Dark Age of Camelot - Game or Sport?



PvEing can be boring, RvRing can be boring. PvE can also be really exciting - try taking on the Dragon with guild only, as can RvR when you take a keep/relic or beat higher numbers with better skills.

What makes the game is the community, if you don't join in with that, then you might as well play Morrowind if you like PvE or Planetside if you like RvR.


im not denying that Mythic needed to add content, obviously they did, its just that i like many others who really dont want to buy a 2nd account find it nigh on impossible to compete 1vs1 in RvR or even at all, in grps sometimes u can get by, tbh i dont think theyre are many people now since the addage of SI who have EVER levelled a stealther class without a BB or being PL at fins/lair whatever... it seems that if you want to play a class that has the most fun (in my opinion only) you need to spend more money to compete with others... yes its easy to look back on the old days as the best, but if im honest i do like some of the changes added, some RA's i think are really nifty but the majority do nothing more than over power a class to the point where if you dont have that RA ...DETERMINATION being a prime example no-body wants you...its a shame that RA's like these slipped in, because otherwise id be fairly happy with how the game stands, yes id like to go back to only Epic being the best, but people rely too much on SC suits and capping this and that tbh if they took away SC theyd lose more than 70% of players.. BB's are the pain of my life...if i could only take away one thing to make me stay and be happy it would be BB's in RvR, i dont care about BB's in PvE any fool can make a grp and level faster than a BB soloer, but not any fool can beat a fully BB infil/shade/whatever your class is... thats the main problem for me, i dont ask for an equal playing field cos in life you choose your path and walk it how best you can knowing both your weaknesses and strengths.. shame BB's started getting accepted really...

Other than that not much else i would change, id leave SC if theyd only cap BB's with range so atleast stealthers would have a visible target tagging along heh.


I'm pretty much a PvE'r. I can do the RvR thing, but I only tend to do it when there's major relic raids or keep takes/defences. I enjoy that side of things much more than the Counterstrike Emain variant. Tonight was fun, as long as I stayed, anyway ! (Relic raids on Prydwen)

I've never found it possible to compete 1 on 1 in RvR either. I've often wandered the frontier solo, but no one wants to pick a fight with a Paladin !

When I'm levelling, I try to take some breaks from the serious grind. My current alt has been alternating soloing between Keltoi (for serious levelling), and Drakoran groups (for that knife edge fight where tactics matter). The first death or two on a level don't cost you much, so why not have fun just after you level ?

I've managed to get myself capped in the stuff that mattered to me, but it didn't take much time, really. Just looked around til I saw people selling the bits I needed, and then talked to the spellcrafter. Nothing other than quested, random drops and crafted. So not much effort required.

Hope you find the right game for you, Melachi.

I do know what you mean. I believe it'd be a better game if getting to high Realm Ranks made you 50% better than a new 50, rather than several times better. You never know, this may change with Frontiers. (Though I'd be suprised!) If taking or defending keeps gave Realm points, I'd be loaded, though !



> What a lot of people forget is that DAoC was always intended to be
> large scale warfare in RvR but because of the way it was implemented
> players managed to turn Emain into Quake 3 in a fantasy setting.

If that was what they intended then it certainly didnt affect what they implemented. It may well have been what they advertised - epic battles against evul hibernians and such. Remember what first headless emain zergs were like in beta? That was what we got.

DAoC is a game in which neither grapichs engine, combat model nor the game interface supports large scale organized warfare.

It depends a bit on your computer specs but at a glance I'd say maximum number of people you can have in close proximity of a fight without getting debilitating lag is somewhere around 50. Over that and it ceases to be fun. Over 200 and your screen freezes.

The combat model is supposed to be medieval. That means most fighting takes place in melee range. Support range is 2000 game units which too is pretty small radius. No collision detection. That means every fight is by game limitations concentrated in a relatively small area. You concentrate 2 epic-sized forces in a small area, you get huge number of people practically on top of eachother hacking away at closest target and/or casting extremely pretty but monstrously lag-inducing spells. Lag and chaos. I dont believe they seriosuly thought of that as "large scale warfare".

There was one single game interface element that could be considered as a support mechanism for organized warfare in a scale bigger than 8 vs 8 ppl. That was the chatgroup. Since then precisely two changes has been made to the game code to improve support for organized warfare. They rised chatgroup size limit (from original 50!) to 200. Then they added /public option.

In conclusion, I see no evidence to support what you say about there being intentions for large scale warfare being what we should be doing in this game. In fact, I have no clue whatsoever what their intentions were. It appears that so far the best-working way this game actually lends itself to play is exactly what you call Quake 3 in fantasy settings.


Roo Stercogburn

Ottar my comment is actally based on quote from Mythic. I'll get around to digging it out.. but not just now, I'm tired :)


The one big advantage I can see by ToA coming before Frontiers is that all the farming can be done and out the way whilst Mythic build and test Frontiers.

The last thing I'd want to have seen from an RvR expansion is it be released then a short time later become deserted as everyone explores the PvE in ToA and farms for their artifacts and such.

The feeling I'm getting from everyone on the US servers is a big build up in artifact farming, ML gaining and such in preparation for Frontiers, most really don't care what happens in RvR atm as they're awaiting the big changes to the face of RvR to happen. Everyone's rushing to get sorted out in time for Frontiers.

I therefore don't think Frontiers coming out after is such a big thing, after all as I said already, would you really want Frontiers to come out only to be deserted for a fair while not long after due to other new expansions?

On a slightly less related note, I remember back in my Quake 1 days there were attempts to get it registered as an actual sport, due to there being regular games as well as the advent of professional gaming, however the attempt failed, I can't remember the details of it all but personally I don't find online gaming any less a sport than say Snooker or Tiddly Winks (which I beleive funnily enough is registered as an actual sport, correct me if I'm wrong ;))


are you still playing this game falc?


I enjoy playing with friends that still in game, mainly SoR members, current and ex, still much fun, PvE can get tiresome for me.

I was supprised to hear there are people in game since beta, they was chatting about times before malmo etc (daoc fogies ;) )

DAoC still fun, alil RvR, alil PvE, its just the game balance and and anti social types of people that let the game down :p

I dunno about ToA, Zzz, I think player crafted will still shine, ML's maybe add more choice into PvE and RvR. I'm hoping that when PN is out and being used, alot of the stealthers will reroll another fotm, as theres nothing more frustrating then bumping into a up to fg or more hidden players when your trying to solo.

Frontiers, I'd like to see more variety in RvR, wish there wasn't Opt type groups, random ones are cool, get to met new people etc, I hope theres more room for such random groups in this patch.


The main problem with the game that is spoiling it somewhat is the attitude of a lot of the players. While it is not the majority of players it enough to ruin things. This game would be far better if people relaxed and just plaed for fun.

It's not the game that's at fault, it's the player base, but blaming Mythic is so much easier for most people.


Hmm,cba typing a long post of my own so I think I'll pretty much agree of most of what the crazy spiritmaster said. o0


Originally posted by Big-G-
are you still playing this game falc?
Yeah, playing US DAoC now tho. Playing Planetside a little too, but not too much. Not seen you and Efour in game at all though in the last couple of months, still playing PS? and are you still both in n00b Conglomerate :p ?

Elenah Lopez

I'll be playing three years in March. I have always been faithfull to Alb/Pryd, with a few level 7 :)p) chars on Exc/Mid. I still have fun just by XP'ing in every part of Albion! I'm still creating a new char now and then to try some alternative spec...

People should just sit back, relax and enjoy what you CAN of the game. There is so much to be explored and enjoyed. I'm not extremely good at RvR and never will be, so I just do other things that I feel are fun for me; xp a bit solo, grouped, have some laughs with ppl you hardly know, group up with some irl friends, roleplay a bit, do some quests, enjoy the stories, help other people out and see how happy they are. These are things that give me satisfaction ingame.

I guess I'm easy :eek:

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