Chav Scum #2


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
Steal some chav cars, park at end of street, ignite petrol tanks.

Then youve killed three birds with one stone. Removing chav cars for the good of humanity, blocked off your road from the estate and gotten revenge at random chavs.

NB* if chavs are in the cars at time of burning then score another point, ridding chavs for the sake of humanity.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
poor D :(

bugging the hell out of the police seems the only proper course to take, but if you can get a webcam on the car, you may be able to help the coppers our a bit.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking ridiculous.

Just seen, in broad daylight, TEN chavs wheel a stolen car up to the top of the road, and then push it down the road and crash it just 10 metres from my house.

The police can't arrest anyone, because they all ran up, formed a group and because they all dress the same they can't single anyone out. All forensic evidence is just being left to be washed away in the rain - the car still has a screwdriver in the ignition which looks remarkably like the type done to stab my tyres. The police refuse to tell me what will happen to the car now, since it's in violation of the data protection act, so we're left with the sun setting on a street with no street lights, with a crashed car with broken windows left right next to a wooden garage that contains a timber man's supply of wood.

Odds on there being a BBQ tonight when the lights go down anyone?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
At a guess I'd say you live in the estate between the uni and sturry> The one with that shitty traffic clamming.

Or near Chaucer Tech School?

Some parts of Canterbury really are heavily populated by chavs.

I'm glad I live in Whitstable tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Buy yourself an air rifle and shoot at the little bastards at night from a window upstairs, you won't need night vision or anything just aim in their general direction you're bound to hit one of them.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I live near Canterbury East Train Station, the estate is up by the fields. Handily a short cut is presented by our little private road.

I wish I could kill with the power of my mind.


Dec 22, 2003
Since im unbanned now I can finaly post:

Can you not setup kennys webcam to detect motion and put it in your window or something? Then it would take pictures when theres motion - would have a very good descrition of em then and the police HAVE to do something...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
I live near Canterbury East Train Station, the estate is up by the fields. Handily a short cut is presented by our little private road.

Ahh right. I have a friend that lives in that sorta area. He kept getting he front door keyhole buggered with a nail + a whack from a hammer.

The little shit was caught in the act by my friend (big bastard) and his girlfriend (copper). Turned out he had done it to 8 other places in the area, and got landed with a fine of just under 3 grand. No one has seen any money but at least it hasn't happened again.

Quite a happy ending... just.

There is hope... I think...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I could do with a big bastard and a copper right now. Do they hire themselves out for parties?

And the webcam is set up now, but it's no use in the pitch black and there's no street lights in our road.

I still don't get why the data protection act would stop the police telling me what's going to happen next.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Cyfr said:
Since im unbanned now I can finaly post:

Can you not setup kennys webcam to detect motion and put it in your window or something? Then it would take pictures when theres motion - would have a very good descrition of em then and the police HAVE to do something...

No they don't.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
I still don't get why the data protection act would stop the police telling me what's going to happen now.

Probably because they have deleted the info by mistake and they are trying to to sound clever about it


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Why don't the streetlights work? AFAIK its a legal requirement for the council to provide adequate lighting.

Tell them that if they don't, you'll sue them the next time you trip over a kerb.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It's an unadopted road, so there are no street lights. The council still built a poxey basketball court at the top of the road though, backing onto fields, making it the perfect location to get pissed and set fire to things and then wander back through our unadopted road, meaning the council don't ever have to tidy up rubbish strewn by kids, or generally give a damn in any way, shape or form.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
I wish I could kill with the power of my mind.

Don't we all. :mad: The population of Poole would drop by 75% overnight (they're all chavs/townies so no need to worry). The immense satisfaction I would get from seeing a townie crud monkey stop short in the act of hurling abuse at me as his face slowly turns purple, his eyes bulging out of their sockets and his hands flailing uselessly at his throat as I crush his windpipe with my mind...mmmm!

Not that I spend much time thinking about this kinda thing, you understand. Just a random thought...umm, I think it's past my bedtime. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003

if you actually SEE them doing something (like pushing the car down the road, grab a camera and starting taking pics. The police will then have something to go on. Better still, if its a digital camera that can take mpeg movies you will have them sorted.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I know, but also I am very apprehensive about being spotted doing this. I do not want our house to be singled out for attacks. I know it's already quite bad, but that's without any animosity. Imagine what it could be like.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Get in touch with your local councillor, thats what they are there for. If you explain that the whole street is having problems they will listen, and if they do their job well the authorities will react.

My mother has been a Labour councillor for almost 6 years and has solved similar problems on numerous occasions. Wether it be a simple CCTV camera or barricading off the street so people cant use it as a short cut. Ultimately its down to you to tell people, if you dont make your case to the people who can help nothing will happen. Calling the police is a short term solution, in the long run it wont solve much..


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I've been contacting all the neighbours, calling the anti-social behaviour people, harranging the council, and so far it feels a bit like swimming in treacle.

Time will tell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Your local councillor will do all that work for you, and they are in a much better position to harass the relevant authorities to get things done. If you call the council offices and speak with some random person on the phone, more often than not it goes onto a huge pile of paperwork.


Dec 26, 2003
Hmm - wish I could post something positive and affirmitive but can't think of much - in situations like this the police are about as much use as a hole in the head - even if you could get very good quality footage of the offenders they often get away with it completely - many are probably under 18 and even adults will prob get community service or suspended sentences (in a year or two's time) meanwhile allowing them to continue torturing normal folk.

I think your right about avoiding becoming singled out - the council way is probably the best that can be done within the law although rapid action is unlikely.

You have my sympathies - I hope things get better for you.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Posted this story once before, but had some "chav's" terroise my street at one point, i was always away from home when this happened, and the people on our street our nice middle aged people, usually the cops get called but the bastards would run since they knew they wouldn't get caught, one day however i had just got back from work and "whoop dee do" street got terroised, 16-15 years olds i think they were. I brought out the kitchen knife that time and they craped themselves.

Spotted them again a couple weeks later, and that time i was with quite a few mates from london who were down to goto a friends house for a party, told them what the bastards had done a couple weeks earlier, well they then decided there and then to get this sorted.

I think the confrotation with seven 18-19 year olds with 4 of them being big black lads and that "chav's" in this area probably never having seen black people before combined with the ensuing hunt in our cars has detered them from showing their face in this part of town again, couple of them actually cried when cornered.... That was over a year ago... and they haven't been seen round since.

Now im not usually a violent man, but when people terrorise the place you live then they deserve all what comes to them, personally i think its not going to be that long till we hear of residents forming lynch mobs and patrolling the the streets since the police in this country are inept...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Damini said:
The police refuse to tell me what will happen to the car now, since it's in violation of the data protection act,
Out of curiousity did they tell you why it was in violation of the data protection act cos it sounds like a load of bollocks to me.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
No. To elaborate was against the data protection act allegedly. Which would have been amusing if I hadn't been frothing at the mouth.

Anyway, I believe my incessent bitching paid off because they got rid of the car pretty promptish, but no idea if they bothered fingerprinting it or anything.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
No the firm or council who actually towed the car away probably sent a bill to the registered owner of the car for removal.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Damini said:
No. To elaborate was against the data protection act allegedly. Which would have been amusing if I hadn't been frothing at the mouth.
Sounds like they're talkin outa their arse tbh, I can't see how telling you what they are goin to do about the car would require them to disclose anyones personal data.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dunno what a chav is but it sounds like some sort of disparate yoof.
We have similar problems here with yoofs smashing car windows down the road as they go home. Basically I moved my car across the road (20ft) as they are so lazy they only do cars on the pavement along their RAT run.

Its interesting to hear MPs coming out against the "Martin" law, ie the right to defend yourself in your own home when on the other hand the PC politeness has led to a generation of degenerates bent on mindless acts of destruction.

The Law does protect the criminal at the expense of the law abiding.

Would you believe that B&Q were successfully prosecuted due to a Burglar being injured climbing one of their security fences, as there wasnt a sign pointing out that scaling it might lead to personal injury.

Im sorry to hear about your problems Damini but if anything you can plainly see that you are not alone in this. I hope that your efforts in raising the profile of these incidents meets with success as its the general apathy so evident these days that allows these things to happen.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't know the missus had made a thread on FH about this.

I've set up the webcam and for those who're interested they can view it here:

I just can't get over the sheer unthinking maliciousness of stabbing someone's tire.

I mean a lot of us got pissed and went and did the odd bit of spur of the moment stupid things, but these kids aer going out with enough fore-thought to bring a tool out with them for the purpose of vandalising someone's property, whether it be for stealing a car, scratching it or stabbing tires.

I've got motion detect software running on the cam too that takes footage when it detects things. I can change the sensitivity of the detection but for it to pick up someone walking passed it's then sensitive enough that it triggers when the sun goes behind a cloud. heh. I've had it up for a few days now and managed to capture sunrise and sunset each day. Did you know it occurs over roughly and 8 minute period from start to finish? :)

Anyway...rar grrr, chavvy *****. Take a screeny if you see something dodgy going on and let me know here on in IRC. Cheers!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I get:

Browser ignoring <APPLET> tag. See Active WebCam FAQs. Probably you need to install Java Virtual Machine at


You can have fun all day just keeping an eye on my car...remember to grab screen shots if you see anything suspicious

Call me stupid, but how do I get it to install this thing it needs?

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