Darkspire Raid[P] Tuesday 28st March 20.00 CET.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
Like the topic says, im leading another raid to the darkspire, this time though i will use a different setup as I kow can see the importance of a toon that can blast crystals pretty easy and not having to have backup from the whole grp soing it.

Some rules: I´m Raid-leader i.e i call the shots, i dont mind getting info from other players in grp, but I´m running the grp. And I might be slow to type, but i DONT want u to go running off on ur own, so if im silent it means that im typing tactic so be quiet and patient. I know the tactics for it and will state em, and as i state them for a reason i expect evry1 to follow them. If u dont I´ll find some creative punishment for u...

If u sign up and cant come pls write it in a post here or pm me ingame, bcos its really annoying standin there and missin peeps.

Required reading! Read this guide so U know whats expected of u...
Guide: http://www.loreguild.com/lore/viewtopic.php?t=949

Lotto rules: As we get about 20 drops, if we go all the way, both Darkspire stuff and rogs there will be 2 items a man, rest i will claim as raid leader. And like many other raid leaders I´ll give myself a +20 mod on any 1 roll (Not reusable ), though i wont claim any named drops.

Requirements: Lvl 50/Decent gear/has to be active and generally likeable... Oh yes, would be nice if healers/shammys had stardrop or somfing like it to increase their buffs. These will get prioritised.

Like before, we´ll meet up in Prydwens Underground forest and leave from there 20.00 CET, So pls be there 10 mins in advance or so.

The Grp

GL: Me Aberathien Lvl 50 Zerker. If I dont get a thane ill take that spot with me own slightly underpowered thane and leave light tank spot open.
Spot 2: Chr Thornhøj Lvl 50 warrior
Spot 3: Shield tank
Spot 4: Shield tank
Spot 5: Thane. Shield specced preferred, but need to have 40+ of stormcalling.
Spot 6: Aug/mend Healer, Wit fop, and DI would be very nice.
Spot 7: Aug shammy, at least 47aug and with fop.
Spot 8: Any Healer, preferably Aug.

And pls confirm at latest monday evening next week.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2005
Signing up with shammy Bubuff (47aug/20mend/19 cave, fop, +25% buff & healing bonus)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Can join again to the raid with my shamy with 47 aug, 26 mend rest cave. Is ml8 perfecter and TOA'ed. Or you can check my signature and ask any of the classes posted in the picture there for me to bring.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
Ok. Need a m/p or p/m healer now and the frp can be set... :) :cheers:


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
sorry I can't join, but I got work untill 20.00cet so I won't be home until 20.45cet
I do hope you get a healer and gl


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
So Aberr, should I log Tvvarg at DS entrance for tomorrow? Still 20:45cet for me to get online thou, with a maby 20:30cet.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
Aug healer Messed has signed up. So i can put together grp now. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
So the grp is as follows. :)

GL: Haerralith, me own Thane.
Spot 2: Chr Thornhøj, Warr
Spot 3: Piclya, Warr
Spot 4: Slaktarfar, Warr
Spot 5: Vavikyr, Valk.
Spot 6: Dawndog, Healer
Spot 7: Bubuff, Shammy
Spot 8: Messed, Healer

Need confirmations from y´all now.


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