Cluster Sucks


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
From a fg vs fg perspective I don't see argamon that zergy at all - there's a pretty high ratio of 'clean' fights. Total solo and small grp no-go area tho.

Solo action highly variable atm. Few nights ago turned /stats off for the first time to avoid getting laughed at after getting zerged all night long and making 1.5k rps/hr (but 800+ rps per kill fyi !!). Last night tho was okay, made about 7-8k per hr, only thing that ruined it was losing to Trollum :(.

Tends to be better off-peak all I can say, and yes going to bold docks and other stupid areas is out of the question for a non-speed class unless you're truely bored out your mind.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
cluster is a blast, more action, more funneh.

Septina - how can u say its a problem for all fg vs fg fights? the not-addcode atm is working uber if you ask me.

Most fights we encountered yesterday were pretty much clean, except vs some random fg's that were "helping the other random fg", which i have no problem at all with.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Lets get some irvr running ? :D Then te not to leet fg´s and soloers/zergs can go there, and the elite psycho r11+ zooomg grps can go agramon and prawn eachother ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Ogen said:
Lets get some irvr running ? :D Then te not to leet fg´s and soloers/zergs can go there, and the elite psycho r11+ zooomg grps can go agramon and prawn eachother ;)

Word! What about Hadrian? We Berk you Eras:cheers:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
remi said:
cluster is a blast, more action, more funneh.

Septina - how can u say its a problem for all fg vs fg fights? the not-addcode atm is working uber if you ask me.

Most fights we encountered yesterday were pretty much clean, except vs some random fg's that were "helping the other random fg", which i have no problem at all with.

You dont play vs Mid tho which has 20 ggs and about 100 randoms out in agramon every night tho ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Solo visual in agramon isnt possible, go to the bridges like some1 said, and the getting jumped by a Sb or 2 is just reality what do u think stealthers hunt if not eachother then soloes duos or small grp if good;)

U should realy try bold brynja hw bridges alot of soloers and duos from what ive seen.


Dec 22, 2003
Adianna said:
Well... alone that Mythic calls their game a MMORPG might give a hint that it isn't meant to be played solo... and Mythic stated several times that they do not design the game towards 1 vs 1 or group vs group but realm vs realm.

Not meant to be played in a way does neither mean that it is forbidden to play that way nor that no one shouldn't play it that way if he or she likes that. It just means that it is a design decision that this game doesn't directly favour these aspects.

So you either have to live with that or you have to quit. There are plenty of possibilities to solo, especially with a class like theurgist. Either be happy that you actually have a chance to solo or quit. Complaining won't help that... and regarding that the majority of Prydwen and Excalibur players wanted clustering, it is up to you to decide. Either continue playing, then it can't be that bad, or it is that bad, well then you have the simple option of not renewing your subs.

Complaining about something not working that was never planned is a little off the track.

Yeah good that they designed the engine to have at least 100 people on screen with no fps lag..oh wait.. :<


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Septina said:
You dont play vs Mid tho which has 20 ggs and about 100 randoms out in agramon every night tho ^^

Aye, mids are by far the worst group for adding/ruining fights. Last night was running with a group that steered clear of every fg fight going on. At one point we went 20minutes without a fight because everywhere we turned other people had just engaged them. Think was past 9 fights in that time, just so that in our next fight 3 of them mid groups added on us :(

Only one area where we added on fights... and that was between albion bridge and albion milegates. If you want a FG fight then you know better to run into that area as it not going to happen, the reason groups run there is to farm the solo-small groups and stealthers and so they deserve what they get.

All in all it depends on your playstyle.. cluster sucks when i solo as there a greater number of people around that dont respect fair 1vs1 etc so get added/zerged more. However in group situation there is more fights to be had, and i actually found a group of people from excal that are good players and ask me to join them often :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
chose one zone then ask groups on irc . im sure who got bored about the "getting zerged by noobs thing" give it a try. but its only work if you have enough gg out.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Steveh said:
chose one zone then ask groups on irc . im sure who got bored about the "getting zerged by noobs thing" give it a try. but its only work if you have enough gg out.

Amen to that. :p
Worked very nice on Avalon, had a channel on irc, put a zone in topic each day and the gg's that wanted fg v fg etc roamed there. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Septina said:
Amen to that. :p
Worked very nice on Avalon, had a channel on irc, put a zone in topic each day and the gg's that wanted fg v fg etc roamed there. :)

And then you get Meeeeee (Aldoran? ) group coming along and adding on everything :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Corran said:
And then you get Meeeeee (Aldoran? ) group coming along and adding on everything :p

Haha, why am i not surprised its Aldoran? xD
They spent whole last night zerging/adding on us with 3fg after we killed em once fg vs fg ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Pfft septina, agramon is fine with cluster even with a good amount of mids out, it only means more rps for hibs and albs :)

We ran several times for more than 10-15 minutes around on agramon without finding a single fight (well we found 2-3-4 fights each of those sessions, but they were all ongoing and we don't add on anything no matter what. (disclamer: does not include warlocks))

So agramon isn't *that* over populated imo, it's just fine the way it was yesterday for example.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Corran said:
And then you get Meeeeee (Aldoran? ) group coming along and adding on everything :p

then both fighting group turn on the adding group and kill it togather, regen and start again !

On Lyoness its worked many times just we have a nearly rr12 midgard adding group who dont hesitate if they spot a fight and ruins everygood , its just sad , on english servers its much better ,most of them play for the fights not for the rp


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Edlina said:
Pfft septina, agramon is fine with cluster even with a good amount of mids out, it only means more rps for hibs and albs :)

We ran several times for more than 10-15 minutes around on agramon without finding a single fight (well we found 2-3-4 fights each of those sessions, but they were all ongoing and we don't add on anything no matter what. (disclamer: does not include warlocks))

So agramon isn't *that* over populated imo, it's just fine the way it was yesterday for example.

we did the exact same thing, need more people in agramon imo!


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i really like the clustering. have had grps to fight at 15:00 =) have had plently of nice fights (hopefully we'll win some soon) without adds. maybe it's more of a problem for hibs/albs since there far to many midgrps running. i think it would be real fun to play alb.

gifv cleric :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Had a few solo and unplanned 2 vs 1 fights the last few days, as my Armsman was running around trying to get his Epic quests done to help him get 50 (dinged last night).

Specifically :

A hunter or ranger (didn't stop to look) hit me near Bold whilst I was heading for a boat, and I just ignored them and got on the boat.

A nightshade with SoM up and Battler jumped me in the water near Beno, but I knew there was a sorc behind me, who added, and made it into a fight. I died eventually, I think the sorc didn't follow when I tried to chase the nightshade, and I was slow cos I'm not used to opponents who strafe around and keep diving/surfacing, and zoom off on the surface at 20% hits. Was nice to have a fight that lasted more than two hits, though !

Warlock jumped me leaving the Blue Man with a 48 Pally there too, who I was helping with the 38 epic. I had time to turn and face him before I died. The pally had time to sprint off with end chant, but couldn't get out of range.

Much time saved on epic runs, glad it was as I was coming back each time !



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Ogen said:
Lets get some irvr running ? :D Then te not to leet fg´s and soloers/zergs can go there, and the elite psycho r11+ zooomg grps can go agramon and prawn eachother ;)

Give the levellers a few days notice so they can do those epics. Guildies put epics on hold for weeks due to being unable to do them due to iRVR.



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Steveh said:
then both fighting group turn on the adding group and kill it togather, regen and start again !

On Lyoness its worked many times just we have a nearly rr12 midgard adding group who dont hesitate if they spot a fight and ruins everygood , its just sad , on english servers its much better ,most of them play for the fights not for the rp

Dont help when it mids adding when fighting other mids... i found none pull out the fight when it happens (only had one fight with mael which they got a jump on hill so not last too long :s they only ones i know that pull out of fights). That leaves you buggered at that point.

Hibs that added last night were fun, they always seemed to add when was 2 hibs left from other group so we then proceeded to kill them off as well :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Corran said:
Dont help when it mids adding when fighting other mids... i found none pull out the fight when it happens (only had one fight with mael which they got a jump on hill so not last too long :s they only ones i know that pull out of fights). That leaves you buggered at that point.

Hibs that added last night were fun, they always seemed to add when was 2 hibs left from other group so we then proceeded to kill them off as well :p

i curently thinking about make a rvr group on Prydwen ( goup nearly ready ) becouse of Lyoness where nearly everyone adds on everything and you cant finsih a fight without adds.
If the mids sg-s retarded like this i think more on that alb group ......
So they adds without thinking or you can find groups who trying to avoid it?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Steveh said:
i curently thinking about make a rvr group on Prydwen ( goup nearly ready ) becouse of Lyoness where nearly everyone adds on everything and you cant finsih a fight without adds.
If the mids sg-s retarded like this i think more on that alb group ......
So they adds without thinking or you can find groups who trying to avoid it?

The hibs in general are well behaved and dont add (some randoms add but they easy to kill if you got the other fight under control)

The mids ... well you got aldoran running in a group.. you know what his like on stealthers so just take that over to a group setting and he just as bad.

There some mid guilds that state they dont add.... Klan Nid (cant remember how to spell it) state they dont add/kill solo'rs. Only had one bad experience with them when solo and apparently it was misunderstanding and we delt with it. Also mael dont add.

BO been running a bit, i'm not sure of their stance, and coo coo run and i dont know about them. Mainly because i cant look who in what guild till xml is fixed :p But because there lots of mids in rvr (read PuG groups that fairly balanced) there a good chance you be added on if at agramon


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
class imbalance still the biggest problem from my perspective.

cluster I find has been good for the game.

more action...


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
clustering bad?? HELL YEAH!

like 90% of excal feels better then prydwen people (don't ask me why).
like 90% of excal hib is constantly measuring e-peens in ligen.
like 90% of prydwen artis are camped 24/7 by excalibur people.

anyway's, prydwen hib had a nice community, i hoped hib excal had it 2.. maybe u have to be a part of to see it has.. but from prydwen side.. it sux.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Corran said:
The hibs in general are well behaved and dont add (some randoms add but they easy to kill if you got the other fight under control)

The mids ... well you got aldoran running in a group.. you know what his like on stealthers so just take that over to a group setting and he just as bad.

There some mid guilds that state they dont add.... Klan Nid (cant remember how to spell it) state they dont add/kill solo'rs. Only had one bad experience with them when solo and apparently it was misunderstanding and we delt with it. Also mael dont add.

BO been running a bit, i'm not sure of their stance, and coo coo run and i dont know about them. Mainly because i cant look who in what guild till xml is fixed :p But because there lots of mids in rvr (read PuG groups that fairly balanced) there a good chance you be added on if at agramon

its sounds ok to me. give me one bg friar and my group is ready then :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Steveh said:
i curently thinking about make a rvr group on Prydwen ( goup nearly ready ) becouse of Lyoness where nearly everyone adds on everything and you cant finsih a fight without adds.
If the mids sg-s retarded like this i think more on that alb group ......
So they adds without thinking or you can find groups who trying to avoid it?

There are lots of mid/hib grps that are running and do not add on ppl (Manisch grp is the exception for most grps


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Steveh said:
its sounds ok to me. give me one bg friar and my group is ready then :)

Talk to ataraxia .. he runs with toxii group a fair bit so dunno if he available or not.. he in GoP

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