DAD, APA, who won?



Anyway this thread was about a DAD vs APA match, all i sodding said was watch out APA as i have joined DAD. I didnt exactly mean "were gonna win Div1" etc etc

pahhh never mind eh......

p.s. APA if u want a 3v1 i aint worried could be a laugh [/B]

Well APA

:clap::clap: :clap: :clap:


ah you got the hiren thing right hehe.damn fine player so quite personally i think i could just let him at you and it would be game over;) lol not only that seems weve got a respectable name for ourselves and got a few more members as well lol

and no the 3-1 thing ain't happening.we only play fair matches with even numbers,plus the fact we are CTF only so no DM! bloody shitty game anyway lol


Originally posted by =apa=crashnburn

and no the 3-1 thing ain't happening.we only play fair matches with even numbers,plus the fact we are CTF only so no DM! bloody shitty game anyway lol [/B]

How can be 3 on 1 be fair i would aleast give APA 5-on 1 to make it fair.
Im offering my myself to prove that in a TDM it could be done.
1 v 3 how about it APA


IM not the best player in EF but since APA opened their mouth and started gobbing im more than up 4 facing 3 of their best,Hell wot ive got to lose? Nothing.
If they lose well:confused:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


started gobbing? huh wheres that?i think you got it the wrong way round mate.

i just came in here to congratulate the admin on a good job and cracked a little joke.unfortunatly it looks like a few people in here obviously don't know the meaning of the word.


I'd be happy to play 3v1 TDM or CTF, aint no problem for me, i aint got nuthin to lose, but if APA got beat they wouldnt be able to handle it!!

Anyway RD guys, I am nearer than you think!! W00t!!


i just came in here to congratulate the admin on a good job and cracked a little joke.unfortunatly it looks like a few people in here obviously don't know the meaning of the word.

Actually I started this topic to simply point out if the BWEFL site was properly updated u should find that [DAD] were above =APA= in the standings.

Since then its turned into "DAD VS APA 2 - this time its personal!" lol


you know this is the part of the game that pisses me off.yeah maybe asterix could beat 3 of our guys if i fielded a weaker side.i will be the first to admit that not everyone in the clan is a great player and they will admit that themselves.but the point is at least we give people the opportunity to join a clan and learn without them having to be good at the game.what is the point of a clan in the first place? is it for fun or is it just something for the so called elitist? if that was the case then alot of players would play it a few times and then think oh hell im no good at it so i won't play it anymore.

from what i can see you two are saying that APA are crap hence the comments,but unfortunatly i think it's you who are crap.the reason?well it's obvious,your just out to try and make people feel bad and start to dislike the game and thats not what the game is all about is it?

lets get a grip people!


MAN! I don’t check the board for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose lol.

This is Kent Brockman with my 2 cents:

I agree that above all this game should be fun! a bit of friendly rivalry doesn’t go a miss either. I am looking forward to the next APA DAD match as the last time we played them it was fun......VOY2 was spoiled a bit but AND1 and KLN1 went well. Like DAD at the time we played we had a mixture of various skilled players and now the clans have both had new recruits so things will be different for the next game. Should throw a bit of unpredictability into the mix! Should be fun! CnB and I will arrange a match and keep you blood thirsty fraggers informed lol

Is this all good? In this reporters opinion..............yes!

I'm Kent Brockman and that was my 2 cents :clap:


Well said monty, I am not having a go at APA mearly sticking up for myself after being had a go at. Any1 that knows me knows that i only play EF for a laugh.

I am looking forward to the APA match win or lose. CrashNBurn, you are starting to get to involved in the thread me thinks.....

Napalm will back me up on the fact that we had some very lame players in AS but we still fielded them and they had a good time playing.

Still i would be up for a 3v1 vs the best of APA..... And NO i dont mind if i lost....



hmmm a bit confused (perhaps its the hangover) am reading everything and got a few problems (nothing new here ;) )
OK first I dont repeat dont think that APA is crap. To be honest think APA is rather good, agreed not one off the top clans (maybe in the future?).

Second Crashnburn you are saying that you came and cracked a few jokes, aint it possible that other people are coming here for the same reason???
Third what I said was 3v1 I didnot say anything about that those
3 should be APA did I?

Fourth you are saying you are training newbies great like that alot. I think that is a good thing to do

Fith you are saying that you (who the hell that is I dont know) is trying to make other people unhappy that is nothing but a lie :( it makes me feel like shit that someone can think that of other people.

Six the point of a clan is more than one reason:
--> FUN
--> learning tricks and improving your skills
--> winning a few matches
--> using tactics in a squad form

Look Crashnburn dont get me wrong this is not an attack on you or APA so please dont get me wrong. PLEASE, jokes can come from more then one side just as you win some and loose some.
Now I will shut up :clap: coz I am still not 100% hehe


o.k. lets start again and wipe the slate i think it's because christmas is coming or something.well it's either that or im on my periods............hold on something wrong with that picture lol

DAD i do respect you as a clan,your a nice bunch of blokes well apart from a newbie you have (JOKE!JOKE! lol)

yeah and sure mail me and we can have a good ol' fraggin' lot of fun :)

plus i can test hiren out! :clap: muhahahahahaha ;)


:D party at crash's house byob! hehe and make sure ya got bail money cause with all the killer fraggers coming man hella trouble for them coppers! hehe

in my meger opiniun 90% of the fraggin EF freaks are dam cool.. and the clans are awesome.. so what if so and so is in this clan etc... ya get the point "i hope"

EF rules... and in the imortal saying "cant we all just get along "

ps.. party at crash's house dont forget! lol BYOB lol


You see this all started from my comment:

Well watxh out next season APA as i have joined DAD clan!! W00t!!

From this i got loads of abuse but it is quite obvious that this was meant as a joke....

So crashNBurn we all make jokes but most of us take it the right way....

Anywayz lets bury the hatchet, I just want to get some fragging on!!!

RD - You know your on my hitlist!!! ROFL But then u alwayz were since the clan started!!! (btw this is a joke also, for all newer ppl to RD ask napalm why LOL)

Bring on season 2!!!! (any1 know when this is gonna start??)


Hehe but we love you Asterix :p not ;)

for the party dont ask Asterix he makes such a mess and blames his daughter it aint nice hehe
Riven u the man :clap: agree with you completly
Want to know when season 2 starts is everything finished??? looking at the website have to say no but well oh well that is not something new :sleeping:


Hey i have only been in 3 clans:



lol you mean he's been in 4????

christ i've actually found someone who is a bad as Mustang/nick carter lol


Hey i never even played 1 game for MAS, although i did forget out it, was only in MAS for about 1 week!!


lol asterix seems like you've been in more clans than watcher has brain cells:clap:


And more clans than points u score in a 30 min game


Originally posted by Asterix
And more clans than points u score in a 30 min game

Funny and true

see crash this how to be funny:upyours:


yeah hilarious :) it sure is a "joke"

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