Crush Shadowblades! Muhahaha


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
So out of my whole post where I take the time to offer an alternative point of view to each of your points you point that out and offer no counter arguement?

Well, I guess thats me told then m8!!!!lolzzz

Ill actually explain why. If you look at my reply, you will notice its very long, you hadnt yet posted yours, so I was only replying to the people who had, when I was about to hit reply with my finished post, I decided to do a preview first just incase I messed up some of the quote code which makes posts hard to read, I noticed you had replied, so I briskly went through your post, and noticed it had what at first seemed like alot similar (it doesnt now but I was brisk reading) to what other people had said so didnt reply to those parts.

The only two things you said, to which I tought I havent indirectly replied are.

The NS's not being slash before toa, which was you trying to imply that ToA was the reason alot of NS's respeced slash, which I dont agree, I think it was Remedy + armor tables.

And the side stun, which you said could be removed cause you didnt care about it, and really I cant argue with you over that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Andrilyn said:
even pre LA nerf when they could 1 hit kill all casters and even some support

So I was one-shotting supports with doublefrost pre 1.62?

Guess my doublefrost did around 2000+ in damage back in the days...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Jox said:
So I was one-shotting supports with doublefrost pre 1.62?

Guess my doublefrost did around 2000+ in damage back in the days...

Yes like people had 2k hp back then, I don't even think there was SC back then.
Or maybe I am thinking too far back in the times where people still ran around in random drops from the highest level dungeons.
Atleast I do know my Cleric had trouble getting near 1500-1700 hp then, which of course all changed with the arrival of SC and ToA.

Like when a random caster died instantly and you didn't know what hit him because if you killed someone in 1 hit you didn't unstealth.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
that had nothing at all to do with left axe, it was PA that killed mages in one hit most of the time.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Yes like people had 2k hp back then, I don't even think there was SC back then.
Or maybe I am thinking too far back in the times where people still ran around in random drops from the highest level dungeons.
Atleast I do know my Cleric had trouble getting near 1500-1700 hp then, which of course all changed with the arrival of SC and ToA.

Like when a random caster died instantly and you didn't know what hit him because if you killed someone in 1 hit you didn't unstealth.

Happy Days :> I think a Nolby Pride stealther kept doing that :)

I wonder what changes lie in the next few patches?

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
WHy do you all think its funny they making stealthers almost equal? :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Andrilyn said:
You can give a SB 100 toys and they will still think they are on the bottom end of the food chain.
Agreed, respect to the ones like Illu and Echion who play a somewhat gimp class, and do damn well with it, or the lower RRs who get owned a lot but stick with it, these people actually have a right to whine. The ones who played it for a while then gave up after nerf-x cannot be blamed for doing so, but their whines don't carry much weight.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Melachi said:
Slash stinks? ok whatever.
If they have high PD, then your better off using a LW anyway regardless of physcial weapon you cna use.
Saracen? Same str as a Kobby, plus you got a nice 5% heat resist.
Stay thrust if you want, but you cant complain then, just like a Critblade whining now that hes having a tough time, when he could make it easier for himself.

Slash stinks from my point of view, thrust to me is a little more interesting, and having a stun is nice not having to rely on CD all the time. Slash doesn't offer any style in the line worth using, it's just Garrote-Ah and maybe the odd hammy chain ftw.

Same str as a kobby yes, but i can think of better ways to spend ra points than aug str 3/4/5.

I'm not complaining about thrust at all, most of the time i'm using a LW anyway so i don't come up vs the armour table problem. Spirit lw always seems to work better than others :)

Though bare in mind a 2h critblade will become very fotm if bludgeon goes live, as Mani said in another thread, 2h pa with bludgeon will just rape most :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Vladamir said:
Slash stinks from my point of view, thrust to me is a little more interesting, and having a stun is nice not having to rely on CD all the time. Slash doesn't offer any style in the line worth using, it's just Garrote-Ah and maybe the odd hammy chain ftw.

Same str as a kobby yes, but i can think of better ways to spend ra points than aug str 3/4/5.

I'm not complaining about thrust at all, most of the time i'm using a LW anyway so i don't come up vs the armour table problem. Spirit lw always seems to work better than others :)

Though bare in mind a 2h critblade will become very fotm if bludgeon goes live, as Mani said in another thread, 2h pa with bludgeon will just rape most :eek:

U get raped by 2h critblade anyway even now if the SB lands PA ofc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
This is so fun reading. Most NS are scared shitless that they will actually have a harder fight vs Inf and Sbs...and SBs try to convice NS/Inf that crush dmg isnt OP(yea right).

First of all...SBs with 370+str with remedy up doing crush dmg will sure as hell bring back fond memories of pre 1.62. Having said that you guys need to take a fukcing chill pill...its still only on Pend...meaning..NON of this may go thru!!!!!

Your all just QQing coz your scared...Inf and NS coz SB might pose a bigger threat and SBs coz you cant blame loosing on class disparity anymore.

Get a frickin grip.



Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
interesting, not sure if I want it to go live on EU servers, don't really want it to be easy to kill other assasins, it's supposed to be a challenge.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
like I say Blade shade was only really viable upto now because of remedy, and the fact SB's are weak to slash.....

With all assasin having remedy you think a bladeshade with 320 str and 2100 HP, will beat a norse SB with 380 str and 2600+hp?? (everything else being equal except for NS dd, and SB pheobus)

when all 3 assasins have remedy pierce is the only way to go if you want to complete with the good SB's and infs, in terms of damage. However with pierce temps you cannot go banzai on stats. with str only based templates any moron can make a decent suit.

There is zero reason why celt and shar NS should not be allowed now. NS just hasnt been given anything back to compensate having a shitty str and con races. It did have something before, but remedy was overkill in the extreme.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
censi said:
With all assasin having remedy you think a bladeshade with 320 str and 2100 HP, will beat a norse SB with 380 str and 2600+hp?? (everything else being equal except for NS dd, and SB pheobus)
I didn't know Shadowblades had 25% more hp than NS's and that lurikeens had 10 strength racial... Learn something new every day I guess.

I don't play at level 50 RvR, so I don't really care about these changes, but what you're saying is plain wrong. Nightshades also get a damage shield and a dot. DD for ~60, dot for ~100, damage shield for ~40? I think that should close the hp gap. This still leaves Phoebus, the strength gap and 2h PA though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
DOT is not usable in combat right?

DS is gonna fuck up snares or roots I think peeps will stop using it after it gets them killed a couple of times.

castable DD obviously no use in combat...

so basically its the same as it was the insta DD of death :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
If I read it correctly the dot wasn't castable while having your weapons out, so you just have to drop them. That might've changed with the d version though :). Damage shield breaking snare/root: guess that could be inconvenient, but why would you want to run from another assassin with an anytime snare (garotte), an archer or a minstrel with mezz/stun?

Against visuals this might matter when you're kiting them, but then you can just drop the damage shield before you attack him and get it back up afterwards, no? Then again, I am inexperienced at 50 RvR, so I might be compltely wrong on the damage shield issue :).

/edit: Even i can tell that 2 damage types for free and 30 odd strength is still a significant advantage though


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Minstrel said:
U get raped by 2h critblade anyway even now if the SB lands PA ofc

Lies i'm an inf therefore i'm invincible by logic of FH! :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Vladamir said:
Lies i'm an inf therefore i'm invincible by logic of FH! :p

Hugmeh didnt need to land PA on me to 3 shoot me with his Critblade :( i didnt even got to hit him evade evade evade while i didnt evade once :( guess he was lucky


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Minstrel said:
Hugmeh didnt need to land PA on me to 3 shoot me with his Critblade :( i didnt even got to hit him evade evade evade while i didnt evade once :( guess he was lucky

You just suck, sorry to say m8 :(((


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Void959 said:
Agreed, respect to the ones like Illu and Echion who play a somewhat gimp class, and do damn well with it, or the lower RRs who get owned a lot but stick with it, these people actually have a right to whine. The ones who played it for a while then gave up after nerf-x cannot be blamed for doing so, but their whines don't carry much weight.

ty :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
censi said:
With all assasin having remedy you think a bladeshade with 320 str and 2100 HP, will beat a norse SB with 380 str and 2600+hp?? (everything else being equal except for NS dd, and SB pheobus)

Dude, I suppose you think Trolls can be shadowblades or something? Theres 60str between those two.

And if your NS with 2100HP, all stats being equal, the SB would have, 2205HP.
And if your luri had 320 str, means a norse equally geared would have, 350 str.

And let me ask you. Do you think if 1.82d goes in, the Assasins balance will be WORSE than it currently is?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Alot of whine about something that might not happen. One thing to remember is that with all the other changes assassin don't have to exclusively hunt other stealther classes. Like old emain casters will make up a fair proportion of kills.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Melachi said:
And let me ask you. Do you think if 1.82d goes in, the Assasins balance will be WORSE than it currently is?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:

So let me get this straight.

You think Bludgeon is more powerfull than current Remedy?

Jesus pup you are so amazingly biased. Completely Partisan beliefs. And I find it funny, you have constantly rolled fotm after fotm, that you can trumpet in about balance :p

If Sb's loose PH, which even the SB TL's are asking for (Vilna said it in a post somewhere). And if NS + Inf get Bludgeon.

Then they are VERY balanced.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
the SB's that moans the loadest about remedy are the ones desperatly trying to convince people (and maybe themselves) that this change is balanced and fair, and SB wont be top of the assasin food change.

melachi wake up and smell the coffee dude.

Your right though about the way it is now, remedy is too much in assasin V assasin fights.... but they just needed the timer moved to 15 mins...

tbh though theres lots of NS out there that avoid using it in 1v1 versus assasins.... summin I doubt many SB's would do...


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Melachi said:
So let me get this straight.

You think Bludgeon is more powerfull than current Remedy?

Ehmm, you get Remedy AND Bludgeon. Its not a or-or-thing here. And yes, I would consider Bludgeon to be more powerful then Remedy in its current shape.

Jesus pup you are so amazingly biased. Completely Partisan beliefs. And I find it funny, you have constantly rolled fotm after fotm, that you can trumpet in about balance :p

I rolled a Ranger when TOA came out. I wanted a solo-character, and I wanted to be the new race (Shar). Ranger was hardly FOTM back then, yes there was FZ - but in the old-RA set, you can hardly call Rangers FOTM. Vampiir was quite FOTM - then again, all new Cata-classes are ofcourse abit FOTM.

If Sb's loose PH, which even the SB TL's are asking for (Vilna said it in a post somewhere). And if NS + Inf get Bludgeon.

Then they are VERY balanced.

As said before, why add just another set of timers, instead normalize armour-tables, remove Remedy (and Bludgeon) and give me a RR5 RA which works against all classes. For all 3 assassins.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
the SB's that moans the loadest about remedy are the ones desperatly trying to convince people (and maybe themselves) that this change is balanced and fair, and SB wont be top of the assasin food change.

melachi wake up and smell the coffee dude.

Your right though about the way it is now, remedy is too much in assasin V assasin fights.... but they just needed the timer moved to 15 mins...

tbh though theres lots of NS out there that avoid using it in 1v1 versus assasins.... summin I doubt many SB's would do...

changin RUT on remedy in current implementation to 15 minutes wouldnt really do anything would it ? , would still be way over the line.

giving watered down remedy to all thou is quite possibly just as silly , would rather have no rr 5 ability really.

generally patch looks nice from a sb point thou , guess well just have to wait some time to see how it pans out (and how much get implemented as it is) , hope they get around to giving spec AF to shammies and sort the concentration point issue on them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
Melachi said:
Oh so your concerned for everyones benefit?

Let me put it this way.

Your an SB

If you face a slash inf, your 10% weak to him.
If you face a slash ns, your 10% weak to him.

You use Bludgeon.

You face a ns, he's 10% weak to you.
You face an inf, he's 10% weak to you.

Dont like Bludgeon the way it is? Try get it changed so SB's lose this ability but gain hammer spec.

Dont like that idea? How about giving SB's equal leather as Nightshades.

What dont like that either?

Your hard to please.

You dont just fight the other assasin classes as a assasin though?, making this argument useless.

SBs can now pick from two different daamge types, to fit the target. AND remain using CW/malice


Loyal Freddie
Jan 17, 2005
All these changes are great, but until LA gets fixed sb's damage stil wont compare with infs/ns even with this crush abilty

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