Crush or Slash?


Brannor McThife

You'll actually be amazed at how hard it is to get thrust resists up. Crush/slash/heat/cold/spirit/body all easy to raise...



FYI it has been stated by mythic as a description of constitution that is reduces the damage you take. There is no hidden "Tanks take less damage-table". There is a hidden "Tanks dish out more damage-table".

I will hit paladins and armsmen for the same damage if they have the same stats. Male I think u have this damage-table issue confused

Brannor McThife

Gotta agree with Solid. Stats make a big difference too. Skalds are capped at what? 170 odd Str? My troll is capped at 230.

Take last night;

Skald using 99 (or was it 98?) Arcanium 2-H Axe.
Warrior using 94% Prince 2-H Axe.

Against a L1 door, my Tyr's Fury was doing (+3344) 300+ sometimes (No, I didn't stutter-type, I was getting +3K :p ). Averaging 200-300. Given that the skald unfortunately did not have Tyr's Fury, the skald was doing (if I recall correctly) 20-30 less damage per normal swing of the weapon. (spd, and other things would obviously make a difference as well), but pure tanks simply do hit harder.

Solid, I'm still waiting to do those tests for you...Grab Eynar and his Shammy to buff me and we can go test the damage output against waylayers somewhere. And borrow a 2-H Arcanium Axe off someone. ;)



I remember in very early US beta people complained vociferously about Midgard having the highest strength race because they had such a large advantage breaking down doors :)


Originally posted by old.Revz
I remember in very early US beta people complained vociferously about Midgard having the highest strength race because they had such a large advantage breaking down doors :)

.... ahh but it all proved academic when balanced out with the fact that most of them are too dumb to know how to use a ram ;)

Brannor McThife

Or the fact that we don't have 2 squillion Infiltrators that scale the walls like ants to kill all the guards and the lord. :p

And, who said we don't use rams on some doors?

Back then, was anybody able to build rams? Knowledge + ability?



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Or the fact that we don't have 2 squillion Infiltrators that scale the walls like ants to kill all the guards and the lord. :p

... you should know about that ;)

And, who said we don't use rams on some doors?

...aaahhhh... but Professor Ottar is a secret Alb!! :p

Back then, was anybody able to build rams? Knowledge + ability?

... Yup... your old pal Regalia was building rams back in beta, and so was Thrinnor, famed for building one in lightly the wrong spot in the first ever keep take on Excalibur... actually that may well have been a bug which we know about now, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt :)


Originally posted by Solid
FYI it has been stated by mythic as a description of constitution that is reduces the damage you take. There is no hidden "Tanks take less damage-table". There is a hidden "Tanks dish out more damage-table".

I will hit paladins and armsmen for the same damage if they have the same stats. Male I think u have this damage-table issue confused

Okay wasn't aware of this solid thx. Thought damage tables affected both damage you deal and take. Well con reducing dmg as well as giving you more hits is a bit silly too lol:rolleyes: . Why not just make it increase your hits by more?? anyways, atleast that is a bit better than what I thought it was. Not a hidden factor , just an unexplained one that is present.

As for brannor's pic of my dmg :D hehe don't mind sharing it.
FYI my hit for 153 was using shatter, an after target blocks style (which also seems to use MORE end than my use anytime style, wtf?!? -- need further testing on that tho).
My hit for 218 was using annihilation my lvl 50 stun style (total dmg on which is less than merely the bonus on brannor's lvl50 style Tyr's Fury rofl) My hits for 108 136 105 are all styleless with 136 being a crit hit. And yeah, I don't know htf I kill anything either ;)




my damage cap using various weapons

*** Chat Log Opened: Sun Oct 06 18:19:49 2002

Legion Hammer
Level 51, 16.5dps (clamped 16.2)
100% Quality
35% Bonus
3.3 Speed
240 Str, 110 Qui, 60 Hammer
1160 Weapon Skill

[18:19:54] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:19:54] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+583)
[18:19:54] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 274 damage!
[18:19:58] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:19:58] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+602)
[18:19:58] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 274 damage!

Shimmering Arcanium Great Hammer
Level 50, 16.2dps (16.0 actual)
99% Quality
35% Bonus
5.3 spd
240 Str, 110 Qui, 54 hammer
1109 Weaponskill

[18:21:18] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:21:18] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+927)
[18:21:18] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 554 damage!
[18:21:18] You critical hit for an additional 393 damage!
[18:21:28] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:21:28] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+904)
[18:21:28] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 554 damage!

Shimmering Arcanium Battle Hammer
Level 50, 16.2dps (15.7 actual)
97% Quality
35% Bonus
4.1 spd
240 Str, 110 Qui, 54 hammer
1109 Weaponskill

[18:21:48] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:21:48] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+558)
[18:21:48] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 333 damage!
[18:22:11] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:22:11] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+634)
[18:22:11] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 333 damage!

Legion Hammer
Level 51, 16.5dps (clamped 16.2)
100% Quality
35% Bonus
3.3 Speed
240 Str, 88 Qui, 60 Hammer
1160 Weapon Skill

[18:23:23] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:23:23] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+588)
[18:23:23] You attack the huldu hunter with your hammer and hit for 280 damage!
[18:23:30] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:23:30] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+517)
[18:23:30] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 280 damage!

Shimmering Arcanium Great Hammer
Level 50, 16.2dps (16.0 actual)
99% Quality
35% Bonus
5.3 spd
240 Str, 88 Qui, 54 hammer
1109 Weaponskill

[18:23:39] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:23:39] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+840)
[18:23:39] You attack the huldu stalker with your hammer and hit for 562 damage!
[18:23:44] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:23:44] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+852)
[18:23:44] You attack the huldu hunter with your hammer and hit for 562 damage!

Shimmering Arcanium Battle Hammer
Level 50, 16.2dps (15.7 actual)
97% Quality
35% Bonus
4.1 spd
240 Str, 88 Qui, 54 hammer
1109 Weaponskill

[18:45:19] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:45:19] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+158)
[18:45:19] You attack the plated fiend with your hammer and hit for 339 (+42) damage!
[18:45:21] You prepare to perform a Provoke!
[18:45:23] You perform your Provoke perfectly. (+169)
[18:45:23] You attack the plated fiend with your hammer and hit for 339 (+45) damage!

*** Chat Log Closed: Sun Oct 06 18:24:18 2002

Now to normalise to show damage as would be for 100% crafted weapons (the ones I used being a 99% 2H and a 97% 1H)

110 Qui 99% 2H = 554 damage
a 100% equivalent hammer would hit for 554/99x100 = 559

110 Qui 97% 1H = 333 damage
a 100% equivalent hammer would hit for 333/97x100 = 343

88 Qui 99% 2H = 562 damage
a 100% equivalent hammer would hit for 562/99x100 = 567

88 Qui 97% 1H = 339 damage
a 100% equivalent hammer would hit for 339/97x100 = 349


Damage caps for 100% Quality 16.2dps weapons for my setup are

110 QUi
2H Arc = 559
1H Arc = 343
1H Legion = 274

88 Qui
2H Arc = 567
1H Arc = 349
1H Legion = 280.

Accounting for weaponspeeds (ie dividing the damage done by the speed of the weapon)

110 QUi
2H Arc = 559/5.3 = 105
1H Arc = 343/4.1 = 84
1H Legion = 274/3.3 = 83

88 Qui
2H Arc = 567/5.3 = 107
1H Arc = 349/4.1 = 85
1H Legion = 280/3.3 = 85

You may note that the increased damage from lower Qui is miniscule and the faster swing rate from higher Qui (22 Qui) makes you swing your weapon a tiny bit faster, more calculations would prove that I would do more damage over time with higher Qui, but thats a dofferent argument.

If anyone would like to do similar study with their class, please it would be nice to compare a Thane vs Champ, or vs Warrior or vs Paladin


Mal your hammer is bigger then you hehe:D


Well solid, my cap with a 2 Hand Arcantie Great Hammer 97% qua.
16.5 dps capped at 16.2. Speed 5.4 my cap with my use anytime style is 550ish I think. I have some amount of qui lol.. higher than 110.. and I swing at about 3.9 secs I think (since my 8 sec stun gives me long enough to hit twice before wearing off) I'll check it out and compare proper figures later.. why did I bother to post this pretty info less post now rather than later when I know??



MY damage cap is crazy for my level heh i post it here sometime this week:)


mine hasnt addeddamage adds cos i did this on mobs that died in 1 hit.

will get my damag add values too soon :p


a few things:

-Quality does NOT affect damage cap.
a 80% dull asterite sword wil cap at the same damage as a 100% with the same dps/speed.

-Damage on the same target has a range it can be in. With 50+ weapon spec this happens to be 100%-150%, so hitting the same target or targets with the exact same stats for 100 first and 150 next is perfectly possible.

-Champ debuffs can really mess with your damage. the str debuff lowers it, but at the same time the quick and attack speed debuffs make you swing (a lot) slower, and thus hit (a lot) harder again.
I've hit for 300+ 1-h, while normally my cap was about 260.


Brannor McThife

In Epic Armour and with 99% crafted Axe:

Str 230
Con 173
Dex 130
Qui 70

Weapon Skill 1270
Weapon Damage 1602
Hit Points 1520
AF 635

Axe 52
Parry 50
Shield 55

Anything else?


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