Classic Server Poll

Classic Server

  • Im happy with the current servers

    Votes: 212 34.9%
  • I would try a classic server and see how it goes with a view to move

    Votes: 104 17.1%
  • I would have an alt on the classic server, part time play only

    Votes: 89 14.7%
  • I would move to the classic server completely

    Votes: 202 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
the main reason i rolled on us classic is because i wanted to try new chars - and rly i cannot face the bullshit which is artifact camping again

i don't mind the ml's so much - but just the time it takes to wait for a arti to be up - form a grp etc all in a race against others doing the same, such bs .... and then you have to farm scrolls and level them on top of that

toa is the suck!


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Light said:
the main reason i rolled on us classic is because i wanted to try new chars - and rly i cannot face the bullshit which is artifact camping again

i don't mind the ml's so much - but just the time it takes to wait for a arti to be up - form a grp etc all in a race against others doing the same, such bs .... and then you have to farm scrolls and level them on top of that

toa is the suck!

Yeh, i'd love to make a crush merc or a heretic without the crap of once hitting 50 and spent months gettin rdy so you can RvR :(


Gorrion said:
the game became VERY uninviting to new players, witch in the end surely will be the end of Daoc.

I agree. Due to instant levelling and people powerleveling themselves there are almost no low level groups around. Before that the realms were very well populated with low level toons, newbies and old players (who liked to try other classes). In groups the experienced players could give the newbies hints how to play their char better and the newbies could be introduced to guilds by actually playing with them. For Albion, Camelot Hills and Salisbury Plains used to be full of players, nowadays these zones are empty. If I were a new player, I'd definitely quit the game for good before the free month expires.
On the classic server there won't be any instant levelling and that server won't be such a bb dump like Excalibur nowadays. Leveling in groups will be fun again and I am sure the possibility of making gamer friends who aren't in your guild will be higher again.
Even if leveling has become much faster, it used to be more funny. Powerleveling is perhaps quick, but more boring aswell. And one thing is sure, with less powerleveling, people will actually get comfortable with their toons and learn again how to play the several classes correctly.

Honza said:
You people are all flaming ToA... but imagine playing without all your MLs. I doubt you would be happy of downtimes slow regaining back your power, special spells arties allow you to use etc. etc...

Who needs MLs? All these MLraids are a bunch of crap. First of all I never really liked quests and to have to do most of the ML steps in a BGzerg is simply boring.
Who needs artis and such stuff? Before, when you had your epic armour, you were completely ready for RvR. If you wanted to be a bit uber, you got SCed armour and weapon crafted (or crafted it yourself). Nowadays it's frustrating to play RVR if you aren't ML10 and don't have top stuff. Before you were winning because you were a good player, not because you were overequipped. As I said, the epic armour was good enough to compete for RRs.
It's true, with things like FOP, killing goes much faster, but you kill and kill without stopping. In the old days you had the feeling of having beaten a difficult mob and downtime in groups was used for socialising, which was pretty agreable.

Anarawan said:
EU classic server - will bring back the old players (The REALLY GOOD PLAYERS), and encourage the newcomers.

I totally agree. And by the way, I'll like the international flair an all European server will have as Camlann atm. (I don't like PVP tho.) Ok, I have to admit that I speak 4 of the 5 DAoC Europe languages, I surely won't have such problems to fit in like people who only speak English. But still, I guess there will be language based guilds like on the PVP Server. Anyway, most European DAoC players speak English, only the younger ones might have some problems.

RS|Phil said:
It looks like a massive majority of people will be moving over to classic then. A good third of current players moving for good, and up to 50% looking into it.

I think this is great news. Personally I'll probably move over. DAoC, for me, is a bit stale. I like to play loads of different toons and I honestly just don't have the patience or time to get them all TOA'd out (MLs and artis).

Aye. I like to change toons too, even if my friar is my favourite. And, ToA is completely boring.

Finally I want to say that I'm not someone who generally hates new things. New Frontiers for example is a very good amelioration of the game. I like the concept of the towers and the fact that you don't have to wait endless hours at the teleporter to get into another realm.
I like Catacombs aswell.
The classic server, as it's presented on DAoC Europe, without ToA, without /level and freeelevels will be perfect for me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
ophone: the main reason against classic servers is how it would work with new players. Most new players see Darkness Rising, TOA, and epic adventures, they come and don't want instant RvR they want their own epic level adventures, with a lot of people PLing new toons over and over in a few dungeosn in classic and RvRing, they won't just miss community from 1 to 20, but they miss community from 1 to 50, with no friends, no RvR groups, and won't meet people on epic raids either. It pretty much kills the game for new players, and if it reduces the amount of new players we get even more, that means DAoC faces same fate as AC2. So very big no to classic server from here.


Esselinithia said:
ophone: the main reason against classic servers is how it would work with new players. Most new players see Darkness Rising, TOA, and epic adventures, they come and don't want instant RvR they want their own epic level adventures, with a lot of people PLing new toons over and over in a few dungeosn in classic and RvRing, they won't just miss community from 1 to 20, but they miss community from 1 to 50, with no friends, no RvR groups, and won't meet people on epic raids either. It pretty much kills the game for new players, and if it reduces the amount of new players we get even more, that means DAoC faces same fate as AC2. So very big no to classic server from here.

Still, newbies have to get to at least level 40 to get really in touch with other people, and until then, without the advice of experimented players, they may have gimped their toons. But you're right, classic won't help em neither, there will be as much people powerleveling their toons alone as on the standard servers. There should be a rule: 1 player 1 account. Unfortunately this is impossible.
I'm not a friend of groups where half of the toons are inactive, when you can fight much higher mobs if every toon would be controlled by one player each. And the classic server won't be a remedy to that problem.
To be honest, I like the master abilities, but not the way how to get them. BG raids are boring because too many people are joining them. OK, on the one hand this makes MLraids much quicker but I don't have the feeling of playing a vital role. A few heals here and there, a few hits on the mobs, a rare rezz because a caster had body contact with a mob and that's it.
You may say now the fact that so many people join MLraids shows how popular the game is. That's true, but I stand to my opinion, large MLraids are simply boring.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2005
A classic server draws me abit, the only big problem is that all the charas i got now, and all the time i spend on them would be a waste, i really hope they wont do a classic server in would kill the population even more :(
besides i kinda like the different outcomes in RvR with toa :D, the thing they shud do is to cut down on the toa artifact demands, skip lvling artifacts/getting credit...that would make it easier to obtain them...


Jan 22, 2005
Doesn't anyone realise what the consequences a classic server will bring? Have you heard of all the people that have come back from classic servers? They bring nothing new to the game and I can assure you that it will kill the english servers. If you want it so badly, then buy a US account and cancel your euro account.


Mar 29, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Doesn't anyone realise what the consequences a classic server will bring? Have you heard of all the people that have come back from classic servers? They bring nothing new to the game and I can assure you that it will kill the english servers. If you want it so badly, then buy a US account and cancel your euro account.

this man speaks truth!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Eversmallx said:
Yeh, i'd love to make a crush merc or a heretic without the crap of once hitting 50 and spent months gettin rdy so you can RvR :(

If you need months then you need some pve skills and friends...


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
Doesn't anyone realise what the consequences a classic server will bring? Have you heard of all the people that have come back from classic servers? They bring nothing new to the game and I can assure you that it will kill the english servers. If you want it so badly, then buy a US account and cancel your euro account.

This may be true, but i would prefer to be able to level 1-50 on alts and get straight to rvr... i would play both server types so that wouldnt be an issue either.

And go to US? I cant afford yet more accounts then what i got and dont want to leave euro because i got friends and toons i enjoy there and like to play still but want the option off having even more characters to try tehm out. Going 1-50, camping artifacts then doing ml's just so i can compete in todays rvr is a pain in the arse. Yes i could not do that and go 1-50 then to rvr but then i be at a huge disadvantage.

I had to play my tic in rvr without arti's because i werent allowed to activate them in the initial patch and i lost so many fights that with artifacts i could of won. That knowledge really annoys me as i like to be competetive, not just feeding RP to people that dont deserve it


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Shanaia said:
If you need months then you need some pve skills and friends...

Shan, it can take months... simply because there may not be ML's getting run at the time. And even if they are it take 1-2months to get all the ml's if there only a couple a week


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
would love to play on clasic, and did vote yes saturday, however bit concerned that the new classic servers will lower the already dwindling numbers on excal/pryd to a newfound low :/

also dont see why classic servers have accses to cata zones tbh, it's got nothing to do with classic, alot of cata items have +bons to this and that, should be removed :/ but guess they have to cash in on thier new expansion ? and what about the comming champion weapons, levels, mounts ect ?? guessing they will be avalible too on the new servers, dont really see then as classic servers, they should rename them to "No-Toa" servers.

A true classic server would be : Only Si, Old frontier and old ra system.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
IF we get Euro Classic servers the population on pryd/excal will drop to an all time low.
For atleast a couple of months after the release of the classic servers the population on the regular servers will be so low there will be no point playing, and the population on the classic servers will be high as hell also making rvr a big zerg/add fest.

I voted no for the euro classic servers.
I've played on the US servers and its far from fun.
Zergs everywhere, everyone is rp horny beyond belief so theres no chance of any good fights and frankly.... i missed quite alot of the things from ToA while playing there. :)

Olgaline said:
A true classic server would be : Only Si, Old frontier and old ra system.

I dont think that would ever work cause that would bring EVERYONE to a server like this completely abandoning the regular servers :p
But would indeed be very nice :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
hmmm looks like this issue is much more divisive than clustering.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Ballard said:
- Because the new server doesnt have all the bullshit like banelords spamming tendrils,FZ and speed warps. Stuff that seriously is just plain frustrating not fun..
- No FOP to extend fights much longer than what they should be (especially multi group fights, bridges and tower fights)
- No artifact levelling or camping and the griefing that goes along with it.
- No five hour raids that you have to go on.
- A chance to make a mark if you are a newer player

Erm... I sense a lot of generalization here that is your personal experience / preference.

- FoPs help to have longer fights, yes, but some actually like longer fights. FoPs help to have full power again faster, enabling you to go and look for a new fight faster... You're contradicting yourself a bit here.
- Get to 46 and use your social network to help you with credit / artifacts. Enjoy having friends helping you out or use your existing alts to solo / duo the ToA stuff needed. Finish the last levels by leveling your artifacts too. You can always optimize if you're in a hurry to have a perfect char.
- AFK at the raids being stuck to the right person, win a nice drop.
- You can leave your marks everywhere as a new player.

And the best stuff about what you said is that you can do it on a ToA server too, go to Darkspire, get your stuff, have a decent template and work on ToA bonuses and MLs if you like or leave it.

It's just a differenct scale. Getting PL'ed to 50 and grinding Darkspire on classic is not a lot different than getting PL'ed to 50 and grinding ToA.

Most artifacts take 15 mins with a Necro or what and the 8 MLs I did so far on my Armsman took place on two Sundays.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
RS|Phil said:
Hehe that's just my sig tbh. I made that after I played Cata for a week and was just one shotting people with my WL, being on the receiving end of a Banshee CaE, and seeing a vamp take out everyone at will in BG5. I was like - Well what's the point in playing a non Cata toon now? :-/

But yeh Heretics are ok - only thing I think is stupid is the monster rez. Needs to be on a timer.

Back on topic, I reckon enough people will vote on GoA's site in favour of classic servers they'll make one for sure. I've even spoken to some people that left after ToA and they said they'd come back to play again so its looking good for it.


Heretic rezz is somehow on a timer, the rezzer runs out of power or the monster dies, further more you can interrupt players healing the monster. Also Heretic is a good class to counter Bainshee and Warlock damage and the neverending Hib shrooming camping and if the Albs would group Friars more often you actually could eat 4 Warlock chambers without healing. It's just that people want everything for free and moan about everything instead of adapting and grouping up with the needed classes. Luckily this is only a game...

And I don't see how Vamps are so dangerous in BG5. A lot of classes can kill them no problem.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Erm... I sense a lot of generalization here that is your personal experience / preference.

- FoPs help to have longer fights, yes, but some actually like longer fights. FoPs help to have full power again faster, enabling you to go and look for a new fight faster... You're contradicting yourself a bit here.

have you not heard of power pots and mcl? Been running with no downtime without fop so far... and I do not mean fg fights, I mean it helps zerg fights last longer and also concentrates the fight ( casters/healers huddling round fop)

Manisch Depressiv said:
- Get to 46 and use your social network to help you with credit / artifacts. Enjoy having friends helping you out or use your existing alts to solo / duo the ToA stuff needed. Finish the last levels by leveling your artifacts too. You can always optimize if you're in a hurry to have a perfect char.

Being in a guild that re-rolled excalibur before re-rolling on lamorak I think I can comment on this.

Starting from level 0 with NO money as a fg it took about one and a half months to make 50 , get perfect templates and make realm rank 6.

Starting as a Fg with /level and animist bots and money avaliable on Excalibur with lots of raids to go on and organising raids it took about 2 months to get rvr ready... RvR ready means ML8ish and levelled artifacts. Without having money avaliable to buy the rare drops I dread how long this would take..

Manisch Depressiv said:
- AFK at the raids being stuck to the right person, win a nice drop.

Remind me never to go on a raid with you, how fucking annoying is it when people do this... You do know how much harder you make it on other people?

Manisch Depressiv said:
And the best stuff about what you said is that you can do it on a ToA server too, go to Darkspire, get your stuff, have a decent template and work on ToA bonuses and MLs if you like or leave it.

It's just a differenct scale. Getting PL'ed to 50 and grinding Darkspire on classic is not a lot different than getting PL'ed to 50 and grinding ToA.

That is just a plain joke, You have no idea how funny and blatently wrong that is too anyone who has done a template on the classic servers. A PERFECT template can be done in less than 2 weeks of evening only playing for your first character. Subsequent characters are much faster with money already earnt.

Manisch Depressiv said:
Most artifacts take 15 mins with a Necro or what and the 8 MLs I did so far on my Armsman took place on two Sundays.

Maybe I dont want to have to play with 2 accounts?

Manisch Depressiv said:
- You can leave your marks everywhere as a new player.

If you mean in some sort of huggy feely non achievement way then sure you can. If you mean something more tangible like 'I want to be the #1 rp warden on excalibur' then no you cant unless you want to play for the next 5 years and make over 20 million realm points.

My goal was to be the top RR pally on the server and Ive done that (at least for the moment) so Im happy to ahve reached that goal, somethign I could never do on a mature server.

BTW the classic servers do suck now, but only because there is no competition...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2005
Skipped half the thread but, Weather half the people who want classic server goes to US server to play it, Or if we do get that server here and the people who wanted it go to play it.... either way the same amount of people who want classic would not be on your servers anyway, Weather the server was in US or Eu so if they did what you said, then itd have the same impact as if the server was relesed here, only reason id rather have on in EU is so i can play classic and toa servers for £8 as i dont really wanna spend £18 a month for only 2-3 servers ill play on (Bank charges a extra £2 for US ><)


Another reason I'd like to have a European classic server is the diversity of languages. Due to the country I live in I'm used to change language constantly, I'd feel like home on an Pan-European server, mixing French, German, English, some Italian and maybe even Luxembourgish.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 14, 2004
A multi language server seems not a good idea

On WoW players were bad mouthing those who spoke in a language they did not understand and in some cases, when offered the chance to migrate to another server, did so to get away from those who spoke a different language..the EU...HAH!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
So as a company would you risk polarising your community? Or would polarising intiialy be bad but in the long run prove very effective?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Classic servers lose playerbase in US, Lamorak and Ector combined population is about the same as you get on some clusters, if it won't increase, I think Mythic will have to cluster them. To me a good compromise would be: Make a server for trying out different server types not avaiilable in EU for 3-6 months, and after that have a poll if they should be kept (on a new and different server) or not, and move to a new server type. It should also allow server types made Unique by GOA specific content, settings for bonuses, and more.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Anyone know the percentage criteria for GoA to rule in favour of a classic server?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Well from this Fridays News - looks like Voter Apathy - at this rate about 10 ppl who can be bothered to vote will decide the fate for us all.

Go here VOTE NOW

You need to vote - even if it's no - voting on this poll does nowt

If you do not vote you will not be able to come and whine about it on these boards - we know we luv whining :)

PS. Heretics are not stupid mine has an IQ of 265 :)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
well, heres my views

Classic servers will make Prydwen and Excalibur have 200 players each, so 400 on Cluster.. which is seriously stupid..

The Classic server's will be full of random languages pissing everyone off.

Everyone left on Prydwen and Excalibur will be forced to quit due to lack of players, unless they want to run around RvR only finding another enemy every hour or so..

So if DAOC were to make a EU Classic server, it would take atleast 500 subs away from them.

And I doubt more than 100 or so will return if the Classic server is made..

Then after a time people get bored of the random spammage of languages, and ONLY a certain language group, i.e Looking for members! only french! etc etc

So then they will come back to prydwen/excal and find they are empty and then they will quit and then daoc will go down the pot and goa can say bye bye

My input, thanks :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Poox said:
well, heres my views

The Classic server's will be full of random languages pissing everyone off.

My input, thanks :)

Kaveri hei! Siis mitä sä oikein meinaat? :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
I really will be King on such a server. No question about it.
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