Complaint about Gnous



Gnous seem to be nice people socially. However they are XP-obsessed and will happily be pushy, rude and self-centered in pursuit of that XP.

They are very good PvE players for sure, they know how to get the most XP in the shortest time possible but unfotunately they're making a very bad name for themselves on the english servers because of their extremely bad manners.

Gnous - take this thread and others like it as a warning. If you act with more courtesy and less selfishness you'll find yourselves welcomed here and will hopefully enjoy your time on the english servers. If you continue to PvE with the attitude you've been displaying over the last few weeks you're going to find yourselves unwelcome and disliked.


Originally posted by Sim^
Some days ago the fins group was 5 chanters and 3 healers ~~

this defeats the purpose of the fins list entierly imo. it was kinda agreed that it should be 1 stealther, 1 druid, 1bard, 2 mages and 3 tanks (warden counted as tank). this so that all could actually get exp at higher levels as it was a problem for stealthers to get groups. Now, is this focus trend escalades, we will end up with tones of new mages and healers but hardly any tanks.

imo, keep fins group as regualare pb-exping and go do the focuspulls somewhere else ;)


Originally posted by stroopwafel
yes lets stop the fekking best thing there is in this game xp-wise and all make groups with rangers as main tanks so we will never ding 50


(never heard the tanks in the group whine about focuspulls (maybe because they were afk))

prolly never hear them whine cuz I guess they are pretty happy when they get into a focus pulling group. a tank in a focus group is about as usless it can be.


they can at least fake that they are doing something
and tankpulls are always far more dangerous for the pbers, with tanks not taunting etc
i don't like it :)


Originally posted by Whandall
So where are those spots? I often heard ppl mentioning them but noone said where they are. Dont make it a secret if you want everyone to go there :rolleyes:

Sheeroe hills, Tur Suil, Fomor

None of these places really have the mindless afk-ish pull method that fins do tho i guess


Right. Just hard to get anyone to exp in SI lands :/
Are there also some good spawns in Worlds End?


Well , i think that the problems isnt really the whole guild but only 1 or 2.

the bard (shinni i think) is a pleasant and funy person , and skan the warden dont cause us any problem.
freakk the hero is sometime a little rude i think , but not really terrific.

i think that the realm problems is freed (dont know if he is the GM but he is the higher.this guy is really an asshole , agressiv , unfriendly ect.

if a gnous read this post i really think that u have to remove freed ..this guy is a painfull...

btw exept freed be sure that i like gnous as all others hib guilds.



lol lol lol

<= Teaser

Heste talking about afk tank or something

Last Night Hestethun druid 46 had whine during 2h about freakk, ok.
(i was the grp leader)
The guy begin to insult me "noob, fucker, moron". He asks me to kick freakk and to invite him.
2hours later, 2 guys left the grp and i grp him.
5minutes after, the guy was totally afk.
I kept him grped during 20 minutes (damn i'm evil) and ALL the grp was whining after him because he was full afk and Sindria (48 druid) was waiting for room.
So i've kicked him.

[answer to cercela]

Freed and me are the same person ? false
Freed was full afk/assisting me etc... ? true but he was on phone and his little brother was playing for him...u know phoning to girlfriend...awwwww irl life that's life powah

[answer to all others]

We'r not bad, i've already take the list and i respect the list order.
My drank is too xp so i'm inviting ppl can help me to xp and ofc they xp too and they'r happy to xp.

Think About all i've said.
Can say tons of things about peeps who have whined about us but i'm keeping quiet because i don't care...whiners are whiners that's all.


cercela lies

no... teaser had DISBANDED a 46 mana speced eld to let him in group.

Lies. ok? i've never disbanded someone by my own decision yet.
Last Night, i've kept an afk chanter in the grp during 45min when he came back i haven't said anything because i didn't care about that, my xp went up.

U can ask gundam btw what he thinks about me.
All the nick u gives made me as a friend i've xped a lot with them and imo they wont whine about me.

Last night Leverz, who imo wont say any whines about me, was grp leader and another friend list holder.

I've waited for 4hours and all of them said me U (cercela) didn't want to grp me because u don't like pet pull and prefer a tank pull.
Just after freak left i entered the grp and we began pet pull the xp was 10* faster and U (cercela) said something like 'good xp wow' etc...kinda hypocrit.


Focus pull at fins is fine as long as you power some tanks/shades/rangers.

What are you people blabbering about. Theres no reason why a focus pull group setup should be any less fair than a 3tank pbaeo setup:-

3tank pbaoe:-

3tanks, 2mages(one must be pbaoe),Druid,Bard,Warden.
(one of the tanks is a ns/ranger in this setup, though there are similar ones, goddamit wardens can tank if they arent afk).

imo with a half decent group the bard,warden and second mage may as well be afk. The only fins group Athlon join for his last bubs had sheph (warden), me and another tanking and a bunch of vng alts beingpowerleveld. Same exp as any other fins gpr imo.

Focus pull:-

2-3 mages (one must be manachanter),Druid,Bard/manament,
2-3 tanks (afk).

So how is this unfair if people include 2 tanks/stealth classes?

Oh and btw 3tankbpaeo setups where not FAIR, or even designed to be FAIR. Go lookup the million and one whine posts of complaining ns, rangers, second mages that have happened since the fins list has been in existance. They where built around the principly of getting the best exp for people who couldnt be arsed or didnt have the time to exp to 50 in a more imaginative way. A small concession was made so that 2 spots where available to mage and tank gimps.

Wakeup hibernia, focus pulling is the best way to level, we should be using it on the best, only, list driven spot in the game.


now start whining about focus groups when they dont let at least 2 tanks/stealth classes in, its more chance for ns and rangers, more chance for second mages, less chance for primary tanks.

Checkout DL recently? We have surplus of tank classes and could do with the small tweak this will give.


Oh and if a guild can bring 3+ people to the fins spot at once, you have a fairly stable group there, you dont need the LIST spot, its for people who cant build solid guild teams imo. If you try and invite more guildmates, goto another of the good, more remote spots and exp there.

Someone asked about other spots to exp, well I would try:-

Crim fins (better exp due to outpost bonus), if your not chicken.
Second fins (as good as main spot, less adds during the day, but better camp bonus).
Outside TS, your group has to be active and move but the exp is better than fins.
Inside TS / Formor, again not as much afking, you have to keep on the move, but the exp is way better.
Bogs of cullen - banshees / siabra guardians / siab city - lots of good camp spots, so many people do fins when banshess would cap them :/
Glimmer Knights, best drops, uber exp, far better imo for a high level group of 8 non afkers than fins.
DF Diamond mobs. - cant believe people leave diamond groups to goto fins. Once you hit 50 youll still want to get into these just for the insane cash.
Marfach (err ok you need a time machine and go back a patch for this one :/, but it was there).
There are more in SI, but they are mine all mine I tell you :)


Re: cercela lies

Originally posted by hansah

Just after freak left i entered the grp and we began pet pull the xp was 10* faster and U (cercela) said something like 'good xp wow' etc...kinda hypocrit.

Just after freakk left the group i left, and had speedr from my guild rep for me. I buff botted for the group.

Yes buff botting is SUCH good xp......

as for me saying not to invite you, i said invite another tank first, (a tank leaves, a tank joins no?) I also said pet pulling is extreamly boring cause it is and i would have fallen asleep, thus why i left the group.

As for the disbanded mana eld, I can only say i heard of that from gundam. But i still find it odd that freakk was invited over the 20 other people in front of him on the list.

and I dont know if you are PERMANTLY freed or not, but i know that more then one time you've been playing both accounts. I remember in a warshades group you said you were freed (maybe just at the time?) also in fins group once you said you were freed.

As for AFKing tanks i dont blame him.

tbh i said it was only a select few members of gnous, I have no qualms with Shinny or Skal (sp?) the warden. I don't mind Freakk much at all, but I think Freed and Teaser have done some dodgy listing tbh.

really i didnt want to post this cause i wanted to avoid conflict, but really when i cant join fins cause the guild is all in the group and after several others complaining I just did what the others wouldnt.


I was on fins list @7am yesterday morning and was next warden in line.... Freed gets the list and invited a guild warden instead of me because apparently I wasnt online @ the time and he wasnt given any alt names to pm even though I was on my warden when the Gnous warden got there... Gnous warden was there all day so I didnt get a group by the time I went out for a bit @ 9:30pm

This is the second time the warden has gained my spot in fins coz Freed had the list... Its pretty annoying.


New guild causing grief on albion Prywden.
<gnous>stories enough like this:
Originally posted by Roalith
Logged in Avalon City this afternoon. Joined a group with 2 Mercenaries and a Friar (who shortly left). I immediately notice the entrance area is fairly camped, and mobs are being killed rapidly. In particular, a buff-botted level 49 minstrel with the cleric patantly being run in a second window was chainkilling anything that popped.

So, without further ado, I start moving towards and drawing my bow at any mobs that pop... as soon as I release an arrow, the mob gets DD'd by the minstrel. I try again, after another mob pops - moving towards it, lining a shot up... and it gets DD'd from under my nose. This went on for about 15 minutes, after which the friar got fed up and left - leaving myself and the two Mercs.

I then attempted to pull another mob, making it as clearly obvious as possible without /pointing at it right in front of him and saying very clearly and slowly 'look, I am about to pull this'... and oh look, DD'd immediately after my arrow hits it.
So, I sit down and wait for another pop. Success! A red con to 44 pops while the minstrel is still occupied. I pull it... and it brings a purp con friend, because said minstrel triggered BAF code by being an ignorant twat.
Myself and one of the mercenaries survive - one dies. So, thinking the minstrel may have some sense of moral responsibility, we ask him for a res. Guess what? No response, not even a shrug and a "Hohehohehoooo" in a vague French sounding mutter.

And you guessed it - the minstrel was a Gnous member. Name of Freed, as I recall.
Oh..suprise...there we have Freed again.
Originally posted by 1234Taz
My groups in AC where have been at this camp for hours people have come and saw us their so they pulled from the other camps and moved on etc.. Your guild comes been a pbae group kill the other camp mobs fast so they see our camp, start pulling from their so i send one of them a tell and ask if they would stop pulling and pull from the other camps i even remember saying please.

I got totaly igonred and they continued to pull so i left it then we mezzed some mobs which your guild puller came up and hit 2 and pulled them back to your pbae group. I sent someone a tell again I and asked them to stop. This is where you started /yelling french words using caps etc... but this wasnt anuff so you started to cast fireballs and nuking our mobs hoping we would get a big pull and die [pathic] .

If this is acceptable on french servers i think you'll find people wont put up with it here :m00:
and <gnous> reply..
Originally posted by arise
. . . It's is bad when à FG use only 10 % of the capacity of a spot and we arrived and used 100 % ( waiting for our PBT theur :-p ) ? no I don't think so too . . .

as for Boni who wonders where everybody is "blabbering" about (read the thread maybe next time:p) ...focuspull is indeed great and fast xp but the game was made (and should be imo) about grouping active..not 50% or more afk. O, lets all stick to to the chanter in pve (whats rvr too?) and check in regulary to see how much I gained or maybe have to release, and oh..looky-a-new-button-dont-know-what-it-does-but-I-bet-it-roxx-in-rvr, when I hit 50, well atleast this month, doesnt sound much fun to me. "focuspull4thewinkthanks?" As said before, great xp, perfect farm-tool ..but there are soo many arrogant twats running around with their pb-button, spoiling it for alot of people that I wouldnt care less if they get nerfed with a huge bat. Focuspull4thewin-but-handle-with-care-kthanks
As for <gnous> don't expect help from me. Not that that is a big deal so no need to reply, just don't like egoistic players...but to quote youre fav. line appearently when you pissed some people off again..
/y louloulou !
Welcome to Hibernia....not


Still dont understand what you are blabbering about lek :)

Chanters are just using the abilities mythic gave em. Your entitled to shout 'nerf' and whine about it, or you can realise that hibernia has a gift here we can use :

e.g. Hof may not be the largest guild, we lost a lot of good lvl 50s recently, but thanks to focus pull we can do galla raids with less that 8 people and kill bosses, equip every member over 43 with a stag cloak and level our characters twice as fast as a fins group.

Come on now lek, tell me you havent powered afk people on pooks before... is that bad too?

For me its the smiles on the little nightshades faces when they d ing that makes it all worthwhile , that and not taking hours to do it ;)



Be sure we already have lvl 50 and some hours of rvr behind us.

And I hope we'll enjoy the new way of rvr hibernia is giving us ( based on casters instead of tanks like we 're used to ).

For Freed, he probably did some craps, don't know I wasn't here.
But now he 's 50, don't pexe at finns anymore. I've been grouped at finns this evening and haven't seen pbs about it, even if the guy leading list wasn't a Gnou ( ok ok, we've paid him !! ).

Keep cool, take us one by one like I do for other and fear the power of the incredible, lucky, beautifull, intelligent menta :
Pouetinthewind :x

ps : /s wouloulou ( the wou is really important )


We will see how it goes I guess, and just for you Gnoupy once more../y louloulou :p


I have alot of different things to say about that night, I am not a member of Gnous, nor had I really any experience about any of their members before hand, but...........
I found them some of the best people I have meet in game in a long long time, no airs or graces, I even asked at points who was next for this or that, and tbh it was not a Gnous player, we also had a total muppet of a druid come and annoy us that night, who joined the group and after I complained and got him kicked was in the group, he also complained to my guild about me (I am GM of Na Fianna btw Hestethun). Alot of what was said I cannot see being correct at all, and these dismissals of Gnous should really be taken on peoples personal experiences.

For one thing I know as being LK of fins more than once, that its a night mare, and people telling you what alt they are on... while you are getting X ammount of other tells, trying to answer the whole of the list asking ever 5mins "What number am I?" etc etc

Please.... think before you smack down a guild..... try and talk it out in game before you take this matter to the boards!

Lanvar AKA Leverz (Uber Fins list holder) :pP


From what I have read it looks like they have been leeching other groups pulls on alb/prydwen. keep an eye open, screen it, report to Goa and RightNow and hopefully if they do act as the wankers they sound like we will not have to see them again.

Tho you might wonder, why not play on the french servers?


On a side note: Stop using fins lists. They cause more grief than they're worth. And it's pathetic to see people leave perfectly good groups because they got a spot in a mediocre fins xp group (coz it is mediocre xp there, really) after being on a list for TWELVE HOURS.


Originally posted by Lanvar
I have alot of different things to say about that night, I am not a member of Gnous, nor had I really any experience about any of their members before hand, but...........
I found them some of the best people I have meet in game in a long long time, no airs or graces, I even asked at points who was next for this or that, and tbh it was not a Gnous player, we also had a total muppet of a druid come and annoy us that night, who joined the group and after I complained and got him kicked was in the group, he also complained to my guild about me (I am GM of Na Fianna btw Hestethun). Alot of what was said I cannot see being correct at all, and these dismissals of Gnous should really be taken on peoples personal experiences.

For one thing I know as being LK of fins more than once, that its a night mare, and people telling you what alt they are on... while you are getting X ammount of other tells, trying to answer the whole of the list asking ever 5mins "What number am I?" etc etc

Please.... think before you smack down a guild..... try and talk it out in game before you take this matter to the boards!

Lanvar AKA Leverz (Uber Fins list holder) :pP

so then tell me how Ragged that was on 15 h , got put down before and fecking lvl 42 hero , not fair


cercela @ lol

but I think Freed and Teaser have done some dodgy listing tbh

All the things u said is just funny.

I've taken the list @ once and no gnous entered the grp this day, i've respect the order of the list and i've grped ya...wtfpwned

btw i don't care about peeps were in the grp and there were a ranger and 2 ns in the grp...u can see btw i didn't make dodgy listing.

U speak without any proof u'r just a flammer @ all.
U don't like gnous ok...but just don't try to get ppl hating us too. It's your choice, keep it.

So stop saying such sucky things.


i havnt been in a fins group in at least 3 days

so... in your words...

wtf pwned?



Round 2, Figth !! ( try to imagine a deadly speed music at the same time )

Pouetinthewind <Gnous>


ouin ouin ?

:lol: Ouin Ouin ? :lol:

Ouin OuuIiiInNNnnNN!! :lol: oOoUuIiInnNNn !
OuinOuin :lol: OuinOuinOuinOuiiiiinnnn !!
OuinOuin OUinOuinOuin, OuinOuin ? OuinOuiiinnn ! :lol:
OuinOuinOuinOuinOuin Ouin :lol: OuinOuin oO
OuinnOuiiiin Ouinnouin ! OuinOuiiiiinnnnnOuinouinOuin :lol:
/s louloulou ? Ooooooooouuuuuuuuuiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!
Ouin ouinouin OuinOuinnn Pet pull OuinOuin Ouin !
OuinOuin OUinOuinOuin, OuinOuin ? OuinOuiiinnn ! :lol:
Ouin 3rd OuinOUin List Ouin Ouin, OUIN !!
tbh OuinouinOuinOuin ...

:lol: Ouin Ouin !! :lol:

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