This is a small complaint about a certine members of Gnous. My grievences didnt start with them till recently they join fins groups.
I logged on two days ago and asked to be put on the fins list. (I was logged at fins site so doing /say) While I was there I saw a friend Gundam (warden lvl 42-44 at the time) He said he had been waiting to get i the group for a quite some time and said that it might be a while before i was called.
after some pestering i was on the list and imformed them i would be playing an alt, gave them the name of the alt and went to play the alt. About 10-20 minutes later i got a message from the list holder asking if I had Mana Song 4. I said ofc and they told me to log.
The list holder was Freed, from Gnous.
So I got in before Gundam and i kind of chuckled and thanked god i was a bard. I soon saw that they had a lvl 40 hero and a lvl 42 hero. Kinda low since i heard you have to be a bit higher tank for fins. They were from same guild and had been there for a while.
Their names were Freakk and Freed both from Gnous.
These tanks were doing something intresting durring pulls, they would stick to a chanter and put guard on, then the would be semi afk. I didnt really care at first because we had another champ that helped us.
Well I didnt really care about this after all we were doing focus pulls. So we go for about an hour and only one chanter leaves. Then I get a message from the list holder (Freed) asking me how long i was planning to be on. I have this text on the Screenshot rather even though it was taken much later and i scrolled up to get those texts.
These questions seemed innocent, but i got this odd feeling that he was trying to get me to leave. I said I wanted to stay for my ding but would leave if the list was long.
He told me the list for bards was long, but i could stay for my ding. I asked how long, he said 6.
I was ok with this until my rep logged in and it was Shinny... also from Gnous. I suddenly found this kind of fishy and started to message on of the members, Anyanka, saying i felt as if i was being kicked out for their guildy. Anyanka said that I couldnt be kicked out and I should stay as long as I wish.
I agrede to this notion and decided i would stay for at least my ding as he said i could.
Soon our warden said he was going to log and I thought it was about time Gundam got his spot. Unfortinatly, no.... they invited the bard.
Freed was group leader.
I started messaging our champ Tdenoche talking about how it was kind of dodgy. During my conversation with him and Anyarka I was told that Anyarka's guildmate (Gegge) had been couting what place he was told when he joined list and how many chanters had came and gone and he should be second on list.
In time a chanter left and they called the "Next" chanter.... happened to be Teaser.... you guessed it.... ALSO from Gnous.
I thought, ok they all got on list at same time, no big deal.... then I remembered, Teaser and Freed were the sameperson. With Freed being the list keeper, it seemed VERY dodgy. I kind of made a joke about how many members of Gnous there were. And suddenly the got very defensive.
A small arguement insued between the me, Anyanka and the members of Gnous (aside from Shinny who was very quiet thoughout the whole time, no complaints about him/her) It finally got to me asking why Gundam hadnt been called. Since he was on list before me, he should have been next healer when warden left.
They said that Shinny had been before him on list, but if Shinny had been before him, she would have been before me.... why call me in the first place?
After an arguement I agreed to take the list because Freed said it was too much hastle. I got he list.... and saw how incredably LONG the bard list was.
It was 2 people. One of which was from my guild and i knew wouldnt be on till late at night (probably at least 6 hours or so) The other had asked to be on while I was there. So... this long bard list the Freed wanted me to leave to let the next bard on.... mysteriously vanished. Where did the 4 bards go?
There was only 1 other healer as well... Gundam.
I then looked, at Anyanka's reguest for her guildmate. He was second (since teaser was put in group, he should have been first)
so somehow he moved down on spot, as if someone had been placed in front of him.
I took on list responcibilitys and it cleared up most of the problems. Except that a druid healos asked if he was still on list. I appologized and added him.
during whipe outs, one of the Gnous members would say "I'll log the druid." And a gnous druid Invin would log to res us. So obviously they have shared passwords or something so that they can log on like that.
After a couple hours, Freakk said he would have to be logging for a couple hours and his friend would be playing for him. I was ok with this because hopefully the friend would be at the comp more then freakk. So freakk logs..... and the Teaser says, "Damn, i can log into his account"
So I say im calling the next tank. And they ask for next chanter. So I go with the majority and call the next pber. Because the one infront of gegge wasnt on he was called and let into group almost on time.
time when on and Anyanka left along with a couple other
I stayed in that group for 4+ hours (total). None of the members of Gnous left. I was getting really tired and asked for someone to take the list. They said no, that i would just have to stay on. I did for about 20 minutes constantly saying I was tired and wanted to log soon and asking to be relieved of the list. I called up a druid and said he could have my spot if he took the list. He didnt really want to take list, but agreed because even when I said, "I am logging, who is taking list" no one agreed. Healos saved the list and took it. I passed it on and went to train.
I got a message from a friend then about an Innus group of 38ish people hunting pooka's. He asked if I could join and I said just for a short while cause i was tired.
So I got to innus buffed them and played Mana song and said I was pretty tired and they needed to look for a replacement bard.
While they were looking I had a chat with Gundam, who in the 30 minutes or so had gotten into Fins group.
He informed me that Freakk was back in the group. Kinda odd since he was nearly at bottom of the tank list (since he logged and all)
no... teaser had DISBANDED a 46 mana speced eld to let him in group.
It was then i decided to post this.
I told my group xp was sucky for me and that i was stuck to my friend and was going afk and they could disband me when my rep came in, or if they didnt want me leeching, since we had a large number of healers i wasnt really needed other then song.
so the day ended for me and I socialized the next day then the next day came.
after socializing that night i played fins for a lil bit and saw oddly enough, two Gnous people. The warden was fine but was rather slow on reflexs healing etc most likely do to fatigue though. The tank... freakk however, when he left DEMANDED his spot be taken by Teaser, a pber.
Ok I'll let Teaser take his spot, but she damn well better tank imo.
[End of Edit]
I'm waiting for fins now. They said their bard Shinny was gone but being "played"
I'm looking at the group now... its freed, shinny, and teaser from gnous mixed with others.
Teaser is pulling, she sends pet in and focus shield it, pulls it back, then Freed (aka teaser) snaps to life and starts attacking the mobs. He sits there doing no styles at all, and the bard snaps to life suddenly.
No of them move at the same time.
Since when shoud one person be aloud to take up 3 spot in the group when there is a list? Kinda destroys the idea of a fins list.
hmmm odd, seems screeny is too big file size, and im not a Regular user so i cant post urls. Anyone willing to host it please tell me. But it shouldnt really be nessisary i have witnesses and such.
Thank you for those that read this.
btw i got back and since i was busy posting this i ost my spot.... to the warden from Gnous.
I logged on two days ago and asked to be put on the fins list. (I was logged at fins site so doing /say) While I was there I saw a friend Gundam (warden lvl 42-44 at the time) He said he had been waiting to get i the group for a quite some time and said that it might be a while before i was called.
after some pestering i was on the list and imformed them i would be playing an alt, gave them the name of the alt and went to play the alt. About 10-20 minutes later i got a message from the list holder asking if I had Mana Song 4. I said ofc and they told me to log.
The list holder was Freed, from Gnous.
So I got in before Gundam and i kind of chuckled and thanked god i was a bard. I soon saw that they had a lvl 40 hero and a lvl 42 hero. Kinda low since i heard you have to be a bit higher tank for fins. They were from same guild and had been there for a while.
Their names were Freakk and Freed both from Gnous.
These tanks were doing something intresting durring pulls, they would stick to a chanter and put guard on, then the would be semi afk. I didnt really care at first because we had another champ that helped us.
Well I didnt really care about this after all we were doing focus pulls. So we go for about an hour and only one chanter leaves. Then I get a message from the list holder (Freed) asking me how long i was planning to be on. I have this text on the Screenshot rather even though it was taken much later and i scrolled up to get those texts.
These questions seemed innocent, but i got this odd feeling that he was trying to get me to leave. I said I wanted to stay for my ding but would leave if the list was long.
He told me the list for bards was long, but i could stay for my ding. I asked how long, he said 6.
I was ok with this until my rep logged in and it was Shinny... also from Gnous. I suddenly found this kind of fishy and started to message on of the members, Anyanka, saying i felt as if i was being kicked out for their guildy. Anyanka said that I couldnt be kicked out and I should stay as long as I wish.
I agrede to this notion and decided i would stay for at least my ding as he said i could.
Soon our warden said he was going to log and I thought it was about time Gundam got his spot. Unfortinatly, no.... they invited the bard.
Freed was group leader.
I started messaging our champ Tdenoche talking about how it was kind of dodgy. During my conversation with him and Anyarka I was told that Anyarka's guildmate (Gegge) had been couting what place he was told when he joined list and how many chanters had came and gone and he should be second on list.
In time a chanter left and they called the "Next" chanter.... happened to be Teaser.... you guessed it.... ALSO from Gnous.
I thought, ok they all got on list at same time, no big deal.... then I remembered, Teaser and Freed were the sameperson. With Freed being the list keeper, it seemed VERY dodgy. I kind of made a joke about how many members of Gnous there were. And suddenly the got very defensive.
A small arguement insued between the me, Anyanka and the members of Gnous (aside from Shinny who was very quiet thoughout the whole time, no complaints about him/her) It finally got to me asking why Gundam hadnt been called. Since he was on list before me, he should have been next healer when warden left.
They said that Shinny had been before him on list, but if Shinny had been before him, she would have been before me.... why call me in the first place?
After an arguement I agreed to take the list because Freed said it was too much hastle. I got he list.... and saw how incredably LONG the bard list was.
It was 2 people. One of which was from my guild and i knew wouldnt be on till late at night (probably at least 6 hours or so) The other had asked to be on while I was there. So... this long bard list the Freed wanted me to leave to let the next bard on.... mysteriously vanished. Where did the 4 bards go?
There was only 1 other healer as well... Gundam.
I then looked, at Anyanka's reguest for her guildmate. He was second (since teaser was put in group, he should have been first)
so somehow he moved down on spot, as if someone had been placed in front of him.
I took on list responcibilitys and it cleared up most of the problems. Except that a druid healos asked if he was still on list. I appologized and added him.
during whipe outs, one of the Gnous members would say "I'll log the druid." And a gnous druid Invin would log to res us. So obviously they have shared passwords or something so that they can log on like that.
After a couple hours, Freakk said he would have to be logging for a couple hours and his friend would be playing for him. I was ok with this because hopefully the friend would be at the comp more then freakk. So freakk logs..... and the Teaser says, "Damn, i can log into his account"
So I say im calling the next tank. And they ask for next chanter. So I go with the majority and call the next pber. Because the one infront of gegge wasnt on he was called and let into group almost on time.
time when on and Anyanka left along with a couple other
I stayed in that group for 4+ hours (total). None of the members of Gnous left. I was getting really tired and asked for someone to take the list. They said no, that i would just have to stay on. I did for about 20 minutes constantly saying I was tired and wanted to log soon and asking to be relieved of the list. I called up a druid and said he could have my spot if he took the list. He didnt really want to take list, but agreed because even when I said, "I am logging, who is taking list" no one agreed. Healos saved the list and took it. I passed it on and went to train.
I got a message from a friend then about an Innus group of 38ish people hunting pooka's. He asked if I could join and I said just for a short while cause i was tired.
So I got to innus buffed them and played Mana song and said I was pretty tired and they needed to look for a replacement bard.
While they were looking I had a chat with Gundam, who in the 30 minutes or so had gotten into Fins group.
He informed me that Freakk was back in the group. Kinda odd since he was nearly at bottom of the tank list (since he logged and all)
no... teaser had DISBANDED a 46 mana speced eld to let him in group.
It was then i decided to post this.
I told my group xp was sucky for me and that i was stuck to my friend and was going afk and they could disband me when my rep came in, or if they didnt want me leeching, since we had a large number of healers i wasnt really needed other then song.
so the day ended for me and I socialized the next day then the next day came.
after socializing that night i played fins for a lil bit and saw oddly enough, two Gnous people. The warden was fine but was rather slow on reflexs healing etc most likely do to fatigue though. The tank... freakk however, when he left DEMANDED his spot be taken by Teaser, a pber.
Ok I'll let Teaser take his spot, but she damn well better tank imo.
[End of Edit]
I'm waiting for fins now. They said their bard Shinny was gone but being "played"
I'm looking at the group now... its freed, shinny, and teaser from gnous mixed with others.
Teaser is pulling, she sends pet in and focus shield it, pulls it back, then Freed (aka teaser) snaps to life and starts attacking the mobs. He sits there doing no styles at all, and the bard snaps to life suddenly.
No of them move at the same time.
Since when shoud one person be aloud to take up 3 spot in the group when there is a list? Kinda destroys the idea of a fins list.
hmmm odd, seems screeny is too big file size, and im not a Regular user so i cant post urls. Anyone willing to host it please tell me. But it shouldnt really be nessisary i have witnesses and such.
Thank you for those that read this.
btw i got back and since i was busy posting this i ost my spot.... to the warden from Gnous.