Casters you get screwed again by GOA


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Cyviel said:
you mean it works properly now TWAT
go away under your rock fool before you look even more stupid
I mean the documentation even changed you moron.
Timer was reduced, cost was reduced. Two very big changes. You may feel that improves it, regardless the point is that it is VERY DIFFERENT YOU FUCKING RETARDED MONG.

(p.s. the fact that it's utterly useless and does nothing now is also quite a big change fuckwit)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Chronictank said:
Only reason u specced MW was the overpowered effect, dropping very high level mobs ver quickly (which u knew would be nerfed eventually), so imo u dont deserve a respec since u knew it was a bug. Use that RA Respec stone u farmed from the dragon who dropped in 60 secs if youre so annoyed at no free respec or wait till they give you one next fix.
actually i specced MW so I wouldn't feel like a useless leech in TOA


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Cyviel said:
you mean it works properly now TWAT
go away under your rock fool before you look even more stupid

You really do know anything about this RA?
Since you seem very clueless.
Play a caster now and check the RA if it works "properly" :) It's you who looks more stupid after that post, so maybe do whatever you said to the other guy.. You like to insult others without knowing anything about what you talk about.

Mages are useless in raids (again), they should have fixed casters vs highlvl encounters at same time as they nerfed the only ability they had to do anything in raids (How long have they used this ability compared to how long they have been useless?). But you probably dont care because you dont have a mage. Yes, we all know it was overpowered, but look at mages now.


Regular Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
*Ialkarn said:
Laryssa Ravenhurst,
Guild The Brotherhood of Hibernia
Realm Points 561,305 (Last week: 2,022)
Realm Rank Raven Ardent (RR5)

Here someone who abused the bug.

another nQQb araises from the mud


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
The way MW worked wasnt a bug, wasnt abuse... It was overpowered, but neither of all the other 'claims'... Zerkers, savages, enchanters, etc all have been or are overpowered compared to 'other' comparable classes...

The description of an RA was never the way the RA was suppose to work, the description has to be made to resemble the RA... If the description was leading, then BAoD should be self-only... There should be a 2s hard-cap on spell casting, etc, etc, etc...

What MW3 allowed was casters to be usefull in ML raids... What they succeeded in doing is making casters use their staff instead of their magic... Way to go Mythic...

I got back from vacation yesterday and was v.pissed... Definitly seeing I now have a 40 point RA that is TOTALLY useless... Since GOA wont come around to giving back my points till 1.68...

They should have halved, perhaps even 1/4th of the damage it did before, but not this... Before the nerf, with MW3 active I DD'd the green knight for 150 damage... Now I nuked him for 2 damage and 4 out of the 5 spells got resisted...

It apparently is 'ok' to have a tank-only epic raid with 2fg taking out stuff like dragons... But (with a medium nerfed MW3 instead of the heavy nerf now) 2fg casters ALL atleast rr5 taking down the dragon, nooooo, thats not allowed...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
All you snickering tanks (Ialkarn comes to mind) who are gloating about this should take a step back and put yourself in a caster's shoes. As it stands, we have really no way of contributing to large epic-level encounters save with our staff -- which, incidentially, is most commonly used for casting spells in all other kinds of combat.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Respecced to MW III 2 days before toa came out...

Kinda gimped my char out of rvr in the hope to be able to get groups in atlantis and be usefull instead of getting to hear on 9 out of 10 epic raids i am not welcome because i have NO group utility and the only damage i do is with my staff.

Was kinda fun to be able to 3 shot ambasador mannam with PBAOE after my mate ice-debuffed the thing for 50%... for the 2 days that it lasted.

And now i am gimped to hell.

This joke will have cost me 4 plat in totall because like hell, i am gone respec again as soon as i have enough cash to buy a respec stone.

I am not amused.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
[NO]Magmatic said:
The way MW worked wasnt a bug, wasnt abuse... It was overpowered, but neither of all the other 'claims'... Zerkers, savages, enchanters, etc all have been or are overpowered compared to 'other' comparable classes...

The description of an RA was never the way the RA was suppose to work, the description has to be made to resemble the RA... If the description was leading, then BAoD should be self-only... There should be a 2s hard-cap on spell casting, etc, etc, etc...

What MW3 allowed was casters to be usefull in ML raids... What they succeeded in doing is making casters use their staff instead of their magic... Way to go Mythic...

I got back from vacation yesterday and was v.pissed... Definitly seeing I now have a 40 point RA that is TOTALLY useless... Since GOA wont come around to giving back my points till 1.68...

They should have halved, perhaps even 1/4th of the damage it did before, but not this... Before the nerf, with MW3 active I DD'd the green knight for 150 damage... Now I nuked him for 2 damage and 4 out of the 5 spells got resisted...

It apparently is 'ok' to have a tank-only epic raid with 2fg taking out stuff like dragons... But (with a medium nerfed MW3 instead of the heavy nerf now) 2fg casters ALL atleast rr5 taking down the dragon, nooooo, thats not allowed...

OMG, I never thought I'd say that to an Alb (j/k), but "I lub you" (for that post ofc). I said exactly the same, early in that thread. Reducing the dmg done to high-lvl encounter would have been the right reaction. My chanter rr6 chanter is completely gimped now till we get the point refunded, cause I refuse to use another RA stone. Mages are back to watching other ppl having fun on epic encounters, well done mythic. Fucking dark age of tankalot..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Cyviel said:
no what you really mean is, you want back the 30 RA pts you spent on an RA YOU KNEW wasnt working as intended but you got it anyway because you KNEW you could exploit it. why should you get pts back? you shouldnt, it now does what it is supposed to do, they havnt changed the description of the RA, it doesnt do anything it isnt supposed to... really you have no ground to stand on here, perhaps next time before you post calling someone a newbie you should look at your own factless,and groundless argument before whine-ing! im glad it got nerfed... EVERYONE knew it was expoloitable and they did exploit it! get over it.

farming dragon gives enough stones to use for respec lol so get over it;o


Dec 24, 2003
I dont see the problem.

They changed a "bug" on the launch of 1.67 and said so on so everyone could know.

The ones who had MW got the skill removed from them and their points refunded.

Where lies the problem?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
you used bug in the game for some time
and mythic started to remove that bug
and now you start to QQ
all i can say is that you are sad fucks not mythic
you knew it was coming, didnt you?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
Herjulf said:
I dont see the problem.

They changed a "bug" on the launch of 1.67 and said so on so everyone could know.

The ones who had MW got the skill removed from them and their points refunded.

Where lies the problem?

Wrong, we didnt get fuck all refunded.

I will fully admit it was bugged and overpowered and it needed to be fixed.
The point is this fix doesnt solve a thing, if they reduced the dmg we did with 90% i would still be happy.
Atleast if would have samething to do on raid besides blowing 3 powerbars and still not hitting a thing with MW2


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Tanks should get over it by hiding behind the 'its a bug' thing... Its not a bug, never has been a bug.. It was overpowered and I'll agree to that and only that...

There are numerous ra's which dont work as the description says... Those arent bugged, the description is wrong...

With this nerf, MW3 went from uber to not worth using it...

MW3 is worth 10 points, however we got a bugged hotfix meaning for us its still 30 points... We also did not get our points returned...

I've been testing MW3 a bit seeing I cant be arsed to use a stone yet either, and from what I see is that it does have a minor difference in the ability to land a spell and it does increase damage a bit... But only up to (max) level 70ish mobs... After that you get all spells being resisted, yet a paladin (hey gimped weaponskill) was still able to hit the mob regurlarly...

MW3 at the moment would be worth 10 points, and even then it should actually be a passive and not an active ra... Oohwell, we can dream all we want, Mythic will always deny that there's a problem... Its perfectly OK for 2 fg tanks to take down the dragon... But 2fg casters? hell no...

And for all that say 'well you farmed the dragon so you have stones', no I did not farm the dragon, and tbh never really was gonna do that regurlarly either... Because I didnt get MW3 for the dragon, I got it for TOA, I was looking forward to TOA with MW3 as I could be USEFULL in ML / arti raids... But in the end, its better for me to just stick + F6... And GOA doing a half-fix is just taking the piss really...

Give me my points back, put it on a 1-3-6 point cost, and I'll be willing to wait for the 5-level version until 1.68...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Everyone knew MW would be nerfed, correct. Why? Because we went over the top with it; camping the Dragon 24/7 and killing it as soon as it popped.. we asked for it.

MW was not a 'bug', it was an overpowered ability (plenty of which still exist in DAoC). Using MW was not 'bug abuse', it was taking advantage of one of the very few useful abilities available to casters, via an overpowered RA. They are now useless again.

The logic that this was bug abusing is absurd, and ill-founded; and remember that it had a prerequisite of Realm Rank 5, for MW and only MW. Thats not cheap, and certainly not cheap for a caster. 40 Points for one ability on a 30 minute timer is not to be scoffed at.

Mythic are fast enough to break out the nerf-bat with something like this, yet the fundamental issues like interrupt code, spell resists, determination, and general survivability that plague casters continue to go unaddressed.

Is it fair that low hitpoint, low weaponskill, cloth wearing Casters should be forced to melee, without styles, Epic Level Mobs?
Is it fair that with 50+14 Dark, I should get 100% resists on mobs that anyone with a weapon can go and melee effectively?
Is it fair that Casters should have to get to, and spend all the points up to RR5, to be able to damage Epic Mobs? (Only to have that ability almost instantly removed, and their points unrefunded*)
Is it fair that level 50 Casters can be rendered useless by the interrupts of a grey pet?
Is it fair that any tank can beat me to death in a few hits, yet is able to shrug off my crowd control and resist a massive portion of my spell damage (very often in excess of 50%) when I am only able to resist up to 26% of his?

My point is, that Casters (especially damage dealing casters) are absolutely useless in Epic Level ecounters, and RvR is extremely bias against them. They are nerfed without a second thought, but have been awaiting simple and fundamental fixes for a very long time.

All you tanks out there please imagine, if you will, how you'd feel if you experienced a 100% miss rate vs epic mobs, and your only way to hurt it was to cast a level 1 spell? How would you feel if your only chance to hit such mobs was to invest 40 points into a RA that lasted 1 minute every 60? How would you feel if a grey pet attacking you and missing could make you miss your attacks? Or similarly if someone casting a level 8 spell on you, that you resist 99% of the time, also caused you to miss? How would you feel if any caster could just 3 or 4 hit you to death?

Casters want to be ballanced, not gods. They want to be able to contribute, not take down epic mobs solo in 10 seconds. They don't want to be supported by tanks, and leech- some low hp, cloth wearing, useless mana-sink for healers; to coin a phrase, 'a walking 1000hp ablative'.

Don't be so harsh, especially if you haven't experienced it from the other side.

- Riv

*Some people have pointed out that many casters got lots of RA respecs from the Dragon, so should not complain about a lack of refund.. consider, however, that many casters respecced for ToA, and did not attend such raids. Imagine how you would feel if all of a sudden one of your abilities was changed massively (so it was useless), yet all of your 40 points were left sunk in it, gimping you in RvR and PvE.. would you be happy? Is it fair?


Dec 24, 2003
sibanac said:
Wrong, we didnt get fuck all refunded.

I will fully admit it was bugged and overpowered and it needed to be fixed.
The point is this fix doesnt solve a thing, if they reduced the dmg we did with 90% i would still be happy.
Atleast if would have samething to do on raid besides blowing 3 powerbars and still not hitting a thing with MW2

If they did NOT refund you harass GOA, IF u got MW after 1.67 to take advantage of the bugged MW, i think i laugh at u.

However did u get MW quite a while ago, u should have gotten a refund.
They got in USA from Mythic, i cant see why europeans shouldnt get a refund.

I know for a fact stupid mofo´s that got it after 1.67 because they heard of the bugged RA.
And learnt that goa had fixed it AFTERWARDS, well tough luck.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
rivan said:
*Some people have pointed out that many casters got lots of RA respecs from the Dragon, so should not complain about a lack of refund.. consider, however, that many casters respecced for ToA, and did not attend such raids. Imagine how you would feel if all of a sudden one of your abilities was changed massively (so it was useless), yet all of your 40 points were left sunk in it, gimping you in RvR and PvE.. would you be happy? Is it fair?

it's yer fault and noone else
why did you take mw? to be able to solo purple mobs (which drop arts in toa, whatever), right?
and now you will have to find a group
qq more

ps. i have 7 ra stones, if you feel that terribly gimped i can sell one to you for 1 plat. send me in game


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Herjulf said:
If they did NOT refund you harass GOA, IF u got MW after 1.67 to take advantage of the bugged MW, i think i laugh at u.

However did u get MW quite a while ago, u should have gotten a refund.
They got in USA from Mythic, i cant see why europeans shouldnt get a refund.

I know for a fact stupid mofo´s that got it after 1.67 because they heard of the bugged RA.
And learnt that goa had fixed it AFTERWARDS, well tough luck.

lol, cmon
they took it after they saw that movie with dragon dropping in 15 seconds
or you think they bought it in 1.50? lolz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
old.anubis said:
it's yer fault and noone else
why did you take mw? to be able to solo purple mobs (which drop arts in toa, whatever), right?
and now you will have to find a group
qq more

ps. i have 7 ra stones, if you feel that terribly gimped i can sell one to you for 1 plat. send me in game

What, exactly, is my fault?

I never had any illusions of grandeur about soloing purple mobs; I respecced to Majestic Will so that I would be able to contribute to the larger Epic Level Raids in ToA (none of which are soloable by a Caster with MW as far as I know).

I would have been part of a group regardless of whether MW was functioning pre/post nerf fashion. The difference is, that pre-nerf I would have been a useful member of that group (able to do acceptable damage for one minute), post-nerf I am a leech, able to contribute nothing, as my spells are resisted 100% of the time. That is, undeniably, a sorry state of affairs.

There's no 'QQ'ing, simply a statement of fact. Casters are useless in these Epic encounters because Mythic have yet to fix the basic spell-resist issues. As I stated, MW was indeed overpowered, but it was a step in the right direction. In my opinion, it should be a passive ability, maybe then, if Mythic fix the resist code, it would be worth the points. My point is simple, fix the basic problems with one iota the speed of this nerf, and there would be a lot of happy casters.

For someone with an Old prefix to your name, you're not particularly mature or objective.

PS: Last thing I did was give away close to 20 respec stones in Svasud, so I'm not complaining because I'm stuck with a nerfed spec.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
because casters suck in epic raids you want some kind of overpowered ra?
dunno which realm you play but all three mid casters are useful in epic battles


Loyal Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
rivan said:
What, exactly, is my fault?
There's no 'QQ'ing, simply a statement of fact. Casters are useless in these Epic encounters because Mythic have yet to fix the basic spell-resist issues. As I stated, MW was indeed overpowered, but it was a step in the right direction. In my opinion, it should be a passive ability, maybe then, if Mythic fix the resist code, it would be worth the points. My point is simple, fix the basic problems with one iota the speed of this nerf, and there would be a lot of happy casters.

Look on the bright side Rivan -as this thread clearly reveals - there are many tanks out there who have absolutely no idea of how useless we casters are on epic encounters -so perhaps there is a hope for us getting groups in ToA afterall (and going afk because we cant hit anything) :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
old.anubis said:
because casters suck in epic raids you want some kind of overpowered ra?
dunno which realm you play but all three mid casters are useful in epic battles

Casters suck in a lot of situations, not just epic raids, but thats another story. I don't want casters to be overpowered, I want them to be useful. I have admitted that MW was overpowered in its pre-nerf state, so no I don't want some minute of godliness every half an hour, I want casters to be able to contribute to taking down an Epic mob, hence my suggestion that the current version be made a passive RA, but it is NOT a solution on its own. The basic resist problems need to be addressed.

Casters want to be ballanced, not gods. They want to be able to contribute, not take down epic mobs solo in 10 seconds. They don't want to be supported by tanks, and leech- some low hp, cloth wearing, useless mana-sink for healers; to coin a phrase, 'a walking 1000hp ablative'.

Tell me then, how are Mids' Damage casters useful on epic raids?

Jess, ignorance is bliss, eh? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
old.anubis said:
because casters suck in epic raids you want some kind of overpowered ra?
dunno which realm you play but all three mid casters are useful in epic battles

Mind telling us what mid casters do in epic battles besides buffing, running pbt and waveing with their sticks.

And as said a 1000 times before, no we dont want an overpowered RA.
All casters from all realms want is to have some use in epic pve (especialy casters who have only lifedrian as damage since they ar hit hardest by resists)

And i dont know what all tanks are complaining about, this thing would help them in PVE, and casters spending the better part of RR5 on an RA thats useless in RVR cant be all that bad for tanks

p.s.:Herjulf, i had MW before patch


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
rivan said:
Tell me then, how are Mids' Damage casters useful on epic raids?

rm provides dmg add and/or pbt
bd provides absorb buff
sm is good along the way, for dealing with adds
it's not if you come to the spot, kill 80 lvl mob and safely come back
usually you have to deal with lotsa aggro on the way


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
sibanac said:
Mind telling us what mid casters do in epic battles besides buffing, running pbt and waveing with their sticks.

6 sec pbt reduces dmg to grp almost twice
isn't it enough for you?
what about shams? they buff up every1, stick and can go. still no1 can imagine a raid without shamans
you have to go from that _i_am_teh_main_dmg_dealer_ thingy and try to act as support char maybe

ps. i bet it's ppl like you who roll full cave shamans ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
old.anubis said:
6 sec pbt reduces dmg to grp almost twice
isn't it enough for you?
what about shams? they buff up every1, stick and can go. still no1 can imagine a raid without shamans
you have to go from that _i_am_teh_main_dmg_dealer_ thingy and try to act as support char maybe

ps. i bet it's ppl like you who roll full cave shamans ^^
ooooh 6 sec pbt ooooh press a button /stick on a healer and read a book, now that fun
shams, cool you just described a buff bot, again 99% of the raid /stick and go out to have a beer.

fyi I play a cabby and a pally so yeah i obviously only wanne play the main dmg dealer.
You want to know the main job of a cabby on an epic raid : tell dirty jokes in cg cause you sure as hell arnt gonne do anything else


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
From a Mid's perspective...

RC Totally usless
My Debuffs are resisted 100%. My Spec-Nukes/AoE are resisted 100%. My Bolts will miss, or be resisted 100%. My Damage Add is surpassed by that of a Shaman. I have no PBT. I am 100% useless.

Dark 95% useless
All my nukes are resisted 100%. Once every 10 minutes, I damage add people. My only utility, as Midgard's hardest nuking powerhouse, is making tanks hit a bit harder than a Shaman would. We are not supposed to be a dedicated buffing class. We are not supposed to be a support class. We are a damage dealing, nuker.

Supp Useful
Snare will be resisted 100%. PBT is useful, but at least the supp spec is designed that way though. ABs is useful, but a BD cannot ABs many people before he is OOP; again he is a damage dealer who cannot deal any damage, only buff a Tank. What does a Dark BD do? or an Army BD? SMs are pretty much 100% useless, apart from gutter rez.

We want to be able to do what our class is supposed to do; kill things, not groom tanks or act like highly ineffective Shamans. We are a damage dealing class than cannot deal damage- surely you can admit that there is something fundamentally wrong there? Healers/Aug/Mend Shamans/Supp RMs, these are support classes, they are designed to be support classes, they specced to be support classes. When I specced the most devestating damage dealing spec I could, I was understandably annoyed to find that I could deal no damage.

You are simply disagreeing, seemingly, for the sake of it. Can you give me one reason why a Damage dealing Caster should not be able to deal damage to an Epic mob?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
rivan said:
From a Mid's perspective...

You are simply disagreeing, seemingly, for the sake of it. Can you give me one reason why a Damage dealing Caster should not be able to deal damage to an Epic mob?
Think we should force all the tanks to go on a looong epic riad with a cabby.
here is how it goes : mob <65 dont bother its gonne be death before you cast your second dd from the pbaoe box
mob > 65 dont bother, you can blow 10 powerbars on the thing you wont land a signle spell

for none lifedrian casters : mob > 70 go ahead blow that powerbar on it, you might land a dd (for about 2 dmg)

if you cant understand that there is samething wrong when a caster does more dmg on a mob by wacking it with his stick then actualy casting spells on it you need your head checked tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't think some tanks realise just how melee orientated epic level encounters/raids are.

Take your standard high-level-mob-killing raid:
Each group would have something like

1. Tank
2. Tank
3. Tank
4. Tank
5. Tank
6. Healer
7. Healer/buffer
8. Tank or caster for novelty/pbt etc

If you reversed that to favour our cloth wearing friends

1. Caster
2. Caster
3. Caster
4. Caster
5. Caster
6. Healer
7. Buffer
8. Caster, or maybe a skald for speed...

1) They would end up making a nice lot of sparkly white 'resist lights' and end up dead
2) Even if that format was made to work, given the current tank's mentality, there would be a repeate of the whole MW / FDS merf cries 'Hey casters are killing mobs without tanks! i cant get groups! nerf them back into walking RPs! '
Oh, and

it's yer fault and noone else
why did you take mw? to be able to solo purple mobs (which drop arts in toa, whatever), right?
and now you will have to find a group
qq more

ok, so its fine for a tank to spend 0 (zero) RP's, and be able to solo purple mobs, with a buff bot, but if a caster spends all the RP's he earns getting RR5, gets fully buffed with a buff bot, taking a purple once ever 30 mins is completely and utterly overpowered?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I constantly see 2 paladins + buff bot (+ 6s pbt if they really wanted) take down 80% of everything in DF... Sure doesnt go fast, but heck, there's no real danger...

Tell me 2 casters buffed with a possible pbt bot do the same... Note, the buff bot is not suppose to heal, he doesnt do that with the 2 pala's either... But I guess you could have it do minor heals...

And then come back to me and tell me its wrong for 2 high-rr casters to take down the same mobs, but at a speed of 1 per 30 mins...

We [casters] dont arue that MW3 was overpowered, we dont argue that it needed a nerf... We do argue that it was bug abuse, because it wasnt... It was using tools that where available to us... At least I didnt expect a nerf for the very simple reason that the only reason most high rr casters got it was TOA, not dragon farming, legion farming, etc... It was purple for TOA... Most high rr casters would respec back to their rvr spec the moment they had most of the ML's...

All that we [casters] want is to be usefull beyond Pbt or EB on epic raids... You cant expect us to just take down the agro that you tanks get... You [tanks] dont need casters, yet we [casters] do need tanks for the same encounters... And you just tell us its fair... Sure... If that was true, then you [tanks] should never have complained about focus pulling...

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