Co-op EU, start your posting ;)



Gets my vote too - you can always /duel for that odd one on one PvP anyway.

I'd love to see all three realm's characters in the same group, teams in PvP had amazing results.


what im looking forward to the most.. is that PvE servers are the perfect place for really big events :)

AND there is no gimp classes :) (warrior will continue to be god after 50 ;))


Would finally have good use for rolling a paladin ;) Would be AWESOME if the frontiers stayed the same so you could PvP / RvR if you want (only in the frontiers) but you could travel to each realm etc. and group with them like on the PvP server now... so PvP server wihtout mindless ganking outside frontiers ... sweeeeeeeet. :)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Eleasias
Would finally have good use for rolling a paladin ;) Would be AWESOME if the frontiers stayed the same so you could PvP / RvR if you want (only in the frontiers) but you could travel to each realm etc. and group with them like on the PvP server now... so PvP server wihtout mindless ganking outside frontiers ... sweeeeeeeet. :)

WHich is, of course, what DAoC should've been originally. Won't happen though.


Those keep raid things on PvE sound cool...
Will be a great server for events and rollplay...
/em finger hovers over the the "roll tank" button....mmm PvE


Only gets my vote if they name it as an official roleplay server even though they say they treat all servers like roleplaying ones but it would be nice if they can kick out the l33tlolpwned people and everyone can have nice original names.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
EQ > DAoC PvE :m00:

I am sorry for being thick, but WHAT is the excitement of a PvE for DAoC? There has been so little new PvE content over 10 months it is laughable. The thing that really makes DAoC as a concept and as a game is the RvR, so wtf people keep wittering on about PvE for , I have nio idea.

The reason EQ has stayed so successful for so long is that the content updates are frequent (no expansions for 12 months then we get 4 in 2 years, bit vague on the frequency but I started playing EQ in sept 99 which was 6 months after US release. It was at least 6 months before Kunark came out and the we have had Velious, Luclin and Planes of Power)

In addition EQ has a successful in game economy, which DAoC lacks. People are quite content to camp static spawns for the item that they can sell for 100k+ platinum. We do not have this option in DAoC...

I am open to enlightenment so please do so....

btw for the intellectually challenged among you I am agreeing with the person I quoted.


PvE just sounds so... shit.

i mean what are you going to do when xping gets so mindlessly dull that you have to go and stab someone?

imo daoc should have origionally been made as the Co-Op server, with combat in frontiers etc like normal Daoc, and guild alliegance like PvP.


Originally posted by Melodic

btw for the intellectually challenged among you I am agreeing with the person I quoted.

OT but; hehe, that mad me smile :p


you lvl a char to 50 , get epic armor and then.... mmm hunt mobs for eternity. Sounds a bit boring, could be fun on lower lvls thou.


Originally posted by old.Kladen
Only gets my vote if they name it as an official roleplay server even though they say they treat all servers like roleplaying ones but it would be nice if they can kick out the l33tlolpwned people and everyone can have nice original names.

the l33tlolpwned people won't want to play on PvE :)


Originally posted by Melodic

I am sorry for being thick, but WHAT is the excitement of a PvE for DAoC? There has been so little new PvE content over 10 months it is laughable. The thing that really makes DAoC as a concept and as a game is the RvR, so wtf people keep wittering on about PvE for , I have nio idea.

have you been to dartmoor or darkness falls? (or the other equivalents in the other realms).
Have you read anything about shrouded isles?

have you killed any of the new monsters that they've added to the old zones...

how about the new dungeon next patch (1.53)?

The reason EQ has stayed so successful for so long is that the content updates are frequent (no expansions for 12 months then we get 4 in 2 years, bit vague on the frequency but I started playing EQ in sept 99 which was 6 months after US release. It was at least 6 months before Kunark came out and the we have had Velious, Luclin and Planes of Power)

ahh yes instead of adding in free content :) SI adds in 18 new zones and 9 new dungeons... that's not bad.

DAoC is only a year old - what was EQ like after a year?

In addition EQ has a successful in game economy, which DAoC lacks. People are quite content to camp static spawns for the item that they can sell for 100k+ platinum. We do not have this option in DAoC...

You don't have to spend 24 hours sitting in the one place waiting to get some jboots.

That is not an economy - needing to go without showering for a week to get an item does not make an economy.

DAoC PvE is like Everquest but without the requirement to do a NolbyPride Camlann Special to get anywhere.


Fingoniel I wasn't knocking DAoC - if I didn't love the game I wouldn't play it and I can't wait for SI

People can play all of the areas you mentioned without the need for a special PvE server.

If you read my post you will see me say EQ had no expansions for 12 months (in fact I think it may have been only 9)

I do think that what makes people sit and camp spawns all day long, week in week out is the opportunity to sell the items and adds to the lasting power of the game. I know that in DaoC the devs deliberately did not want the problems of the EQ economy and that was probably a good idea to some extent but it would be fun to have some ready market for good items in our game.

Sorry if the above doesn't make sense - I was very drunk when I made my original post and now have the hangover from hell.


A Co-Op server sounds much more satisfying than a PvP one.

Get's my vote :cool:


If PvP server brings out the very worst in people who play this game (and it seems to in my experience) then a Co-op server should do the exact opposite.

GOA will be absolutely nuts not to open one asap.


Main reason I would play on Co Op server would be to visit all the realms with the same character.

As someone above mentioned, I do like the idea of keeping the frontier zones for PVP, so thier is, that something extra for those who want it or who might get bored of PVE. (although I would probably never go there) :)


Originally posted by Novamir
PvE just sounds so... shit.

i mean what are you going to do when xping gets so mindlessly dull that you have to go and stab someone?

The thing with a co-op server is, xping doesn't get mindlessly dull. Why? Because you don't stand around in the same spot for hours simply to get xp. You wander more. You go visit areas you haven't been.

There is no rush to get to 50, because you don't need to be 50. Since there is no RvR, you don't get people who think 'oh my god must be 50 now so I can do something!'.

If you think DAoC is about rushing up the levels to 50, then you just won't understand the concept of a co-op server.

Personnally, I would love to see one, and would consider moving to the US if we don't get one. Please push the decision on this forward GOA, so we know where we stand.


Co-op gets my vote...

(especially with /charcopy ;) )


i highly doubt it.. but IF they implement a /charcopy to the coop .. then im 100% never going back ;)


/charcopy seems a bit pointless :) you'd just end up with lots of level 50 clones running around telling the newbies how uber they are...

The point of PvE is killing the monsters - start a new character, meet up with some friends, roll whatever race/class you fancy and go kill monsters in all the different places.


with the upside i ment you could do all the epicdungeons at the go.. AND i like some of my chars.. would love to have them on th eco-op .. hope i can snag the names (if and when) we get a co-op :)

Aule Valar

hiss and boo
really don't like the idea of mob fighting being the only thing you can do

Roo Stercogburn

Would love for there to be a Euro Co-op server.

Get the people from all the realms that know a particular char well. Get them to make it on the PvE server.

Get them together.


BTW there's a much greater scope for roleplaying and truly epic quests on a PvE server. You know, actual roleplaying.


PvP just bores me
co-op looks more like my sort of thing.
i doubt there will be a /charcopy available to us but even if there was i think i would prefer to try out new races/classes from different realms and see how they fare compared to native chars in each realm.


oh yeah bring PvE server on GOA :)

finally a server with (hopefully) nice people and lots of space for Roleplaying! :)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Aileanara
Main reason I would play on Co Op server would be to visit all the realms with the same character.

As someone above mentioned, I do like the idea of keeping the frontier zones for PVP, so thier is, that something extra for those who want it or who might get bored of PVE.

Exactly as said.

The idea of being able to hunt in all realms with one character without being ganked by PvP madness :)

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