DAoC Expansion Pack announced!



i would like to see a martial arts class, shaolin monk or ninja or sumthing, assassins in this game arent as funky as doing flying kicks and stuff :p


as I posted in the old forums, friars should have a martial arts spec line, with circlekicks using evade as opening and so on, we ARE the saholin monks


Depressing news. So the energy is going into new content rather than finishing exisiting content (Hib golf course etc. etc.) and game balance in the original. Oh well, that's commercial logic I suppose. And I bet the expansion is released at early beta quality levels like the original was.

Maybe World of Warcraft is the way to go, then.


Personally I think its a great idea to release an expansion pack.

Hopefully it will keep the higher level people interested and therfore provide funding for further development and bug fixing.

Despite the bugs, its still a great game. :clap:


Please please please, no martial arts. This is not a Kung-Fu game and a monk in an arthurian-fantasy-setting is NOT a Shaolin. If you want Kung-Fu, play Virtua Fighter 4. I don't want no "Hercules" or "Xena" crap in this game. It's medieval Fantasy, not Chinese Ghost Story. Not that I don't like martial arts, but it just does not fit in the game, in my humble opinion. Some acrobatics and the like might be cool, but no spinning roundhouse or flying sidekicks please.


Hehe you guys are so funny. You are so happy that expansion with all that stuff is announced that you forgot, that all that was promised FOR FREE!!!! before. New game engine? It was supposed to be free updtate in summer. Where are promised private horses? Private housing? Finishing of Hibernia? Guild housing? I bet they all put it in the big addon and people are gonna be so excited and buy it for big money and forget that it was supposed to ALREADY BE IN THE GAME!

Seriously, I think that gamer community is the most forgiving of them all. Imagine you buy a car which says it has ABS, roof window, climatized interiors, air bags and such, then find out it hasnt and then happily spend more money buying things THAT YOU ALREADY PAID FOR!

Really, you people dont cease to amaze me.


The thing is that Mythic is doing EVERYTHING to make the "old" players not go somewhere else (RvR skills and trying to make RvR moore interesting with guild owned keeps). Their problem is that they released the game when all other companies would call it early beta or maybe alpha.
Just look at the stable in Jordheim, its there because they were probatly planning to put in horses sometime, but that just isnt going to happen in the few years to come. They might wake up when 50% of the community moves to some other game when its released (just like the JumpGate dev's did).


The reason they create add-ons for MMORPGs is to attract new customers, which they do by getting more shelf space in gaming retail outlets, which they do by creating new titles... after all, after a few months games don't sit at the front of the shop any more, they get shoved to the back.

Hopefully this will attract more people to DAoC, and so they can afford a bigger development team, so they can give us more stuff. Admittedly they ought to give for free to those of us who've already paid for it, but hey, whoever heard of a company that didn't want to make more money?


Originally posted by Hendrick
Please please please, no martial arts. This is not a Kung-Fu game and a monk in an arthurian-fantasy-setting is NOT a Shaolin. If you want Kung-Fu, play Virtua Fighter 4. I don't want no "Hercules" or "Xena" crap in this game. It's medieval Fantasy, not Chinese Ghost Story. Not that I don't like martial arts, but it just does not fit in the game, in my humble opinion. Some acrobatics and the like might be cool, but no spinning roundhouse or flying sidekicks please.

Erhm...this game isn´t really exact history one on one anyway...

I mean, vikings without horns( What´s that all about?! It´s the only thing that the vikings are known of!)

And vikings in camelot...yeah right...real true life this one...

Martial arts isn´t fitting, granted, but fists? The vikings were quite known to bash in heads with bare hands...

And more of the "realism" of the game...shadowblades with two handed weapons? Ever try to stealth, sneak, then backstab with a bastard sword??

I´m not disagreeing with the "no kung fu" post...just saying that it wouldn´t really change the game that much...we really need an unarmed combatant.


The infamous Ninja-Vikings with horns return!


I dont see the reason why there will be new races. Each realm has a race that is suited to each specific class group. Like kobolds/lurikeens/saracens for rogues.
A new race to the realm will simply be an asthetic feature, with some random mix of strength/dex/int thats 5 or 10 off a current class.

Unless of course these new races get special abilities which make them superior to the current ones, which would also nerf the current races :m00:

New classes will be great tho, personally i want a Ninja :)


I actually misread it first as "three new realms". Now that would be something. Maybe Romans, uuh, Mors? and.. Inuit??? No no, vampires!


Originally posted by Tohtori

Erhm...this game isn´t really exact history one on one anyway...

I mean, vikings without horns( What´s that all about?! It´s the only thing that the vikings are known of!.

and wrongfully known at that.. I will say this now and any time people keep on talking about vikings with horn

mythic has gotten the vikings right, vikings DID NOT have horned helmets, there has NEVER in denmark, norway, sweden, island, greenland or england been found a helm with horns in it that dates back to the viking ages 600-1200 (large scale)
there has been found LOTS of helms and LOTS of horns (for drinking and carrying stuff) but they did NOT I say again :) NOT have horned helms.


As i said...

Not exact history still soo..why not put horns? :p

Would just look nice..no really they would


Mythic is one of few companies that seem to take the mythologies seriously. Well, i don't know about the trolls, and dwarfs were more probably Tomtar, if they existed at all back then. But atleast they didn't put horns on the vikings! ;)


I still think that unarmed combat is quite pointless. Ever tried hitting a plate-armor with a fist? I have (please do not ask for details, being drunk at a LARP is not good), and it was not nice for my fist ;) Still, if incorporated in regular fighting, such as the "dirty tricks" maneuver of the merc, it may have some point. Maybe a kick that pushes people a few steps backward or something. Grappling maneuvers would require completely new animation and would propably be too complicated to implement. I say again, acrobatics would be nice, like backflips etc. But Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are from China and have no place in this game.

On the other hand, new races could include beast-men or shapeshifting things and the like, which would make unarmed combat interesting for that particular race. But I am not sure if such races would somehow corrupt the feeling of the world in general.

And I really like to see new races, even if they are just minor changes (stat-wise, not look-wise) from the standard briton/celt/norseman. For me, roleplaying is a lot about style, and three new races will give a wider range of looks and make the realm more interesting in general.


I'm surprised no one else has brought up the point that GOA is not mentioned anywhere in the press release. They mention Abandon Entertainment, the co-publisher, but not GOA. Is it possible that Mythic has not given the rights to GOA for this expansion? Either way, I foresee a massive exodus of players to US servers if this expansion will only be available on those servers for some months after release (unless, of course, they deny access to IPs from certain countries ... as other games have done in the past).


Originally posted by Keri
I'm surprised no one else has brought up the point that GOA is not mentioned anywhere in the press release. They mention Abandon Entertainment, the co-publisher, but not GOA. Is it possible that Mythic has not given the rights to GOA for this expansion? Either way, I foresee a massive exodus of players to US servers if this expansion will only be available on those servers for some months after release (unless, of course, they deny access to IPs from certain countries ... as other games have done in the past).

To that note the did not mention the new subsidery in Japan in that release either or the kroean company that is looking aft the korians interest
it was only a small press release there were not even proper time scales in the release just that they are now developing it....


Originally posted by Hendrick
I still think that unarmed combat is quite pointless. Ever tried hitting a plate-armor with a fist? I have (please do not ask for details, being drunk at a LARP is not good), and it was not nice for my fist ;)
Hahahahha! Nice one mate :)
Must've felt nice.


I'm surprised no one else has brought up the point that GOA is not mentioned anywhere in the press release. They mention Abandon Entertainment, the co-publisher, but not GOA. Is it possible that Mythic has not given the rights to GOA for this expansion? Either way, I foresee a massive exodus of players to US servers if this expansion will only be available on those servers for some months after release (unless, of course, they deny access to IPs from certain countries ... as other games have done in the past).

Aye, that was a bit weird. Maybe they have realized what GOA is actually doing here in Europe and went; 'oh crap, we need to find some new ones that doesn't take months patching a small patch!'.

Good thing E3 is not far away, I bet a truckload of information will be revealed then! :)


Originally posted by stroke
DING DONG! Bring out the doomsday preachers :p

But seriously, do you really think lvl 50 players will sit patiently on the EU servers, possibly for months, while US server players get to play a whole new expanded game? I'm not a "doomsday preacher" ... just being realistic. I think the reason they have accelerated the development of the expansion is because players have levelled faster than expected, and lvl 50 players don't really have that much to keep them interested. Granted, on US servers there is more opportunity to create new characters and have fun with them, but I imagine even that can become a little stale after a while.

How do you lvl 50 players feel about this? Are you willing to wait, possibly for several months after the US release, to play the expansion?


I'm not sure why the translation takes so long, but if it is as GOA states, then perhaps Mythic has looked into this, and will introduce a new database system with the expansion (after all, there will be more languages needing support now, and more complex ones too). Maybe they will ease things up a bit for the translators.
After all, we'd rather want GOA do be succesful than have to buy the american version to be satisfied, don't we?


Originally posted by stroke
I'm not sure why the translation takes so long, but if it is as GOA states, then perhaps Mythic has looked into this, and will introduce a new database system with the expansion (after all, there will be more languages needing support now, and more complex ones too). Maybe they will ease things up a bit for the translators. After all, we'd rather want GOA do be succesful than have to buy the american version to be satisfied, don't we?

HAHAHA you would think but no the release into japan/korea/EAST is going to be english only as they are used to playing english games so most of the player speak and write english..
so ours will still need translating whether that is helped by mythic as you said (one can hope)


well we all have to get to Realm Rank 10 Level 10 to be considered as having "completed" the game. And then there's alts.....

I wonder how long it will take to get to RR10 RL10? I guess archer classes will take about 6 months, casters 9 and tanks....er.....2 years?



Not to mention....

..playing all the alternatives on every realm to lvl 50 RR10 RL 10...do that and then say you don´t have anything to do :p

Maybe then the 1.50 patch is out too :rolleyes:


Re: Not to mention....

Originally posted by Tohtori
..playing all the alternatives on every realm to lvl 50 RR10 RL 10...do that and then say you don´t have anything to do :p

Maybe then the 1.50 patch is out too :rolleyes:

Only in two realms ... my German and French just isn't good enough to play on those servers. I just can't see people being happy bringing 8 alts up to lvl 50, RR10 RL10. Just look at how much whining there has been for the patch we are waiting for. Do you really think people will not whine even more for the expansion?

N.B. This is in no way a flame against GOA. I'm just trying to see how our current lvl 50 players feel about this.


Im not bored with the game, but im fucking sick of GOA who are the crappiest company i've ever seen!

Im ordering US.version this week, but im still gonna hang around with eu.account for a while in hope for a better change.

And please dont tell me i whine, this is how me and many other feels - and only because the translation takes HUGE time, u get sick of it.

IMHO, EU wont be long if GOA dont keep up the pace...

Hint for GOA: skip the french/german-servers and do them all english - then u might do some profit :)


tilde, its good to see a fellow paladin with a respectable realm rank. I thought it was going to be more painful in RvR.

No matter how many times I die, it doesnt matter as long as I gain something in the end.

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