you would be surprised, hib usually never fields 100 people but with enough forward planning, people will turn up. "build it and they will come"vavires said:And i heard that numbers in the hib zerg was 100+, we hardly get 50.
Phule_Gubben said:Thank god I have a job. Teaming up with the enemy realm is a no no in my book.
dub said:hmm wasnt you a mid till recently ?
Sean said:im an alb
plz dont do what some alb scum do and do make this a AC raid, do it prime time
PS im totally againt AC raids
dub said:hmm wasnt you a mid till recently ?
Phule_Gubben said:Been playing Mid since March 2002, tried out Alb last summer and I like it there. Fun classes and so, pop in to mid now and then but then again I don't play as much as I used to. Still I'd never want to team up with an enemyrealm just to beat the living daylights out of another.
you will get some new friends midgard is wery green and friendly m8Sean said:very true
i really wanna switch realms but i dont wanna leave all ma m8ts frm alb behind
Phule_Gubben said:Been playing Mid since March 2002, tried out Alb last summer and I like it there. Fun classes and so, pop in to mid now and then but then again I don't play as much as I used to. Still I'd never want to team up with an enemyrealm just to beat the living daylights out of another.
Konstantin said:you will get some new friends midgard is wery green and friendly m8