

wolvon fury

I hate people who have to Ablity to kick/bann people from there channel

As people always brown nose them,
And often there big-headed IRC Monkeys,

Don't like getting kicked from channel or banned,

Start your own, #Prydwen-daoc sound good enuth :D

old.Gombur Glodson

What good is power if you can't abuse it?


Good thread, if only to remind not to bother with that particular irc channel.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
What good is power if you can't abuse it?
Strangely, never seen Kemor nor Zargar abuse theirs.



lol krOn your talking sh*t i was in the channel the hole time brannor was and he never annoyed a sinlge person. You just banned him because he made a comment about you, after you made one about him, Power trip? I think so.

It started off with you asking if brannor was using DAOX he said no and that he used 2PC which you claimed was the same as using DAOX(lol) then you said that you used it because erm?. then brannor said you was sad then you had a power trip and kicked him.

Lets see the logs :clap:

Started off with,

<Brannor_McThife> Not a good idea to admit to account sharing while I'm here.

Then brannor saying that he deleted his Alb chars and rolled a Hib which they made ppl call him a spy lol.

[18:18] 14(@kr0n14): brannor what youre using daox?

[18:19] 01(Brannor_McThife01): 2 PCs.

[18:19] 14(@kr0n14): same thing as daox then mmkay. <------- lol

[18:19] 01(Brannor_McThife01): Um yes...sure Kron...

[18:19] 14(@kr0n14): i share accounts and use daox.
[18:19] 14(@kr0n14): i share accounts and use daox.

^ krOn trying to annoy brannor ^

So bannor has ago back

[18:20] 01(Brannor_McThife01): You left out that you're also a sad person Kr0n.

[18:20] 14(@kr0n14): Aye true.

[18:21] *** kr0n sets mode: +b *!*brannor@*.in-addr.btopenworld.com
[18:21] *** Brannor_McThife was kicked by kr0n (This is how sad I am, funny innit)

krOn power trip cuz bannor owned him

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Brannor 1 krOn 0 :p


Friendly warning?

To me and many others you earned the "Twat of the year" title with that sentence. Thats like saying "Im gonna tell you 'cause you took two candies instead of one" from a friends candies...

And I dont really know whatta hell was the people in charge thinking when he let you Mod or join E&E. Guess the brown tongue helped a bit?

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Strangely, never seen Kemor nor Zargar abuse theirs.


Its because they dont have any "real" power and will never be worldleaders.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

Its because they dont have any "real" power and will never be worldleaders.
Yes, if they did, they'd have made the the dragon by now.




Taz, its not a good thing to manipulate logs :/ I didnt say that thing twice there.

Call me a criminal if you want but I dont like the idea of people snitching from you, especially from some player. ¨

Started off with,

<Brannor_McThife> Not a good idea to admit to account sharing while I'm here.

Then brannor saying that he deleted his Alb chars and rolled a Hib which they made ppl call him a spy lol.

Afaik Brannor has at least 2 accounts? Mid one and now the Hib one, was the Alb one. So yes, he could spy if he wanted, I cant say he has or hasnt, I dont know.

Yes I provoked Brannor, to give me a good reason to KB him. I am a sad person yes, I need to KB people over IRC 'cause Im unable to do it IRL and I have low self esteem. Sad person indeed.
Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
What good is power if you can't abuse it?

Strangely, never seen Kemor nor Zargar abuse theirs.

They get payed and they power. I just get "power".

I just dont like Brannor, never liked and never will. I dont like the way he acts, they way he deals with things nor the way he talks about things.

Call me a twat, couldnt care less.

Brannor McThife

Come on...admit it. It's because I reported you for crossing into Midgard isn't it?

That's the REAL reason.



You did? Didnt even know that :) From what I can remember, I sorta "reported" myself 'cause I thought Id get less shit from telling it myself and giving facts before people start to make up shit. And it was fun and worth it.


The E&E's have two functions:

1) Watch the moods of the community (both ingame, on forums and on irc et al) and keep track of any problems etc. and point the GMs to these problems. Basically a go-between Players <-> Providers.

2) They also have (afaik) a responsibility to report abusers/cheaters to the GMs, so those persons can be dealt with.
Some may call it gestapo-methods, I think it is a good way of keeping track of cheaters, seeing 2 english GMs hardly can monitor all the players on the two servers themselves.
Besides, the only ones being affected by this in a "negative" way are the cheaters and who gives a crap about them being suspended/banned, eh?

Now, seeing DAoX and accountsharing is against the CoC, the E&E's have a responsibility to report users of the former and persons involved in the latter to the GMs.
I personally think those two rules in the CoC is crap, but hey, we dont make the rules.
Instead of hanging around in the channel and eventually pick up someone saying s/he uses DAoX/shares accounts, Brannor choose to ask all to *not* speak about it while he is there, since he then would be obligated to report it.
Why does he ask you to not mention it?
Maybe because he, like me and many others, believe that rule to be crap and dont want any of you guys (including you Kr0n, though I reckon he may have changed his mind now ;)) getting a suspension/ban.

Was that clear enough, kr0n, or are you still under the impression he was saying "Im gonna tell you 'cause you took two candies instead of one"?
If you are, then Brannor was right.
You are sad.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Strangely, never seen Kemor nor Zargar abuse theirs.


Bah the dragon is easy all you need is some nice guilds and a theurg wearing his fireproof suit.


Or he could be just bragging over the position he has, the power over people by reporting it... Dunno. We may never know can we? So many dimwits hang around in the web that I always assume the worst. I dont like the "gestapo-style" as you put it. And I especially dont like someone who's willing to report others over IRC hanging around in one of the most popular DAoC channels around. My /power script would look awful if everyone had to quit daoc 'cause some eager twat.


Originally posted by kr0n
And I especially dont like someone who's willing to report others over IRC hanging around in one of the most popular DAoC channels around.

The whole point was that he isn't willing, hence his asking you all to not talk about it... :rolleyes:

Not my business to talk in Brannor's place tho, but fingers was itching to type :D

<steps out of thread>

old.Gombur Glodson

And you also needed an excuse to raise your poscount.


True Gombur... Im a pathetic poster... Cant ever think of witty stuff like you ;(

pebr: If he wasnt willing, he wouldve had to say that at all. Im not asking him to do against his commitment on E&E, but he shouldnt even come there if thats the case.

old.Gombur Glodson

I was commenting old.Pebr's post but sure you can share it with him, sheez im such a giver sometimes.


enter a private irc channel full of people that swap accounts & use daox & basically shove the fact that you are a GOA spy thats likely to try & get em banned from a game, kinda deserves either a ban, or an award for dipshit of the week :clap:

j000 d000d

I thought kr0n posted is some other thread that he wanted people to know him as an asshole? :m00:

Just my 2cents


Yes, I think I've said that yes. Not really with those words but the point was the same. Im fighting for all the sad fucks around the globe here! Against the evil opressors with stupid ideologies!


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
And you also needed an excuse to raise your poscount.

Read the above as if I had posted it as a reply to a post you had made with those exact words.

<inhales some pixiedust>

Brannor McThife

<chases Pebr and Gombur around the forum>
Shoo! Shoo! my flame war! shoo!




Nerf Thread-thieves ;(

Edit: Nerf bad spelling at 2am.


Come back into IRC so I can ban you from a few more channels and provide drama for you and your fans Brannor. This thread is running out of steam.

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