Thats cheap and nasty, obviously you wont be able to do it as cheap as Pissyworld etc because they buy in bulk and ultimately pay less... thats pretty dire that pc tho and its still over £600.
edit: and I forgot to add a dvd drive. - also noticed thats 32bit windows 7, 64bit is the same price tho so I wont bother correcting it.
Hmm, not sure tbh problem with the prebuilt ones that arent from wank places like PC World is the price ramp up is mental when you start adding bits, it seems cheap at first but it soon mounts up.
Its really easy to build a PC Aada, its literally a case of putting shit into the right sockets carefully/gently and reading the motherboard manual which will tell you exactly where to connect stuff like Power/Reset switch, HD LED etc.
and last week I bought my missus a pile of PC bits for her birthday and she built (herself, without my help) her own PC
Core-i3 2120
Blu-Ray player
Razer Keyboard/Mouse/Headset
I think both PCs in total cost me under £1000 (I already had monitors). Both PCs play WoW(me) and SC2(her) but I might be looking to upgrade my 6770 to something like a 7850 next payday. I've been a little bit disappointed with the 7770 as I can only run WoW on High (1680x1050) and the new Alice: Madness Returns chugs a bit on Max settings.
Not really read the whole thread, but a decent PC will be upwards of £600 now (mines 5 years old and still playing skyrim @ max and all the games Im likely to want to play).
The price point often comes into it in these arguments, but I think people forget to add that for a new-gen console your going to want a decent telly to play it on. Alright you use your telly for other things as well, but the same point goes for a PC.
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