Could a BG archer have a valid role in a competative RVR group??


Nov 20, 2005
noaim said:
Critshot with correct damagetype arrows should hit for around 1k? Long since I played an archer so maybe not, but when I did I critshotted clerics and druids for 900+ if I used thrust/slash, with an rr2 norse hunter.

omg lol. get a fucking clue.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Crocky said:
omg lol. get a fucking clue.

Huh? I am just saying how I hit with my hunter, wtf would you know about that? Wonder who needs a clue...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Crocky said:
omg lol. get a fucking clue.
less critic imo.

btw to the poster wtfpwnagecock(noaim) this may help:

Pally/Arms/Friar/infil: Crush
Merc/Mincer/Cleric/Scout: Thrust
All albion: Slash

SB/Zerker/Hunter/Savage: Slash
Thane/Valk/Warrior/Healer/Shaman/Skald: Thrust
All Mid: Crush

NS/Ranger/BM/Bard/Vamp: Crush
Warden/Hero/Druid/Champ: Slash
All Hib: Thrust

@ Crocky: 5.0~5.3 bow = 2sec draw (Fool's being 5.1 & dot proc) & dps isnt bad either as you're interupting

@ Censi: less grping to get rr11 imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Dafft said:
less critic imo.

btw to the poster wtfpwnagecock(noaim) this may help:

Pally/Arms/Friar/infil: Crush
Merc/Mincer/Cleric/Scout: Thrust
All albion: Slash

SB/Zerker/Hunter/Savage: Slash
Thane/Valk/Warrior/Healer/Shaman/Skald: Thrust
All Mid: Crush

NS/Ranger/BM/Bard/Vamp: Crush
Warden/Hero/Druid/Champ: Slash
All Hib: Thrust

@ Crocky: 5.0~5.3 bow = 2sec draw (Fool's being 5.1 & dot proc) & dps isnt bad either as you're interupting

@ Censi: less grping to get rr11 imo

I know what damagetypes to use against what target ;) But I doubt some others in here does, since they dont seem to understand that a critshot can do around 1k damage if you use the correct one. At rr2 without toa-equipment I capped at somewhere around 950, and with correct damagetype on clerics/druids it was pretty common to hit that, and I really doubt that this is an unusual thing. This was most likely with relics though. But add toa, damagebonuses, some rr´s etc, and you should still be able to hit around there.


Nov 20, 2005
noaim said:
how about you go add some braincells?

or go find me 1 high rank acher saying he does more then 5% 1k crits or 500dmg normals.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
omg censi if i didnt swopt to us server i would build a fg with yer ranja in it :D

since 1.36 i wanted a ranger in fg mainly because that would give me some hope that my ns could get grp abilites at some point.. sadly that havent happen and mainly because imo there is a way of playing stealthers in daoc that is strange compare to another game with archers in it Eq :D. today you can compare archers or atleast rangers in daoc with archers in eq and if someone still crazy enough to play eq they know that archers pwn.

Im not here to say that rangers are superiour to other bg classes but lets take a look at the stats/info from my pov.

Ranger have access to det,pd,bow they can shoot uninteruptble arrows iirc atleast last time on gorre they could :D. they dual wield like like bm´s and other light tanks only difference is lower dps because of less ws less stats or bl, they dont get stocism, and they can shoot bg ´ed targets

compare to a warden who ppl say its the mean defensive machine ^^
wardens get bubble thats about it and end reduction and twf 3 good things, lucky from what ive seen in all "eu elite grp movies" ppl dont instant kill grapple bots or bg bots, they swop targets and move on..

so basically a warden have slash vuln armour and bubble and twf + resist over a ranger,

anyways to move on to hunters/scouts in fg rvr same goes there if you make a char a grp char and get overall good temp with no stealth crap to run fg´rvr you can make all classes decent, depending on who is playing etc.

This type of questions are the same as is it valid to specc 2h as a pally and join assist train ?

can you run 3 bainshee + void eldie debuff ?

can midd make any grp they like and it works ?

unless pepps try and make dedicated grps around new ideas daoc will remain as example.
random player says: can i join your full group ?
special person says: are you ml10 blademaster with malice/battler det 5 ?
random player says: no ml7 rr12 champion
special person says: sorry we waiting for a bm or else we cant run.

special person says in group: ROFL noob champ asking to join grp
group chat:LOL
group chat:LOL
group chat:LOL

i dunno but thats just an example hf enojoy they game play wtf you want and remember you can always compete.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Crocky said:
how about you go add some braincells?

or go find me 1 high rank acher saying he does more then 5% 1k crits or 500dmg normals.

If I could do it with an rr2 hunter, I am sure there are plenty that can. Go back to barrows with your best friend Ironwhateveritwas. I have this feeling you dont understand what ~1k means. 930 is ~1k, so is 1080 etc.


Nov 20, 2005
noaim said:
If I could do it with an rr2 hunter

if you could do it? when was that? when you had 2 relics & you shot your buffbot with oceanus armor? :m00:

get a fucking clue dude, no archer is doing shots of ~500 or crits of ~1k these days unless he shoots a noob like you or has both relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Crocky said:
if you could do it? when was that? when you had 2 relics & you shot your buffbot with oceanus armor? :m00:

get a fucking clue dude, no archer is doing shots of ~500 or crits of ~1k these days unless he shoots a noob like you or has both relics.

Now if you were able to read, you would have seen this.

noaim said:
This was most likely with relics though. But add toa, damagebonuses, some rr´s etc, and you should still be able to hit around there.

And I hit for capdamage on most druids/clerics, iirc Kerith was fast with checking up what hunter that shot him when I hit him for 950 or so.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 22, 2004
Like most other folks I can't see it working in 8v8 at all, not enough survivability.

I played my ML10 soj ranger in sub 8 groups from time to time and found you can be useful with fz, phase shift and a decent level of bow for rapid fire. You can even use the RR5 ability if it comes down to the wire.

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