Camlann Movie...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Don't get me started about how skilled everyone was back then - The original Nexus grp was running yesterday and well, we won about 8of10 fights. According to the best fg ever they were one of the better ones, so thats one example atleast.

Thats right you won mostly all the fight yesterday, but well our setup was far of being as good as yours, we dont stay in tnn waiting for the perfect setup 1h, we get in grp what we can.
I was in that grps and i have to say that we played very bad almost all the fights, our bard didnt win a mezz so it was hard to beat you.
You cant judge a guild cos some of them had a bad day.

I heared Nexus maingroup was perfected in hib loop by 6 Ruin ppl and they were zerging in 2 groups at the old times. Pinp ?! Is it right information ?

First of all we have not maingroup, we have not fixed groups inside guild and anyways i doubt that, ruin was crap in hib cos they had not wall to jump, i guess pinp said you that cos you ask him if its right... well he always whine we he gets killed, always have any excuse (zergs, adds, luck...) pls dont make me laugh....

PS: Waiting flames :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
In what way were our setup better than urs? We didn't even have a shaman :touch:

And by the waiting in tnn for 1h to get a perfect setup i suppose u're refering to us? - Tho we like never have a perfect setup, but okay :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
Shintari said:
to the movie itself: somehow the enemies never receive any heal from their healer, u just sidetun and kill them .. wish it would have been that easier in the earlier days of camlann :p but still a nice video so far ,)

was it maybe coz ur supporter sucked and didnt interrupt ppl?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
In what way were our setup better than urs? We didn't even have a shaman

If i dont remember wrong you were:
1 blademaster, 1 mercenary, 1 skald, 1 warrior, 2 clerics, 1 bard and 1 eldritch

We were:
1 savage, 2heros, 1 skald, 1 bard, 1 healer, 1 druid and 1 theurgist


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
nydaem said:
If i dont remember wrong you were:
1 blademaster, 1 mercenary, 1 skald, 1 warrior, 2 clerics, 1 bard and 1 eldritch

We were:
1 savage, 2heros, 1 skald, 1 bard, 1 healer, 1 druid and 1 theurgist
Huge difference - We might aswell add that u guys are way higher RR/ML than us.

Anyways, I didn't mean to offend Nexus by what i said - Just wanted to give an example that the good old days wasn't that good after all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Although they are similars grps, you had 2 dmg dealers with charge and we had only 1 w/o it, maybe they could seem the same but is a big difference. This is not a excuse... you played better than us.
Im not offended about what you said, just wanted to give my point of view, but revenge will come soon :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Nodoubt said:
was it maybe coz ur supporter sucked and didnt interrupt ppl?

read again and then rewrite ur post imo.
i never talked about "my" supps, i didnt even take part in the video, shintari was sold long ago and i didnt played the bm/cleric in one of the fights. the supporter i played with dont suck as well, but nvm. and i didnt talk about their interupt, just that they forgot to heal their grp members. talking about every grp here.

and thanks for the duels cizot, were much closer then those once u had with the new shin, at least i dont have to think anymore that that cute celt is as gimped as shown in the movie :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
Shintari said:
read again and then rewrite ur post imo.
i never talked about "my" supps, i didnt even take part in the video, shintari was sold long ago and i didnt played the bm/cleric in one of the fights. the supporter i played with dont suck as well, but nvm. and i didnt talk about their interupt, just that they forgot to heal their grp members. talking about every grp here.

and thanks for the duels cizot, were much closer then those once u had with the new shin, at least i dont have to think anymore that that cute celt is as gimped as shown in the movie :p

is that so hard to understand for you? enemys dont get heals coz our supporter interupt their healers


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Nodoubt said:
is that so hard to understand for you? enemys dont get heals coz our supporter interupt their healers

u didnt write that in ur previous post, sry :>


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
i did, but to lazy to copy what i said, just scroll up and u see it.


Aug 14, 2004
Bonelamencer said:
lol melee duels are luck based.A single duel on a movie doesn't proove anything cos there is a chance to perfect any oponent also.

Who calls nexus "one of the best" groups ever ? Is it because some scam from rvr server find em good and they do it themselves? I heared Nexus maingroup was perfected in hib loop by 6 Ruin ppl and they were zerging in 2 groups at the old times. Pinp ?! Is it right information ? :D

That is 100% TRUE. Nexus ran 2fg in old hib and kept adding on us, so we decided to leave and call it a night was getting old, we were running out with 6 people, my Eld in group too... and we met Nexus fg with Caronia, Katzz and Krystals in (don't remember the rest) which was a high rr group, and we won flawless :D

-Shintari- Don't remember that happening, ever. :|


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
was fun fighting West coast / Fear and all he others :> made 39K this evening


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
old.windforce said:
was fun fighting West coast / Fear and all he others :> made 39K this evening
Thats cool.. Did we have a fg going? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Most of the time yes. Was 5-6 for the first hours in ToA.... Fun over all when I was there.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Pinp said:
That is 100% TRUE. Nexus ran 2fg in old hib and kept adding on us, so we decided to leave and call it a night was getting old, we were running out with 6 people, my Eld in group too... and we met Nexus fg with Caronia, Katzz and Krystals in (don't remember the rest) which was a high rr group, and we won flawless :D

-Shintari- Don't remember that happening, ever. :|

its true that 2 fg of nexus were running in inner hib, but the most fights were 8on8 and we won them, angui just qq´ed at the other fg although they didnt add. normal ruin excuses.

and it happend, oceanus, u came down from the blue portal, we came from the port in, angui failed to mezz, u wasted ur ras in previous fight, u sticked to cordam although i bged him, not getting the point u arent able to hit him :> taiira had in that fight a ld, so more or less 7 vs 4, but still u lost. the excuses were the best, the insultings being the most fucking bg lamer ever etc also funny :>

but ofc u dont remember that fights, hurts to much i guess :)

anyway, this is about Cizots movie, no need to talk about old times.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
The original Nexus grp was running yesterday and well, we won about 8of10 fights. According to the best fg ever they were one of the better ones

cizot:) as i told you ig, if that was the grp you are talking about (not sure, didnt even check the date^^) that grp was crap anyways. we are talking about camlann after wow release, our nexus dmg'ers and supporter's are in a lower amount now, atm we are getting new ppl but after all, we havent our lovely rr9 cleric Katzzz in grp, Shintharus in grp, hmm Sroy in grp (this may change again soon), my lovely duquesa is now playing more his berserker in our grps and less bard, but anyways. etcetc, and about dmg dealers, atm my lovely RR9 zerker (rozsekal --> kills you all b4 u can even see him (he is quite small ;)), Chcipak, an other example of how KOBOLD savage pwn all (remember, Talens, Hisoiltir, Clumsi, Dianade (/hug sroy)), caronia's merc, etc, etc, etc.)

I think ill call katzz, chcipak, rozse, etcetc (that atm play a 99% of the time on excal/hib - me too but atm im having many fun in camlann) to have at least 1 afternoon of pVp in camlann again, and i want to see Fear there too! :cheers: wanna see how hard you are fighting a real good grp, and not the "good" grp u told me we had, that was completly crap to kill a perfect grp like yours. (or almost perfect) :)

/hug ciz


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
u guys are way higher RR/ML than us.

hmm, and? :eek7: :

we were as filrn said:

1 savage, 2heros, 1 skald, 1 bard, 1 healer, 1 druid and 1 theurgist

-the savage rr8 (ok) ml2-3 (you are wrong here)
-me rr10 ml8 (ok in both ways)
-an other hero rr5 or so and aprox ml2 (you are wrong here in both ways)
-1 skald rr10 ml8 (ok in both ways)
-1 augmentation healer rr6 and he isnt ml5 (the exact ml dont know, but he hasnt fop)
-the druid i dont remember well who he was, but, since Ecco is playing in exc, we havent any druid with more than RR7. the ml dont know as im not sure what druid was.
-theurg rr9 ml6 (more or less ok in both ways, but........after all, is there anything good in ml1-6 convoker w/o counting speedwarp?)
-a random unguilded bard, dont know the rr but im sure no more than RR4, and ml0 probably, and at all, with that we cant asecure the mezz .. and it was seen, Ashela with his "AE-insta mezz 4tw" won almost every mezz (oh how hard ;)), without count that u had a light eldritch probably nearsighting our bard - which is good of you, as thats what he has to do if he knows to play at all)

after all, high high RR we had 4 ppl, and high high ml 2.

and probably as ashela said, our grped played worse than yours in what supporters interrumption is, maybe yea maybe not, but...., but at all we fought 5 times, we won 2, you won 3. one of the 2 from us was adding in a fight. which makes this:

we won about 8of10 fights

..bullshit at all ;)

we are talking at all about that video, and not about these stupid "lies" that ppl make of other ppl, getting replies of more lies and things invented; but at all, these days we havent many classes to make a fotm grp at all, without asking ppl in nexus-exc/hib, so dont talk about if you played better or not, and think that your enemies arent in the best moment of camlann-pvp, if all our real high rr and ml ppl were playing active in camlann we would see if you would win even "2of10 fights", maybe you would, or maybe you wouldnt :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
So what u're saying is u need a fg rr8+ perfect setup to beat our lowbie gimped setup grp or did i missunderstand smth here? :)

We were:
BM rr7
Merc rr4
Skald rr8
Warrior rr4
Cleric rr5
Cleric rr6
Bard rr6
Eldritch rr8(And first time ever in our grp)

You should be able to beat that even tho u didn't have ur perfect setup rr8+ grp, don't u agree? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Anyways, as I said already, didn't mean to offend nexus about what I said.. I was trying to give a point that the average skill wasn't higher back in the so called good old days. No hard feelings :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
Zelh said:
I think ill call katzz, chcipak, rozse, etcetc (that atm play a 99% of the time on excal/hib - me too but atm im having many fun in camlann) to have at least 1 afternoon of pVp in camlann again, and i want to see Fear there too! :cheers: wanna see how hard you are fighting a real good grp, and not the "good" grp u told me we had, that was completly crap to kill a perfect grp like yours. (or almost perfect) :)
/hug ciz

u cant be serious :D
in our grp were like 2-3 ppl that are in fears perfect fg

Zelh said:
and probably as ashela said, our grped played worse than yours in what supporters interrumption is, maybe yea maybe not, but...

wasnt talking about your grp

Zelh said:
and it was seen, Ashela with his "AE-insta mezz 4tw" won almost every mezz (oh how hard ;)), without count that u had a light eldritch probably nearsighting our bard - which is good of you, as thats what he has to do if he knows to play at all)

after all not my fault if you cant handle a 20sec mezz with 2 demezzers in grp, i btw think i used it just the one inc when u came from behind, but not sure at all

Jaison X

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
hehe, what about friday? we had a grp and we killed fear all the times.

Do you remember? i think cizot was in, aswell as blackflames? mmm i think so. Also a theur.

I know you had a bad setup. I dont remember well, but we had i think:

pac healer
aug healer

We killled all grps we meet in about 3 hours. Fear, WC, 4th realm? dont know

i think we wiped 1 time we had inc after port or something, or well, maybe more, but i dont remember a fg vs fg in open field battle that we lose ;)

Im downloading the video, tbh imo i think fear are very skilled people, but also is quite interesting that u only show that now that "everyone has left"

I also understand, that friday the theur told me they dont do pvp cos that grp setup sucks. so they stand in TNN ^^

Im not saying anything versus fear, i know some of you and i think your nice :worthy:
(/wave lazy and cizot)

I think we dont need a high rr setup, we just need the right setup, and a nice mezzer :p btw always i was playing bard vs fear grp (ashela) i got instamezed :( goa should remove isntamez imo ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004

1st im not saying u were "fixed grp" or sth, no, but u were a really better setup than ours, with a far distance, almost a perfect grp, u were mising a shamy but still much better than our grp

and cizot, if fear is a guild with lowbie RR ppl (im not telling you are low rr, you for example cizot, you are RR7, but in your reply you seem to tell us you are lowbie RR ppl in ur grps). why are you telling u killed all of us many times ? if Nexus is a guild with too many RR8+ people, why arent we allowed to use them all to own every1 ?

this isnt a 8vs8, in camlann many times we start as 8vs8 but too many ppl add all the time, thats what made Nexus, to have a far better RR than yours, because we played since a longer time than you in this big world where you see a grp, 8x250 rps, that can finally fnish with 2x grps more killed by you, 24x250 rps, and again, why shouldnt we get a grp of RR8-10s to kill everything like we did time ago ? if ppl cant play their rr10s chars, why do they make them rr10? (there were still great grps like Lios Alfar or Ruin killing us even if our grp had many rr8-10s, but they were great too, for example LA were rr6-7 but perfect grp made of NF bullshit, and Ruin were a grp of high RRs too and they played very well (even if to many strafe etcetc :wanker: ))


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
very nice played m8 :D ml4 interrupting was the most fun moment in cammlan :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Jaison X said:
Do you remember? i think cizot was in, aswell as blackflames? mmm i think so. Also a theur.
Zelh told me about that too and no I wasn't in the grp :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Zelh said:
and cizot, if fear is a guild with lowbie RR ppl (im not telling you are low rr, you for example cizot, you are RR7, but in your reply you seem to tell us you are lowbie RR ppl in ur grps). why are you telling u killed all of us many times ? if Nexus is a guild with too many RR8+ people, why arent we allowed to use them all to own every1 ?

this isnt a 8vs8, in camlann many times we start as 8vs8 but too many ppl add all the time, thats what made Nexus, to have a far better RR than yours, because we played since a longer time than you in this big world where you see a grp, 8x250 rps, that can finally fnish with 2x grps more killed by you, 24x250 rps, and again, why shouldnt we get a grp of RR8-10s to kill everything like we did time ago ? if ppl cant play their rr10s chars, why do they make them rr10? (there were still great grps like Lios Alfar or Ruin killing us even if our grp had many rr8-10s, but they were great too, for example LA were rr6-7 but perfect grp made of NF bullshit, and Ruin were a grp of high RRs too and they played very well (even if to many strafe etcetc :wanker: ))
I don't get ur point - I said we were low RR yes, I even listed our grps RR's and compared to urs that is indeed low RR :p.. Never said u were not allowed to use ur RR8+ perfect setup, I simply asked if u couldn't handle us without it? As u were blabbering about us having a way better setup, which is not true either. As Ashela said we had MAX 3-4 ppl that plays in the grp I would consider our best. Over all I'd say we were under even circumstances, if u guys didn't have a slight advantage, being higher ML/RR. I've talked this through with 4-5 nexus ppl in game and here on FH and frankly i'm getting tired of it :) As i've said twice already what I said wasn't to offend u in anyway! The main part of Nexus are all skilled and nice ppl <3

But lets just agree to disagree about this subject ;p

Jaison X

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
u never offended ME :D

lets say:

when we win we play better
when u win u play better

sometimes u win others we do.

setup is important, rr is also, but setup is heavy more improtant. MLs arent that huge advantage imo.

all happy? :)

i think no one ever wanted to offend anyone, neither nexus or fear. lets just have fun playing

btw when i get my new computer after this week (wich im off cos exams) ill seek for a bloody revenge :flame:

best whises


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
Jaison X said:
I think we dont need a high rr setup, we just need the right setup, and a nice mezzer :p btw always i was playing bard vs fear grp (ashela) i got instamezed :( goa should remove isntamez imo ^^

single insta mezz on enemys-grp mainmezzer is imo not that unskilled as zelh said


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
lovley u suck and we rock although we lose thread :<
but u all know, Í am the best IF!!!!! ..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
wowoo epeen thread!

btw ashela learn what amnesia before you go on with the r0xx0ring :(

Jaison X

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
just saw the movie, is nice, the solo things well.. i wouldnt include it ^^

and well done, although u should use back style (?)

I'd rly like to meet that grp with a full nexus grp ^^ in that volcanus fight u saw it took longer to kill me than to kill the healer ^^ i think 60% unguildeds :p but im looking forward it after i finish my exams :D

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