Just read some intersting info on Duskwave
All know that Albion has 2 stealthclasses that can climp inside keeps and that Midgard and Hibernia only got 1 class each that are capable of such actions.
According to Duskwave there's:
4.036 chars in Albion that have the ability to climb inside keeps
1.881 chars in Midgard
1.356 chars in Hibernia
Could someone tell me where the balance is?
Would be nice to hear some comments in this matter and not whines, for a change.
All know that Albion has 2 stealthclasses that can climp inside keeps and that Midgard and Hibernia only got 1 class each that are capable of such actions.
According to Duskwave there's:
4.036 chars in Albion that have the ability to climb inside keeps
1.881 chars in Midgard
1.356 chars in Hibernia
Could someone tell me where the balance is?
Would be nice to hear some comments in this matter and not whines, for a change.