Code of Conduct changes


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
1st: If you run dueling circles, you take away chances from other people (mostly soloers) who roam. Including stealthers who love to give some surprise to you, etc.

Can still jump people at dueling circles? What's the problem?

2nd: dueling is a controlled fight, since you control many conditions (limit adds, limit who will be your opponent, what should be allowed, etc).

Doesn't this apply to the FG fights that were held in Agramon aswell? Limit adds? Lol, I'd say you get more adds in dueling circles (if you aren't on a bridge or close to one). Limit who will be your opponent, err don't you always choose your opponent? I mean stealther do it always, does that give them unfair advantages?

3rd: Golena spoke about RP outcome and since in the controlled duel environment you would choose fights you can win (remember: you use emotes to choose who will fight with you) his point is perfectly valid.

No it's not, you fight whoever you want to, just like in any other place.

4th: Your "solo area" takes away some land from people doing missions, wanting to siege, etc...

No it doesn't, people are free to do what the fuck they want around dueling zones, add away, take a fucking tower, whatever.

So you say: The above advantages are minor and doesn't worth it, so you just ruin the game for many people without any actual benefit. If you do it knowingly and intentionally that is and was grief play and pretty much justifies any action that GOA takes against dueling circles.

Ruin the game? Is this guy serious? Wich ones are we ruining the game for?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Gahn: for fgs, there is an area designated for such fight by Mythic and GOA. For rest of the land, siege crews, etc. are ok, and sieges are expected to happen, and you are expected to face and accept adds.

Read better there's no designated areas allowed no more.
Thus they trying to force me to play in a way which i don't like.
Simple as that, they can go and fuck erselves, i play how the fuck i want within the terms of CoC, if CoC denies that i can avoid fighting some1 or that i can't fix some rules in a zone where i don't harass any1 nor spoil the fun for any1 else, they won't have my money, period.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2004
Gahn: for fgs, there is an area designated for such fight by Mythic and GOA. For rest of the land, siege crews, etc. are ok, and sieges are expected to happen, and you are expected to face and accept adds.

Can you provide a link to this?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
It is interesting that people who organize these dueling circles often moan because they think people shouldn't add, but if people say, claiming an area that way is bad, they say they would never do anything like that, and they are happy when they get adds :)


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Gahn: for fgs, there is an area designated for such fight by Mythic and GOA. For rest of the land, siege crews, etc. are ok, and sieges are expected to happen, and you are expected to face and accept adds.

Ah but on Limors, everyone has there own little zone that everyone abides to. It might be breaking the CoC BUT, this is the important bit, it works!

Everyone has fun, the 8man zone is left to the 8 man guilds, soloers stick to thier zone and everywhere else is fair game.

If GOA decide to stick thier nose in and change this player-made system, EXPECT mass whine and maybe even mass exodus. Whats the usual numbers on Limors, 3k ish players?

I reckon about half of that would leave if the system gets changed by GOA.

So £8 x 1500 = £24000 or in the easy tersm, a shitload of money


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
yes, yet they have the words unplanned, duel and allowed in the same phrase...

the point ur missing is "unplanned" IE you DONT ask someone to go to x spot for a duel. u stumble across him/her as u roam the frontiers and hope to god u dont get added on. THATS the diffrence.

having a few mates from enemy realms sitting around a campfire waiting to duel isnt unplanned.

but if u use /rpoff, thats a diffrent matter from the farming point of view. then u fight for the "honor" only. not to farm RP's in a controlled enviroment.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
As long as people doesn't want to take keeps, towers, etc. in that zone, or it is the zone without keeps, it is reasonable :) otherwise GOA might have to change it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
I'm fairly sure that if enemyflow is ok, a good fg or even a good soloer farms a shitload of more rp´s just killing everything in sight than anyone will do sitting around waiting for duels among 10 other people.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
That pretty much shows how incomptent Requiel and crew are and that pretty much shows me the reason to not play on a GoA server when Warhammer comes.

Idiots, carebears.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
I really dont understand all this Rp-farming theory, anyone that played solo for more than 20 minutes knows that its much better rp to kill some rr2 rogstars than trying to kill that rr10 shield tank for the nth time.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
It is interesting that people who organize these dueling circles often moan because they think people shouldn't add, but if people say, claiming an area that way is bad, they say they would never do anything like that, and they are happy when they get adds :)
They thing is, these duelling circles are almost never organized or pre-arranged. They just happen thanks to the poor design of NF.
We often have iRvR in Hadrian's, Emain or Odin's. Visual soloers don't like to go there and get ganked over and over, nor do they want to go to the middle of Snowdonia and wait for hours without a fight. So, they go to one of the 2 other zone that doesn't have iRvR.

Close to bridges are some of the few places to find fights these days as a soloer. You will then get a few soloers in the same small area. Since these people don't like to add, they might instead watch an ongoing fight. Then some more soloers come and they will watch or fight some of the others already there. You then get a duelling circle.

I personally don't like those circles that much. They are fun on rare occasions, but quickly become boring.
I don't make a lot of RPs in those circles either, as people will often blow lots of active abilities in those fights and i'll be fighting people with good templates and specs.
My zerker gets far more RPs roaming around and charging some rog casters. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2005
Ah but on Limors, everyone has there own little zone that everyone abides to. It might be breaking the CoC BUT, this is the important bit, it works!

Everyone has fun, the 8man zone is left to the 8 man guilds, soloers stick to thier zone and everywhere else is fair game.

If GOA decide to stick thier nose in and change this player-made system, EXPECT mass whine and maybe even mass exodus. Whats the usual numbers on Limors, 3k ish players?

I reckon about half of that would leave if the system gets changed by GOA.

So £8 x 1500 = £24000 or in the easy tersm, a shitload of money

When everyone has their own zone it can work, because people can play their own style in that area. 1v1, 8v8, red is dead, can all be happy. When one group try and impose their rule set everywhere, then people with other styles have nowhere to do there own thing. Aggro breaks out and then GOA would have to change the system.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
It is interesting that people who organize these dueling circles often moan because they think people shouldn't add, but if people say, claiming an area that way is bad, they say they would never do anything like that, and they are happy when they get adds :)

no, they are saying you can do whatever you rp horny cock dictates and the coc is the part that limits a group of people not the other way around (the group of people limiting your style of play)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
the point ur missing is "unplanned" IE you DONT ask someone to go to x spot for a duel. u stumble across him/her as u roam the frontiers and hope to god u dont get added on. THATS the diffrence.

having a few mates from enemy realms sitting around a campfire waiting to duel isnt unplanned.

but if u use /rpoff, thats a diffrent matter from the farming point of view. then u fight for the "honor" only. not to farm RP's in a controlled enviroment.

but our wonderfull gm's have a different meaning for 'unplanned' it seems

check this and you will see that for requiel planned / prearranged means to waste time to emote before a fight and to take turns instead of killing on sight.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
no, they are saying you can do whatever you rp horny cock dictates and the coc is the part that limits a group of people not the other way around (the group of people limiting your style of play)
The CoC limits forming dueling rings (illegal) limits 1vs1 fight (exceptional and not normal) and approves adding (So that is quite normal), yet the so called soloers whine and moan when it happens, and when GOA enforces CoC. But yes, it should be CoC to place limits and not soloers.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
The only ppl who are against arranged duels must be those who feel left out, either because they steamroll the soloers or as a solo'er add on others fights and now can't anymore. Their precious rps are gone, and if this CoC shit stays the way as it is atm, the rps still won't be there as they will let their subs run out and not look back one second!

I am not personally on the solo scene, as I like to grp and play 8v8 whenver I get the chance, but from what I hear it must be so frustrating, especially for visuals, to solo and have fun in the game that way. I enjoy watching 1v1 or 1v2 movies and see what fun it can be to solo, I just don't have the patience to do it, and I admire ppl who have and leave them alone to have fun the way they like it. And with these new rules I don't see how it can be fun to solo anymore!

Edit: If you start to ban ppl for arranging duel on Dyvet, then you'd have to ban both of the german clusters..!

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
The CoC limits forming dueling rings (illegal) limits 1vs1 fight (exceptional and not normal) and approves adding (So that is quite normal), yet the so called soloers whine and moan when it happens, and when GOA enforces CoC. But yes, it should be CoC to place limits and not soloers.

Dude, is there any chance you can spam the Gaheris forum with your utter bullshit?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You can check Code of Conduct :) It states that Dueling rings are illegal.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
but our wonderfull gm's have a different meaning for 'unplanned' it seems

check this and you will see that for requiel planned / prearranged means to waste time to emote before a fight and to take turns instead of killing on sight.

That is rather funny, I was once in Thid on my scout and came across a hunter. I hugged him, he hugged back. We then proceeded to stand next to each other for the next 5 minutes doing thating but /hug. Is that prearranged? I did'nt even know the guy.

Another time I was on my armsman solo, I came aross Gahn and Jamie in villa. I walked upto them, slapped a big kiss on Jamiemallicus then sat and watched as he fought some albs. Is that prearranged? Cosidering I was unbuffed and lfg, I was not going to fight anyone anyway, would just rather watch some duels than sit in Sauvage afk


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
You can check Code of Conduct :) It states that Dueling rings are illegal.

If they are arranged.. Which they most of the times are not..

Prove me wrong! Where does it say Duelling rings are illegal and will be punished!?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
If they are arranged.. Which they most of the times are not..

Prove me wrong! Where does it say Duelling rings are illegal and will be punished!?

Requiel in his carebear fury will not punish anyone but he made sure other GMs will by changing the CoC.

Best is to not play at all when the MSN buddies of the GMs (called E&E or so) are logged in and playing some Gestapo crap.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
How a ring is made when it isn't organized? if you fight 1vs1 that is ok

if 1 doesn't add that is ok, but that isn't a dueling ring.
If we have 5-6 people, who stay in one place, and they use some means to determine who will fight with who, that means thing organized.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
How a ring is made when it isn't organized? if you fight 1vs1 that is ok

if 1 doesn't add that is ok, but that isn't a dueling ring.
If we have 5-6 people, who stay in one place, and they use some means to determine who will fight with who, that means thing organized.

Why do you even care? Have this affected you so badly that you have to spam this forum with your high horse?
You seem to have started this thread with one purpose... mock the shit out of people that are not whipped by GOA.

Get a life.... Seriously...


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
How a ring is made when it isn't organized? if you fight 1vs1 that is ok

Because some people are no rp horny and want to sit down and watch 1 vs 1 fights. It might not be organsied, all its showing is a little respect.

I have never had the urge to go 1 on 1 with anyone due to unbuffed ness, but I do like to watch the fights.

Does that make me one of these so called "organised" fights?

What GOA have done is just stupid, as I have said before. The player base is low, so why not piss off the remaining people, the people that stuck by YOUR company during the shit times, such as open transit and server crash. Oh and those people that stuck with you when WoW came out and decimated your playerbase?

People whine and moan about freeshards, but I can see why they seem so tempting to the solo playerstyle some people enjoy. No powermad GMS changing the CoC because a portion of the playerbase do not like solo and want to zerg, zerg, zerg everything down.

Now ill get banned for even mentioning Freeshards


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Shards are like wanking.. It's good at first, but it get's boring and you'd rather have the real thing in the end


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
You can check Code of Conduct :) It states that Dueling rings are illegal.

It quite clearly doesnt state this, it doesnt mention duelling circles.

In bad english it says; pre-arranged fights are a no-no (no more who's running in Agrammon tonight threads i guess, & should the likes of Aran or Mastade ever return, no more we gonna take your relics Friday at 7.30pm threads ?)

It also says controlled fights area no-no (no definition or explanation here but does this mean where one person doesnt fight back?) (it also suggests that fighting the same person/people repeatedly in a short space of time is a no-no (so i guess when the RvR population drops below a certain number the frontiers will be closed ? - no more ac raids then .. yay !!)

And it also says spying is no-no, i presume that means logging into a realm, see-ing what everyone is up to then logging into another realm & going & killing everyone.

You know, if i didnt read these boards, i would have no clue as to what the changes in the CoC really mean.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
FOR GOA and Esselinithia

It still seems that both your parties have no clue as to how dueling circles starts etc so i will try to make it as clear as possible for you.

Soloer A meets Soloer B and fights.

Soloer C sees them fighting decides not to add out of respect and courtesy.

Soloer D comes along and sees that there Soloer A and Soloer B are fighting but is of the same mindset as Soloer C (not wanting an easy kill and has respect for one or both of the fighters)

At this point Soloer C and D may continue to watch the fight or decide to fight each other.

THIS is how 99% of 'duelling circles' start. None of the MSNing or phoning up of mates to arrange duels etc.

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