DAOC your first MMORPG?



Not really,

History lesson:

First came diablo. Then diablo II. Lord of destruction.

These arn't really MMO but i coun't them as MultiplayerORPG.

Then came Anarchy Online, been there, felt the pain, got the t-shirt. Was in the beginning, don't know what's it like these days.

Then came DAoC. Well, daoc is a good game but...always have to try others. DAoC kinda showed the potential of MMO.

While playing DAoC i tried Earth and Beyond, nice enough game, lotsa stuff but in the end...nah.

Also tried Lineage. Not the 3d but the isometric game, you know. Thought it was a new Diablo, it was a new pain in the ass. PLayed for two days and got bored.

Now came EVE. There to stay. It's Elite in a larger scale and the system just works. Pretty, works with my crappy machine, almost endless possibilities and no...it's not a mining simulator. I personally haven't had to pick up a mining laser even once.

So, there's the complete history of Teh Seel MO.

keela is

EQ was the first...
My sister's now ex-boyfriend gave me EQ... man did I love that game, he played it a lot, and gave it to me... about 3 months after EQ released, stopped after about 1 year, and then played daoc.


I started playing Games Online back when, only MUD's on private BBS's where available and the Internet was like only for Universities and the Military :)
After that played:
Meridian 59 for some time but discovered UO and i played it for 5 full years, in the meantime i tried but didn't like,T4C, EQ, AC, played Diablo and DiabloII only for stress relief. Beta tested E&B hated it.
Then discovered DAoC which i play since, but in the meantime tried but didn't like Planetside, Neocron, AO, ACII, MtG. Beta tested Eve which i hated it, SWG which i hated even more and now wait for my invitation in Beta testing Dragon Empires.

All in all i am an Online Games junkie, can't even look at a single player game unless it is Fallout.


UO was my first MMORPG and I played it for about three years. I have still yet to see such an open ended game which can keep my interest so well. I stopped playing soon after Trammel as any feeling of risk went out of it (I played a Bard to GM and so hardly had to worry about PvE encounters) also when housing really exploded and rather than wandering the wilds, the whole thing became like an endless suburb.

Played Anarchy Online from release and suffered through the early days. played for just under a year on and off before finally cancelling as I was spending less and less time playing.

Got into DAOC in the fairly early days (my friar when I started got 1x spec points and had to body pull everything!) I have stopped for months at a time, which is why I stil have no lvl 50, but I keep coming back and still enjoy the game.

I played Eve for a few weeks and thought at first that it was my Elite dreams come true, but it got pretty boring after a short while. Joined a corp, soon had the best ship and the best weapons in the game, but still felt I ought to be a newbie. Nowhere to go with it after that and it became more of a glorified screensaver.

TBH I'll probably give it up once ToA is released as the underwater thing just looks stupid to me.

Not sure what next, WoW maybe.


Only got into playing games a couple of years ago, UT, then I got into DAoC, which is my 1st MMORPG :)

I did try UO, but grew fed up of runnning around looking for regi's if thats what their called if I remember right, did a few spells and ran out :/

I'm very unsure about trying another mmorpg, as from what I've seen from daoc with cheating, radar, bots, and the occassional bug abuse. Wouldn't much like starting out with a new game, would rather join one thats built up abit, has a wide range of lvls.


Aye! DaoC is my 1st mmorpg! :)

Dunno yet if it will be my last tbh... really wanna try Darkfall when it comes out. we'll see.

And I have to agree with that it's hard to pop in a single player game after u've played a mmorpg. feels like sumthin huge is missing.... ahh the peeps!


Started on EQ played for 6 months then gave up. Killed two beetles in the daoc beta as a lurikeen then logged. Started up again when release hit and been playing since. I've tried most other MMORPGs and there's still nothing that offers the kind of robust system and PVP experience that daoc does imo.


Daoc was my first. Tried EVE and SWG after that. Both games quite different. Feels like I'm missing daoc every time I play other online games..



first for me too, so it kinda sat standards for other mmorpg's


First one was UO which died when trammel was introduced imo.Then came DAOC and i also played EVE beta and when it went live for a few months before returning to DAOC.


First mmorpg was a small scale game called The 4th Coming (anyone who played the game will recognise from my stolen handle :) )
Anyway, only played that for about 3 months and although I enjoyed it I was tempted by DAoC so started this with euro server start and haven't look back since, not tried anything else and at the moment I don't really want to...


My first was UO.

I've tried EVE, E&B, AC and EQ. Currently playing SWG (and thoroughly enjoying it).

I'd expect UO fans will enjoy SWG more than DAoC ones. Or, at the least, they can understand the idea behind it.


So far DAoC is my only MMORPG I've played properly, tried Ultima Online for about 5 mins. I'm about 99% sure I'm gonna give FFXI a try tho, probably getting it next week.


Played Jumpgate for 2 years before DAoC, have played a few others during my time in DAoC but nothing has really stood out so far.

Bleri McThrust

First I played was Shades :) That was a text based MUD on the old BT network (who's name I have forgotten) about 16 years ago, before the World Wide Web in the days when everything was Bulletin Board based.

That was a revelation and playing in character was a must then, although there was still the opportunity to have a nubile warrior sit on your lap and whisper sweet nothings in your ear :)

Then came a break of many years as children came untill I took up multilayer gaming again with Insane (an off-road racing game) and Quake. Someone on Insane suggested (the day I got Broadband) I download Legends of Mir, free in those days, and so MMORPG became an addiction.

LoM was a nightmare when it became pay to play. Customer service was abysmall and corruption rife, but it was a great chat room :). Tried Everquest but that didnt get me. Then along came DAoC beta and the rest is history (best game ever and if you can play a game for nearly 2 years who can say otherwise).

During my DAoC life I tried beta testing a few others but they paled against DAoC. Now I'm semi-retired from DAoC I really have no interest in trying anything else. I'm hoping my enthusiasm for DAoC will return with ToA and Frontiers.

Anyways I'll stop waffling now :p


The 4th coming was my first, didnt play that much. (1-2 weeks.)
Then Legend of mir.

And then Daoc.


Switched from a realism fps to daoc :rolleyes:

When I see screenies of other mmorpgs I think they are really ugly, think I'll be tied to daoc for a long while still :x


Played EQ from Release for over 4yrs, during that time i lived in the US where i first tried Daoc, i remember making all sorts of different classes, totally gimped them and then tried another lol.

I stayed addicted to EQ tho til about a year ago, then i ditched it for Daoc, didnt think i would like the pvp (Rvr) aspect of the game and turned out i love it.

Ive also been on AO, AC2, SWG Beta's, but tbh they all sucked, i even own a copy of AC2 which is gathering dust on my shelf and will never ever get installed heh.


I started with a game called Xenimus (witch I bet none of have every heard of, it was a brilliant game created by one man) and sticked to that for two long years.

Then I ditched it for EQ witch I thought was really fun, much more fun then DaoC pve imo. Then again pve sucks compared to the brilliance of DAoC RvR!

When I first tried DAoC, I didn't like the fact that it was less complicated then EQ, but I got over it and I love the game.

I have had one break after growing tiered of DAoC, but I'm back for full. If im triered of DAoC when WoW comes out Im gonna go with WoW. (however Blizzard will not get my money if they don't create a few RP servers: see THIS thread)


DAOC was my first as well. I prob wont go to another as im a poor student. However Dark and Light looks promising also The Matrix Online could be fantastic if done properly and from what ive read a lot of work is being put into it.


First mmorpg, maybe last mmorpg. I don't really play games any more for fun - feels too much like work.


I played Ulitma Online for about 2 and a half years before DAoC.

I think they are both about on par with content etc.



I have previously played a few games.. i can remember mostly playing Legend Of Mir for well over a year and played Neocron for about 6 months.. it was good, but i had played Beta DAOC and couldnt get enough . I couldn't play after my first month coz no credit card and RL stuff to do but i eventually came back to Hib :)


<-- Played UO for more than three years on Europa, then I moved on to DAoC ( still playing UO on free-shards though:) )

And now I've started with FFXI aswell:|

Madonion Slicer

DAOC is my first and will be my last, easily the best game i have ever played no game has ever held my attention for the amount of time Dark Age has.

The reason for it being my last is i really cant see me starting from scratch in another game, also the amount of time these games take away from you is pretty scary when you look back at all the /play on all your alts.

I will probably play DAOC until i am the last person on the server, but i wont move to another game.


DAOC was my first. Like all first loves we had ups and downs but it opened a whole new world to me and, much to my family's disgust, am now hooked on these things. Played Eve, AC2, SWG and now Final Fantasy XI.

FF rocks but there are times, on a dark and moonless night, when I can still remember my first trip to DF or the thrill of that first RvR victory. All hail DAOC, I miss you but can't face the levelling process again :)

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