See that's the kind of delusion that makes your pro-death opinions dangerous to society.
It happens, every day. You proposign tighter death laws(example ALL rapist), would mean MORE innocent deaths.
But you're ok with that?
I didn't ski your post, i ignored it as it was the usual "in my world" bullsh*t.
Oh and;
Want some salt with that foot? Or need it for backpeddling?
I've asked you to provide evidence of a paedophile being cured, if you can't do that don't comment. They are broken, they get off on different things, but you can't change that. That is what my post said, but in more words.
Sorry but someone who rapes 3 year olds, has no part in society at all. Unless ofc your the kind of person don't mind watching a 3 year old get raped.
Nice Post
Sorry but someone who rapes 3 year olds, has no part in society at all. Unless ofc your the kind of person don't mind watching a 3 year old get raped.
They prey on the weak and defenceless and they know they are doing it, and they know that it is wrong. In my opinion they sacrifice any human rights, the second they touch that child with the wrong intentions in mind.
I was brought up to respect others who deserve it and i give Scouse more respect since he won't start a fight, even if he can get gobby. Fighting someone over menial things is not respect.
I simply started giving it back since Calaen has had a free reign to insult me in every possible way for a good while now.
If someone came around to practically every thread and started jammering on how a **** you are, how you're inbred, how you're less then a flaming turd, how they wouldn't care if you lived or died etc etc without anything'd get on their case after a while too.
Well put him on ignore then. Believing someone is acting in a certain fashion shouldn't be taken as an invitation to stoop your own behaviour to that level, ignore it and move on. Basically stop acting like a child and grow up.
It's great of you to call so many forum goers children
Shouldn't also, by that logic, you ignore what me and Calaen are arguing over? WElcome to the kiddiepool!
I don't ignore people, i find it rude and disrespectful. I welcome all arguments, but also hold the right to give back to moronics.
cba to read the article, is there a cost for each "non executed" lifer?
Whilst the death penalty is indeed a economical sham, the figures have been moulded to be misleading.
$4 bn in costs since start with 700 inmates on death row. Assuming 25 years for each and the fact 2011-1978 is 33 years, the average cost per member on death row is probably closer to $5 million dollars. All they have done is taken the 13 who actually did get executed & divided $4bn by them to get $308 million. When you take into account the opportunity cost of housing them in a normal prison: in the fiscal year of 2007 it was about $25,000 x 25 years (rough calculation) => $625000. Which is still an epic ~$4.3 million more than those in normal prison. I wonder what % of that is legal fees? Lawyers no doubt love death row.
Having thought about it, I'd be interested to see the cost breakdown between "inmate" and "legal costs". Realistically if you've already got a jail and you've got to keep the bugger in there then the incarceration costs can't be that different, no?
His lack of respect started the fight in the first place.
zz the ignore button is getting pressed again.
Your a prime example of why brothers and sisters shouldn't mate.
Glad you took your toys and Got TFO. Your limited working class insult vocabulary isn't really needed anyway.
Can't read and/or comment on a point? "I is ignoring you!!1"
Such a refined person.
Meant to negrep that post, but it reported it(Nevermind the report moddies).