Character Popularity



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Character Popularity

Originally posted by Biby
Again and again i see that u not the smartest guy if we talking about Daoc :eek:

Agreed :)

Play a skald in rvr first, then talk.
With the new shouts it will be better, but still some problems.
1. the mezz. Despite it being a quite high level spell ( 41 i think ) it gets resisted 50% of the time. This is insane.
2. defense. even if we sacrifice points out of weapon to parry and get masteries of parry, our defense is way to low. We die way to fast. Ablative song is a good way to help solve this. Mincers got it, why not skalds.
3. Ra. Get us a decent group ra.

Ah and, I dont know if you know, but RvR isnt an Ma train for everyone. There is something as 'solo fights' and 'small skirmishes'. Way more fun, and you get to play your character to the fullest.


You want savage damage and determination too?


Can you please stop acting like you know everything scarffs, TY.

Btw, my skald does just fine in RvR. Can use a few twinks but he does good enough damage.

Tesla Monkor

For those people yelling that 'ranged conc is end of buffbot problem'.. that's not true. If the buffs are ranged, the botts will just be /stuck to the groups and your cave shammie will STILL not get an invite, since your buffs stink. In a zerg, a bot more or less will make no difference. ;)

The only groups hit by that would be the stealthers. (Eventhough I do play a huntress, I wouldn't mind seeing those infiltrators burn in hell.. err. Nerfed. :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Character Popularity

Originally posted by scarffs
Play a skald in rvr first, then talk.

level a skald first, then talk.

The Real Redi

Buffbots suck - It's the DAoC equivalent of having your flatmate getting you hard before you dare go near your girlfriend...

This thread alone has pointed out mythics failures right here - the bot issue, and the fact that four of the eight classes introduced in SI are holding up the rest of the table, then look at the last two and work out why no-ones attracted to Hibernia? cos Animists are only really good once they hit the top end, and then they are just glorified gardeners!! I made an Animist, i expected Sawboss from "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors", creating plantlife to fear - not a bad smelling shroom farm.

Valewalkers... lets just leave them there, until someone can work out what they're good for.

Necros - just... don't, 'k? All 90% of them do is sit tight at a pre-SI viable group camping spot, like in the Barrows, and PL useful alts.

Reavers - big misunderstanding with these from the off, with too many people speccing them with shield to get slam, then leaving them to rot when people got bored of em, but they are the anti-stealther in many cases where you dont have TS or an Ice wiz about...

ah well, seems the old Mythic idea of "just stick it back together with tape!" answer, instead of looking at WHY these things are falling apart, will come into play - "If it ain't broke, lets try and fix that - if it IS broke, sorry we're too busy arsing around with the stuff thats not, but could do with being"


spout less bullshit and ill send you a medal :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ^_^_^^_^_^__^_^_^_^^_-¨-¨-


1. Shaman 17% buffbots, other than that a really nice support class
2. Warrior 12% farmbots tbh, not that many in rvr
3. Savage 11% omg such fotm, understandable though, sad that mythic made such unbalance concerning SI classes
4. Healer 10% what can I say, it's the base of any mid group, pve or rvr
5. Bonedancer 9% fotm in a way, I think it's fotmness is pretty restricted to smaller servers though
=6. Skald 8% in need of a tad of love compared to minst but overall ok
=6. Shadowblade 8% I still cant understand why people still play sb after LA nerf :x
8. Spiritmaster 7% strong pbae class with the pet love
9. Runemaster 6% ok class imo, most will suffer from the debuff nerf inc though
10. Thane 5% underrated class but suffers from the lack of con, some may argue they need det, but being hybrid it's right they dont have it
11. Hunter 4% ok melee output but lacks the real edge when jumped
12. Berserker 3% Three zerkers over 40k last week, mostly due to people picking savages over zerkers then the actual nerf though. Still the nerf was hard on zerker as a class since were now a class with a ability which makes us crit but at the same times makes as very vulnerable to melee attacks, something a good MA will use. And respecing 2h is not a alternative imo. I mean there's lots of stuff that have been anti zerk in the latest patches, the back side hitzone for back styles (the mayor chain in laxe), the end nerf together with the damage nerf being a large part of it. Add that we wear slash sensitive armor(most common damage time) and that the only thing we can offer groups that savage cant is PF. At the moment it's not that hard to see why people play savage over them. Altough, mid/excal zerkers still seem to be doing alot better so I guess it's mostly a prejudice that's keeping the rp's from rolling in. /rant


Originally posted by shanks
2. Warrior 12% farmbots tbh, not that many in rvr

Come on, a good warrior is a REAL good class for a rvr group, their guard is insane to get past due to them having highest ws in the game.But then again people hardly role them at the moment i guess that's the problem?


warrior is a must have for mid rvr group like shaman.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Come on, a good warrior is a REAL good class for a rvr group, their guard is insane to get past due to them having highest ws in the game.But then again people hardly role them at the moment i guess that's the problem?

Not saying how it should be, saying how it is on pryd. Warriors rarely reach high rr.


Yep :E

Harmless/Vanaya play very good and really do make their group hard to kill just them theirselves, very tough tanks.

Shanks nice to see you play zerk still:D festryk?(sorry if spelt wrong)


Originally posted by shanks
10. Thane 5% underrated class but suffers from the lack of con, some may argue they need det, but being hybrid it's right they dont have it



Originally posted by old.mattshanes

Shanks nice to see you play zerk still:D festryk?(sorry if spelt wrong)

Thanks, and it's Fetstryk.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Yep :E

Harmless/Vanaya play very good and really do make their group hard to kill just them theirselves, very tough tanks.

Shanks nice to see you play zerk still:D festryk?(sorry if spelt wrong)

1 Vanaya Everlast 5,153,517 311,578 50 Everlast Kobold
2 Oldluri Keen 1,766,164 10,547 50 Svea Ulvar Dwarf
3 Foadon Bloodfist 1,712,348 125,804 50 Bad Omen Norseman
4 Harmless 1,475,814 25,358 50 Dogma Kobold
5 Siwa Pet 1,383,969 106,067 50 Svea Ulvar Norseman

Vanaya is kinda the exception that makes the rule :x

And it's Fetstryk, oh and I actually have a level 50 savage but easy mode sawks. :x


I tried with many warrior, few that actually remember to put guard on b4 we run of pk but they all remember to yell for a buff if is missing whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

How many warriors swap guard 4-6 times in a fight, remember to swap to 2h when needed and back to guard protect slam when needed.
Guard is on Q-bar 1 for all warriors that didnt know.



Buffbots suck - It's the DAoC equivalent of having your flatmate getting you hard before you dare go near your girlfriend...

i think thats the best quote i've seen in ages :D


Originally posted by zapzap
I tried with many warrior, few that actually remember to put guard on b4 we run of pk but they all remember to yell for a buff if is missing whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

How many warriors swap guard 4-6 times in a fight, remember to swap to 2h when needed and back to guard protect slam when needed.
Guard is on Q-bar 1 for all warriors that didnt know.


Guard on Q-bar 1?

Why? :(


Originally posted by riv
Buffbots suck - It's the DAoC equivalent of having your flatmate getting you hard before you dare go near your girlfriend...

i think thats the best quote i've seen in ages :D
hehe will have to use tht in sig i think :m00:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Character Popularity

Originally posted by leviathane
not really, sb and hunter population is massive in bgs

BG has nada to do with lvl 50 RvR dude

Urgat Rip-Eye

Re: Re: Yes

Originally posted by vermillon
1. You will not say that when you will need to pl your new /lvl character. End regen 4 without the need of the shammen to be grouped is... uber solo xp. Buffs>chant
2. As for rvr still buff >> chant / song as is never stop if the shamman is stuned/mezzed, you don't get : xxxx attack you and your sond is interupted: msg either.
3.There sould be a way that you can stop the end regen from all groups. Paladin = mezz/stun, Bard = Interupt/kill , Shamman = kill/mezz.

1 - Yes i WILL still say this. Because i only have one account, will only EVER have one account, and DONT powerlevel any characters with my shaman. Urgat is my Main, my RvR character, i got him to 50 because i wanted to use him in RvR. Not so i could level my frickin shadowblade up. Ill do THAT the way it was intended. By bloody well grouping!

2 - So? I wouldnt mind. At least it would be brought in line with similar abilities in other realms. As it stands, i do NOT have the conc to buff my group to my full potential anymore, because of this one idiotic change.

3 - Erm there is. Kill the buffing character.

It IS very simple.

Applying a range to ALL buffs would solve the BB problem.

Any group that takes a /stick shaman bot with higher aug, over an active, well played shaman with slightly lower aug would be foolish.

Can ANY of the so called RvR elite guilds tell me otherwise?

If buff range was limited, would you rather have a grouped bot on stick with uber aug, or a grouped, played shaman, with slightly less potent buffs?


Originally posted by Damon_D
so you can guard who ever is under hard can that be ????


Because that would be impossible with guard on any other hotbar ;)


I think 90% of tanks put guard on another qb xD

It's one of the best skills/abilities in the game, especially if you are a tank in a caster group.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
I think 90% of tanks put guard on another qb xD

It's one of the best skills/abilities in the game, especially if you are a tank in a caster group.

Yup, still I toggle between 4 hotbars when I fight, and guard is on the 3rd hotbar. Doesnt mean I use it less:)


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
[I think 90% of tanks put guard on another qb

It's one of the best skills/abilities in the game, especially if you are a tank in a caster group. [/B]

Might be more useful if casters lived long enuf for guard to work.

Btw can anyone tell me y casters cudn't have stealth ability ? Logically I can't see any difference between a stealther shooting arrows and a stealthed caster firing bolts.

Auto face last attacker needs to be looked at also as whenever i've been shot with an arrow from a ranger for example they are out of range of auto look and ofc out of range of bob meaning im usually dead b4 i can find them.

Unless ALL realms get insta mezz type spells can't see Alb casters going rvr when players have lvled up their other chars.

Nerf bb's and change pwr lvling so that mobs automatically go after any toons who have buffed a player that dies so u cant just rez all the time and carry on.

Yerk 50 Cab - Guardians of Power
Yeeeeerk 47 Sorc
Yerkette 39 Necro
Xerk 30 Reaver
Parboiled 25 Palla
Goneorhere 22 Merc

All lvled the Man's way <flex>

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