Daoc drug use survey

Have you ever doen any of the below listed options, answer with the "worst" possible

  • I play daoc under no influence

    Votes: 150 33.6%
  • I play daoc under the influence of sugar

    Votes: 98 22.0%
  • I play daoc under the influence of caffeine

    Votes: 151 33.9%
  • I play daoc under the influence of alcohol

    Votes: 161 36.1%
  • I play daoc under the influence of marijuana

    Votes: 67 15.0%
  • I play daoc under the influence of cocain / E / heroin / hard drugs

    Votes: 51 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Phuzzy said:
Look at the poll IMO. Sugar is option 2.
& yes, sugar is a drug. It's highly addictive, disrupts vital body functions, & kills vast numbers of people. Or how would you like to define drugs?

Yeah, I stand corrected about that, seems I forgot some of the poll options, still wont change my previous arguments though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Gamah said:
As stuff the state says is illegal clearly, its the hypocritcal stance of so many anti-drugs people that pisses me off the most.

I have done
and even Ket (that shit is fucked up)

These days though Alcohol if the hardest drug I do, I had my fun but that time of my life is over.

Weed is nothing...would you be against weed if it had been accepted into our culture 100 years ago? no, you would deam it as acceptable as alcohol. You are just rehashing government fed bullshit. Try before you preech my friend, If drugs didn't exsist those druggys would still be hooked on something else.

I can just see Elrandher preaching to his mates how bad drugs are while sipping a pint and smoking a ciggarete.

I never have any arguments about drugs with my friends really, and that more or less because they never bring the subject up.

Well I aint the Smartest person myself, I have used tobacco in the form of snuff it's called, is a Swedish thing for many years but am quitting, and I also have used Alchol now and again, still that almost never happen anylonger either.

And for useing that I was an Idiot, but those defending using the drugs is plain stupid imo, or addicts themself.


Dec 22, 2003
Im not defedning anything, im mearly saying its not as bad as you are making out.


Elrandhir said:
nice comment, well done mate /cheers
Thanks man, almost as good as your anyone who does drugs is an idiot comment :)

You just sound like an idiot yourself, it's quite obvious you haven't even tried any of these drugs so your opinion is void in this argument.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Gamah said:
Im not defedning anything, im mearly saying its not as bad as you are making out.

heh, yeah, well I havent time to post any more atm really so, all people have right to their own opinion, Still I know Im right in my resoning here.

And tbh it's worse then Im making it out to be really if you look around some.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
we just rolled up a baseball bat with wrap film for food, the poured cocain all over it, and taking turns hitting each other in the faces while trying to sniff some of it :twak:


Dec 22, 2003
MadsKaizer said:
we just rolled up a baseball bat with wrap film for food, the poured cocain all over it, and taking turns hitting each other in the faces while trying to sniff some of it :twak:

What a waste.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Elrandhir said:
That statement there was almost funny, even though I don't have anything against you and know who you are playing ingame, I have to say that it was a really idiotic statement comparing it to Coke and coffe etc rofl tbh.

dont you drink coca cola? drink coffee?
you will go straight to hell. caffiene is more addictive than cannabis.
coca cola orgionaly started with cocaine in it to make people addicted. that was replaced with CAFFIENE to make people addicted.

it doesnt matter what YOUR uninformed oppinion of what a drug is -

fact - caffiene is a drug

doesnt matter if its illegal. your talking about addiction, caffiene is an addiction. people can go cold turkey not drinking it.

and what exactly are you talkin about - all the shit that comes with weed? i think you are one of those people who only use examples of bad occasions, because you are narrow minded.

but you know, if you like being a narrow minded, uninformed, arrogant person then good for you. just be prepared to take all the shit that comes with it.
(you see that, i compared your personality to a drug lolol).

i just read you drink alcohol? that is a poison my dear boy. nicotine is also a drug.
you really are the little addict arnt you!
btw, im neither an addict nor an idiot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Not gonna call anyone an idiot for taking drugs, but anyone who's proud of it certainly is. I think anyone who knows even a few people who've wasted years of their lives and/or still are fucked up because of drug abuse will not find your drug abuse even remotely impressive. Many people never progress beyond marijuana but virtually all who end up on hard drugs started there, and some people are naturally prone to physical drug addiction.

As for marijuana not being any worse than alcohol, that's not a fact. Most alcoholics have never become physically addicted to it, whilst it's impossible to become physically addicted to marijuana. However similar numbers (proportions) become addicted to the two. Moderate alcohol use has no long term negative effects, and until recently the same was often claimed to be true for marijuana, but this was due to lack of strong evidence otherwise rather than any supporting evidence. Many recent and more methodical studies have suggested that even slight marijuana usage does have long term effects.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
so does slight usage of tobacco and eating mc donalds.
people who use and go there dont get labeld automatic idiots.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
I was going to write a well constructed sentence, about how i viewed this situation, but then i lost the care :(

People will do what they want, how they want, when they want, by instantly labeling them a smack head (etc.) you increase the chances that they will carry on doing it..

Support is the best solution, not damning them to hell..


Jan 22, 2005
Lol at the people boasting about how the use drugs. I don't think I'd like to know, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
you didnt have to open the thread then did you?
no one is boasting, people are simply stating.

if you dont know the difference then your life is going to be tough.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Aoln said:
Once went to play my pc on ecstasy but got distracted by my reflection in the screen, after about 5minutes i got bored and left :l
i once spent about 10 mins chasing through thid, i thought i saw a stealther but it was a thumb print on my screen.

sad thing is i was stone cold sober that day :(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Nothing wrong with the use of marijuana once in a while, though no idea how it would affect your gameplay.
Some doctors even prescribe(sp?) it for certain things and if you use it safely and not too much there's nothing wrong with it, same as with alcohol if you don't use too much and don't go driving afterwards or do something like that then there's nothing to be affraid of.
Here's even a list of some therapeutic effects

Pain relief (especially headaches, cramps, and eye pain due to lowered intraocular pressure).
Increased appetite, food subjectively tastes better.
Reduced nausea, (especially from chemotherapy), though may cause or exacerbate nausea for some.
Dilation of alveoli (air sacs) in lungs, resulting in deeper respiration.
Increase in productive coughs
Dilation of blood vessels (vasodilation), resulting in:
Increased blood flow and heart rate
Reddening of the conjunctivae (red eye)
Lower intra-ocular pressure (beneficial to glaucoma patients).
Lower blood pressure while standing. Higher blood pressure while sitting (note that this can lead to instances of orthostatic hypotension).
Induces drowsiness (beneficial to sufferers of insomnia and sleep deprivation).
Reduced stress
Mild entheogenesis (e.g. per Rastafarian users, more "Jah-Vibrations")

Though I personally only played DAoC under the first 4 options ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
I feel sorry for many people really, thinking the way they do, and I really wont post any more arguments as people will still think as they want to as someone said...

I could print adresses to pages for the different Drugs and people could read the ooh so nice effects it have and how people using it acts when somone starts to talk against it.

But I wont as those who thinks it is okay wont care neways or they will just say it aint true etc.

People do as they want and it's their downfall even though it might not come to that in all cases, it's still a chance it will destroy several years or more of your life.

sure it might not happen, but why be dumb enough to take the chance?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
marijuana said:
Reduced stress

Its a powerful tool against stress, no doubt, I hardly smoke more than once or twice in a month, but its best on mondays, after a hard day on the job, the rest of the week aint so bad :)

So I use marijuana some times to relieve stress, as alot more people use coffee on the job, on my job we have free coffee, but I dont touch it, its free and addicting.
So no, I dont feel like an idiot, or a bad person for smoking once in a while, as im not addicted, but if I was a coffee addict like 95% of those that do infact drink it, I wouldnt feel the same way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Nothing wrong with the use of marijuana once in a while, though no idea how it would affect your gameplay.
Some doctors even prescribe(sp?) it for certain things and if you use it safely and not too much there's nothing wrong with it, same as with alcohol if you don't use too much and don't go driving afterwards or do something like that then there's nothing to be affraid of.
Here's even a list of some therapeutic effects


Though I personally only played DAoC under the first 4 options ;)

Why not Print the downsides of the drug mate? bah was the last post, why bother to argue about something people still will think as they want to neways... was my last Spam in this thread =P


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
Elrandhir said:
Why not Print the downsides of the drug mate? bah was the last post, why bother to argue about something people still will think as they want to neways... was my last Spam in this thread =P

What are the negative effects of long-term use of cannabis/hashish/marijuana?

Smoking one or more joints a day during a year or longer is considered long-term use. However, this varies from researcher to researcher.

The health risks of this long-term use are:

* In some cases high quantity users can experience feelings of anxiety, depression and be seriously unwell.
* Cannabis influences driving ability.
* Smoking cannabis causes carcinogens to enter the body.
* During pregnancy, cannabis can have negative consequences for the fetus.
* Possibly long-term use of cannabis can affect thinking, emotions and feelings.
* In some cases, long-term use of cannabis can lead to dependence and abuse.
* Cannabis can provoke a psychosis in people who are sensitive to it. More.
* Some researchers are of the opinion that:
* Cannabis is a first step to the use of hard drugs.
* Cannabis has negative effects on the immune system.
* Cannabis influences fertility.
* Cannabis causes schizophrenia. More.
* Cannabis leads to apathy and loss of interest.

and remember to read the part that says LONG TERM USE

if your a long term user of tobacco, alcohol etc you are most likely to become very ill or die.

its no worse than any other legalized "drug"


Elrandhir said:
sure it might not happen, but why be dumb enough to take the chance?
Because it's fun, life for me is about having fun and drugs are the best way to achieve fun. So far i've had nothing but positive effects (over two years of fairly heavy drug taking, first took weed at age 13 though)

What do i care if i lose a few years of my old age?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
MadsKaizer said:
and remember to read the part that says LONG TERM USE

if your a long term user of tobacco, alcohol etc you are most likely to become very ill or die.

its no worse than any other legalized "drug"

Okay guess I just have to reply even though I don't really have anything further to say really.

My point really aint if it's worse or not, but what annoyes me is people speaking in the favor of a drug, all drugs are bad, and we have enough without some Addicted idiots try to get more legalised.

there are already bad drugs that are legalised, but why bring more to the a society that already looks like it do today.

I have seen and heard so many people praising drugs saying it's aint as bad as etc etc, jadajada.

Using any drug is stupid, and I can accept when people really admit that they are so, but when people defend and pretend it's okay to use this or that drug something is wrong and sick.

("this all the posters wrong tbh, I just can't stand seeing people say it's okay to use a specific drug and that it's less harmful etc")

least a person can do is to admit that he is an Idiot for taking the drug.

Still are many smart people out there also so all aint lost, but if to judge by this post things looks rather dark =P

*well as I said won't argue about this no more now, I have stated what I wanted earlier really.

Hepp hopp and bye, someone else can continue this pointless conversation if they want to :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
"least a person can do is to admit that he is an Idiot for taking the drug."

good luck with your "drug users are idiots" crusade, say hello in sunday church from me.


Jan 22, 2005
tris- said:
you didnt have to open the thread then did you?
no one is boasting, people are simply stating.

if you dont know the difference then your life is going to be tough.

Lol, this 'well you didn't have to click the open thread button' is getting old, I clicked it and wanted to express my feelings. Why shouldn't I?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
you know i said i hope you didnt hit a bridge? i hope you totally wack your head of it and your brains spill out, then your tall horse licks them all up.

now remembering drugs are also legal medication, i think you are the idiot here.

penicilin? get out of town, your so bad you make murders look good.

aspirin? only one of the greatest and most simple medicinal inventions ever, it is also totally corrupt and bad. omg it kills cats, it must be bad!

thyroxin? ye so what, you help people with thyroid problems but your still a big shit head.

by the way, id love to see you round up all coffee and cola drinkers in your city and tell them they are idiots just because they are addicted to caffiene. i would pay to watch that shit.

i think the quoir boy needs some re-education, the course? REAL LIFE.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
us yanks play with the stench of our not showered in days body ect. with some coffee=good to go


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I used yeyo but that was before I became a father (when DAOC first came out). Now I'm 100% clean. Have been for almost 4 years now.
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