Crossbow - opinions and experience



Originally posted by Dardamein
Greetings friends!

Me and some choirboys are having a little discussion about the Crossbow. Apparently we seem to know very little about it. We have an armsman willing to train Crossbow 50 but we dont know really what the benefits and drawbacks would be.

Is it a huge difference in damage output, range etc?

How does the crossbow function in realmfighting?

Has anyone really had the experience with crossbow 50?

Actually any input would be welcome but pure flaming would be sad to encounter. Ok now since I said it I bet the flaming commences. Maybe time to sort the immature from the mature. Some intelligent discussion wanted.

The plan for the man was:

50 crossbow
39 twohanded
21 slash
41 parry (hoping for twohanded parry bonus to work now)
7 shield


What is the name of this unfortunate character speccing so wildly wrong? I may find a full respec stone for him for the right price ofc :)


Oh yes i forgot!

We must all be FotM and UBER and powerlevel characters etc.



If someone gets me a respec stone i'm willing 2 try 50 pole, 39 slash , 42 xbow


Originally posted by Kagato.
Crossbow damage is actually very good, with just 6+11 on mine I usually hit between 150-300 damage depending on target resistance. And according to the Armsman TL the damage does scale up very nicely with spec.

this made me cry rl

armsman with 6+11 x-bow doing close to same damage as a scout with 46+13 longbow o_0 ( not including crit shot ofc )
203 dex 4secs drawtime (3secs with buffs)

think something seems alittle wrong here.


Future love for xbow?

From a recent TL feedback report for the Armsman, Mythic hinted at some 'new and exciting' stuff for the xbow line.

Not sure what they mean by this but I got some suggestions as to what I would like to see.

Skill point based xbow styles would be nice. Not sure as to what lvl these would come in at but im sure the guys at Mythic can work on the details. for instance...

Something like a stun style would be nice, only low like 3 - 4 seconds, but enough to halt a tank on a cleric/caster type in the heat of an RvR battle (its not hard to imagine that a xbow bolt would stun somebody). This could be at lvl 20 or so.

A big dmg, BT piercing style wouldnt be asking for too much either, after all, we are talking about a heavy bolt here. :) Maybe lvl 30 for this style.

Finally, a high damage pulling style. This would make Armsmen viable in pulling mobs again in comparision to a pally, as the trade off would be a slighty slower pull for a big damage benefit. Maybe lvl 10 for this style so can be used during lvling.

I Mythic were to do this and if Mythic also do away with double speccing. Armsmen would have the choice of going Pole/2 handed with high Xbow or Pole/2 handed with S+S.

Any thoughts ?



They'll just propably copy the Longbow spec to X-bow...


Originally posted by halgaard
this made me cry rl

armsman with 6+11 x-bow doing close to same damage as a scout with 46+13 longbow o_0 ( not including crit shot ofc )
203 dex 4secs drawtime (3secs with buffs)

think something seems alittle wrong here.

I'll make a point of taking some RvR screenies next time the opotunity arises, incidently I nearly always use thrust damage bolts, not that it makes a huge differance really, but I mostly use my bow when rooted or to slow down skalds and bards.

As for the above post, I don't really agree to be honest. The whole concept of styles with a ranged weapon is kinda silly and we don't want to tread on the toes of real archers either.

The only differance I would like is for range to increase with spec, so people with more in crossbow get a little reward and more utility out of there spec. A maximum of 50 in crossbow should offer the same range as a longbow, with the current range being what it is at 1 spec, the range can scale between those for each point.


Give armsmen uninterruptible rapid-fire at 50 x-bow and the range-increase ;)


A 16.5 dps light crossbow: 150 gold
A quiver of x-long range x-heavy bolts: 72 silver
Standing still on the battlements for 8 seconds trying to shoot someone and being the perfect target for a Mentalist AOE DOT during a Beno defense: Priceless.

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Moody
A 16.5 dps light crossbow: 150 gold
A quiver of x-long range x-heavy bolts: 72 silver
Standing still on the battlements for 8 seconds trying to shoot someone and being the perfect target for a Mentalist AOE DOT during a Beno defense: Priceless.

lolololololol :clap:


Originally posted by Dardamein
Greetings friends!

Me and some choirboys are having a little discussion about the Crossbow. Apparently we seem to know very little about it. We have an armsman willing to train Crossbow 50 but we dont know really what the benefits and drawbacks would be.

Is it a huge difference in damage output, range etc?

How does the crossbow function in realmfighting?

Has anyone really had the experience with crossbow 50?

Actually any input would be welcome but pure flaming would be sad to encounter. Ok now since I said it I bet the flaming commences. Maybe time to sort the immature from the mature. Some intelligent discussion wanted.

The plan for the man was:

50 crossbow
39 twohanded
21 slash
41 parry (hoping for twohanded parry bonus to work now)
7 shield


Ask Treniel about crossbows, hes the expert here in Albion in that field :D


Originally posted by Moody
A 16.5 dps light crossbow: 150 gold
A quiver of x-long range x-heavy bolts: 72 silver
Standing still on the battlements for 8 seconds trying to shoot someone and being the perfect target for a Mentalist AOE DOT during a Beno defense: Priceless.

rofl, so true.

and the 6 scouts that were stealthed next to u drawing crit-shots that woulda hit said mentalist and his buddies for 500-1000+ all get interrupted, destealthed and stun-nuked or die from the dot too! played!!1

for fucksake if u got no ranged dmg keep off the friggin walls k thx ;)

on the original post tho, yeah i can see xbow arms being a valid and very effective guard bot. no need to leave your client/s to interrupt that caster or healer and u can pump a few bolts out while waiting for the tanks to come :m00:

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