CBA anymore


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Cancelling subscriptions until something is done about Relics. Sick and tired of logging on daily and seeing ports cut to any possible keep and docks being camped by full groups of stealthers.

The game isn't remotely fun at the moment not even during prime time, infact, I wouldn't even go as far as calling it a game at the moment. The worse part is Mythic are doing fuck all about it not even asking players how it can be improved or how they feel about the current state of it all.

Alot of you probably don't give a shit about this post but the few that do i'm sure you can see where i'm coming from... its turning into Dyvet V2.0 on a MASSIVE scale and we all know how that ended.

Until Mythic get off their arse and make Relics impossible to take with low numbers (200 in Ywain's case) this will just escalate and get worse, there will be no 8v8 there will be no solo there won't even be ports left daily. Those that have played on Ywain for awhile will know it started with just very few bg's at first and now its gone upto 2-3 bg's per realm and I guarantee it will keep getting worse to the point where it'll be BG's or nothing.

/rant off :flame:
/keep the game fun

Have fun in Dark Age of Ramalot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure I see your point really.

Personally I'm happy to see relics changing hands again and activity 24 hours a day, as someone who works shifts it's nice knowing I can login at 6 am in the morning and still get good RvR due to people playing from all time zones.

I agree RvR is not brilliant at the moment, but that's mostly, in my opinion of cause, due to the less then pleasent 'attitudes' on the american servers, big egos, small brains and no politeness at all, let alone the lame and cheap playstyles.

But that's a fault with the players, not Mythic.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Blood, your complaining about there being a huge stream of action? oO.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
If a game becomes a pain in the ass stop playing it simple , the wider community plays this way and its a reflection of what people want , i like it tbh dyvet towards the end was a joke , nothing but duelling circles and bullshit , kill or be killed release rebuff and learn from it ;)


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
they should definately bring back the old relic keeps, they were a lot more fun


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
BoOoooo fucking WhooOoooo!!!

LOL you have got to be one of the biggest whiners i have ever seen. This section of the forum has been filled with your none stop crying. First it was about the trasnfers and how Mythic are shit because they took so long to facilitate what was under previous management deemed impossible and now this.

Get a grip, if don't enjoy it then stop playing the game and stop clogging up this forum with all your little rants and bouts of crying.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Those that have played on Ywain for awhile will know it started with just very few bg's at first and now its gone upto 2-3 bg's per realm and I guarantee it will keep getting worse to the point where it'll be BG's or nothing.

you are aware its REALM vs REALM, not Player Vs Player, or Group vs Group ?

you may like 8v8 etc, but its kind of working as designed atm, so doubt you will get it changed much :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
I'm having fun. :)
(but then I'm mainly positive in my nature ;] )


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
i quit a while ago and i have purged daoc from my system finally after 6-7 years of full on addiction

for the last year or so of it i really didnt enjoy the game, just logged on out of habbit had a bitof a laugh with mates but genrally found the game dull and fustrating (always like stealther and soloing) just constantly out numbered or added on

tbh i felt the way you do now, just give up, and don't go back cos u will get hit with massive waves of nostalgia and just remember the good times

then u just go in a circle every few months

quit and stay quit

unless they bring out origions xD xD xD xD


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
BoOoooo fucking WhooOoooo!!!

LOL you have got to be one of the biggest whiners i have ever seen. This section of the forum has been filled with your none stop crying. First it was about the trasnfers and how Mythic are shit because they took so long to facilitate what was under previous management deemed impossible and now this.

Get a grip, if don't enjoy it then stop playing the game and stop clogging up this forum with all your little rants and bouts of crying.

And you've got to be one of the most clueless retards on the forum, I mean really do you know anything? beyond renewing your account and transfering to USA and acting like a cock end? troll more mate, its about all your good at.

As for the stream of action Everz its not tho is it? if you camp towers/cks with pbaoe groups fine then action will be good but if you run around solo/8 mans its dire.... nothing fun about having boat from the other side of frontiers 24/7 due to ports being cut by relic horny people that enjoy pve'ing undefended keeps early in the morning while there is no defence on.

Someone said above "This is Realm VS Realm" yes it is but the big difference is when they do it in the morning when theres no defence its no longer RvR its PvE which is my point, prime time keep takes and keep defence is great fun but logging in to find your entire frontier or enemy frontier red/blue/green because there was no one on to defend is just zzz.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
they should definately bring back the old relic keeps, they were a lot more fun

They need to do something that really benefits low numbers vs high numbers because this is just dyvet all over again.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Not sure I see your point really.

Personally I'm happy to see relics changing hands again and activity 24 hours a day, as someone who works shifts it's nice knowing I can login at 6 am in the morning and still get good RvR due to people playing from all time zones.

I agree RvR is not brilliant at the moment, but that's mostly, in my opinion of cause, due to the less then pleasent 'attitudes' on the american servers, big egos, small brains and no politeness at all, let alone the lame and cheap playstyles.

But that's a fault with the players, not Mythic.

It is the players I totally agree but its something Mythic can change so both are at fault.. players for taking advantage of no one online and Mythic for not stepping in and changing things to benefit certain aspects of rvr while there is barely any online.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
They need to do something that really benefits low numbers vs high numbers because this is just dyvet all over again.

If you make it easier to defend stuff it'll end up in alot more people going to defend since they smell easy rps if they were able to hold their ground as 50 vs 100. Defenders already have a slight advantage, but if you give them any more it'd be impossible to take anything imo.

If you won't renew until this is fixed you better uninstall, the game is being played as intended atm, e.i. the realm with the highest numbers and better strategy wins. If 50 people could defend vs 300 it'd kill the server faster than this is.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
To be fair, who gives a shit about relics.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
If you make it easier to defend stuff it'll end up in alot more people going to defend since they smell easy rps if they were able to hold their ground as 50 vs 100. Defenders already have a slight advantage, but if you give them any more it'd be impossible to take anything imo.

If you won't renew until this is fixed you better uninstall, the game is being played as intended atm, e.i. the realm with the highest numbers and better strategy wins. If 50 people could defend vs 300 it'd kill the server faster than this is.

its not working as intended tho... working as intended would be prime time massive scale battles thats how mythic wanted it not 3-4 fg taking relics/keeps early when theres no one online.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
its not working as intended tho... working as intended would be prime time massive scale battles thats how mythic wanted it not 3-4 fg taking relics/keeps early when theres no one online.

And if defending was made easier it'd only encourage this behavior further, since taking things prime time with alot of defenders would be impossible.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
And if defending was made easier it'd only encourage this behavior further, since taking things prime time with alot of defenders would be impossible.

it wouldnt tho? its only the relic gates that need making harder to breach that'd discourage not encourage.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
its not working as intended tho... working as intended would be prime time massive scale battles thats how mythic wanted it not 3-4 fg taking relics/keeps early when theres no one online.

It is working exactly as intended thats the point, I've been playing a lot on hib/alb and I can tell you for a fact when hib lost relics we had 500 people online and alb and had 600.

What you and I can't understand is the fact both hib/alb fail to defend relics at all, the US players just don't want too.

I have been in lots of Alb pugs so I asked about it, they said it good the relics move for 'action' and they all see it this way.

Sorry but Ywain daoc will not be Dyvet daoc by the looks of it, quit and don't come come back it isn't gonna change sorry.

and the difference with dyvet vs ywain was this...

8v8 would whinge about adding when fighting near insta port zones... 1v1 would whinge about adding near keeps/twrs and during the night CM would walk all round hib taking the relics with 2 fg's, hibs would take them back during the morning, rinse repeat for 9 months becomes dull real quick.

Albs took the hib relic with 4 fg's at the temple and 2/3 fg's roaming.

When hib took the alb relics we did it with 4/5 fg's.

The games working fine.


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
I'd have to agree that the relic keeps as it is are pretty lame.

Other then that, I tihnk it's working fine. Blood, you have done nothing but complain both on dyvet, and now here. Doesn't seem like the game will ever be good enough for you. And tbh, It sounds like what someone else already said, but the game just isn't for you anymore. A lot of people are primary looking for small scale PvP, daoc isn't the place for you then. It's pretty simple, don't PvP, or move on to another game who can satisfy your needs.

It sucks that a game you might like to play, isn't working as YOU want it to be. But face it mate, it's working as it should. Quit the game, and quit making a fool of yourself by constant complaining :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It is the players I totally agree but its something Mythic can change so both are at fault.. players for taking advantage of no one online and Mythic for not stepping in and changing things to benefit certain aspects of rvr while there is barely any online.

Mythic could improve things I agree, but it's not Mythic that's spoiling the game for me at the moment, just American attitudes, but I can put up with that.

The only thing I would change about the game itself, is to do what I've been saying should be done for the past 4 or 5 years and that is to have the guard population at claimed keeps increase in relation to population differance between realms.

i.e if 1 realm has 50% less population online then an attacking realm then the number and level of the npc guards at keeps increase a bit to support them.

I also believe each of the 4 towers tied to a keep should spawn an amount of uber guards inside the keep, so in order to get rid of those more powerful guards you must take the towers first. Similer to the old system used in the later days of the old frontiers relic keeps if anyone can remember back that far.

That would help slow down a major assault and prevent ninja attacks on keeps.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
To be frank- current relic mechanics are fine. It's all up to the defenders to get organized and go defend in time. I'd dread to see "epic" fights with too many combatants on each side, which frankly would be no fun for anyone due to the low fps everyone would be having


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
Have to say that it sux to read that everything that happends around with this game, someone is always unhappy with it :( complaining about ppls playstyle? comon... it is what it is, i wouldnt want to "build up" and change daoc to get what _I_ want, thats just boring? im tired of the whine also :<


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
And you've got to be one of the most clueless retards on the forum, I mean really do you know anything? beyond renewing your account and transfering to USA and acting like a cock end? troll more mate, its about all your good at.

I have not transferred any accounts from EU to USA, I just started two new accounts and played those and it was a a long time before the prospect of being able to transfer accounts from EU to USA was even being discussed. I also have not played the game in over a month, as I have been too busy in real life, so your comment about transferring to USA and acting like a cock has about as much merit as your whine.

Cry more Noob!!


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 15, 2005
i'm not minding the relic/keep and ports been cut at least there is ppl to kill now if any thing mythic did us a faver we was told we was stuck on th EU

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