name: Diaree BajsBOMB
Server: Prydwen
Realm: Hibernia
Race: Lurikeen
Class: Enchanter
Level: 50
Guild: Nolby Pride
For those not fluent in the swedish tounge, the name of this char translated to english means "diarrhoea shitbomb" ... really mature name .. and if this doesn't break the CoC regarding naming then I don't know what does
I mean how f***n hard can it be to come up with a non-offensive name, if you lack imagination just pick a name from one of your favorite books or games ... but please don't use your kindergarten sense (or maybe lack of) humor when naming your chars.
name: Diaree BajsBOMB
Server: Prydwen
Realm: Hibernia
Race: Lurikeen
Class: Enchanter
Level: 50
Guild: Nolby Pride
For those not fluent in the swedish tounge, the name of this char translated to english means "diarrhoea shitbomb" ... really mature name .. and if this doesn't break the CoC regarding naming then I don't know what does
I mean how f***n hard can it be to come up with a non-offensive name, if you lack imagination just pick a name from one of your favorite books or games ... but please don't use your kindergarten sense (or maybe lack of) humor when naming your chars.