Code of Conduct changes


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Conduct Between Realms
ven though it is allowed to use characters from different kingdoms on the same server or group of servers, it is forbidden to use this ability to spy on or for the advantage of an opposing kingdom.

As such, even if an unplanned duel between two players from opposing kingdoms is allowed if it these should remain as exceptional events,, it is not permitted to arrange fights between different realms for their personal benefit. This practice, usually called "RP farming", consists of earning realm points easily and quickly using 'controlled' fights, will be punished.

Every user found spying, RP Farming or other abusive behaviour ruining other players' game play might see their account(s) temporarily or permanently closed.

I think it is the changed part of it, and it might make some people unhappy.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
There's always been stuff about crossrealming/rp farming but it looks like it's been reworded


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Goa's Cock said:
or other abusive behaviour ruining other players' game play might see their account(s) temporarily or permanently closed.

Well that could also mean the ones that add for the explicit reason to annoy people should also be banned?

(before the red its dead crew jump up and down tearing their boots of newb+5) Silly question i know, but its not exactly clear


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well that could also mean the ones that add for the explicit reason to annoy people should also be banned?

(before the red its dead crew jump up and down tearing their boots of newb+5) Silly question i know, but its not exactly clear

It would be hard to detect and prove that intent, but if it is possible, it should be possible to get them banned as well.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Rp farming is different from organised duelling imo.

Say I wanted to fight stinkbox solo, I arrange a time and place and fight him 1 vs 1, to me that seems fine. Noone is getting hurt. Two people are enjoying the game, the game that they pay money towards playing


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Rp farming is different from organised duelling imo.

Say I wanted to fight stinkbox solo, I arrange a time and place and fight him 1 vs 1, to me that seems fine. Noone is getting hurt. Two people are enjoying the game, the game that they pay money towards playing

wich is the same as

This practice, usually called "RP farming", consists of earning realm points easily and quickly using 'controlled' fights,


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No it isn't the same because they aren't controlled fights, the two people still play to win it just cuts out the pointless roaming about for hours trying to find each other.

I really don't get why plebs have such a problem with decent players wanting hard fights, jealousy maybe? fear of exclusion? or is it because they don't make their precious RPs because they cant zerg them down if they aren't near Beno bridge?

Small minded dull little people who don't have the imagination to do anything but zerg a bridge or hump a tower. Get out more or something.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Conduct Between Realms said:
Even though it is allowed to use characters from different kingdoms on the same server or group of servers, it is forbidden to use this ability to spy on or for the advantage of an opposing kingdom.

As such, even if an unplanned duel between two players from opposing kingdoms is allowed if it these should remain as exceptional events,, it is not permitted to arrange fights between different realms for their personal benefit. This practice, usually called "RP farming", consists of earning realm points easily and quickly using 'controlled' fights, will be punished.

Every user found spying, RP Farming or other abusive behaviour ruining other players' game play might see their account(s) temporarily or permanently closed.
Wow that is vague. It's not even gramatically correct! What's the point of making this rule?:confused:


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
No it isn't the same because they aren't controlled fights, the two people still play to win it just cuts out the pointless roaming about for hours trying to find each other.

I really don't get why plebs have such a problem with decent players wanting hard fights, jealousy maybe? fear of exclusion? or is it because they don't make their precious RPs because they cant zerg them down if they aren't near Beno bridge?

Small minded dull little people who don't have the imagination to do anything but zerg a bridge or hump a tower. Get out more or something.

Exactly my point Raven. I never had the urge to fight someone 1 vs 1 due to lack of a buffbot and low realm rank. I stuck to 8 vs 8 rvr when I could.

I did not begrudge those that wanted those sort of fights though, everyone has fun differently. You cannot force someone to have fun YOUR way, that is like communism. Unless you live in North Korea, then Kim Jong Ill, IS your fun...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
this is a sad change :( its not rp farming, its having fun


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Right, have looking at the coc, I think I have found out something.

If you want to organise duels etc, make sure you /rp off. That way, you are not farming realmpoints. You are gaining nothing, except your own entertainment.

To me, that way seems fine and there is nothing GOA can do. If they then decide to suspend you for having /rp off duels, you could then sue for breach of contract, as you are well within the lines of the CoC...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
No it isn't the same because they aren't controlled fights, the two people still play to win it just cuts out the pointless roaming about for hours trying to find each other.

Controlled in choosing your enemies.

Also controlled in area, add problems, etc.

And also you controlled in the area, and you save time with this.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Just noticed this;

Every user found spying, RP Farming or other abusive behaviour ruining other players' game play might see their account(s) temporarily or permanently closed.

What classes as grief play? Adding on a 1 vs 1 fight?

Because that would be ruining other players game play....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Adding isn't considered abusive, and 1 vs 1 fights should be only exceptional, not protected and normal.

Also if you add: the damage done against the soloer is probably limited in respect of rules (soloing is not something you do normally and you will engage groups soon). And by these standards, if a soloer would expect to be left alone, he would benefit a little, and would prevent others from engaging valid targets,

Why 1 vs 1 fights should be exceptional and not normal (and protected) behavior? There can be many reasons :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
No it isn't the same because they aren't controlled fights, the two people still play to win it just cuts out the pointless roaming about for hours trying to find each other.

so u calling ur best mate and asks him to log on a alb toon when u play a mid or hib toon and asks him to go to x spot so u can have a nice quiet duel without anyone interrupting isnt a controlled fight?

then what IS a controlled fight according to you?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
they should fucking look in a dictionary to find the meaning of duel

A prearranged, formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a point of honor.

in other words a controlled fight....


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Why dont they scrap all of NF, and just build 3 large keeps 1 for each realm next to each other. These keeps are as lvl 10 keeps and are destructable and are in bolt range of the other keeps. There will be insta port to keep on /rel when dead. DI bots have special rooms that are bug free from wall pbaoe and are guarded by lvl 60 guards to stop stealthers attacking. Then we can all roll casters and just nuke the shit out of each other without infringing the coc. This way there will be no chance of any solo action or pre arranged fights.

No wonder its abbreviated coc, its some cock who's wrote it.

And on another note wasnt the 8v8 night in agramon arranged on FH. is that not against the coc too?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
A prearranged, formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a point of honor.

in other words a controlled fight....

yes, yet they have the words unplanned, duel and allowed in the same phrase...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
so u calling ur best mate and asks him to log on a alb toon when u play a mid or hib toon and asks him to go to x spot so u can have a nice quiet duel without anyone interrupting isnt a controlled fight?

then what IS a controlled fight according to you?

A controlled fight is RP farming with one person deciding before hand who will win or indeed controlling both toons. The only control (apart from class balance etc) in a 1 v 1 fight is the control you have over your toon.
If you had any idea about the game away from the aoe+numbers=win theology you would realise that there are so many variables in a real fight that there is just no way of controlling it, all you can do is control yourself.

ofc you can force errors and stuff, force people to use RAs etc but that is not control as in RP farming, that is control as in knowing your opponent and his playstyle and class.

It has nothing to do with phoning your mate up for a fight in game its like minded people wanting fair fights to test their toon out, i don't know anyone irl that I fight in game, i have arranged fights on here in the past though.

Serious questions.

Why do you not want or like people who just want to solo and yes, duel and don't want to zerg and think that zerging and camping bridges is a boring waste of time. Its either solo or not play tbh.

Which would you rather have? subs paying players enjoying themselves and prolonging the games life or people with cancelled subs playing something else?

How is a few people that wouldn't even bother with the game if they cant solo/duel going to effect your play style?

The type of player that is a real soloer does not hang around the zergs anyway. so whether they play and solo or don't play at all does not effect your way of playing either way.

I really don't see what your problem is, how is people enjoying the game the way they want to upsetting you? They aren't hurting anyone (except some peoples egos :p) they are just trying to scrape the last bit of entertainment out of this shitty game.

Maybe thats it though, they can still enjoy it if left alone but you lot can't because your play style breeds boredom.

Anyway tbh i really don't care what you think, you zerglings are the ones still addicted to DAOC where most of the soloers are enjoying life away from DAOC, we aren't sat there scratching our arses, wondering where everyone has gone :p We know we played within the rules and we know we had some of the best moments possible in DAOC.

If you fuckwits agree with GOA and don't want us to be subscription paying customers then meh, its your problem. Enjoy your empty server, i hope the few people left are enough to have your nice comfy epic battles :p


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Read todays news as far as ... With the growing population in the RvR zones,

I expect the same dimwit who wrote this re-wrote the CoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Raven said:
If you had any idea about the game away from the aoe+numbers=win theology you would realise that there are so many variables in a real fight that there is just no way of controlling it, all you can do is control yourself.

You may not be able to control which of the 2 players is going to win, but one of you will win. If you arrange 10 fights and only win half of them you'll get more realm points than someone who doesn't arrange them and only finds 3 fights but wins them all. Your not farming in the sense of having an afk character to beat on, but the pre-arranging results in you getting more RP's per hour than someone who isn't, therefore gaining an unfair advantage from it.

Raven said:
The type of player that is a real soloer does not hang around the zergs anyway. so whether they play and solo or don't play at all does not effect your way of playing either way.

Pre-arranged fights tend to take place in out of the way areas where your unlikely to get adds. What this means is that those people trying to solo without pre-arranging can't find any solo action, since all the soloers are off in a corner having private fights for the night. You can argue without it you wouldn't be playing, but encouraging the behaviour just makes it harder for people who don't want to arrange private fights to play, since those that would be playing otherwise arn't about either.

Raven said:
Anyway tbh i really don't care what you think, you zerglings are the ones still addicted to DAOC

The reason you never get sensible answers to your questions is because your not asking a question. Your just using it as a way to insult everyone that doesn't agree with your playstyle. A serious question does not take the form, why are you pathetic morons whining at me cos i'm so greatly superior to you?! If you don't care what others think, why bother asking a question in the first place, why not just directly insult them?

I don't find great fun standing at a bridge zerging either (and try to avoid it whenever possible).. As low RR it's also difficult to go solo effectively when everyone you run into is rr10+ so you have to get rp's somehow.. If people want good competative fights you can always /duel at the border keeps. There's slightly less variety of fights, but there's much less running about getting zerged as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
I could easily spec my toon for 1vs1 melee pwnage and win 7-9 out of 10 solo fights.

RP-wise the problem is that the rp flow is really crappy, I'd earn 2-4 times as much rp by circle zergs taking bits out of the zerg or people getting too far outside the zerg/group, jump unexpecting people, having 1vs1 on the way somewhere etc etc. Not to speak of if i join a group or "just" duo.

A low rr and/or decent but not op class, wouldn't earn any real amount of rp by doing duels and waiting until their turn would pop up again.
It takes time watching other people fighting their 1vs1, but it's intresting and often as not one could learn a few things (at least some more about the players fightign/play-style).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
... And my point would be, why bother, let people do 1vs1 if they're up for it. No one is forcing anyone to do 1vs1, why force people not to do it?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
CoCk said:
it is not permitted to arrange fights between different realms for their personal benefit

Umm 'arrange' does that count in the FH organized Solo zones?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
1st: If you run dueling circles, you take away chances from other people (mostly soloers) who roam. Including stealthers who love to give some surprise to you, etc.

So the damage done to others with dueling circles is more than what you can win.

2nd: dueling is a controlled fight, since you control many conditions (limit adds, limit who will be your opponent, what should be allowed, etc). Normally dueling (with /duel) shouldn't earn RP, with these dueling circles you earn RP for something that shouldn't earn RP.

3rd: Golena spoke about RP outcome and since in the controlled duel environment you would choose fights you can win (remember: you use emotes to choose who will fight with you) his point is perfectly valid.

4th: Your "solo area" takes away some land from people doing missions, wanting to siege, etc...

So you say: The above advantages are minor and doesn't worth it, so you just ruin the game for many people without any actual benefit. If you do it knowingly and intentionally that is and was grief play and pretty much justifies any action that GOA takes against dueling circles.

If you point significant advantages (mostly unfair advantages) that would mean: You abuse to gain an unfair advantage. And that is called cheating, and also a good reason to ban.

GOA made it clear: Dueling Rings are problematic in both cases. You are free to decide you want to stay or you want to leave.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Now givf name of the moron, who never played the game, who changed that bit in CoC!
This also mean that, technically, Limors Fg Area is breaking the CoC.
Time to move on and let subs expire.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gahn: for fgs, there is an area designated for such fight by Mythic and GOA. For rest of the land, siege crews, etc. are ok, and sieges are expected to happen, and you are expected to face and accept adds.

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