullet for free.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Don't forget you'd need to pay the people firing the rifles for their time so the cost would probably be closer to $100 than $20.

It's America, I'm sure they could find plenty of folks for free who would want to test their big, shiny guns out on real people. :p

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
For me the death penalty is simply state condoned murder. That money could have been used to help address serious issues like state funded health care for children whose families can’t afford medical insurance, rather than the sub-standard service in place now.

I assume each state with legal capital punishment probably spends a similar amount in a year and yet they still haven’t addressed a lot of the damage caused by Katrina in New Orleans six years on.

The logic of a country with such skewed priorities is completely beyond me.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
It's America, I'm sure they could find plenty of folks for free who would want to test their big, shiny guns out on real people. :p

WALMART sell ammo for pennies as well apparently.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
For me the death penalty is simply state condoned murder. That money could have been used to help address serious issues like state funded health care for children whose families can’t afford medical insurance, rather than the sub-standard service in place now.

I assume each state with legal capital punishment probably spends a similar amount in a year and yet they still haven’t addressed a lot of the damage caused by Katrina in New Orleans six years on.

The logic of a country with such skewed priorities is completely beyond me.

Completely agree mate, wasted money on a penalty the state are not willing to enforce anyway. That money is desperately needed elsewhere.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You could always build a city, with high walls and let all prisoners live as they please. You survive, you're free to go.

Punishment by Fallout.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
You could always build a city, with high walls and let all prisoners live as they please. You survive, you're free to go.

Punishment by Fallout.

Send them all to the Falklands and be done with it, no escaping that place, not nice weather and lots of sheep for sweet sweet lovin. ;)

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
You could always build a city, with high walls and let all prisoners live as they please. You survive, you're free to go.

Punishment by Fallout.

Pfft, then you'd have the U.S Government sending Kurt Russel in there because they've injected him with some poison or other and he's getting a little old for such hijinks!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Whilst the death penalty is indeed a economical sham, the figures have been moulded to be misleading.

$4 bn in costs since start with 700 inmates on death row. Assuming 25 years for each and the fact 2011-1978 is 33 years, the average cost per member on death row is probably closer to $5 million dollars. All they have done is taken the 13 who actually did get executed & divided $4bn by them to get $308 million. When you take into account the opportunity cost of housing them in a normal prison: in the fiscal year of 2007 it was about $25,000 x 25 years (rough calculation) => $625000. Which is still an epic ~$4.3 million more than those in normal prison. I wonder what % of that is legal fees? Lawyers no doubt love death row.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I don't agree with the death penalty.

I do however agree with giving violent offenders stout belts and strong hooks in the ceiling, together with life sentences with no hope of parole.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
i am in favour of the death penalty, as most people prob already know ;)

however, if we are going to lock them up instead, i would vote for them living in fear for the rest of their lives, none of this cosy cell, tv, etc, shit

random beatings, mental torture, anything goes really, i have zero sympathy for these people. you want to operate outside the law, dont hide behind it when your caught


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Why don't they just not execute them and give them a life sentence?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
In my jail everyone on death row would try to escape and get shot in the head.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
aaw i got called a psychopath by someone who neg repped me

must be doing something right :worthy:


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Anyone see the most recent Louis Theroux?

Prisoners would stay in jail for years before even going to trial. One guy they spoke to was in jail for nine years just waiting to go to trial. How stupid is that? :|


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
I called you a psychopath, because that's really what you are when you advocate lifelong torture for no reason other than petty revenge. The American prison system is utterly fucking broken and you'd be a stupid not to see that, and a moron to see it as a good example to follow.

Capital punishment doesn't prevent crime, countries that have it have time and time again put innocent people on death row, and in some cases even executed them because of false testimonies, eyewitness accounts, racist cops etc. even a single innocent death makes the entire system invalid in my opinion, collateral damage is the most disgusting term I've seen in recent years.

As for comparing prison comforts with those outside, I'd say the problem there isn't that people have it good in prison(I'd argue that being locked inside one room for most of the day is anything but 'good') but that people outside have it bad. Maybe improving real world conditions would be a better goal than making prisons worse? A roof over everybody's head, a TV and food doesn't seem like an unrealistic goal for a state that can wage three simultaneous wars. Maybe with this kind of security crime would go down as well? Statistics certainly argues the point that a better social safety net results in lower crime.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
That's a very fluffy opinion Helme, and a negative rep? Really? Poor for what was posted.

I don't agree with death penalties by the way, but not because it's morally incompatible with me. I do not think it represents value for money, and unless the justice system is flawless it could result in an innocent death.

As for prisons; it depends on your view of what they are for. Rehabilitation or pure punishment. Now the argument would be that fluffy prisons do not offer any reason for criminals to think twice about committing offences, whereas a pure shithole of a prison would certainly do so. I think rehabilitation is important, but at the same time prison should be punishment, you should lose your civil liberties as you've proven you are not fit for society.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
ah no you miss my point Helme (and i wasnt name dropping you either:p)

look at people nowadays..prison ? its a fucking joke

you might aswell not bother locking up anyone, they arent scared of prison, so its not a detterent, either make it scary enough that people really dont want to spend time there, or bin it, cos it aint doing its job

oh the other thing : capital punishment doesnt neccesarily work as a detterent, but i know its got a 100% non re-offend rate
as for accidental ones, yes, it happens.. but would you rather spend 30 years in prison, come out as a 60 year old ex-con with a clear name ?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It should be rehabilitation > punishment, not the other way around.

Should focus on that, not on how we can kill 'em faster.

If i'm being cereal that is.

Mabs, what about the innocent? Wrongly accused and so forth. Collateral damage for rael criminals? Just like that, sh*t happens, innocents get fried but atleast we get one murderer?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
oh the other thing : capital punishment doesnt neccesarily work as a detterent, but i know its got a 100% non re-offend rate
as for accidental ones, yes, it happens.. but would you rather spend 30 years in prison, come out as a 60 year old ex-con with a clear name ?

Totally agree with you Mabs, not many people getting locked up nowadays for violent crimes/murders and we've moved on enough to not be too concerned about.

You can't rehabilitate rapists/paedos and they have no place in society! Lets go with sozes prison. Just kill em all and say they tried to escape!!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You can't rehabilitate rapists/paedos

Yeah you can.

You'd be killing a lot of "accused" rapists too, some that are rapist due to misunderstandings, or just false testimony.

Rehabilitation eould determine if and when someone was fit to return to society, especially if it was improved.

Not surprised you, Mister Classy person with nice upbringing, are for the death penalty.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah you can.

You'd be killing a lot of "accused" rapists too, some that are rapist due to misunderstandings, or just false testimony.

Rehabilitation eould determine if and when someone was fit to return to society, especially if it was improved.

Not surprised you, Mister Classy person with nice upbringing, are for the death penalty.

I didn't have a classy upbringing, I was brought up in a shit hole by my mother.

Show me one instance in which a padeophile has been 100% rehabilitated. Some people are just broke, the sooner people realise that the better.

I'll quote myself from another thread to save me typing it out again.

It's very difficult. More so because I don't proclaim to be very articulate :p

However I wil try.

I see people like the bulger killers as something that is broken, as I said earlier I get turned on by females, some guys like men, this isn't because of how they are brought up at all. You can see young teenagers who clearly already know what their own sexual orientation is and you can't change that with upbringing.

Some people like doing animals and cars and everything else you can think of, so it's only natural (yet very un natural for what I consider a normal person) for people to get off on torturing/raping/murdering people. The problem is spotting these people because often they show no signs of being any different from other people, until of course their own desires take hold of them and they commit some form of offence.

There may well be people walking around who have thoughts of such horrors but decide not to step over the line. But in the end it all comes down to an individual choice yes or no, right or wrong (in their own mind, not necessarily what they have been brough up to beleive is right and wrong). Which is why I don't buy it's 100% of the upbringing that is the issue.

Everyday there are people who are just simply angry/short tempered and aggressive, I doubt it is simply because of their childhood, some people just simply like to be in control of everything the do and feel and that is why the human mind is so complex, because non of us 100% understand why anyone else does something, that in our own mind would be deemed stupid/illegal/or just plain wrong.

Anyway I hope that kinda explains what my view is and why I think like I do :p

I guess to summarise it would be that every single one of us is different and everyone tries to get as much of whatever it is that makes them tingle. Unfortunately it's human nature for us to all be different and all want different things, and how we get those things also varies from person to person. Some people will work hard, some people will lie and cheat and there are others who will commit murder.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Didn't say you had a classy upbringing, learn to read. You called yourself classy in the other thread, so you're Mister Classy.

Don't really give a f*ck about the self-quote as it's stockfull of "my definition".

Still the point stands;

You can't deny that you'd be sentencing innocent people to their death.

Or is killing innocents now ok?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Didn't say you had a classy upbringing, learn to read. You called yourself classy in the other thread, so you're Mister Classy.

I don't recall calling myself classy at all, unless you mistake me for saying I respect others.

But good job for skimming past the rest of the post.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
You can't deny that you'd be sentencing innocent people to their death.

Or is killing innocents now ok?

If I simply removed the people who were 100% guilty that in itself serves it's purpose, if there was any doubt, the people would not be sentenced to death.

Ian huntley blatantly guilty = dead

Mr not 100% sure = prison

I'm still saving a shit load of money not having to pay for Mr Huntley to enjoy a decent living.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
if there was any doubt, the people would not be sentenced to death.

See that's the kind of delusion that makes your pro-death opinions dangerous to society.

It happens, every day. You proposign tighter death laws(example ALL rapist), would mean MORE innocent deaths.

But you're ok with that?

I didn't ski your post, i ignored it as it was the usual "in my world" bullsh*t.

Oh and;

I was clearly brought up with a bit more class.

Want some salt with that foot? Or need it for backpeddling?

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