DAoC now, tomorrow, in the future. Have a look :)



So, this is another GOA/patch rant.. kinda. And a couple of thoughts messing around in my head trying to make sense..
*warning* this might be long, and filled with spelling errors/bad english.
If we look at the time it has taken to translate the 1.48 patch, and compare it with the next patches, where there is BIG changes, ie. Darkness falls (they are bringing in a whole new kind of economics in to the game, new mobs, and a whole lot of other stuff, gonna be big to translate I think). Further more there is new bugfixes and other things to deal with.

The 1.48 patch is just a small patch compared to what is comming, and if its going to take GOA just as long to translate those as they are on 1.48(in this case, they need to speed things up alot if im not wrong about the patch size differences).
So, are we always going to be 2-3 months behind US?
Whats GOA telling us about these rather important matters? nothing.

And the PvP server? thats another HUGE change, maybe not on the translate part, but on other areas such as new servers and alot of patches all the time I can imagine. Imho the PvP server will be way too big a bite for GOA to handle, and I dont think we will see any EU PvP server within the next six months (US should be ready whithin a month or two, the test server is already up and running).
What does GOA tell us about this? Nothing. And why not? I think I know.. They are very well aware that they arent capable of handling the PvP server, and they are too scared to tell us, coz they know that the instant they tell the public that there will not be any PvP server in EU, atleast for now, ALOT of the hardcore players(those who are known for sticking around longer than most, and spending more time than most, and more money in the long run) will immigrate to the US servers to play on the PvP server.

It seems to me that GOA is a little on edge about us speaking up, and being a bit pissed. If u read the latest news on their official HP, they got an update about the "Registration & My account problems".. It has been down for 30 mins, like it has been for thousands of times before. So now all of a sudden they decide to post about it, huh?? They are probably very well aware that most of us(the paying customers) are VERY unhappy about the silence that there has been from them. So ok, to cut them some slack, they are now going to tell us whats going on etc, thats fine, u gotta give them a chance to please us.
BUT why are they so slow? They say its because its hard to translate. Bullsh!t. IF that is true, then in case of the first I wrote about the much bigger patches/changes comming, we will have to wait even longer for those to be ready..
Im not the kind of guy who believe in all those rumours floating around, especially on these forums, but when GOA never tells us anything official, I get mad. And I am entitled to be mad because I am paying for some extremely lousy politics, compared to how mythic treat their customers. Just look at http://www.camelotherald.com, they got the friday grab bag, and ALOT of info around whats going on, ETAs etc.
GOA just started a "Friday news!", and Im pleased about this, they even got an ETA on 1.48 (FINALLY!!!!!!).. but still no word on all the really exiting stuff such as DF, Realm abilities, PvP server, etc... maybe it will come soon, but I wanted it 14 days ago.
And the way the official GOA staff ppl who's looking through these forums are handling rumours and/or different topics is just horrible. Take a look at the battle.net (blizzard) forums, where lots of blizzard employees are talking to their users all the time, both for random buzz and for different support.. I think GOA could learn something here about how to participate in the community.

And what about the forums? They just closed them and I still dont even know why.. they didnt tell us about this either.

So, my point is, GOA aint telling us shit. Maybe they are starting now..
Maybe they are having a hard time translating patches to 2 other languages.
I am paying them money each month.
I could pay the same amount of money each month for a better service, all I need to do is to spend a few $ on another DAoC that works on US servers, and then I can play with all the latest official patches and with alot better community and support. And the timezone isnt really a problem, because theres ALOT on EU gamers on morgan le fay as far as I know, so I wouldnt feel much of a difference on how things are, especially not if I dont need to sleep at a certain time of the day. So why stick around at EU? Well I got alot of friends there that I would like to stay with, and thats the _ONLY_ reason why I havent changed servers already.
I wonder if thers alot of europeans who feel the same way.. I think there is. I think that alot of ppl are either getting tired of the game and slowly are quitting it 1 by 1, or changing (back?) to US servers.. I know alot who feels like doing the changing server part, and all I need is an ETA for 1.50/1.51 thats more than 4-5 weeks away, or an official statement that there will be no PvP server for now (if they still havent said anything when the US is almost ready to launch the PvP server, then Im closing my EU acc for sure..)
I doubt that im the only one feeling like this. GOA ? lol..

So please share your oppinions. I've shared mine. I can guarantee that Kemor will read this post eventually, so dont be afraid to let him and the rest of GOA know how u feel about how they are doing things.
Dont be afraid to tell them that you feel like not paying them any money anymore. They like your money, I can guarantee. They arent doing this for your pleasure only.

:whip: :whip: :whip:
:twak: :twak: :twak:
:touch: :touch: :touch: :rolleyes:


I've just got us.version and are updating- gonna hang around most of the time there until patch comes to EU. Many of albions 50's are playing there alts or something, they dont show up in emain - thats a little sad too.

So, i'll give GOA one more chance, if 1.48-1.50 takes same amount of time to "translate" all i can say then is "BYE BYE" coz im really sick of these amatuers.

GOA, for your personal best - get a grip and be realistic!


why would they need to translate the PvP server?

GOA already said that the PvP server would be english

so whats the problem?
no need to translate jack shit - you guys are just being negative

As soon as PvP server is finalised in the US, we'll have it over here (assuming GAO have translated the 1.50 patch), and I can go on killing people who leech, people who use elite speak, people who use the term "asl", people who use non appropiate names, and people who piss me off

I can't wait


hmmm except for the piss you off part I´m in ;)) lets make a guild called "Knights of the CoC" justice enforcement the hard way ;)


;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


knights of the CoC?

lol, I didn't think anyone else agreed with me

suppose there are a few likeminded people out there :clap:

but getting a guild like this togther would be brilliant

or perhaps an alliance?

btw, imagine if every country had their own guild, and you could wage war as nations?

food for thought, since I'l prolly join a Danish guild


Originally posted by SilverHood
why would they need to translate the PvP server?

GOA already said that the PvP server would be english

so whats the problem?
no need to translate jack shit - you guys are just being negative

As soon as PvP server is finalised in the US, we'll have it over here (assuming GAO have translated the 1.50 patch), and I can go on killing people who leech, people who use elite speak, people who use the term "asl", people who use non appropiate names, and people who piss me off

I can't wait

sorry I cant find that on www.camelot-europe.com

where have u found this information?

The only thing I've heard from GOA is:
"PvP Server in Europe?

As announced before, we are favourable to the PvP server project currently under development by Mythic. For now, Mythic is still polishing the technical and gameplay specifications for this server and we are, just as you are, eager to see how it will go. Once the US version PvP server is live, we will see if we will add one to the European servers."


on the old forums, there was a post by kemor saying that if the PvP server would be english


Originally posted by SilverHood
why would they need to translate the PvP server?

GOA already said that the PvP server would be english

so whats the problem?
no need to translate jack shit - you guys are just being negative

As soon as PvP server is finalised in the US, we'll have it over here (assuming GAO have translated the 1.50 patch), and I can go on killing people who leech, people who use elite speak, people who use the term "asl", people who use non appropiate names, and people who piss me off

I can't wait

If the case is that they will put in a PVP english server they can just patch straight to 1.5 or whatever is highest as testing and translation problems won't be in the picture...

As an interesting thought from the conspiracy theorist in me...
If I was mythic I would have had a delay placed into the Goa liscencing arrangement with regard to patching.

Goa probably mainly payed a sum based around the liscence and not the number of players. if they were up to date more Euro players would have jumped ship from Mythic to Goa, from mythics standpint the maximum profit margin would be gaied from retaining the hardcore euro subscribers to their service whilst liscencing a lagged version for the euro market...

Of course it is a conspiracy, but an interesting economic model too ;-)


I cannot do anything but
:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
since Goa has told us the patch will be released in the end of June....
I still cannot believe how lamer they are.... really... and how they are taking us for lamers too ....

And about lvl 50 stopping going in Emain because they are playing on US server..... they are doing the right thing!
Why have they to play on these amateur servers while they can raise another char on a much more serious server?
They can be back if Goa change they way they behave right now(ahahahaha!!!!.... sigh!) but if Goa remain the same then ... why the hell come back?
:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:


Yaruar - the Italian version of DAoC has been on 1.48 for weeks and will be soon (if not already) on 1.50

so far for your conspiracy theory :p


To be honest, I am surprised how quick GOA have done the patching so far. It is very unfair ro make comparisons with Mythic's operation in the states. Mythic just has to make the game in one language and roll it out. GOA has to then take that game, tease it apart and redo a lot of the coding several times, once of each language. It is not just a simple matter of translating the text, but changing the way the program handles and manipultes that text. Then they have to put it all back together and make sure it still behaves the same way as the original. That in itself is a mammoth task.
If they only provided English server, I am sure we would only be a few weeks behind the US, but they dont. Just be grateful that they provide the other languages to our european cousins, so we dont get our server bombareded with french or german.
Just take a moment to think what is involved behind this operation before you start ranting.

Lvl 342 Neophyte Programmer :D


To be honest, I am surprised how quick GOA have done the patching so far


Lvl 342 Neophyte Programmer

All explained!
Mate when you will become granmaster programmer or at least expert programmer like I think I am, you surely will change mind about what you have written.
It does't took so long to make a translation!!!
It can take soo long only if you have hired novice translators and novice programmers like I think Goa :puke: has done...

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Sorry but I cannot write the word Goa without :puke:


I really couldn't care less about the French and German versions.. Wipe them and go English. They'll cope, since most of them are young and adaptable.

I'll happily tolerate (and ignore) non-english people on the English server for the sake of getting faster patches.. Hell, right now I run into people talking Spanish, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish and god knows what else. We get along with them too, so French and German won't be a point.

Point in case: GOA made a big mistake in translating the games, and shot themselves in the foot a second time by delaying everything to feebly try to keep up with the patching.

Yes, I'll continue to play as I'm enjoying the game, and in saying that GOA will ignore anything else I say since they're in it for the money, after all.. ;P


I'll happily tolerate (and ignore) non-english people on the English server for the sake of getting faster patches.. Hell, right now I run into people talking Spanish, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish and god knows what else. We get along with them too, so French and German won't be a point.

Kelmon, that's because these people have no servers in their own language. If you look at the german and french servers, you will see that they have far more players than the UK servers. Why? Because they are in a language people understand. Many germans and french do not speak english well enough to play on an english server. It would be stupid to ignore these people, as it's them that give you money. And quite arrogant too. I'm german, I play on an english server because I can and because I like it. Many others can not, because they don't understand the language. If the game was not translated in german and french, you would loose approx. half the players on these servers. That means a huge loss in money. And that's what counts for the company that brings the game here.


I know. ;) I was just venting some frustration. GOA is in it for the money, and not necessarily to keep us happy. As long as we pay, they are happy.

Heck, I love the the game. Just wish GOA would have had made a better estimate for the 'translation' process, and not tell us deadlines they can't keep -- or deadlines that are so far off they might as well not tell us. ;)

On one hand, we have no RIGHT on the patches (check the little document you agreed when taking the subscription), so GOA has every right to ignore us. On the other hand, they appear to be wanting to give use the service of patching, but they can't pull it off. Right now we're somewhere in the middle of 'yes' and 'no'. We get a 'sometime' and that is frustrating.

Imagine the large number of blissfully unaware people playing the game, not knowing there is a US version months ahead of the Euro version, nor aware of these boards.. ;)


I will stop playing as soon as my account will expire that is (damned me) in 4 months.
Star Wars Galaxies will be my target and if, at that time, it will not be on the shelves I will be back to UO for some time.
In every cases, I won't get any account nor renew mine from GOA :puke: !
I will play on US server if SWG has no European server and surely I won't buy an account from someone different from Sony.
Luckily for me I have a 10 Mbit and my ping is low also on US servers.


howcome the italian version is almost on 1.50 yet goa aint even on 1.48 yet? both need to do the translating....just proves how incompitent goa are. AMATEURS!


Because it's the italian version only. That means one language and not three.


Because it's the italian version only. That means one language and not three.

Yes... but they are going to release the second patch (or third patch seen that they had the 1.36 in beta and they started with 1.45 in official)

Look at GOA :puke:
3 translation for 1 patch means:
6 translation for 2 patch
Until now they have done just 3 full translation (those from 1.36 to 1.45) and they are translating other 3 (from 1.45 to 1.48).

Italians have done 3 full translations too
from 1.36 to 1.45
from 1.45 to 1.48
from 1.48 to 1.50
and all in much less time that those GOA :puke:

And remember also that english translation is not a translation so Goa until now has done 2 full translation and it's sleeping ops.. working on other 2 .... and they will release this at the end of june.... ARGH

and I've got my balls full of hearing the bullshits they are saying to us.


Goa translation speed is way to slow. They said they would only be weeks behind, but now it looks like it will taken them 3 months to patch to 1.48, a patch that does not include that much more content. If I had known this from the start, I would have gone to the US instead.

While they are gaining some German and French players, who don’t speak/read English that well, by doing the translations, they are loosing other costumers because of the huge patching delay.

If they cant speed it up, they better separate the English servers and have at least them updated. It should be technically possible.

Bleri McThrust

Im not sure (note,not sure, ie not made my mind up) wether it would better or right to release the English language versions before the French and German.

BUT I am getting a bit pissed at the translation speed of GOA. As someone has allready pointed out the Italians are way ahead of us. Ok its only one translation and ours would take maybe a little longer. But it shouldnt take twice as long or even longer.

Just because 1 + 1 = 2 doesnt mean that 1trans + 1 trans = double time. In theory the structure, procedures etc for the first translation are there and just need modifying for the second.

I would love to know, in detail, why GOA have been unable to keep up with their forecasts, but I guess there not going to tell us.

The thing that impressed me during and staright after beta was the amount of news they posted. OK it may not have all been startling news but it gave me the impression that someone was there and cared. Now we get the occasionall snippet of possible futures.

So come on GOA, you have the customer base, you have the income rolling in. Now give us our support.


Wouldn`t it be better if they somehow modularized the translation?
It would mean faster patching for the english servers, and almost the same patching speed as now for french and german.

It seems the test server will be public now, so it seems we can enjoy a relatively new version and the ability to play in all three realms pretty soon.


Some people warned us about GOA before the euro release has gone live.

Anyway, I played US version before euro start, cancelled my euro subscription due to GOA being imcompetent and play US now again. I don´t regret that decision one second: properly patched servers, camelot-herald, pvp-server soon, in game support (!), etc.

Don´t complain, stop the money-flow and cancel your account. That´s the only thing they will notice...



Originally posted by Hendrick
Because it's the italian version only. That means one language and not three.

GOA only translate it to german and french. They dont translate english to english.

The thing is GOA gets money from the german, french, english and other Europe players (Swedish, Norweigan, Danish, Finnish etc). The italians get money from the italian community playing and they can translate it much faster than GOA.

Dont you see? GOA gets all the cash they need to hire enough translators, just as the italians do.


Originally posted by Kelmon
I really couldn't care less about the French and German versions.. Wipe them and go English. They'll cope, since most of them are young and adaptable.

If this was the case there would be no need for a european version, just use the US servers which are english.

The whole point of a european version is to have it in widely spoken native languages.

Also that's an incredibly backward buisnesss model when the english market is Goa's smallest.


Originally posted by Ayeye

Look at GOA
3 translation for 1 patch means:
6 translation for 2 patch
Until now they have done just 3 full translation (those from 1.36 to 1.45) and they are translating other 3 (from 1.45 to 1.48).

Italians have done 3 full translations too
from 1.36 to 1.45
from 1.45 to 1.48
from 1.48 to 1.50
and all in much less time that those GOA :puke:


So by your reconing Goa are Lame because they take longer than the italian company doing twice as much work?
Bad bad people, not being about to do 100% extra work in the same time. They must be shit at their jobs.
Your complete lack of understanding of both logic and mathematics astounds me.

Have a prize you deserve it ;)

I just hope all the whiners go f**k off to the us servers and leave people to play the game and have fun in peace. Although I suspect if they did they would whine about the lack of events, the costomer service of mythic or the nerfing of their favourite uber skills


Originally posted by yaruar

I just hope all the whiners go f**k off to the us servers and leave people to play the game and have fun in peace. Although I suspect if they did they would whine about the lack of events, the costomer service of mythic or the nerfing of their favourite uber skills

Just check the US VN boards. Hords of people whining at Mythic for imbalancing patches, nerfing classes, not nerfing classes, even lack of support (hmm, where did i here that one..)...

No matter where you go, there will allways be something to whine about.


Just one question....

...to all those people who "bi-tch" and moan about us being 2-3 minths behind the US of mothersucking A.

Didn´t we get DAoC in europe...oh gosh...2-3 months after the US?

If not, hell i´m wrong.

If yes, then think ´bout it.

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