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the rr5 warrior maybe, but why the hero, the RR5 ability is bobbinsBubble said:People are kinda forgetting that a RR5 Warrior or a Hero have a much much better surviability, but by all means try![]()
the rr5 warrior maybe, but why the hero, the RR5 ability is bobbinsBubble said:People are kinda forgetting that a RR5 Warrior or a Hero have a much much better surviability, but by all means try![]()
Eleasias said:Why waste a spot and take both?
censi said:Basically was thinking...
if an archer went battle master for body guard.... hung back with the mages and support... Focused on RF/SS interuption, criting the mages, defensive grappeling, option of joining assist train...
with like 0 stealth prolly low PF and high bow and melee...
det, purge 3, ip2, PD, TS, some mop and fe.
Could the archer be like a competative and usefull member of the group... Would like a hardcore RVR group ever consider grouping with it???
Raven said:the rr5 warrior maybe, but why the hero, the RR5 ability is bobbins
noaim said:So you can chose between getting better interrupts and damage, or better resists. The question was "are rangers (or archers) valid in fg rvr as bg´er" and the answer is yes.
Bubble said:Wardens also have Healing etc, surely a Valewalker would make a Better BG if that was the case.
Manisch Depressiv said:Dunno, Paladin + Friar and Paladin + Armsman works for me from Albion's perspective.
From tank perspective on my Armsman I often ask the group simply to train down the Warden, he is in my opinion easier to kill than a Paladin/Warrior/Hero/Armsman even though 1 vs 1 fights last very long.
Friars die quite easy from my experience too, but maybe that's just the Albion players. No idea.
I didn't say Warden is a bad BG'er and Hero has to get the spot but on the paper heavy tanks are the best BG'ers:
Stoicism and det, biggest hit points, best magic immunity, better shouts, abitilty to have slam and still do damage with large weapons.
Raven said:they have access to moc too, but with ofc reducing their other RAs
Spetsnaz said:well warden mayby lacking deffence of the hero/arms or any other heavy tank
but warden can utilize:
1) ml battlemaster styles: end drain/powerdrain/essenceflames/ML9-10 combo as anytimes (and ofc grapple+BG) and this combined with almost capped(/or capped) swing speed
2) perma resists for group (energy/spitir/body) with dmg add and pbt
3) extra healing power
4) TWF
5) and from my expierience is usually the last man standing on the field ...
noaim said:And it seems you still dont understand, so I´ll say it again. The question was if a bg archer could be valid, and the answer is yes, it could be valid. Get it now? Its not about if a bg archer is superior to any other bg´er and would perform 10 times as good, its about however it could work or not.
Tallen said:From my experience Wardens are only the last man standing because good mid/alb groups realise they have the least influence on a fight and so are left till last.
Seriously, Wardens have laughable defensive capabilities and fold easier than any hib BGer.
Wardens are a great asset to a group, but they are not essential, nor are they tanks, nor are they druids. Anyone who plays one as such is wasting a group slot best kept for a tank or a druid.
As always, a good warden who knows how to play to his strengths situationally is a good asset to any group, a poor one (BG bot, grapple bot, healer who cant/wont fight) is a liability and the line between one and the other is very small.
Bubble said:Something you don't seem to understand then so i'll spell it out for you, if theres at least 3 other class's in the realm that would make a Better BG i guess the answer would be NO! So it is about which BG is Superior and which isn't.
Also a Ranger BG would be able to protect 1 Caster/healer, the other would be butchered since the ranger needs to keep still to use sureshot etc.
noaim said:While the valewalker can nuke while running, and the warden can heal while running. I see. You obviously dont have a clue, so I wont bother trying to convince you that having a class with an uninterruptable long range interrupt, assist the assisttrain or do ~1k damage in 1 shot on a healing healer, if the timing is right can be good.
a VW also has near plate armour with self buffs, insta root to help the assist train, insta dot to interupt (on a timer ofc) moc/lifetap, decent positional styles, rear stun, ichor of the deep, bedazzling Aura and a usefull RR5 ability. like the ranger they could fit in a group, but a warden brings far more than both imo. and 1k damage? rarely these daysnoaim said:While the valewalker can nuke while running, and the warden can heal while running. I see. You obviously dont have a clue, so I wont bother trying to convince you that having a class with an uninterruptable long range interrupt, assist the assisttrain or do ~1k damage in 1 shot on a healing healer, if the timing is right can be good.
noaim said:While the valewalker can nuke while running, and the warden can heal while running. I see. You obviously dont have a clue, so I wont bother trying to convince you that having a class with an uninterruptable long range interrupt, assist the assisttrain or do ~1k damage in 1 shot on a healing healer, if the timing is right can be good.
Raven said:a VW also has near plate armour with self buffs, insta root to help the assist train, insta dot to interupt (on a timer ofc) moc/lifetap, decent positional styles, rear stun, ichor of the deep, bedazzling Aura and a usefull RR5 ability. like the ranger they could fit in a group, but a warden brings far more than both imo. and 1k damage? rarely these days
noaim said:Critshot with correct damagetype arrows should hit for around 1k? Long since I played an archer so maybe not, but when I did I critshotted clerics and druids for 900+ if I used thrust/slash, with an rr2 norse hunter.
And no, I dont play an archer, I play spiritmaster, and I wouldnt mind having an archer bg´ing me if he knows what he is doing.
Manisch Depressiv said:Or 3 Healers ^^.
Mastade said:Or 4 healers, shammie and 3 savages and we port back in time and call ourselves J4cK H3r3r
Bubble said:Well I play a scout with 65 Longbow using Fools Bow with 10% Damage and 420 dex, i don't normally hit for over 700 with a Crit shot on a Healer with Thrust Shark arrows.
I suppose they would make a fine BG for a SM, not like you need one with that pet of yours
thing is if you were at the end of a assist train you would most definitely not last longer than a true tank, you have malice etc etc but so do real tanks.censi said:this is good stuff but....
Ranger can switch to sure shot RF if getting interupted, this has to be very effective in terms of interupt....
Ranger could be canny like at the start, you hit the mage with TS, then switch to crit... mage could find himself insta dead. or very low on hits... this could be a good thing not sure havent tested enough...
well I would have full melee spec, wont do as much damage but can deal good damage i think....
you cant take as much damage as a tank but the roll is different.... and you can take ok damage... I think the ranger would be enough of a pest to get targetted which is kind of what you want to achieve... dunno
People say it because its true...Tilda said:I think it could.
FC ran with an archer for a bit and it was nice, although this was before BG, so things may be different now.
People say "ohh a caster can do better damage" but this is effectivley a "caster"with BG and grapple.
I'd try it if I was on hib and running a gg![]()