Damn Friars!



Atrox: Yeah I agree with that. A pure caster should wreck a tank providing there is a bit of distance between them obviously.


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting

The overriding point is that an assasin should be able to kill a healing class easily.

So ... have you soloed any nature druids recently? (Soft support class my arse :clap: )


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
The overriding point is that an assasin should be able to kill a healing class easily. Assasins are supposed to take out the soft, support classes and leave the slugfests to the warrior types.

In DAOC as it stand assassins can take out virtually any other class. They are teh leet, or whatever the expression is. You found that there is a class you can't beat? Tough. Live with it, avoid that class.

Read what other posters have said - just because a friar can heal doesn't make it a healing class, anymore than baseline heals make a mentalist a healing class. Mentalists could nuke you silly given the chance, a friar can knock you into Valhalla if specced as a fighter.

Stop moaning :m00:

Tafaya Anathas


A hunter can hit for 700+ an infiltrator or a scout. They will get melee loving in 1.56, plz do a little whining about hunter nerf. What you are really whining for is a "one hit kill a non-tank class" button. Grow up man.


You seem to say that friars can heal and fight.

My friar cant heal, full stop!

As soon as you spec to fight, you lose your ability to heal.


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
An assasin should be able to take out a healer, simple as that.

Lame comment. Go and shoot yourself kthx :p


Change required

Excalibur: <White Rose> Garnet Lockheart LVL 50 Healer and 1130 Legendary Grand Master Armorer - Active

Hey Garnet you need to change your avatar from the Shield of Valhalla one methinks :p

What has happened to SoV on Mid/Excal by the way? Don't seem to see any of you guys around at all now.


Friars are not that overpowered, there a nice class, and with 500 what do you expect? you are not wearing chain, your wearing leather, maybe he critted as well? Because most I've ever been hit for by one with chain is in the 300 range, no crits nothing.


Actually when you think about it, cloth on L50 caster is actually better than Leather.

With AF buff you have about the same AF, give or take 50.
With 10% Absorb buff you have same as Absorb as Leather
You are NEUTRAL to all damagetypes, where Leather is not (vulnerable to slash, the most popular damagetype (speaking about Mid leather)).

An assasin should be able to take out a healer, simple as that.

I bet you haven't ever tried to solo a Healer with Infiltrator or NS? Impossible to kill a Healer if he/she has any Instants.

Brannor McThife

kr0n, cloth has 0% absorb. :p

And I've been in Thidranki (Excal) for 2 days now. And I've killed SOOO many SBs and NSs, hell, I've almost chained 2 of each in a row. Leather is vulnerable to crush isn't it? And Neutral to slash? Thought I read that somewhere...dunno. All I know, is that the only class I've had issues with, are warriors.

Still, I'm glad there is a class that can beat the crap out of assassins. Pity that it's not actually a pure tank... :rolleyes:

GG Mythic.



Just sticking my oar in but with the lvl 44 'Blessing of Dissipation' spell Friars get an additional 15% abs which (if I remember correctly) stacks on top of the original 10% and ends up giving the equivalent of chain armour.

We are crush vulnerable but Friars are a lot better than Casters when it comes to taking melee damage.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
kr0n, cloth has 0% absorb. :p

You get a 10% self absorb buff though at 40.

As for Friars, yes they hit hard, and they're a good class (though I hear valewalkers are even better ;) ). As a Warden I am slightly jealous of their damage output, however in a duel my BT would negate most of it.

As for assassins taking out healer classes, if you get lucky maybe. 2 instas, smites if you attack a cleric or pet/DOTs when you attack a druid.

2 Weapon assassins take me out most of the time though, makes having PBT just about pointless ;)


Originally posted by Turamber
just because a friar can heal doesn't make it a healing class

Sorry but you are wrong, friar is part of the healing base class category in albion just as shaman and healer are in midgard, and I'm not asking to be able to solo any class, I'm just asking to be able to solo the ones that by their nature should be soloable. If mythic ever decide to make it harder to kill tanks then fair play.

Tafaya: if you want to moan about a different class do it in another thread thanks.

Kron: Maybe so, but it is almost certain that you will kill the healer solo if he doesn't have any instas up or they are resisted, and i bet that if instead of mezzing you and running that healer turned around and walloped you for 500 damage a swing you would be on here complaining.


Originally posted by Traia
You seem to say that friars can heal and fight.

My friar cant heal, full stop!

As soon as you spec to fight, you lose your ability to heal.

But you sure can beat the crap out of my lil luri. :(

You ewul alb.

I'll take on any class solo, but I must say, friars are the ones I fear most in a one on one. Not that I'm smart enough to stop trying them everytime I see them. :)


ever seen 2 paladins duel ?
it takes 10 mins of twistin blockin repeat

ever seen 2 friars duel ?
its over in 10 seconds

*reads class definition*
Friars are FIGHTER/healers
a friar can deal massive dmg but cannot take any in return
they can only wear leather armour but they learn evasive skills to even this out
hit first and hit hard is the friar motto

1 on 1 a friars dmg output is 30 seconds

hibs have heros
mids have zerkers
alb has friars

a 30 second boost of effectiveness

so any SBs out there next time you engage a friar if you see the wings (no thats not our buffbots)
Hide for 30 secs
then come back and try again youll find it a lot easier

if you still loose, do what every1 else does start excal alb make a friar and stop trying to ruin our fun with
/nerf whine posts


Hehe you moaning about friar damage i bet our infs would complain about zerkers ratmode damage,i wear chain and have been hit for 700s by one,i have 23/25/26 melee resists too so imagine the damage it does to an inf which is far worse than a friar vs sb.:D


yeah, nerf friars

One ganked my thane solo

Even with me using slam, IP, FA2 (pre patch), all my insta's as soon as they became available, I still only got him to 40% (he didn't even had to use any RA heals)

He evaded, parried, hit faster with his staff than I did with my 1H weapon, hit harder too!!!


Or give thanes some loving :rolleyes:


I levelled my Friar to 36 on a 1.0 spec which was pure hell in terms of groups and soloing. When I got 1.5 I started thinking "Hey I'm not so bad! I can solo oranges!" I spent the 36 - 50 part of my career trying to convince anyone who would listen that I could tank with the "tank" types. Friars have fought tooth and nail for months and months for people to understand our class and role in a group. It seems that also the *pure* tanks have had an eyeopener since duelling started and finally just maybe I was thinking "Now people will take us seriously!" and what we get is a series of posts asking for us to be nerfed.

I still join certain groups in RvR (not guild groups I might add) and some members start saying "well now we have a healer. Cool!" No I'm not a bloody healer. Every 3 seconds I can heal for 140 points or I can hit for 300 plus every 2 seconds or so. No I don't mind healing in downtime or in a keep defense where Friars are frankly pretty useless but overall I will continue to play my class to the best of his abilty depending on how I've specced him. And that means I'll be in the frontline chasing Bards, killing casters in 1 or 2 hits and not standing around healing slowly and badly whilst looking like a caster.

Besides which it ain't all sweetness and light for Friars:

Our robes make us look like casters and as a result we get nuked way before any other tank

Our styles are poor compared to many tanks. Our stun move is chained off a side attack and frankly more or less impossible to execute.

Please guys leave us alone - Friar is the most fun class I've ever played and we look cool doing our styles :) Besides which apart from the Infi Alb has very few *good* classes and when finally we do get one a nerf shout goes out lol


Re: Change required

Originally posted by cadiva
Excalibur: <White Rose> Garnet Lockheart LVL 50 Healer and 1130 Legendary Grand Master Armorer - Active

Hey Garnet you need to change your avatar from the Shield of Valhalla one methinks :p

What has happened to SoV on Mid/Excal by the way? Don't seem to see any of you guys around at all now.

Yeah working on the avatar..just need to shrink the one i have on other forums. SOV has died.. all the members either deleted or joined other guilds. SOV lives though on the PVP server still :)


Let's just nerf everything,make healer classes unable to heal,make melee classes unable to fight,make casters unable to use magic,make stealth classes unable to hide and use weapons.
After that we can all sit here on BW forums and spam with lots and lots of witty comments all day long instead of playing.



What the ugly felleh said above... :eek: ..or on the other page even


heh, you should respec to a champion, debuff, debuff and little friar hits less than a peasant, every class has its match somewhere...


hmmm was reading this, earlier i was fighting a hib called wine and his Warden mae i think dicided to jump in, i made 10-15 consecutive evades, i have Evade 5 + dodger 2 and roughly 256 dex :)


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
The overriding point is that an assasin should be able to kill a healing class easily.

Why? Maybe Friars are the first assassin killing class <cheers>

And the "should" is a biggie

Casters SHOULD be able to beat up tanks at range
Archers SHOULD be able to land more than 20% of their arrows
Paladins SHOULD be able to hit for more than a mage with a stick <grin>
Druids SHOULD not look so damn ugly .... <oops off-topic>

IMHO, no class SHOULD be able to kill any other class easily. Each class should have a range of defense and offense abilities that, if well played, provie a realistic chance of living in the right circumstances.


Paladins SHOULD be able to hit for more than a mage with a stick

har har!

You're kidding right?

Show me a pally who hits harder than a wizard with his EB and I'll show you a dead thane :D


Soloed a red friar with my ice wizard - must be a pain being chain snared and not having any ranged attacks whatsoever ;)


Originally posted by parisienscot
Soloed a red friar with my ice wizard - must be a pain being chain snared and not having any ranged attacks whatsoever ;)

They have a taunt shout even though its only good for interupting 1 cast attack...


*strokes his sapphire small shield*
*strokes his charged pants*

now thats gastro-intensity !


Well, the issue raised here in my eyes is the fundamental problem in DAoC. I believed that the class vs class dynamic was intended to be a scissors-papper-stone dynamic, ie that some classes should be able to wipe the floor with certain other classes and in return be used to wipe the floor by yet other classes. (if they play their class well, that is)

And from what i understood of the class vs class relationship assassins prime targets were healers/casters (to be taken out in one fell swipe from stealth mode at the start of combat if possible) Right now they are utterly overpowered and can comfortably solo almost any class (with a few exceptions as we see from friars >< )

Tanks' main goals were to protect their own healers/casters by engaging any attackers (assassins/enemy tanks) and/or engage the opponents healers/casters.

Casters main obejctive was to be damage dealer from a distance, ie take out enemy casters and tanks, and should be pretty helpless in close combat.

Instead we get (patch by patch) served class of the month, where some classes get some love or get nerfed, which leads to other classes being able to solo almost anything. And that is the fundamental problem in this game in my opinion, there has never been a true balance in the game, and it seems less and less likely that there ever will be :/

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