Crap Car Accident


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think it can be put down to social skills failure.

The man has just had a crash and said that it was an accident. Accidents do actually happen, all the time, some things aren't avoidable.

Still, funny coming from a guy proud enough of dangerous cycling to post bragging videos.

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It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
This is going to be my final update on this subject. I've spoken to the hospital again. The rear passenger is being released today. He will need a small surgery to minimize scarring above his eye but otherwise will be fine.

I wasn't going anywhere close to 50mph so apparently I didn't aquaplane. No idea what happened but something caused my front wheels to lose all grip briefly. Was I going too fast? Maybe. Did I accelerate too soon? Maybe. Could I have done something differently to correct it? Maybe. Did I even hit the breaks like I thought I did? Maybe. It's all going round in my head if don't keep myself distracted. Have to wait and see what the police say after they excamine the car. If I was properly at fault then I will accept the consequences. I'm just glad my passengers are alright.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Aye m8. Glad everyone is ok.

Stressing about it is counterproductive. However, if you feel you can't stop doing that why not take sone practical steps to give you back emotional control?

Why not sign up to advanced driving lessons and/or skid pan training? You'll be taking control of your situation and you'll learn valuable skills - and most importantly you'll feel better :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
This is going to be my final update on this subject. I've spoken to the hospital again. The rear passenger is being released today. He will need a small surgery to minimize scarring above his eye but otherwise will be fine.

I wasn't going anywhere close to 50mph so apparently I didn't aquaplane. No idea what happened but something caused my front wheels to lose all grip briefly. Was I going too fast? Maybe. Did I accelerate too soon? Maybe. Could I have done something differently to correct it? Maybe. Did I even hit the breaks like I thought I did? Maybe. It's all going round in my head if don't keep myself distracted. Have to wait and see what the police say after they excamine the car. If I was properly at fault then I will accept the consequences. I'm just glad my passengers are alright.

If your front wheels lost grip then why did you fishtail? The natural response to understeer is to back off the accelerator, which restores grip and sends the car back in the correct direction. From your initial description, your rear wheels, not your front wheels, lost grip.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Probably a bit confusing and shaken up to remember all the details.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
This is going to be my final update on this subject. I've spoken to the hospital again. The rear passenger is being released today. He will need a small surgery to minimize scarring above his eye but otherwise will be fine.

I wasn't going anywhere close to 50mph so apparently I didn't aquaplane. No idea what happened but something caused my front wheels to lose all grip briefly. Was I going too fast? Maybe. Did I accelerate too soon? Maybe. Could I have done something differently to correct it? Maybe. Did I even hit the breaks like I thought I did? Maybe. It's all going round in my head if don't keep myself distracted. Have to wait and see what the police say after they excamine the car. If I was properly at fault then I will accept the consequences. I'm just glad my passengers are alright.

we're all glad too chum. like others have said, perhaps consider turning your doubts in to affirmative action and go for an advanced driving course or something like that? not only are they great fun, but you will learn lots, and even if you've done them before a refresher is always good. I'm looking at getting a comparatively high performance car to replace my GT, and will certainly be getting a refresher course for advanced driving just to keep current.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
2,361 do awesome courses, especially if you can get one where the founder, Walshy is the instructor. You do an exercise at the start of the day known as the high speed bend where essentially you belt down a taxiway and turn left onto a runway with an imaginary wall to finish your turn before you hit it.

My first go in my Elise I turned in at about 60, span, floored the throttle, carried on spinning until I stopped with a stalled car in a cloud of smoke. Walshy turned to me and said, 'At what point did you think that adding throttle was going to help you..?' I realised then that I had spent far too long playing driving games on computers. By the end of the morning, I could turn in at 90mph and exit the turn, without crossing the line, under perfect control.

The instruction I received that day, and reinforced with a couple more days at the same venue, has saved my life on the roads twice. Both times because I was taught how to brake properly, which has nothing to do with how you are taught when you pass your driving test.

Worth doing, or something like it. You will be a better driver, but also it is the most amazing fun too.

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