cheating? you may want to read this........

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people like you are the reason alot of good german players play on private clan servers or just don't play at all, whenever i decide to play on a public server for a bit of sniper practice i get accused of using a aimbot "everytime" this happens, also when i get 1 shot kills with a photon

But what you people fail to understand is that if you stand there like a muppet and i shoot you full in the face your gonna die everytime, usually a very good player can kill you with 2 shots with a photon. on the other hand when you people try to kill good players 90% of the time your photons are going to hit them with "splash damage" because they have learned this wonderful thing called "movement & dodging"

also after respawning you have like 3 to 5 seconds of invulnerability so you can run away like a girl to get a decent weapon to fight back with.

I have been playing this game since it was released and i have never come across anyone cheating, I have seen some amazing players and some very accurate and scary snipers but if you spectate them you know they are not cheating.

another point if a clanned player was cheating I would of thought there clan mates would kick them out of the clan and if there was any cheaters in any leagues or cups the admins would ban that player. I know for a fact every admin in german leagues record demos of every clan match to spot cheaters also there are normally 2 or 3 admins.

one last point cl_timenude is used to add or take away the effect of lagg, client side only for example if you like to practice with bots you can add cl_timenudge 50 this stimulates the effect of playing with a ping of 50. I dont use timenudge online nor do alot of players because it has a negative effect and not very useful.

If there are cheaters they a a very few in number like 1 or 2 and they wouldnt be clanned players because there would be no way of hiding there cheating from clanmates and admins


I forgot to mention about ping if your running away from enemy base with there flag followed buy 5 players firing photons at you your ping is going to go sky high because all this in game action takes up bandwidth especially with a 56k or isdn its not as extreme with adsl or cable


hey im not accusing anyone of cheating at this point in time mate! i have never accused anyone of cheating and never will unless i have total proof that they are.people who normally accuse people of cheating are n00bs and i have created this group to inform them of what to look for,also maybe to put some guidelines up on the way you should act when playing on-line.

i have also been playing the game since day one of the UK release and joined a clan about 4 weeks after.i know the difference between someone with a good shot and someone who would be using a cheat.come on man i've had an email from the project admin and director of support services of Ravengames and he's not said there are no cheats out there so you can't say that you are 100% sure that there are no cheats out there at all!

there is no reason why a group of EF players can't research to see if cheats are out there.I personally sat down and researched aimbot/auto-shoots for 3 hours yesterday and found some quite interesting things.not only that i have been in contact with people who have created bots for Q3 and suprise ,suprise they would work on EF with a little bit of work.

as for the clan thing none of the people i have seen "cheating" have been in clans (as far as i know) i also know that if a player in a clan was cheating they would be thrown out..................unless the whole clan was doing the same thing.

and onto the ping thing,so your saying that if you had 5 people chasing you with the flag your bound to get lag and you would probably be right.but would you still get lag with one person chasing you with adsl?don't forget it's not just 56k me who's in the group.i have been in contact with people on every con so far and many of them have said the same thing!I personally wouldn't complain if it was 5 people and i got lag but that has never happened to me,i have been on full servers and had 5+ people after me firing multitudes of different weapons and never got lag,yet i can go on servers have one person chasing me and get lag every single time and it always happens when you have the flag.yet again it's just not me who has had that problem!

quite personally i ain't to fussed about losing some german players from publics anyway ;) lol


ok here are my 2 pennies worth of thinking

OK a cheat patch wont hurt any good player. I believe it would even help them caus this way you cant be acused of cheating which is distracting and upsetting. Unfortunate this cheat calling is growing at the moment.
lol one on one i think i would get my ass kicked more then once against a lot of people :( . does this make me want to call people cheats NAH course not :). I think i have fragged with and against most people on ef now, does this make me a better person dont think so lol, perhaps a better fragger :D.

I thought the main reason why German players are not frequent visitors at BW are the crap pings for them (same reason why British players often dont go to German servers). My luck is that I am in Holland and well I get the best of 2 worlds :clap: I have noticed that the cheat calling is more frequent at British servers then at the German servers


And before someone says well how often do you go to German servers ? alot, too much time wasted on ef hehe

Also I wouldn't know if a clanmate cheats and I think that is the case with most people, especially if it happens when not in a clan match. I have to say I dont believe that my clanm8s do cheat ;).

All in all ef is still a good game and i believe that this cheat calling will end (even if there wont be a cheat patch) just like saying "TEAMS" cause off you can only see 4 people on the loosing in a 8v8 match :). Or calling a vote to kick people just cause you cant win from him :)


lol this is pretty much the same thing going in the BWEFL forum as may want to take a look blacky oh and check the EFPA forum as well.................some interesting news

old.The Nullifier

played under an alias early - got called a cheat by about 4 different people.....

thats why I think you are going about this totally wrong - you've got people thinking that every other person is cheating wich just isnt the case, and you may say that it has to be brought to the attention of people but id say only if its prolific wich it quite clearly isnt - all thats happening now is youve got people calling good players cheats - Thanks.

/me deletes EF

goodbye EF people.


1st issue. we have seen many players on the barrysworld servers being untouchable (to a certain degree) we have shot at players 3-4 times (direct hits) before they get killed and yet they shoot at us and kill us with one shot worst one was when i had 150 armour and full health and just died as soon as the photon hit me.normally a photon shot takes 70 health/armour dependant on the range of the shot. we have a feeling this could be down to some kind of cheat,maybe involving something called timenudge where the player can set his computer up so it runs faster than the not sure if this is possible but there is definatly something going wrong somewhere.

this is beacuse of the server if u have a jumpy ping u might freze for 200 of a millsecond and lose health beacuse the other person is killing u so it seem that u was killed by one shot :|
i know it confussing but ;) it just make sence


if u think cheat are bad that means scrips aswell
i know most palyers in ef has the rocket jump scrip
so that must mean its a cheat
if we get the patch it will stop these scrips and it will sux
we need the odd cheat like rocket jump
or some other scrips going about


WTF are you on alan??? jesus! jumpy ping my ass! on a server with a contstant ping of 150 ain't jumpy,also like i said (or more to the point if you had read it properly) you would of noticed it's not just 56k me it's people with ADSL as well.

we now know exactly what is causing it may be suprised to hear it's another Q3 cheat!
not going to say what it is on here,the details are going to be put on the website in the next few weeks hopefully.

as for rocket that isn't a cheat FFS,neither is trench jump as far as im conserned.they are possible to do manually,i can do them,the whole paddy clan can do them,i'm pretty sure that at least 50% of EF players know how to do them without a i've even seen n00bs on servers asking how to make the colours appear in thier names but yet they can rocket jump.

lol all this coming from the man who asked me for a rocket jump script the other day :clap: DOH!

don't worry,i will try and explain what is classified as a cheat in simple terms on the website sometime o.k. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by The Nullifier

thats why I think you are going about this totally wrong - you've got people thinking that every other person is cheating wich just isnt the case, and you may say that it has to be brought to the attention of people but id say only if its prolific wich it quite clearly isnt - all thats happening now is youve got people calling good players cheats - Thanks.

lol what a bunch of crap!,you know what null,i have had a total of 36 people visit the website,most of them clan mates or people i know from EF and the other 100 odd visits is me working on the site etc. also no details have been posted about what cheats are available so the people who you are saying accused you of being a cheat have nothing to go on and have probably never heard of the EFPA

you really think this has got about that fast just from being on here? i don't think so! what percentage of the EF community visits this site??? not alot im sure!

so no one was ever accused of cheating before the EFPA was formed huh? lol i can remember with in the first few weeks of EF's UK release that i saw people accusing others.funny that really beings as it's the EFPA's fault.

accused by about 4 different people huh? "about"? you finding it difficult to count or something null? if i was accused of being a cheat by more than one player im sure i would remember the exact number.

the EFPA's fault????????

my answer!!!!!!!!

shut the F U! you must of been accused of being a cheat a million times on EF before,stop trying to use the EFPA as a very weak excuse!

old.The Nullifier

lol - no need to get so nasty...

you are adding fuel to a very lame fire thats all im saying - and to say people dont visit this forum is wrong they do - and people dont need to visit this forum to pick stuff up - people tell each other stuff and it gets spread around very quickly...

Lamer 1 ''oh did you know people cheat - I read it on a forum - theres even a website about it''

Lamer 2 ''thats why i keep getting killed all the time'' - no its because you are shit

stuff spreads don't act so nieve - and dont give me verbal just because I have a differing opinion to you - thats lame.

You might be wondering why I care.. well its because im sick of lamers giving me lip because im better than them - I used to play ef all the time - I don't anymore too many wingers, crying babies - cheat accusers and no skill n00bs who automaticly assume im cheating because I have a good aim, pisses me off hearing it constantly

Raven arent gunna do anything about it trust me... this is harming EF imho - not helping.


lame fire??? you saying it's lame when we've got a bloody script that can do a vast majority of things we are experiencing on EF?

i really would of thought you guys would of been with us on say your tired of being accused of cheating...........well disable the lame 5% who probably do use these cheats and you ain't going to be called a cheat anymore cos it isn't possible.
after all you never see anyone say "you cheater" on a CS server with punkbuster installed on it do you?

as for the "sick of people calling me a cheat" comment,i'm not being funny but thats what you should expect from some of the low life players out there when they are talking to one of the clans that is top of thier game.X get it,wrld get it christ even paddy get it and we are no where near as good as you guys (well we are getting there lol) it's something that comes with being in a good another tip is,if you don't go around with your tag your going to get double (at least) accusations of cheating cos the other players don't know who you are.if they saw your tag they would instantly know wouldn't they.

like i said i have never personally said to anyone "you cheat" and why? cos i have no proof to back it i would never stoop that low.i know i will never get to the standard of some players but that doesn't mean it gives me the right to accuse someone of cheating which some people should learn.thats why i want to do a page dedicated to an online (sort of) code of practice for EF,try and inform the new players that they can't go around accusing people of cheating without proof etc etc.

anyway sorry for going off on you null,you caught me on a bad day :-( car MOT and my mouse bust so i ain't too happy at the mo and i appologize for taking it out on you..............i also would like to say thanks for letting me take it out on you and getting rid of crap loads of stress ;) lol


look i dont want to meddle in an argument as entertaining as yours ;)
so far Nullifier is saying dont pay attention to cheats and cheaters caus otherwise the cheat calling will rice beyond proportions
Crash is saying its there and its crap lets try to get the cheats out

First of all ignoring a problem will not solve any problems (thats what they are saying about me drinking hehe:( )

Nullifier I will start with you, even in last post you say that you are stopping playing ef caus of the winging (I believe thats a waste sorry if you really would leave) so please explain why tonight is any dif? Have these rumours not been around since the beginning? Do you believe everything thats on the web ;) ? dont think so hehe. So why do you believe other people will believe everything on the web? You are a good player so I believe you are/will be good at other games, have you never been acused of cheating in those games? I can say that dispite everything I find other games worse (my example people wanted to kick me of a server in secondes of joining without firing one shot or saying anything:( )

Crash learn to temper your mouth;) I was told screamers are almost always wrong. Some people have been accused as cheaters as long as they have been online and they are sick of it. You are a sore point for those people cause in their eyes you are making the problem worse, if you want to get things going you HAVE to consider there thoughts and wishes.

before i forget if you dont ask you will always get a no. What can you loose by asking? nothing. And i dont know but i thought i saw something about a cheat patch for quake on these forums somewhere, so perhaps for ef?


yeah rocket jump can be down with out a scrip
but trench jumps arnt u have to put in a fpt cmd what is still cheating
from what u are saying u want to get rid of most cheat cmd and scrips
whats thep oint of not having script some scripts are usfull some arnt ur not looking at it from another view ur just been a idot who wants to sposle ef for the rest....
la de da wope do a cheat like u can use god mode on a normal server it will never happen so cheats are scripts what palys and rob from other games but the dame useless who the eck will use em only the fucking crappy clans who can kill ;)
so i say :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: but we need most scrips or cheats or u wont be able to change ur settings knob


Until you guys have proof, this is a useless endevour.

If you have proof then you should share it so that everyone knows what to look for.

Until then forming a association and such wont do much good.

Like it has been said 100 times us proof.

Thanx for your time.



oh well think what you want to think as far as im concerned,i will keep researching no matter what.and if people want to carry on oblivious to the fact that cheats are about,fair enough it's your loss not mine.continue to get called a cheat or get cheated or think you are being cheated way or another the general EF population needs to be informed.

as for you alan,not all of them a scripted but most are utalised by scripts.these aren't simple FPS commmands and when the hell has FPS commands ever been called cheats anyway alan? FPS is just luck for the guys and gals who have the money to get thier comps as fast as they can but it's certainly not a cheat.and i am not saying lets get rid of scripts at all!i haven't even said what specifically could be called a cheat as yet (this is why we need more input so we can determine as a community what you would classify as a cheat and what you wouldn't (obviously photon and trench jump aren't for starters)) but as far as im concerned if it's something that gives you an unfair advantage if it's an add on program (i.e. aimbot) or if it's something that is scripted that is not something you wouldn't normally be able to do like for example jump from one end of voy_2 with one photon and no det pack.(which btw has been researched by 1 person already)

as for proof the only thing the general public is going to get is a description of what they do and hopefully if all goes well a demo.not how to do them or where you can get them from as that is the concern of the main researchers and ravengames/activision.think if they got leaked (this is why research is being done only by people i know very well and trust) the problem would get worse than the estimated 5% that we think are cheating.but this is going to take some time to put up,not only do we have to research them which will take the most time),we have to type them up,send the details to raven games but also continue with our real lives (not all of us can be on 24/7)


I think a demo would be enough proof. If it showed you joining a pure server and then using the cheats. Yes that would be enough.

Let us know when you are going to post said demo.

old.The Nullifier


3.aimbot,i know this cheat is around as i used it myself on a empty clan server with one of my friends to see what happens with it.originally is was a quake aimbot but as EF is based on the quake3 engine it's ported over to us as well.basically it just keeps shooting direct hits the aim is perfect near enough all the time.(as soon as i tried it and knew what to look for i deleted it) you can tell when someone is using it because they fire continously and at thier own players as well.

It wouldnt be hard to do a demo of this so called aimbot in action.. then [OO]BiocYte and people like me will take this and you seriously.

If you read the Jedi outcast FAQ - they mention anticheat software which is written into the Quake3 Team Arena engine - Aimbots in quake 3 is very old news.

I'll say it again - cheat accusing without proof is lame and just spoils everyones fun - the only people who will be really interested in this are those who need an excuse for been crap and those who are looking for the cheats themselves...which one are you?


I know I am a bit bias ;) caus I believe this EFPA is a good thing.
The reasons: research if it is possible so yes make a demo. Crash will not be the first or the smartest ;) to think of cheats.

Do I understand this correctly. Your main and as far as I understand your main problem with EFPA is that you fear that more people will call you (and other good players) cheats (also more often). I have a problem with that mainly the fact that it won't happen that way, also childish people will call better players cheaters no matter what attention it gets. Better to get some facts then just believe. I could say something about if nobody ever researched anything we wouldn't playing ef boohoo.

Tbh if i were you I would support it, even if you dont believe there are cheats out there. Just to prove to the cheat callers that there aint such a thing as cheats in ef. Look I know you can say "I don't have to prove anything" which is true, but then I have to say "get used to people calling you a cheat" :( and well I dont want to say that boohoo

Oh do post some demo soon Crash


well i will try to get one up ASAP but im depending on this Q3 expert to do that and im not quite sure how quick he's going to do it.i only know him through a friend and he wishes to remain anonso we can only get proof work done when the pair of them are online at the same time :( anyway i will ask if he can get just one done.

as for blacky i don't think i could of put it like that in this frame of mind i'm in at the moment,so well said mate :)

null i am not in it to get cheats to use myself else why would i create a group opposed to them? i'm not the first person to say i'm not that good compared to some skilled players,then again i have a 56k con and a 5mb card so what do you expect,it's all dependant on the map and the team i am in.and my scorers are normally reflected by what i have chosen to do with-in a team.normally im a flag getter and that means going in and getting it as often as i can regardless of if i have enough weapons etc.most of the time i will get killed,other times i can get the flag at least 4 times.personally im not bothered about scoring points as in CTF,it's all about getting the flag.most of the time i will get at least carrier and ace.....................oh and bravery lol

anyway i will try my best guys to get some stuff put up,but like i said i am depending on others as i can't do all this work by myself :(

old.The Nullifier

rofl - so let me get this right... you dont actually have a aimbot for EF but you are asking a someone who likes to spoil other peoples fun (lamer) to make one?

- omg this is fubar


hmmmmmmm are you not able to read posts null? yes we do have an aimbot! our Q3 guy is investigating what cheats actually work FFS.

old.The Nullifier

ah back to the insults again are we.... /me yawns


second attempt

Perhaps its time for some sense people and less winging and crying.
Nullifier you have a point, it will draw attention. But even you yourself have stated that you play less and less because of the crying complaining in other words the babies, this happend even before Crash's comments. You feel that this is bad (I agree) BUT when someone tries to do something about it you are saying SHUT UP cause otherwise more people will be doing it. By saying and acting the way you are you have lost. You seem to be willing to accept the fact that people call you a cheat :confused: as long as they aint that many.
Look it might be to late but well you might get surprised. (I hope)
You can say what you want about Crash but I give him credit for at least trying to get rid of the cheating (if there is any) and that way getting rid of cheat calling. Nullifier what have you done???
You have deleted ef, I prefer Crash's approach. If nothing it will make the gaming companies think better and harder about countering cheats

oh before i forget Crash close the thread on the league forum please

old.The Nullifier


1. There is no proof, there are claims of aimbots, why isnt there a demo - would be very very easy to make one.

2. I can't do much about it - I.d. have already made the engine that eliminates the aimbots in quake... raven are not going to release a patch for something that 'may or may not exist' - they are done with EF.

I'm not saying that there are not 'cheats' and 'aimbots' for ef - I have no idea if they exist but without proof I'll continue to belevie that there are non. but this kind of thing just simply does not help matters.
What is ironic is that there seems to be some sort of 'partnership' with a person who is responsible for making quake 3 cheats, the kind of lamer that you guys hate.... this is just plain stupid.
Great idea - get someone to make the very thing you hate just to prove it can be done - which we all know can be, so why bother?


Dont get me wrong guys, I like the idea of a group trying to find out if ppl cheat.

Which is different from a group of ppl that HAVE PROOF that a cheat for EF exisits and want to expose it so that everyone knows what to look for.

I am not sure at this point which one of the 2 you guys are.

I will await the demo patiently that shows that ppl can cheat in EF.

I have been playing since the demo came out, and ppl being accused of cheating has been around forever, yet NO ONE has ever shown proof.


for once i agree with nulli (OH MY GOD!) there no proof and madey peopel will blive u if there is
its just a games so stop getting worked up over it
oh no theres a new cheat out lets make a thread
ur like greenpeace
u just cant have fun in ef with these lamers who start fussing over u

old.The Nullifier

no Alan!!!!! you cant agree with me!!!! nooooooooooooooooooooo /me dies


what do some people think we are? bloody workhorse or something? the guy is a quake3 expert,he doesn't create cheats he just knows of them and i can't rush him on making demos,we have told him to do it in his own time cos i ain't one for being impatient (unlike some people)

the demo will be on the way for aimbot k,just give the guy time to do his work and live a normal life and give us said demo when he is ready.

as for going to insults again it's just retstating a fact.i said we have an aimbot before so why the hell do you keep asking????

old.The Nullifier

well if youve got an aimbot make a demo... its not that hard to do.


what you fail to understand null is that i am researching cheats via webpages i.e reading up on them and pointing the group in the direction so i can have thier oppinion,the Q3 guy is the one doing all the in game research because frankly i don't want to screw up my EF and have to reinstall it everytime for the sake of avoiding going on a public server with a cheat still running.......especially as i am in a respected clan and i don't want to tarnish thier name due to a mistake by you are also in a respected clan i thought you would of used your brain and thought of that yourself.

btw we have pmp://anhilator on our side and he don't seem to be complaining! these guys are probably the people who have been accused of cheating the most in EF.
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