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- #61
Nah he has 2 tubes. 1 for water and 1 for urine.
Hes taking in a diapers, pillows and some other shit.
Hes taking in a diapers, pillows and some other shit.
Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Hes taking in a diapers, pillows and some other shit.
Originally posted by ]SK[
Why take shit in there?
Alok Jha
Thursday August 28, 2003
The Guardian
If he's fit and well-prepared, he shouldn't have many problems staying alive. But he will have a hangover from hell when he gets out - his muscles will have wasted, his body cavities will be full of fluid and his blood will be so acidic he won't be able to think properly.
Illusionist David Blaine's latest stunt will be, he claims, to stay suspended above the Thames in a clear plastic box without food or outside contact for six weeks (although he will be given water "by tube"), starting next Friday. Blaine promises there will be no trickery.
"The first thing you do when you stop taking food is you start to live on all the carbohydrates being stored," says Jeremy Ward, a physiologist at King's College London.
The liver and muscles store glucose as glycogen. In the early stages of starvation, glycogen is converted back into glucose. The store lasts about four days. "Thereafter, you have a problem," says Ward. "The only way you can get more sugar is to break down the muscles." This is essential for the brain and red blood cells, which do not have the ability to use fats as an energy source.
As the muscles break down, and those that remain eat up the fat, acidic waste builds up in the blood. The kidneys normally get rid of excess acid but become overwhelmed by the amounts produced during starvation.
"The increase in acidity in the blood will make people breath faster and deeper," says Ward. "Although that gets rid of carbon dioxide and so makes you less acidic ... you're doing more work." More work means you use more fats and create more acid.
The blood proteins will also be used up to feed the brain. As a result, water from the blood leaks out into the tissues. Fluid starts to collect in the body cavities and the limbs within a week. "At the end of six weeks, [Blaine] won't be in a good way," says Ward.
The last phase is multi-organ failure. Ward says Blaine is likely to sustain damage but it will be reversible. He believes preparation is the key. "I suspect he's pretty fit. He'll have been talking to trainers and physiologists and will have been building up his glycogen stores by eating lots of carbohydrates," he says.
Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Im 15 years old
The liver and muscles store glucose as glycogen. In the early stages of starvation, glycogen is converted back into glucose. The store lasts about four days. "Thereafter, you have a problem," says Ward. "The only way you can get more sugar is to break down the muscles." This is essential for the brain and red blood cells, which do not have the ability to use fats as an energy source
Originally posted by dysfunction
Aparantly a guy has setup up a fast food stall very near Davids glass box so he will be smelling cooking bacon all day!!!
Originally posted by leggy
What a fucking twat. Seriously. If his only reason for setting up that stall is to tease David blaine then he needs a good slapping.
Originally posted by old.Dillinja
The man could've done it anywhere in the world but he chose London, and I respect him for it. I also respect what he is doing, he wants to show the world that he is capable of something, and those wankers with shit-for-brains lobbing eggs and golfballs at him should be locked up. He is doing something that everyone can come and watch without having to pay.
Originally posted by toneh
When he's asleep they should put the box underwater, just to freak him out.
We can then decide whether its worth getting it back out, based on the comedy value of his panic. Although the condition would be he doesn't do any 'stunts'
Originally posted by old.Dillinja
I agree.
David Blaine is doing something interesting in our city and I appreciate it.
Originally posted by leggy
If that is actually true then Dr. Atkins is (beyond the grave) fuelling a breed of brainless, aenemic fanatics. It also kind of disproves Tom's theory about why the body doesn't need carbs (i.e sugar).
You need carbs or you will become thick
I'm not inferring that you are brainless in anyway Tom
Anyway, offtopic rant over.
Originally posted by Lester
One reason why he didn't do it in America:
Originally posted by ~Lazarus~
David Blaine has given up his controversial stunt.
He was told that 44 days doing nothing in a box is not going to break the record which is currently held by Emile Heskey at 4 years.