Camlann - Long term plan?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
"Other players don't play the game like me, let's delete their server!"

Camlann offer a playstyle that alot of people love, and alot of people hate. If you don't like it, don't go there. Simple as that.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
"Turn Camlann into an SI + OF server" and 'Turn Camlann into a classic server". Interesting options, certainly. Question is, is GOA willing to invest in buying another license for DAOC?

SI+OF isn't very feasible, since that codebase station was passed two years ago. I doubt Mythic even has a functional server of this type available. Not to mention the changes that would have to be made to run it on the hardware that we're using these days. (Not only the program gets improved, but so does the architecture it runs on. It might not be compatible with the rest of the network, resulting in problems with billing, etc.)

"Classic server". This is a tricky one. No doubt a classic server would be popular (for a while, at the very least). It would, however, be a deathblow to many other servers, many people eager to play 'Classic' (which is a wrong name anyway), have moved to the Mythic servers already, so adding one here would be a little pointless. I do not expect GOA will add 'Classic' servers to the game in Europe - and I would be disappointed if they did.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Really doubt they turn it into an other kind of Daoc server before its totally dead.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
If it were about hardware they'd merge a few servers rather than cluster tbh - is it the spanish server which only has a population of 120 ish on the server select screen? Well they havent shut that down yet.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 17, 2005
the ruleset of pvp servers should be changed by mythic
and i think that's the only option cos goa wont do anything themselves


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Nedo said:
And people do care what a BD player posts? Think not.

I care

Brite might not have the class everyone loves, but I respect him

Now less hurting Dave! :drink:


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Camlann is just a bainshee/chant/warlock/vamp fest.. :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
enkor said:
they should delete prydwen and replace it with a classic server, as its obvious that that server would be a lot more popular than dying old prydwen, which is just full of retarded warlocks and bds and adding and zergs and ganking, right?

remember, i have a lvl 35 on prydwen, therefore im qualified to make comments about it!


Normaly dont reply to retarted posts but fo with the full of retarded warlocks etc crap.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
so you people are saying that there are no bds/warlocks/vamps on rvr servers? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
enkor said:
so you people are saying that there are no bds/warlocks/vamps on rvr servers? :D
thats what they seem to be saying i can honestly say i see none when im on rvr servers none whatsoever..


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Hansmoleman said:
thats what they seem to be saying i can honestly say i see none when im on rvr servers none whatsoever..

On Prydwen, only see 1 or two bonedancers, usually brite and Hahayougotboned.

A few vampires, only decent one is Pricklesprout

Warlocks there are a few, but you cant be perfect ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Gamah said:
I logged on camlenn with a /level 20, and got chained by a 50 hunter, then a 50 reaver, then a 50 sorc

Then I logged, it's the players own fault for thier dead server.

not to mention that the majority of the server hang around bind stones and stare each other down while immunity timer is wearing off just to bash each others skulls one more time over and over and over and over again for days, weeks, months and yes sadly, years.

i myself find this kinda repetitive, but maybe im just too complex to understand the simple fun of it :p

Camlann has potential, but not as it is now, both due to it's inhabitants and the rule system.

these are my opinions after playing a while with different chars from lvl1 to lvl38 from early start until recently in small periods.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
In my humble opinion ....
Mythic could go a long way to solving the issues around the PvP servers simply by changing the ruleset a little.
Never mind getting no RP's, XP or Cash for killing a grey con. Just make them immune to attacks from purple con players.
Same goes for greys attacking purple con.
Or simply make them non targetable.
PvP is all well and good but PvP without structure is simply anarchy and this is what turns a lot of players off.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004

ok ok ok i did a lvl 20 theurgist...
went to goth got killed by a 50 and replyed that he killed me cause some theurgists petspamed her and she wanted to realeas her stress on me :twak:
went down again a level 40 ganked me cause he needed money....
/release again
went to goth 3 lvl 30ish /stick me and wait for timer and kill me

yeah your right theyr own fault server is deserted


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
Horde pricks chain ganked my lvl 20 armsman cos i had the audacity to stand in their buffing spot.

If you were in a ToA zone you would be killed, level 20s got nothing there but to cause trouble

If you were in Goth, which i doubt since we almost never pk there, you may have been killed once after a warning to move away. Some people use /level 20 chars to demez. If am pretty sure you didn't get chained or you are very dumb to run back several times and trashtalked


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Ive gone into the PvP server once or twice, and yeah I /lvl 20 like many other people who just went there to check it out, Not knowing about the /release city command (my fault I know). However, from what ive seen for new players to the pvp server it really is a uphill struggle to start there with nothing to your name, and people ganking you left right and center. Whereby the normal ruleset servers your given the time to find your feet, your pushed streight into the combat on Camlann.

Maybe some kind of rules could be put in place to ease new players into the server? What do actual Camlann players think of there server? would you prefer more people on there?

Personally, I can't see how viable keeping the server open is, but im sure there would be alot of upset people if it were to close, how to solve that problem if it ever comes about would be a nitemare.


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
I really like the idea of a pvp server, and I have a couple of characters there, but I think there need to be more safe areas

In places where there are guards- make them actually do their job, if someone attacks another player in that area, make the guards kick the shit through them. I get pissed off when I go to toa, and I'm at the vault and some shitty sorc mezzes me and them kills me with 3 lifetaps. infact all the merchants outside of cap cities are useless becuase you can't use them, or you do and them get ganked.

It would also get people away from the choke points such as goth.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Camlann sucks ass

Rolled a fire wizard, killed a bluecon warlock, got pm spammed saying I was a noob etc. This warlock then logged his bondancer and continued to give me abuse whilst chaining me

Second time, ran all the way to cs, got one shotted by a level 40+(im level 20)

And these kind of people wonder why noone new comes to camlann.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
lol thad that's almost exactly what happened to me when I got in from work and tried it for 20mins :)

Apparently I can't play a Runie to save myself. Must admit I don't know as I was dead 99% of the time after doing /level!


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Kami said:
lol thad that's almost exactly what happened to me when I got in from work and tried it for 20mins :)

Apparently I can't play a Runie to save myself. Must admit I don't know as I was dead 99% of the time after doing /level!

Was told I was a noob when I killed someone


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Thadius said:
Camlann sucks ass

Rolled a fire wizard, killed a bluecon warlock, got pm spammed saying I was a noob etc. This warlock then logged his bondancer and continued to give me abuse whilst chaining me

ah you met Odins


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
If you want to play Camlann properly here's a pretty sensible order to do things:

1) Make a Necro /level to 5, die to someones pet and /releasecity. Level to 20 and head out to xp. Doesn't have to be a necro they're just the best soloers altho there are others. Vamp springs to mind for example.

2) Level to 30 - 35 on mobs in the realm of the character you eventually intend to play which will give you enough cash and items to start playing properly.

3) Transfer the gear to your newly /leveled 20 toon and go forth and kill people!

Shouldn't take more than 12 hours or so to get into some decent PvP fights which is about what it would take for a decent BG character if you'd started fresh on an RvR server.

Sure, Camlann seems tough to new players to the server, but then so would making a /level 20 on a French or German server and immediately heading to the BGs.

I used to get huge amounts of abuse from players new to Camlann for "grey ganking" when they were green to they're fair game. The majority of folks who get "grey ganked" prolly weren't at all. Good rule of thumb if you lost money you were green!

Best piece of advice: Don't take it personally! It's a game it's meant to be fun if Camlann makes you angry IRL go do something else! The more I get abuse the harder I laugh but that's just me ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
DocWolfe said:
infact all the merchants outside of cap cities are useless becuase you can't use them, or you do and them get ganked.

Lol, theres like 5-10 chokepoints on entire server.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Skaven said:

Personally, I can't see how viable keeping the server open is, but im sure there would be alot of upset people if it were to close, how to solve that problem if it ever comes about would be a nitemare.

Thing is...that cause you dont like it. It dont mean that its wrong. As long as theres a playerbase at all it has as big reason to be open as any other server.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Nedo said:
Thing is...that cause you dont like it. It dont mean that its wrong. As long as theres a playerbase at all it has as big reason to be open as any other server.

also if they did close it...what would happen to our accounts?

dont think the money can be transferred accross...or the ml's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bahumat said:
also if they did close it...what would happen to our accounts?

dont think the money can be transferred accross...or the ml's

Well if population get to low it prolly get closed. Doubt you'd be able to move chars or cash though.

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