Cm plers go to hell



Either remove focus or reinstate the lvl diff xp drop. As for a ranger or shades. I have a lvl 50 ranger who soloed lots. You accept the fact that you are alone. You have a hard hitting bow and a pa and high evade who helps alot. My ranger can drop 4-6 yellows without going melee until out of end. What about a tank?We take a full end bar to solo a yellow. Go on cm, fuck thegame up^^


We all have a choice

1. Mezz and hack:
Loads of fun if you have tanks, healers, a warden and a bard. The good old days. But extremly slow exp 40+. Enchanters and nightshades didnt even get a chance at a group back then. They were left to Ench spec soloing techniques. Rangers sometimes got a spot in group as the puller.

2. Hack and PB:
Also Loads of fun if you have tanks, healers, a warden and a bard. Put every caster out of business except Enchanters, (they got their revenge). Crys of realms got no wardens or tanks. Also about this time wardens found out they were gimped in rvr, they were not the damage dealers they thought they were.

3. PB Focus grps:
2 Enchanters, 1 druid, 1 ment or bard, rest can leech. Great if you got 50's already. These groups tend to be made up of guild only, or by people with 2 accounts. Also if you dont have a char that can help out with the main core of the group then no chance you getting in. Every char type can leech so if your friends making a stealther it dont matter.

4. Solo: Great if you havent got time to group, and you find a nice spawn weak to your damage type, and weak against your armour type. Soloed my void eld from 41 to 48 in Innis, then guild grp and fins grp helped out from 48 to 50.

It all depends how much exp you expect out of a group, how much fun you want to have and how many times your willing to die. From what I remember we had a stage of when group died even after 10 mins of play the group split up, whats the point, learn from your mistakes and try again.

Do not whatever happens allow waiting in innis shouting LFG to come back.


One idea is to make the focus shield detaunt therefore chanters could still farm the same as anyone else as they could just let the pet kill and maybe Pbaoe the last bit of health, any healer that heals would then take the agro and you would need tanks to take it off them.


Look on the bright side about PL'ers... Started a ranger the other day, so I could begin a little past-time alchemist'ing - guess what? CAMP BONUS around Mag Mell lolz! =D


The only problem i see in focus pulling is, places that meant to be for 30+ characters are full of levels 1 to 24...
CM's pit is a good place to level till 42 (I had the luck to be there with a group that were all the same level, so i could see that the exp were pretty good)...

In my opinion it's some bad chanters that overuse a kinda overpowered ability. Personally I try not to camp a place when I'm PLing someone if I see a group of people that will benefit from the camp, or I go at hours that the place is empty.

The best thing that Mythic could do for this, is to put a level restriction at dungeons. I have seen that in other online games, it shouldn't be too difficult to be done! After all there is absolutely no reason for someone under 30 to be in CM, but to be PLed.

Enchanters can PL people outside if they like. SI has extremelly good places to do that.

To be honest I prefer the old fashion leveling, and I would like to get to 50 with a good company, that will roam dungeons as Tur Suil and Fomor. But I use focus pull cause I have it, to help my guildmates, or because I'm alone, but I surely wouldn't loose any sleep If I didn't have it... :)

Fialdric Nighteyes 50 lvl Druid and Big Mama of the Temple of Mhatsakhull
Kabloom Oops 45 lvl Enchanter
Sichameni 27 lvl Nightshade, wanna be 50 like Sichama


To take chanters pb/focus away in the same spec line would be good for tanks... but its what makes Chanters unique from SM's (mainly) and after all we are the caster realm .The only problem i have with this is them taking the spots in CM where groups around 35 could be getting nice xp all chanters need to do is go somewhere else...please

Barevose 50 Spearo
Barevos 19 Chanter
Baregrove 19 Animist
<Pagan Death Cult>


Originally posted by squalion
tbh cm plers do piss me off from time to time, i go down there to farm

How is pl any different to farming?

Both camp a spawn that a full group could use.


3 weeks ago when i got my druid to level 50, i was in loads of normal groups, yes with tanks.
Doing tur suil knights etc. 90% of the time from 40 to 50 the groups i was in where normal groups.
Trust me not that much can change in 3 weeks.
Go to domnan make a group and have fun.
Most groups i am in with my alts 20 - 30 are still normal groups.
You guys are making to much fuss about this.
Or you are just not looking right.
BTW only succesfull group in tur suil are non focus pulling grps cause of the pops and aggro range, so get yer butts to TS and level :D

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