Camlann Population!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bahumat said:
Sorry but i have to whip out the pedantic stick and hit you with it.

Horde ALWAYS (when i was with them) did Relic Raids prime time, we took on ALL guilds for relics and always won (except the 40 man dominion zerg).

The difference we had was we did it when Odins and all the other guilds had players online, they would wait till 4am and raid us when we had no players.

Horde made a note of saying on Ventrilo several times "no one will take the relics from us, if they do we will get them back asap...but more importantly, in prime time.

Oh and Horde never abused bugs unlike the countless COE wall bugging that Odins did.

Why still not in Horde if they pwn so hard as you say ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 17, 2005
Nedo said:
Why still not in Horde if they pwn so hard as you say ^^

Because they didnt want to chain the 2 same groups or pve more, ofc.. :p


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Nedo said:
Why still not in Horde if they pwn so hard as you say ^^

They all left camlann for rvr, i joined them and it was ok (got ml5 shaman on mix excal) but i missed camlann (was finishing my heretic). In the end horde went on 2 different servers and some are playing wow.

Played camlann more once tic was 50 and toa'd but after such a long time being solo its no real fun. A majority of my daoc friends are in Fear so it seemed a wise choice to try and get back in.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Spis said:
Because they didnt want to chain the 2 same groups or pve more, ofc.. :p

It was never about "chaining the same 2 groups". it was the fact they got bored fighting the "same 2 groups".


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 17, 2005
Bahumat said:
Sorry but i have to whip out the pedantic stick and hit you with it.

Horde ALWAYS (when i was with them) did Relic Raids prime time, we took on ALL guilds for relics and always won (except the 40 man dominion zerg).

The difference we had was we did it when Odins and all the other guilds had players online, they would wait till 4am and raid us when we had no players.

Horde made a note of saying on Ventrilo several times "no one will take the relics from us, if they do we will get them back asap...but more importantly, in prime time.

Oh and Horde never abused bugs unlike the countless COE wall bugging that Odins did.

Yet again, gratz.. STILL not my point though.. I say it again, i think Horde was a nice enemy/guild, BUT i do think the big epeen here on forum which apparently comes to you with the <Horde> under your name, makes me puke irl :(

Horde doesnt mean anything anymore, as they dont play on camlann anymore.. Too bad..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
well, about that screen of mvv with his irs 31k, i never said horde was a guild full of gimps, u have some skilled guys, like u have some ncie guys like flames or phoebee but u still cant play mvv even if ur grp did very good that evening, iirc that was a ml4 farmage with 2horde grps btw.

also about the stats heal thingy:
Bahumat said:
That day where i had more /stats heal than mvv was because we did not take much dmg in most of our fights and i had vehevement Renewal 2 insta 700+ group heal so i was always using that.

We all made jokes with mvv about this but after a short while he started flying up the list. (too much watching porn on your alt computer and not enough heals imo)

its kinda funny, mvv said the same. u have a ra that is a group insta heal, made for emergancy to save ur grps ass.
u saying u used it often, correct me if im worng but this ra is made to use if a fight is close and not if ur not taking any dmg, or do u use it to heal 1 grpmate 20hp? :>
so how come u were allways using it when ur grp didnt take any dmg?
isnt it the clerics job to keep the grps life up that the use of instands isnt needed? :>
accept it, mvv sucks.
end of story


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
and again the wanna'be's...

remember the damn main topic of this thread, i didnt even hear again about this since the first day of the topic :wanker:

Personally I've had many memorable moments in my DAoC history. Some good, some bad. Some on Excalibur, some on Prydwen, some on Glastonbury, but definately most on Camlann.Reading these boards I know I'm not standing alone here.
In fact I'd say 95% of those who actually made it to level 50, instead of spending their time whining about the "Oh, so evil Camlann players", prefer Camlann above any of the other servers.
Therefore I find it kinda sad(?) seeing it going this much downhill..

Also, lately I've seen an increasing amount of players writing, "I'd love to play Camlann again IF...."

There was just a tiny bit of competetion
Just a few guilds would run FG's on a daily basis
The grass was greener

But since this is the general attitude towards the situation we're not really going anywhere, everyone waiting for that "special someone" to take the first step.
Guess what, it's not gonna happen. If we want to get the server up and running again there's only one way to do it, together.

Therefore I suggest the following:

1. Arrange a date for some FG PvP in the zone the majority prefers, which is most likely connacht(aka hib loop). I'd suggest sometime this weekend.

2. Take screenshots and record the event.

3. Publish the movies and screenshots on varies public forums, not only Freddyshouse.

4. If all goes well, do a daily set time for fg PvP. For example 19CET and foreward.

5. Upload old Camlann movies and post, post, post!!



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ashela maybe if you didnt lose mezz to anything and everything including unbuffed lightelds someone would take you seriously :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Zelh said:
and again the wanna'be's...

remember the damn main topic of this thread, i didnt even hear again about this since the first day of the topic :wanker:


Prolly cause theres no interrest? I'd take no serious answers as a hint in that direction.....

What does wannabe have to do with spamming a topic....99% of FH is wannabees then :p

All you posted was that you cant play without a active why on earth not, theres other end/buff/shear chars available on Cam you know


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003

I am sorry, but i have to raise serious doubt about your mental capabilities.

Does /stats heal make someone a good cleric? If think you are a better player then that to believe such a thing. Off course i had days i played crap, i mean everyone makes mistakes like loosing mez to an unbuffed light eldritch but that doesn't mean you are a crap player.


The 31K IRS was an evening in ToA zerging Skold 124 times with a full group


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004

1-> about "wannabes", ppl changed the topic from, lets do some hib loop fgvsfg afternoons, etcetc, to: you are a crap cleric, i'm much more uber than you.. blablabla.

2-> well if i must play my own shaman i'd play it, even if im not really used to him. but it seemed like a good initiative, which is going nowhere now. So if the ppl that posted/agreed with this, isnt anymore interested... say it now, and i ll stop reading this post.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 17, 2005
Zelh said:

1-> about "wannabes", ppl changed the topic from, lets do some hib loop fgvsfg afternoons, etcetc, to: you are a crap cleric, i'm much more uber than you.. blablabla.

2-> well if i must play my own shaman i'd play it, even if im not really used to him. but it seemed like a good initiative, which is going nowhere now. So if the ppl that posted/agreed with this, isnt anymore interested... say it now, and i ll stop reading this post.

k, stop reading..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
enkor said:
ashela maybe if you didnt lose mezz to anything and everything including unbuffed lightelds someone would take you seriously :(
aw, still remember u running away and not attacking astarc when he was on 25% and u on 100% :>


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004

Lo all
Just a thought...
How about we stop the :flame: and who the ruled/rules the server for a second and think about making camlann what it used to be so everyone can enjoy it again? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 17, 2005
Lawnmower said:
Lo all
Just a thought...
How about we stop the :flame: and who the ruled/rules the server for a second and think about making camlann what it used to be so everyone can enjoy it again? :)

k, save camlann mr president!


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
M8, its because of arrogant pricks like you that nothing is getting done, so how about stop with the sarcasm and try and help out?... Or if this is gonna turn into another :flame: fight where i say something, you mouth off again to me i wont bother posting... it's really pathetic though...:(


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 17, 2005
Lawnmower said:
M8, its because of arrogant pricks like you that nothing is getting done, so how about stop with the sarcasm and try and help out?... Or if this is gonna turn into another :flame: fight where i say something, you mouth off again to me i wont bother posting... it's really pathetic though...:(

Thx for le compliments.. But this is a :flame: fight as you say.. So please post ur stuff in the "off topic" section.. :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 14, 2004
Lawnmower said:
M8, its because of arrogant pricks like you that nothing is getting done

and thats the way camlann has always been! Learn to love it baby


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
Ok then, good luck making camlann better with those attitudes, hopefully wont see you in-game...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Hate Bannis enough to run for 40mins to TG just to wipe them at king?

Yes : ]

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