Decided to post this as Im fairly pissed off making a new set around ceremonia bracers feedbacks on my sb.
Then the bug count:
-Starts combat timer when used. Only arties/charges anything to start combat timer is the feedbacks. (So you cant stealth after using it for 10secs)
-Your own body resists drop the duration of the feedback. Normal 10 min buff that with the 26% or so body resists is cut down to 7minutes. Must be nice to run in a group with body resist buffs/chants to cut it to 5min.
-And last but not least the reason I wanted it. I wanted to get rid of the damn minstrel insta stun. Guess what... its useless against em as if insta is blocked it doesnt start the reuse timer. So stun.. blocked (insta pops back up as its blocked) stun again and the whole feedback was completely useless. Same goes for bards/healers instas.
So dont waste your time as a sb getting it.
Yeah I know "Working as intended". :kissit:
Decided to post this as Im fairly pissed off making a new set around ceremonia bracers feedbacks on my sb.
Then the bug count:
-Starts combat timer when used. Only arties/charges anything to start combat timer is the feedbacks. (So you cant stealth after using it for 10secs)
-Your own body resists drop the duration of the feedback. Normal 10 min buff that with the 26% or so body resists is cut down to 7minutes. Must be nice to run in a group with body resist buffs/chants to cut it to 5min.
-And last but not least the reason I wanted it. I wanted to get rid of the damn minstrel insta stun. Guess what... its useless against em as if insta is blocked it doesnt start the reuse timer. So stun.. blocked (insta pops back up as its blocked) stun again and the whole feedback was completely useless. Same goes for bards/healers instas.
So dont waste your time as a sb getting it.
Yeah I know "Working as intended". :kissit: