


Hey *Twatxor* it may be old but that doesn't make it any less relevant.

I hope you didn't pay too much for your hairdresser vehicle, you can buy the whole company for a tenner. ;)


oh, you gotta love it...



frankie: there is no point at all spending £1000 on a car - since it's not only the car you have to think about.. insurance, tax/mot (if applicable). If you spend in the region of £1000, the only car you'll be able to afford will be one that will end up costing a fortune in maintenance, or will just curl up and die after a few trips on the motorway anyway.

My advice would be to try and save up another £500 quid (at least) and then start looking for a car - at least then they'll be some less-rusty, less-thrashed specimens to choose from.

Incidentally - since you've already stated that this is your "first car", that's another reason to steer clear of the Escort/Nova/Fiesta brigade - since whichever model you get you will be absolutely cunted on by the insurance company, simply because they (like everyone) know the real reason young people buy them - to thrash them about like "r00d bwoys".

Get a 1.4 Polo or sommat - cheap and cheerful :p


oh, you gotta love it...



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>doing quantum mechanics is HARD<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Specially for someone who struggles to even make a sentence that reads like english ;)



frankie you are so thick, I feel it is my duty to give you a cunting.

"we aint earning 25 grand a year, we have to make do with what we can afford and make it better on our budgit"
I'd fucking top myself if I was only earning 25 grand a year. Another world, isn't it gyppo.

"but u r all prolly mummy and daddy boys who just ask for 20 grand and get it."
No, I work full time, I just have a good job. That's what intelligent people get, you see. People who have a grasp of english above that of a blind 3 year old Portugese girl with leprosy.

"u prolly never seen oil"
Yeah I have, it's that shit that drips out of the back of poor people's cars.

"let alone go under the bonnet of a car"
Err no, I pay people to do that for me. Like I said, a car manufacturer knows more about building cars than I do. Funny that. You don't seem to have grasped that concept.

"lucky if i get a job at HOMOBASE, so dont be gay"
Fucking LOL. "Homobase". Freudian slip, perhaps. Is it our problem if you're too stupid to get a decent job?

You Have Been Cunted By The OCA(tm)

thx bye


I'm so glad the internet community is a classless society :)



You are just fucking gay, no two ways about it. And just because my english seems crap, does'ny mean it really is crap in REAL-LIFE'tm.

And guess what, I dont care what you think, whatever you say makes no difference to anyone, and it seems really odd that both EXOR and STU post after each other, and it also seems odd that they are the only two who seem ignorant posh acting gits.

And its a first car, so it obviously will be shit. Also i aint thick, if i was i wouldnt be doing A LEVELS.

And if you were so wise, and were so interlectual and were everything you say you are, then why the hell are you trying to argue aganst a 17 yr old ?

Wierd people



Oh and why is it everytime a decent worth while thread comes along where people can put their views down, in a light hearted way, you just come in here UN-ASKED and start flaming people who you think are not as, say wealthy, or urr, hairdresser-car-ish ?

This has hapened many times, and it always ends up the same, with you acting like a git, and everyone apart form your bum chum, alter ego stu hating you. Why dont you just piss off...


[This message has been edited by frankie (edited 23 May 2000).]




1. I dont have a car, so cant be a boy racer yet.

2. If you lot read the first post it said something along the lines of first car, and i was joking about the boy racer parts, was just asking people of the same age who have their first car, what would be the best one to get.

3. i simply dont care about what stu or exor says, its obvious that they dont care and hate everyone who doesnt own a factory standered car.

4. I never said anything about yuckfou at ALL, was refering to you, go read or did you miss that part.

5. this is pointless

6. goto hell i hate you all

7. Start the post again, and shut up with the smartass coments &gt;&gt;&gt;

What would be the best bet for a first car ?

Insurance quotes for fiesta 950 cc = about 950 quid, nova SR = about a grand, under own insurance. Pug 205 is a lot for some reason.

Make some constructive comments, and if you cant, then leave, this is aimed at STU and EXOR who are the ONLY people here who have been attacking other people. STOP IT



Stu m8 - to me, competent means good all round competence - not just 0-60 ffs... I am willing to say a nova thats lowered, uprated brakes, that turbo engine goes well, corners well and stops well... but I don't really wanna start arguing cuz you and I must both have better things to do. ok?

Durzel: 'Fact is, I get treated like scum on the roads because of boy racers like frankie and TUG - and it pisses me off no end'

cheeky bastard! When did I say I was a boy racer??? Have you read my posts? Christ, something that pisses me off is how people JUDGE someone on 1 piece of info. A nova SR isn't quick, your astra GTE is a lot quicker. So, are you as much of a twat as I am supposed to be now?

Be fair m8!


btw ya cars ok and those wheels are one of me favourites... (I forget the names of em though...) No offence in the above post either but I think u could understand where I'm coming from.

Looks like it would look nicer lowered anyways ;)

Oh yea, did u have to do arch work at all? Cuz I here astra MKII's rear arches rub a bit with 16"+ wheels.



"3. i simply dont care about what stu or exor says, its obvious that they dont care and hate everyone who doesnt own a factory standered car."
Utter rubbish. Of all the cars I've owned/driven/had access to in the past few years, only one has been "factory standard". All the rest have been either 'sports' editions, modifications of "standard" models, even specially engineered makes. As an example, take a look at that. I appreciate well, professionally modified cars. What makes me laugh is when "scutters" (n1 TUG I like that :)) pimp up a crap car and pretend it is good. Are we clear now?

If you honestly think that's factory standard, you're a fool.

"4. I never said anything about yuckfou at ALL, was refering to you, go read or did you miss that part."
Your post was directly after his. I know you have difficulty comprehending the rules of English, but very briefly it's left to right, top to bottom.

"5. this is pointless"
And yet...

"6. goto hell i hate you all"'re still posting

"7. Start the post again, and shut up with the smartass coments &gt;&gt;&gt;
What would be the best bet for a first car ?"
"Make some constructive comments, and if you cant, then leave, this is aimed at STU and EXOR who are the ONLY people here who have been attacking other people. STOP IT"
So, calling me "obviously gay", "get back to eton before the headmaster rapes you", "posh snotty nosed gits": terms of endearment, are they?

My comments were pefectly constructive, and similar to Darren's. Don't spend not a lot of money on shit, and then pimp it up in a vain attempt to make it good. Save a bit more, buy a decent standard car. How the car drives is far more important than any poxy Max Power shit on it. How many times do I have to say this?

"but I don't really wanna start arguing cuz you and I must both have better things to do. ok?"
OK :) I'm at work though, and seriously have NOTHING better to do :)

Darren's alloys are well nice, smart, not gay boy racer wannabes. He started talking about grinding the arches coz they were rubbing, and we all ripped the piss out of him muchly :).

[This message has been edited by Stu- (edited 24 May 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Stu- (edited 24 May 2000).]


frankie, you really are amusingly retarded. Oh sorry you're doing must be dead dead smart innit. Are you doing Higher Tier A-levels?

Nova's Escort's Fiesta's etc really are awful cars. They were awful when they came out, and they are even worse now. They are cheap for a reason you know. Why do you think Golfs of the same age are worth so much more than escorts?

TUG.....200bhp nova....errr LOL. Why are we supposed to be impressed with that? You could strap a jet engine on the top, it wouldnt make any difference, it would still be a nova. It would still be one of those cars driven by people called Kevin on council estates, only leaving the estate to either pick up their unemployment giro or to go to the local Mc Donalds drive thru to have competitions to see who has the Nova SR which is closest to falling apart. You know with the girl called Tiffany in the back, with the greased down hair and the ellese top on. The type of people who say sumfink and smoke Lambert and Butler and other cheap cigarettes. ie the bottom of the gene pool.
(They also have a nice line in angry looks when I leave them for dust in my cinquecento sporting - laugh if you will, I havent been in a faster car in first and second gear, dad's 328i excluded).

Anyway I shall leave you poor people to argue with people who bothered working to get a decent job.


P.S I found out something interesting the other day. TUG's infamous piece of shit Nova, isnt actually TUG's. This was found out from someone who knows him. I think this kinda invalidates anything TUG ever says about cars. So you can stop reading the message boards now TUG, and go back to porking your 14 year old sick sick &lt;unt.


Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus! This thread grew quickly :) Nevermind me vs. Exor, it's Frankie vs. the world! :D

Ok... insurance on a Nova SR for an 18 year old is in fact cheap - thats why people have em.

I did A-Levels, I ain't thick by any means, but I got shit grades for me A-Lev's, mainly because I was too lazy and prefered to spend time in the common room with m8s... but anyway, formal qualifications mean fuck all in terms of how intelligent someone is - theres a LOT of stuff in the world that someone can be good at. But I don't know what I'm on about so there :)

Women - I wouldn't drive fast in me car with say my g/f cuz I'd care more about her than showing off and twatting a tree. Yes, I like cars but I prefer my life.

Bodhi: Didn't wanna impress, just wanted to state the TRUTH that a fettled nova with say a 2.0 turbo transplant, uprated susp, brakes, chassis tweaks is indeed a competent car.

Cinqy sportings do 60 in 14 secs. Quick that is...

And for all those who must think becuz I like nova SR's i'm a twat you can bugger off. People who *know* me know I am a decent guy... annoying bastard boy racers with their bad attitudes and baseball caps don't half piss me off.

So bodhi, I bet you know my m8 nosser?

And that nova isn't mine, nooo - which I stated in another thread a while ago... so bodhi, sounds like you have a prob with me and wanna pick arguments. ICQ me on 26021081 cuz I ain't gonna start a flame war with you on a msg board.


where have all these snotty nosed posh gits come from ?

all tking the piss outa people who aint as rich as they are.

you really need to grow up.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>TUG.....200bhp nova....errr LOL. Why are we supposed to be impressed with that? You could strap a jet engine on the top, it wouldnt make any difference, it would still be a nova<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL :)


LOL frankie you just don't get it do you. This is one of the main problems with arguing with imbeciles: they simply don't grasp the concepts you're working with.

"and guess what, I dont care what you think"
If that was true, you wouldn't be replying would you. You wouldn't be getting so worked up. It's pretty obvious you DO care.

"it seems really odd that both EXOR and STU post after each other"
Yes, we are actually one and the same, two halves of the same mind. Except we live a couple of hundred miles apart. Or, you could take the alternate explanation: that Paul and I actually chat on the phone (yes REAL LIFE COMMUNICATION) quite often, and often can't help laughing at inept fools like yourself.

"it also seems odd that they are the only two who seem ignorant posh acting gits."
Funny, it was YuckFou who you initially accused of being "ignorant" and "posh". Interestingly, it is often the retreat of stupid people to put down the more intelligent/educated on the grounds that they are "posh". Intelligence has nothing to do with class.

"And if you were so wise, and were so interlectual and were everything you say you are, then why the hell are you trying to argue aganst a 17 yr old ?"
I'm not trying to argue with you. My mind is not even breaking a metaphorical sweat. You're absolutely right though, you're such an easy target I wouldn't normally bother. Boredom in the workplace, I guess.

"Oh and why is it everytime a decent worth while thread comes along where people can put their views down, in a light hearted way"
I did put my views down in a light hearted way. I took the piss out of "Max Power" style car-pimpers. It was you who then decided to get all arsey and personal. I'm merely returning the favour.

"you just come in here UN-ASKED"
It's a discussion forum. I don't need permission to post here, and if I did, it certainly would not be yours.

"flaming people who you think are not as, say wealthy"
It has nothing to do with that. I never said that all "cheap" cars were crap. I said that people who bought cheap cars, and then tried to pimp them up in the vain hope that it will make them look good, were crap. I myself drove a Fiesta for my first car. I did not lower it, or put 3 spokes on it, or an XR2 bodykit, or a baked bean can exhaust. Why? Because it was a fucking Fiesta. It got me to school and back. Darren hit the nail on the head with his "mutton dressed as lamb" comment.

TUG: how can you, in the same post, say you hate boy racers, and that you think a "pimped" Nova is a competent car? If you drive one of these things you ARE a boy racer. Incidentally, your slavish adherance to 0-60 times demonstrates this. 0-60 is always quoted by Max Power and other such "custom" mags, as it means fuck all. The way a car handles and goes round corners is far more important than the speed it gets to 60 mph without using the clutch. And this is the crux of it. A cheap, shit, modded car might have a good 0-60. And therefore stupid people think this is good. It isn't. I would far rather drive a Cinque Sporting than a Nova, because when you turn the wheel it actually goes where you want it to go, rather than straight into the nearest ditch.

thx bye



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bodhi:
Are you doing Higher Tier A-levels?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



The problem with "bwoy racer" cars is that for every "decent" specimen (I've seen quite a few untouched, unmodified Escort RS Turbos and XR3i's that I've really liked the look of) there are 1000's of cheap, shitty, exhaust-trim-bought-from-Halfords, "Born to be Bad", "No Fear", Alpine/Kenwood/Pioneer-sticker wearing piles of shite. I know this to be a fact because I myself drive an Astra GTE, and every day - without fail I get people cutting me up, sat 1ft off my rear bumper, overtaking me to "prove a point", etc - simply because - in their eyes anyway - all they see is "the car" and automatically think I'm a boy racer tosser.

One thing I've noticed through driving a hot hatch is that your everyday road user treats you with contempt. I've been sat at busy junctions for 5-10 minutes on many an occasion simply because nobody would let me out. The reason? Motorists see boy racers and boy racer cars for what they are to them - higher premiums on their insurance. Fact is, I get treated like scum on the roads because of boy racers like frankie and TUG - and it pisses me off no end.

Incidentally, I doubt very much that insurance is cheap on a Nova SR (which isn't exactly amazingly quick anyway) for an 18 year old with no NCB (No Claims Bonus). What's more likely to be the case is that the premium is low(ish), but the excess is huge (£300+).

As a point of reference also, the cheapest quote (serious quote that is) I got for my GTE for TPF&T (Third Party Fire & Theft) was £1400.. and I'm 22. Insurance companeis aren't stupid, they know why young people buy Novas/Fiestas/Escorts, even Astras and they know therefore how these people are likely to drive, how many accidents they're likely to have, etc - and charge them extortionate rates accordingly.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>cheeky bastard! When did I say I was a boy racer??? Have you read my posts? Christ, something that pisses me off is how people JUDGE someone on 1 piece of info. A nova SR isn't quick, your astra GTE is a lot quicker. So, are you as much of a twat as I am supposed to be now?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have to admit though that Nova SR's, in general, are bought and owned by boy racers. You make a fair point tho, the same criticism could be levelled at me for driving an Astra GTE, and I am most definitely not a boy racer. :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>btw ya cars ok and those wheels are one of me favourites... (I forget the names of em though...)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

League Integrale (LG037)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Looks like it would look nicer lowered anyways. Oh yea, did u have to do arch work at all? Cuz I here astra MKII's rear arches rub a bit with 16"+ wheels<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They're 17" incidentally :D .. I did actually intend buying 15"'s for it, but when I got to the garage the bloke said "yeah you can put 17's on there no problem"... so I thought what the hell. Only bad thing is I left the shop having spent £1000 instead of the £500 I had intended to spend :(

I haven't done any arch work on it at all which is the primary reason I can't physically lower it even if I wanted to. There is currently about 1cm clearance on the rear wheels, if that, barely enough to squeeze your little finger into. It doesn't rub the arches when I'm driving, but if I was to put anything heavy in the back (eg. people) and start driving around like a loon - then it would. Grinding the arches is an option, but it's something I would only wish to do as a last resort (since it has to be done properly, sealed, etc - and if its fucked up the arches will just rust away - not good).

Generally speaking, like Stu, I would much rather buy a factory-built sports model of a car than fuck about modding it myself, because you can rest easy in the knowledge that the manufacturers know much more about their own cars than we do, and it wouldn't count as a "modification" on insurance (you don't want to know how many extra my premium went up when I told them about my wheels).


Poor Daz :)

I never have problems getting out at junctions, I seem to have peope begging me to go in front of them ;)

What I do get however, like daz, is people (boy racing twats) constantly having a go, whether it be at lights, or on dual carriage ways. They see the car, they see its sporty, they see the roofs down, and they immediately think I'll give them a race.

Funny thing is, most of the time I just let them fly by me (well I say fly, but it really takes them about 10 seconds to clear me, even at 40mph, shitty 1.1s, I dunno ;)).

They (and their mates) seem to look round with some sense of achievement, they dont seem to realise that if was I to move the pedal about half an inch closer to the floor they would be about 2 miles behind me ;)

One day they will grow up though I spose.


Thats the funny irony really, when I was 17 and I had just passed my test I would race around in my Dad's Peugeot 405 Diesel (yes) Turbo (which just about makes a diesel bearable), overtake cars that were much faster than mine, etc, etc - all the while thinking "yeah I'm faster than them".

The truth is of course that when you get older, wiser, etc - you appreciate that people who drive these cars know what they're capable of, and quite simply cannot be bothered to waste time and energy demonstrating that, if necessary, their cars accelerate a hell of a lot faster.

When this realisation dawns you appreciate that cars like these have a certain "je nais sais quoi" (probably spelt wrong) in that the power is there whenever its needed, but the driver is mature enough to use it when necessary, instead of driving around like a nutter through town centres etc.

To give you an example, I was sat in a friends Dad's Mercedes once (the Dad was driving obviously ;), wasn't a particularly "sporty" Merc (it was one of the prestige models) when a Fiesta XR2i came up racing behind him and began weaving about from side to side trying to get past. Said friend's Dad decided to teach this lad a lesson and put his foot down. I don't think he even floored it, and let me tell you - it fucking shifted and the boy racers were literally left for dust. This Merc was also an auto, which just goes to show how powerful these cars can be if needed...

The moral of this little tale? Well - most modern cars today, especially saloons (rep cars) and coupes are fast, certainly faster than any 1980/1990 boy racer car, including mine. A lot of cars today are deceptively quick, I once put my foot down to try and get past a relatively average-looking Vectra, and was summarily taught a lesson. The abject lesson from this is that boy racer cars are only really ever faster than other boy racer cars - if that makes sense - because proper, modern cars nowadays are just as fast, if not faster.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Durzel:
and I am most definitely not a boy racer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
*cough* bollocks :)


Nova SR's are indeed often brought by twats (me not included ;) ) and they drive em like pricks... but thats them.

I wouldn't go about racing someone - I don't see the point. If I spend money on a big chunk of shaped metal I don't wanna make it into a little chunk of scrap metal (specially not if I'm in it).

Oh and stu, there are some excellent companies about who can proffessionally modify a lame nova too. Courtney motorsport is one helluva professional as fuck company and some of their demo cars are unreal - I bet durzel would agree courtney are one of the best for vauxhall tuning. I wouldn't start fucking about modifying me car meself cuz I'd fuck it up but I'd buy a good base standard car and pay for it to be done properly... but I'll grow old one day and won't want any of me cars modded. I plan on owning a nice family car when I'm 25+ so there! (circa mitsubishi lancer evo 7 :) )

BTW just my opinion, but I prefer the older alpina Beemers, like the E36's. They look a bit more angular and agressive, which I prefer... but there ya go :) I like the geerchange on steering wheel that they use though :)


TUG: E36 is the last model before this one, no? That's the one we had... couldn't find a photo of it though :)

Yeah, I preferred the look too, think the new 3 is a bit blobby. The front spoiler was much lower as well, which looked cool but was a pain... it actually scraped the floor whenever we went over speed bumps/up a slope. Doh.


hehehehe Stu take a look at pictures of the new M3 and tell me the old one looked better :) To begin with I did prefer the look of the old one, but park me dad's company 320d next to our old shape 328i, the 320d manages to look a hell of a lot meaner.

TUG, before you go quoting performance data that means nothing in the real world, at least get it right. The official manufacturers data for the cinque sporting says 0-60 in 12.4 secs. Timing it with someone in the passanger seat with a stopwatch, I managed 10.5. Considering it is crippled by an overtly long 4th gear, its quite easy to see why every Nova SR that has tried it on off the traffic lights has lost.

BTW I am NOT a boy racer, I drive normally for most of the time. But if you could see the look on a Nova SR driver's face when a cinque beats it off the start line, youd do it quite a lot aswell.

A boy racer in an escort RS Turbo tried it on with my dad's 328i. He lost. Impressively.


PS TUG I wasnt trying to start a flame war. Was just saying what I had heard. If I was trying to start a flame war I would have said "FUCK OFF YOU PEONIC PAEDOPHILLIC CUNTLICK". But I didnt.

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