Hi all.
To those who dont know; Djin account is banned for macro tool abuse on classic server. I did something stupid, i cheated to get alchemy for the guild. Didnt know mouse-click was third party program terminated - perma bann. Ohwell, guess i got what i deserved.
Anywaym, wanted to say thanks to all i have been playing with and against on excalibur, and in the end prydwen. I made many friends in this game, even real life friends! people i have met, over a fo0kin internet game. Pretty amazing if u ask me.
For those who want to know; I started this game, right after opening. A rl friend of mine was playing, and i thought, this looks like a cool game. First computer game i have played, other than Duke Nukem 3d, Larry and so on
I started a midgard realm, so i could fight against my friend. Didnt know anything about the game, chars or anything. I saw kobold, looks cool, runemaster, sounds cool. Oki, ill make it. Start points? erh, i dunno. Str is prolly nice. So i put 10 str, 5con, 5 dex, 5 qui and 5 piety! Aye, very strong, i can carry alot!
I started playing with Rabid Badgers, and moved to Nazgul. My runemaster got 46, and i stopped playing. Came back 6 months after, and lvled 50 and started SB. Hooked up with Blizzard guys, and became more active with SB and Runie. We merged with Groove and made pretty strong rps, both in Blizzard and Groove (also Aurora Borealis). After some years, groove got inactive. I had another year afk from computer, and when i got back i started playing with Revolver. Had Great fun with them. Made a ranger on hib, which was fun and overpowered, played with some friend from Bannana Bunnies. Zero teamplay. Started on classic, used macro and got banned. Pretty much it. thats the story.
I wanne thank so many ppl that i have played with. Its hard to put all the names together. But you know who you are. Nazgul, Groove, Blizzard, Revolver, Banna Bunnies, Dem Hibbies, Our Group, AD, RR, ..... can keep on going.
this thread is getting long, so ill finish. Was great playing with you. I am still playing on classic, dunno for how long, cause in feb, i will travel around the world/asia. Will be on Gladiator in Elevation on hib/classic.
/hugs to all <3
Djin - Indrid - Imakeyoufamous - Djiin - Indriid - is signing out. Will miss my chars.
To those who dont know; Djin account is banned for macro tool abuse on classic server. I did something stupid, i cheated to get alchemy for the guild. Didnt know mouse-click was third party program terminated - perma bann. Ohwell, guess i got what i deserved.
Anywaym, wanted to say thanks to all i have been playing with and against on excalibur, and in the end prydwen. I made many friends in this game, even real life friends! people i have met, over a fo0kin internet game. Pretty amazing if u ask me.
For those who want to know; I started this game, right after opening. A rl friend of mine was playing, and i thought, this looks like a cool game. First computer game i have played, other than Duke Nukem 3d, Larry and so on
I started a midgard realm, so i could fight against my friend. Didnt know anything about the game, chars or anything. I saw kobold, looks cool, runemaster, sounds cool. Oki, ill make it. Start points? erh, i dunno. Str is prolly nice. So i put 10 str, 5con, 5 dex, 5 qui and 5 piety! Aye, very strong, i can carry alot!
I started playing with Rabid Badgers, and moved to Nazgul. My runemaster got 46, and i stopped playing. Came back 6 months after, and lvled 50 and started SB. Hooked up with Blizzard guys, and became more active with SB and Runie. We merged with Groove and made pretty strong rps, both in Blizzard and Groove (also Aurora Borealis). After some years, groove got inactive. I had another year afk from computer, and when i got back i started playing with Revolver. Had Great fun with them. Made a ranger on hib, which was fun and overpowered, played with some friend from Bannana Bunnies. Zero teamplay. Started on classic, used macro and got banned. Pretty much it. thats the story.
I wanne thank so many ppl that i have played with. Its hard to put all the names together. But you know who you are. Nazgul, Groove, Blizzard, Revolver, Banna Bunnies, Dem Hibbies, Our Group, AD, RR, ..... can keep on going.
this thread is getting long, so ill finish. Was great playing with you. I am still playing on classic, dunno for how long, cause in feb, i will travel around the world/asia. Will be on Gladiator in Elevation on hib/classic.
/hugs to all <3
Djin - Indrid - Imakeyoufamous - Djiin - Indriid - is signing out. Will miss my chars.