DAoC Expansion Pack announced!



Using the argument that there are X number of classes to play and 3 realms, thats not a valid argument cos maybe some peeps only bought the game to play on one realm as a specific class?

They dont wanan sheve their level 50 class to start again and repeat what they done so far.

They wanna carry on deve;oping what they got.

I dont think Level 50's will hang about till Sep for an expansion if GOA dont patch more regularly, if we dont have Realm Abilities and DF in the next 2 months I reckon (MY OPINION - I AM ENTITLED TO IT) most level 50's esp those that got there early, will leave.

Esp with loads of new games on the horizon, like SWG, ShadowBane AC2 and NWN.


looking at the server status at the moment

with a total of 10,409 players online only 2,082 are on the british servers

thats only 20%

maybe it's in GOAs best interests to keep the french and german servers in there language, they do seem to have the greater market share

please dont flame, i'm only pointing it out :)



..evidently there´s no point in trying to make one.

I was merely saying that this game doesn´t end at level 50. About playing only in two realms, heck, delete the chars.

And this post will probably cause more "boo your wrong, me right" posts but..don´t really care now do i :rolleyes:

People need to take whatever thing is stuck up sideways out from the place that very rarely sees the sunlight and play the game as it is. Not happy= Bugger off. Go play in the US. Go play SWG. Go play warcraft or heck go play pingpong for all i care.

It´s been said before and i´ll say it again. Someone leaves cause they feel that the game ain´t good, that GOA sucks...good! Atleast there´s one less whimpywhimpy boohoo i hate goa person around.

I swear to god if i see another person posting about how they feel rumped by goa cause their char aint ubergeneral magnifico i´ll shoot someone...

And to FINALLY finish this post that will probably cause a hanging, mentally or physically....

...grow up.


Well said Tohtori, only immature people flame, mature people debate.

Order in the house! Order I say!



Originally posted by Lanceloc
Dunno about everyone else but Shadowbane looks very unpolished to me at the moment. DAoC's gfx are better. Even so, there are more race/class/professions you can shake a stick at and is very interesting stuff.

Shadowbane is quickly becoming the Daikataka of the RP world ;-)
I was really looking forward to it when I was reading about it 2 odd years ago and it's just got later and later... Dark ages has an old Gfx engine but the shadowbane one is looking even more dated....

I think it will probably lose out big time if SWG is as good as it is currently looking.....

Although I'm still enjoying DAoC, just have to see how I feel when I hit 50...

Yaruar Drengr


How many of these ~80% would mind exchanging their current translated version against an updated version BUT in english?

Thats whats interesting


Originally posted by ViU
The thing is that Mythic is doing EVERYTHING to make the "old" players not go somewhere else (RvR skills and trying to make RvR moore interesting with guild owned keeps). Their problem is that they released the game when all other companies would call it early beta or maybe alpha.

LOL which software industry have you been lookihng at. Almost all software is in a constant state of development due to it's very nature. No code is completely bug free.
We have been selling products here for 10 years which have never worked and people still pay a shed load for them...

Yaruar Drengr
Support Monkey


Keep defense could be more interesting

Keep defense could be more interesting......


* Boiling Oil lightable by a flame arrow
* Ladders to scale the walls, placeable and pushable
* Tall siege towers with wheels, full of infantry (what they called?)
* More varied heavy weapons, e.g. 30 rack heavy crossbow
* Blood everywhere (parental locking)

General Improvements

* Collision detection against the enemy
* Better class balancing (of course)
* Mounted combat

See, it has a long way to go yet.


I hope the first person to delete a lvl 50 character lets us know they have done it.


Originally posted by yaruar

LOL which software industry have you been lookihng at. Almost all software is in a constant state of development due to it's very nature. No code is completely bug free.
We have been selling products here for 10 years which have never worked and people still pay a shed load for them...

Yaruar Drengr
Support Monkey

no software industry, the daoc community... and mythics reactions

and who said something about bugs? I havent noticed too many bugs in DAoC...


Originally posted by tilde
How many of these ~80% would mind exchanging their current translated version against an updated version BUT in english?

Thats whats interesting

That I guess no-one can answer here Tilde

Maybe someone who is bi-lingual could post a message on one of the french/german forums and ask them?


yea, would be very interesting to know and how GOA will act if the numbers turns out to be on our side

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