Cheaters rule

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Yep, it's true for CS.

Cheaters rule and it is gonna get even easier for them with the new OGC client DLL hook "supercheat" which covers every cheat and works with Punkbuster (that's not difficult!). Check out the movie at

Unfortunately, this just promotes bad feeling in the community with players being owned by cheaters, and good players being unfairly called cheaters. Admin is just not picking up on them on the public servers. (getting regular headshots through walls is not difficult to pick up on)

After months of putting up with it, I am begging salvation. Now if anyone knows of any cheatfree private servers willing to take people on, then just let me know.


I finally got to watch a cheat squirm today. We were all accusing him of getting to many headshots and shooting through walls. "Fuck off I'm not a cheat I'm just good, you lot are just crap" Luckily for us an admin had been playing and started following him and pointed out that out of 38 kills to 7, 29 of them were headshots, and was subject to abuse then kicked. The admin then told us he was definately cheating, it felt good.


Yeah - you'd think they'd try and hide it, but most just assume an admin won't turn up.:D


I think this admin was just trying to play a game like the rest of us, and didn't say he was an admin until he told the cheat that he had been watching him.


That's normally how they get caught. But I'll go get one if someone is taking the piss on a server.

HalfIRC is great.:D


yesh, tbh im surprised most cheats are so stupid..infact, im not :D

just now, a cheater got caught by an admin going by the name of Player, who killed himself at the start of the rounds.
now when someone called Player comes on, theres a good bet its not a newbie, so you'd think they'd sharpen up just a little.

when someone named Player deliberately kills himself..its increadabley obvious hes hunting for cheaters....

now the one thing that's great about cheaters, is how they think they're cool because they cheat, they're '1337 h4><0rz', well, its insainly obvious that the people who make cheats dont do it so they can cheat. browsing some hacking forums, it became even more obvious that the guiys who create cheats are proud of it..showing off their coding ability..

apparently the only times these guys use their cheats is on PB servers so they can prove to themselves how good their coding is:rolleyes:

browsing the news of one of these guys, i found an interesting case.
an expert coder had released the course codeing for all his work under the GPL. this means that anyone can use his coding, as long as they obey the rules of the GPL. the primary ones being they acknowledge when they use other's source code, and they release their own work under the GPL.
2 guys who called themselves the 'german hackers' had ripped off this guys code, along with some others, and used it to create with famous HL multi hack. the bit that annoyed him was that they'd totally dissreguarded the GPL.

the guys who create most of the cheats, guys like him dont even release them, they release the source (so that cheats can be compiled from it relatively easily) so they can prove their great c++ skills.after browsing through this guy's site, i actually have to say i respect people like him. yes he coded lots of cheats, but he never actually gave the cheats to anyone (nor wanted), and after the incedent with his german friends he's no-longer releaseing his source code to joe public..



Here it is....

Not knowing what these cheats were, i thought it was time i found out. After an afternoon of feeling cheated by certain people, it made me more commited to finding out.

1) Took me about 5-10 minutes to grab a exec file that took me all of about 2 mins to figure out how to use it.

2) Next off to the server for a couple of games.

3) Turned off the auto aim, which wasn't realy as good as my personal aim:p Kept most of the other features on though.

4) Stayed on the server for 3 games, never questioned once, was i cheating, despite about 4-5 others being accused of it.

Suffice to say, if your clever, you ain't gona be caught. All i did was use a combination, of the natural sounds and actions in most games to cover any 'is that guy using a hack' questions that might have been asked, this included making sure instead of running round the corner and blatting the person hidding everytime, sometimes taking a whack and dieing:eek:

Needless to say if you don't use it like a complete fool, imho it's 95% imposable to spot.

There could be questions asked if, you don't use the most common situations found in most maps, like 'the guy allways hides behind there..' ect.... But like i say, it can always explained away if you do.

Hence situation tonight, iv'e planted the c5, hiding behind the wall, i can see the guy comming still, and he's the only player on route, then i just wait till i hear the disfusion start, then blammo, dead ct, never gona be accused of the hack, because the sound goes first.

One thing of extreme dissapointment to myself though, was the fact i could see that about 3-4 of the players on my team in each of the games i played were also using hacks, i very much doubt they were all just testing like me:(

I could spot the nme players hiding behind the wall, it was so obvious to me while using the hack, that the player walking in front of me could too:(

Last off, i in no way would use this cheat again, it was purely for finding out, just how i could be cheated myself, and ways i could avoid it.


That really is quite scary, Kurt_Angle. What concerns me even more is that all we've heard from Valve in the past on issues of cheating is "We will work very hard to combat this, blah blah" when in fact they've done very little. OK, some of the more obvious exploits have been fixed, but they probably didn't require much effort anyway, and it still took them ages to fix those.

My main worry is that Valve doesn't want to commit the time and manpower to combat these more advanced cheats, which is quite understandable (albeit totally unacceptable IMO) because they've got their money off the people who bought HL/CS and they want to work on TF2 or whatever they're working on in order to make more money. They always said they wanted to support the community, but they appear to have let it down in one huge way with regard to combatting cheating.

OK, I could be jumping the gun here - Valve could be quietly working away at a number of fixes at the moment. But why have they been so quiet on the issue? I know they don't generally do that many interviews, etc., but they've been interviewed in the past on far less important issues. Valve *have* been supportive of the community with the various features they keep introducing, but those are rather null and void if people are going to be playing their games less and less because of the amount of cheating going on. If they *are* doing something/trying to do something to combat cheating, why can't they say so? I'd hoped that a lot of things would be fixed when 1.3 came out. In fact, so few cheats (any?) were fixed that it took another beta server release simply to fix a couple of simple exploits.

I've been quite patient about cheating since I first experienced its effects back around version 1.0 IIRC. But the whole thing seems to have taken off exponentially to the point where it's really pissing me (not to mention the huge numbers of honest players out there too) off.

And no, I don't think simply having more admins around is going to help (with all due respect to those that admin), simply because as Kurt_Angle has pointed out, you can completely get away with cheating if you're even vaguely smart. Hell, just switching on a wallhack at the start of a round in a clan match would be enough to let you know which way the enemy team is going and be ready for them, which is a massive advantage for something that would be virtually undetectable.

So it lies in Valve's hands; they're the ones holding the solution. Tough adminning can only catch a small proportion of cheaters (and runs the risk of banning legitimate players too, unfortunately).


PS Kurt_Angle: was that a BW public server you were testing on?


Valve are a company not a charity and as such they have spent a considerable amount of time patching HL but in the end its such an old game that HL would most probably require a total re-write just to solve some problems and they aren't likely to do that as they have to work on other projects, which will make money.

Cheaters rule............So?


I was using it on a jolt server:eek:.

After writing this last night, off i trotted to the same server, without the cheats, and i was of the opinion, based on my personal experiences, that about 10 of the 18 players on the server were cheating, it's was absolutely unbeliveable.

I was kinda enjoying playing cs again, i hadn't played it for about 10 months, barr the odd 1 game here and there every other month. But now i think im going to fall out again, i just don't think it's a fair game to play, because looking back over the week there's been so many situations where i realy do now truely belive iv'e been cheated:(


Let kurt_angle's words be known to all.

Ok to all those people who say that you shouldn't accuse people of cheating coz 9 times out of 10 they're just a good player, I think its the other way around. I'm a terrible CS player, sometimes, other times I own. My reaction timing is excellent, its been proven, yet sometimes people get the drop on me when its clear I got the shot off first and ping isn't a factor. From now on I believe that cheats are like drugs, the majority have tried it, a lot of people dabble in it, and quite a few do it regularly, and there are few 'pure' players left.
And thats my belief so if you challenge it I will fly a plane into your home.


The only person who knows if a person is cheating is the person themself.


Cheaters rule?

Do they? I have never used a cheat in cs, and frankly, I struggle to understand just what exactly those that do cheat gain from it.

I play cs, because I find it fun, and I like the satisfaction of giving someone a right pasting (which happens oh so infrequently!! lol)

I have yet to try a cheat, but to me, if I found I was suddenly able to hit people without aiming, or kill people who cannot see me because I am other side of a wall, then the 'satisfaction' element would be removed, as I know it isn't my skill that got the kill.

Therefore, logically, the 'fun' element should also fall away, because you would get bored of not having a challenge to the game.

So do cheaters rule? well, sure, they can pretend they rule to everyone else, and as discussed above, there's precious little we can do about it.
But for my money, they're just very, very sad people.


the phrase in this thread means 'the cheaters are dominating' rather than 'we think cheaters own'.
people cheat because there is so much pressure to be the ebst.. =/


how much skill to click download ffs, grrrrrrr to all you cheaters out there best not hope i find u CAUSE I WILL CUT YOUR FECKING HANDS OFF, and other parts that i wont write here for the sake of police knocking on my door lol :)



more people cheat than we're aware of. this doesn't mean accuse anyone who kills you. it just means when your playing, be aware that it isn't impossable over half the people on the server are cheating =/

as for the hacks themselves, read my big thread on it. the people who make these hacks do it to prove how good they are at coding, they dont actually release the hacks, they release their basic source, which other fools use to make cheats. the renouned multi hack was infact ripped off from quite a respectfull coder.

these coders even ovey the coding licences.


If you run a PB server, and want to stop the casual users of the OGC cheat, check out this link for how to configure it.


well if these coders want to prove how fecking good they are why dont they try and write a code that cant b hacked since every bast is able to hack at the min FFS, surely THAT should b a nice big challenge to these guys with nothing better to do



Originally posted by ShockingAlberto
the phrase in this thread means 'the cheaters are dominating' rather than 'we think cheaters own'.

Ummm, yeah, I did manage to grasp that.

Maybe it's just me - but I feel none of this pressure to be the best, other than from myself. I don't care what anyone else thinks of my gameplay, so I don't need to impress them.

I play it for my own enjoyment, all I was trying to say was, that running a 'bot or whatever would take that away from me.


yes, you asked why people cheat, i told you.

i dont think having some huge score makes me look good, hence i do what i want to(ie what will give me the most enjoymant). if that involves losing miserablly, then so what.


I have to admit I was staggered by Kurt_Angle's post, I really couldn't have imagined that cheating was that widespread. For one, it makes me feel a bit better about some of my dodgier recent scores if they were achieved in the face of such a disadvantage.
What interests me most is how much cheating goes on in the clan scene - does anyone have experience of this? Although admins are obviously more common in clan matches, as has already been stated, this seems to mean little. As a CL I have to watch my players, especially triallists, very carefully, sadly not just to judge their form, but I have only once had serious suspicions about one of my players. What should I be looking for?
I guess the safest way is just to try and get to know players well to establish that they aren't of the disposition to cheat - I imagine most cheats as immature l337 types, so it comes as some comfort to know that the vast majority of the players I'm killing and getting killed by on a private practice server are 18-35.

You've made me paranoid about going in to the outside world now :mad:


Well i saw it before it got deleted, and im just glad somebody actually had the balls to try it out, and see the 'real' picture.


hhmm, if you do find a cheater in your clan, then dont say anything on forums =/

shortly after i left a clan (id been in it for 4months), a big thing broke up, where a screenshot a guy'd submitted for the obligatory top scores page looked a bit dodgy. the guy'd clkaimed it was because eh was in spec mode at the time, and in the middle of a wall. the leader of the clan posted on the forums.
he'd blanked out the name of the guy(leaving the clan tag on) and asked for advise to wether or not this was a wallhacker.

he got nothing but abuse. first of no-one was satisfied with letting him deal with it. he'd made a rather stupid mistake in not blocking out the text at the bottom left, which revealed who the cheater was. for 3 pages he was subjected to abuse, with some people even acusing him of cheating himself(they he was on opposite teams to the guy cheating, and had a good score). he found out what he wanted, that the screenshot was proof of a wallhack, but i dont think hed ever ask for help there again.

the thing was, it wasn't just someone in the clan who got kicked out for cheating, it was someone who'd been a regular on a server for 7 months, and no-one would ever have suspected him of cheating =/


So when you see people with a score of 33 - 8 should you be suspicious? Coz I saw that yesterday.


He he,

Good question.
I have seen people with immense scores before, one of them was someone I know personally, and I KNOW isn't a cheater, so just coz someone has a score like the one you saw doesn't make them a cheater.
In fact I'd say using the score alone is a poor guide.

If you wanted to be more sure, find the guy in spec mode, if you die early one round, and follow him about.
If he is cheating, you might see him do it, and hell, if he's just plain great at the game, you might learn some tactics off him!!


You talking about me, Kilo?

Probably Necro, but my ego could do with a boost ;)


yesh, never judge by score..i think that is plain obvious.

the best guy ive ever known had a record score of somehting like 84-5, or soemthing. hell, he also had a 70-0 i think..

judge people why what they do.


Again the thread has gone back to theory, check it out for yourself the way myself and granny did. All this bleeting, and hearsay proves nothing to yourself, or to anyone else, it's just stuff thats been said before. Go check it out, look for it, then im 80% sure you will be unpleasantly suprised:(
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